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  #11   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 06:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 08:19:35 -0800, Frank Gilliland

On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

I can't yet figure your motivation

I don't know why -- I've clearly stated my "motivation" several times
in plain English.

don't you know Dave and Stevei are qualified to read minds and they
have determined by reading from your id that you have another

the powers of the MMM are covered in the sercret protocols of the
Elders of Morsemen

but you've admitted being a screw up
in the military. It looks as if you're out to smear the service of
others for whatever reason. Most of us who served managed to get
through a hitch without an Article 15, much less a court martial.

One more time, Dave: I wasn't exactly the 'model Marine', but I did my
service and I did it well (despite Dudly's imagined version of the
facts as recorded in my SRB). I am no less proud of my service than
any other Marine. And like any other Marine, I find it reprehensible
when someone like Dudly makes false claims about his "career", fudging
the truth in order to get a little more praise.

So you never got caught doing anything wrong. Hooray for you.
Something to be proud of, I suppose. However, I have a slightly
different value system. I don't rest my laurels on never having done
anything wrong (which I don't think anyone can honesty claim).
Instead, I list my accomplishments by the challenges I have faced and
overcome, whether they were caused by my own actions or by
circumstances beyond my control. And believe me, I have done both.

Dudly said it himself: It's easy to get through the military without
so much as an Article 15 -- just follow orders. Now that's fine for a
reservist, where the orders given aren't much of a challenge. It's
easy to blindly follow orders. But that isn't always the case on
active duty. Maybe you forgot Abu Graib, or that incident where the
soldiers refused to make an unnecessary supply run without sufficient
armor..... or even the Iran-Contra scandal. When the orders are wrong
or illegal, as happens from time to time, it's -not- easy to do the
-right- thing and challenge authority. I consider that to be one of my

I also consider it an accomplishment to have fulfilled my military
obligation after two courts-martial and the constant denigration from
others that resulted from them, a tactic that Dudly is trying to use.
What Dudly doesn't realize is that he can say nothing that I haven't
heard before and overcome. I proved them wrong and I'm proud of that
fact. So when Dudly (and now yourself) try to use the same demeaning
tactics I can only laugh.

Dave, I have no beef with you. I didn't feel it necessary to give you
-any- sort of explanation but I did anyway. If it wasn't enough, or if
you can't understand it, tough ****. But do you really feel the need
to defend Dudly -- a retired Marine Gunny, a CAP Major, a TN State
Guardsman, and a veteran of seven hostile actions -- against me, a
****bird PFC? If you do then you are only hurting Dudly's case, not
helping it. If you are going to stick up for Dudly, fine. As far as
I'm concerned, you two love-birds can row your boat out into the wash
together and do whatever it is that makes you two happy.

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  #12   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 06:40 PM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...ButCan't Get A Grip

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:

Frank Gilliland wrote:

On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

There isn't any "Dudly" and I didn't attempt any rescue. I made
comments. Steve provided an explanation for all of your sinister

I can't yet figure your motivation

I don't know why -- I've clearly stated my "motivation" several times
in plain English.

I know of no statement of motivation issued by you.

but you've admitted being a screw up
in the military. It looks as if you're out to smear the service of
others for whatever reason. Most of us who served managed to get
through a hitch without an Article 15, much less a court martial.

One more time, Dave: I wasn't exactly the 'model Marine', but I did my
service and I did it well (despite Dudly's imagined version of the
facts as recorded in my SRB).

Two courts martial show me that "I wasn't exactly the model Marine" may
not be an appropriate phrase.

I am no less proud of my service than
any other Marine.

There are oodles of folks who are proud of records which others would
find to be less than stellar.

And like any other Marine, I find it reprehensible
when someone like Dudly makes false claims about his "career", fudging
the truth in order to get a little more praise.

So far, we have you guessing and making accusations. There is no "Dudly".

So you never got caught doing anything wrong. Hooray for you.
Something to be proud of, I suppose.

Is that how your value system works? You think that I never got caught
doing something wrong? The fact is, I never did anything which could
nail me with Article 15 punishment, much less get me court martialed.

However, I have a slightly
different value system. I don't rest my laurels on never having done
anything wrong (which I don't think anyone can honesty claim).

I didn't write that I've never done anything wrong. I wrote that I'd
not done anything which could result in Article 15 punishment or a court

Instead, I list my accomplishments by the challenges I have faced and
overcome, whether they were caused by my own actions or by
circumstances beyond my control. And believe me, I have done both.

We're different. I try not to find myself in situations where I have to
overcome something caused by me.

Dudly said it himself: It's easy to get through the military without
so much as an Article 15 -- just follow orders. Now that's fine for a
reservist, where the orders given aren't much of a challenge. It's
easy to blindly follow orders. But that isn't always the case on
active duty.

I was never a reservist and I didn't blindly follow orders. There isn't
any "Dudly". Can you find it in yourself to use the man's name?

Maybe you forgot Abu Graib, or that incident where the
soldiers refused to make an unnecessary supply run without sufficient
armor..... or even the Iran-Contra scandal. When the orders are wrong
or illegal, as happens from time to time, it's -not- easy to do the
-right- thing and challenge authority. I consider that to be one of my

So both of your courts martial are cases in which you were only trying
to do the right thing?

I also consider it an accomplishment to have fulfilled my military
obligation after two courts-martial and the constant denigration from
others that resulted from them, a tactic that Dudly is trying to use.

There isn't any "Dudly". That is your attempt at denigrating someone
who wasn't court martialed. His name is Steve.

What Dudly doesn't realize is that he can say nothing that I haven't
heard before and overcome. I proved them wrong and I'm proud of that

Both of your courts martial were overturned?

So when Dudly (and now yourself) try to use the same demeaning
tactics I can only laugh.

You blew in here touting the wonders of CB radio in an amateur radio
newsgroup, started a game of "I'll bet he never...." in regards to Steve
and you don't expect to be demeaned? I guess you'll have to get used to it.

Dave, I have no beef with you. I didn't feel it necessary to give you
-any- sort of explanation but I did anyway. If it wasn't enough, or if
you can't understand it, tough ****. But do you really feel the need
to defend Dudly -- a retired Marine Gunny, a CAP Major, a TN State
Guardsman, and a veteran of seven hostile actions -- against me, a
****bird PFC?

You should regroup, rethink your motives and gather some facts if you
think Steve, not "Dudly" has manufactured anything about his record. If
you can provide proof and feel the need to do so, post it. Otherwise
your rants have no meaning, especially here.

If you do then you are only hurting Dudly's case, not
helping it.

Well, there's one man's view.

If you are going to stick up for Dudly, fine. As far as
I'm concerned, you two love-birds can row your boat out into the wash
together and do whatever it is that makes you two happy.

I was Air Force. I don't row. My dad was Navy though--a Normandy
Invasion vet. He always told me that the reason there were two sailors
on each landing craft was that one piloted the craft and the other was
to chase the Marines down the ramp and onto the beach.

My experience with Marines has been with those on MSG duty. When the
Gunny would come to the Comm center for message traffic, I'd provide it
and even read it to him if necessary.

Dave K8MN
  #13   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 06:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

So...Guess that "nobody here likes you" thing was WRONG, eh,

And as for the temperature of the water, I'd say your feet are a
few degrees closer to boiling than mine.....

I can't yet figure your motivation

I don't know why -- I've clearly stated my "motivation" several times
in plain English.

No, you've not.

but you've admitted being a screw up
in the military. It looks as if you're out to smear the service of
others for whatever reason. Most of us who served managed to get
through a hitch without an Article 15, much less a court martial.

One more time, Dave: I wasn't exactly the 'model Marine', but I did my
service and I did it well (despite Dudly's imagined version of the
facts as recorded in my SRB).

No, you did NOT "do it well", save perhaps in YOUR imagination.

Marines with TWO courts martials in one tour are NOT "good"

I am no less proud of my service than any other Marine.

You should were incompetent as a Marine...Competency as a
Marine does not limit itself to how skilled or knowledgeable you may
have been in your MOS.

And HAD you been a "good Marine", you'd know.

And like any other Marine, I find it reprehensible
when someone like Dudly makes false claims about his "career", fudging
the truth in order to get a little more praise.

What fudging?

So you never got caught doing anything wrong. Hooray for you.
Something to be proud of, I suppose. However, I have a slightly
different value system. I don't rest my laurels on never having done
anything wrong (which I don't think anyone can honesty claim).
Instead, I list my accomplishments by the challenges I have faced and
overcome, whether they were caused by my own actions or by
circumstances beyond my control. And believe me, I have done both.

What you MEAN is that you were completely incapable of operating
within the "value system" of what it was to be a Marine, but now you
try some boohoo about how more challenging it was for you.

Dudly said it himself: It's easy to get through the military without
so much as an Article 15 -- just follow orders.

I questioned orders on numerous occasions. But that's part of that
"value system"...Knowing how to work within the system.

You were stupid.


Now that's fine for a
reservist, where the orders given aren't much of a challenge.

And again an out-and-out misrepresentation of the character of
service of the Reserve Forces of the United States...

What part of what the Reserves are doing today is any less
challenging than what the active duty guys are doing?

Indeed...they have it harder...Taken from homes and 'real jobs' to
fight in the desert.

It's easy to blindly follow orders.

And it's even easier to make up silly stories like yours.

But that isn't always the case on
active duty. Maybe you forgot Abu Graib, or that incident where the
soldiers refused to make an unnecessary supply run without sufficient
armor..... or even the Iran-Contra scandal. When the orders are wrong
or illegal, as happens from time to time, it's -not- easy to do the
-right- thing and challenge authority. I consider that to be one of my

I also consider it an accomplishment to have fulfilled my military
obligation after two courts-martial and the constant denigration from
others that resulted from them, a tactic that Dudly is trying to use.
What Dudly doesn't realize is that he can say nothing that I haven't
heard before and overcome. I proved them wrong and I'm proud of that
fact. So when Dudly (and now yourself) try to use the same demeaning
tactics I can only laugh.

All you've done is make a laughing stock out of your "arguments"
here, Frankie...

You were incompetent as a Marine. You are where incompetent
Marines SHOULD civilian life with two courts martials to live

Dave, I have no beef with you. I didn't feel it necessary to give you
-any- sort of explanation but I did anyway. If it wasn't enough, or if
you can't understand it, tough ####.

Frankie trying to soft-soap Dave since just last night he was
telling "everyone" that "no one" here was "on my side".

That having now been proven false, Frankie tries his own version of

But do you really feel the need
to defend Dudly -- a retired Marine Gunny, a CAP Major, a TN State
Guardsman, and a veteran of seven hostile actions -- against me, a
####bird PFC?

A liar's a liar, Frankie...You're a very determined one, but a liar
none the less.

If you do then you are only hurting Dudly's case, not helping it.

Ahhhhhhh...Just like President Nixon's "Silent Majority" trick,

If you are going to stick up for Dudly, fine. As far as
I'm concerned, you two love-birds can row your boat out into the wash
together and do whatever it is that makes you two happy.

So here we have it, folks...

Frankie "comes over" from the CB NG for no other purpose than to
take up for Markie and Company against a former Marine since he knows
just enough of "the lingo" to sound impressive. It's OK for "them" to
go 5-to-1 on me.

He is, however, a twice disgraced loser who didn't have the
dignity or strength of character to get through ONE tour of duty
without being court martialed TWICE.

He is "all about" teaming up with Lennie, Markie, etc, but let
someone say something in MY support and they are "defending" me, as if
words of support for me were verbal herpes.

I wonder what it is about Dave saying something that makes Frankie
worry about the possible odds now being 5:2 instead of 5:1...?!?!

More substantiation of my claim that he's a coward.

Steve, K4YZ

  #14   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 06:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 2 Nov 2005 09:42:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

So...Guess that "nobody here likes you" thing was WRONG, eh,

nobdoy does that was just Dave

And as for the temperature of the water, I'd say your feet are a
few degrees closer to boiling than mine.....


I can't yet figure your motivation

I don't know why -- I've clearly stated my "motivation" several times
in plain English.

No, you've not.

that si the problem you can't read plain english

or distored english or any other kind

but you've admitted being a screw up
in the military. It looks as if you're out to smear the service of
others for whatever reason. Most of us who served managed to get
through a hitch without an Article 15, much less a court martial.

One more time, Dave: I wasn't exactly the 'model Marine', but I did my
service and I did it well (despite Dudly's imagined version of the
facts as recorded in my SRB).

No, you did NOT "do it well", save perhaps in YOUR imagination.

wether he did or did not is something YOU don't know Stevie

Marines with TWO courts martials in one tour are NOT "good"

and who appointed you judge?

I thought you were an LPN

I am no less proud of my service than any other Marine.

You should be.

back you Stvie trying to tell everybody how to live and that if they
ever slipped up they were forever worthless

Boring Stevie but exactly the sort of **** we all expect from you were incompetent as a Marine...Competency as a
Marine does not limit itself to how skilled or knowledgeable you may
have been in your MOS.

And HAD you been a "good Marine", you'd know.

sounds like he does KNOW

And like any other Marine, I find it reprehensible
when someone like Dudly makes false claims about his "career", fudging
the truth in order to get a little more praise.

What fudging?


So you never got caught doing anything wrong. Hooray for you.
Something to be proud of, I suppose. However, I have a slightly
different value system. I don't rest my laurels on never having done
anything wrong (which I don't think anyone can honesty claim).
Instead, I list my accomplishments by the challenges I have faced and
overcome, whether they were caused by my own actions or by
circumstances beyond my control. And believe me, I have done both.

What you MEAN is that you were completely incapable of operating
within the "value system" of what it was to be a Marine, but now you
try some boohoo about how more challenging it was for you.

more lies Stevie

he does mean he was unable to live witjhing your value system but that
thank the goods is requred of no one

Dudly said it himself: It's easy to get through the military without
so much as an Article 15 -- just follow orders.

I questioned orders on numerous occasions. But that's part of that
"value system"...Knowing how to work within the system.

You were stupid.

read enough of Stevie **** flushing the rest
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  #15   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 06:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On Tue, 01 Nov 2005 20:36:22 -0800, Frank Gilliland
On 1 Nov 2005 16:18:14 -0800, wrote in
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 31 Oct 2005 06:18:22 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote in
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 02:04:36 -0700, Frank Gilliland

cut He can't.

Sure I can.

No...You can make silly allegations (hence your nick-name of
"Silliland") that are just pie-in-the-sky guesses.

"Proof" would be some document that actually showed my reserve
status above and beyond the Delayed Entry period...

The problem for YOU is that nothing of the sort exists.

Sure it does -- your own words.

Your DOD record confirms your service from '74 to '92 (yes, that's
only 18 years, not 20 years as you claimed when you wrote, "I spent 20
years in the Marine Corps to give people the right to exercise their
freedom of choice, and it hurts me to see so many people exercising
their choice to be apathetic!"), but it doesn't distinguish between
active or reserve. It -does- confirm your MOS as an avionics tech. It
-doesn't- indicate that you were in any medical field, in which case
you would have been a Navy Corpsman, not a Marine Gunny.

Uhhhh...Looking for that reg wherein US Marines are not allowed to
keep personal pursuits while on active duty...

If you were on active duty then you would know that moonlighting is
-strongly- discouraged.

so? a lot of things are strongly discouraged, some ilgeal some not
some against the regs and some not

This is but one of Frankie's sillier suggestions...that having a
part time job/pursuit is somehow "evidence" of having NOT done the
things I claim...

I know it is legal to "moonlight" in the army it take a slain forest
of paperwork to do but so does almost evrything in the army

Not so in the Marine Corps. I had to sign a statement that stated
my USMC duties must never be compromised, and I was given a very short
list of "no no's" for part time work...Law enforcement, any "job" which
was in conravention to any local, state or federal law, and partisan
politics wherein my status as a member of the Armed Forces may lend the
appearence of that branch having any preference for any political party
or candidate.

Took all of a day to walk the chit (A Naval term for a "permission
slip...Not an abbreviation for excrement) through. No big deal.

In some units it's even prohibited by the
commanding officer because the responsibilities of an outside job
usually conflict with the responsibilities of the unit. But you didn't
know that because you were never active duty; i.e, more proof from
your own ignorant words.

And you make reference as to what my "DOD" (properly DoD) record
states per my MOS's, but you and I BOTH know that that same record
shows nothing but active duty service (Delayed Entry

Maybe you don't know -- your DOD (or DoD if you like) record doesn't
specify. I mentioned that befo ".....but it doesn't distinguish
between active or reserve." The reason is because military members
frequently change from active to active reserve, to inactive reserve,
to retired (in your dreams), etc, etc. The record states your total
time, not how it was served.

breaking out for coment

And BTW, your time in the delayed
enlistment program isn't considered active -or- reserve (active -or-
inactive). Read your contract if you don't believe me.

Frank dudly does not bother with facts you know that

Your buddy Frankie is the one short on facts here, Markie...

For two days now he's been insinuating that having a part time job
is "evidence" that I was not on active duty and was "nothing more" than
a reservist.

How assinine.

But this conflicts with your 1998 claim that you were a "former 10
year+ EMT", which would make you an EMT -prior- to 1988, more than
four years -before- you "retired" from the Corps.

Uh huh. Six, actually.

Thee are a LOT of Marines who are EMT's...Both as Crash-Rescue
personnel on MCAS's and as "off duty" pursuits.

My first EMT card was in Pennsylvania in February 1986. PA
EMT-MAST 014402.

cuting to move on to rest of Stevie ####


Ahhhhhhhh...So providing even MORE references is #### now, eh,

Seems you don't LIKE facts, now do you...?!?!

Steve, K4YZ

  #16   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 07:13 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 2 Nov 2005 09:42:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

So...Guess that "nobody here likes you" thing was WRONG, eh,

nobdoy does that was just Dave


"just Dave".

So now YOU are calling Dave a "nobody"..?!?!


Please, Markie...provide us with some references to various
Amateur Radio related discussions in Amateur Radio related journals
that highlight you, Frankie, Brain, or any of the rest of your

On the OTHER hand, I can find quite a few articles in various
publications over the last 10 years that mention Dave Heil in nothing
but glowing terms....

And as for the temperature of the water, I'd say your feet are a
few degrees closer to boiling than mine.....



I can't yet figure your motivation

I don't know why -- I've clearly stated my "motivation" several times
in plain English.

No, you've not.

that si the problem you can't read plain english

"is" "English".

or distored english or any other kind

"distorted" "English"


but you've admitted being a screw up
in the military. It looks as if you're out to smear the service of
others for whatever reason. Most of us who served managed to get
through a hitch without an Article 15, much less a court martial.

One more time, Dave: I wasn't exactly the 'model Marine', but I did my
service and I did it well (despite Dudly's imagined version of the
facts as recorded in my SRB).

No, you did NOT "do it well", save perhaps in YOUR imagination.

wether he did or did not is something YOU don't know Stevie

Sure it is!

We Frankie's ADMISSIONS that he was COURT MARTIALED not once, but

That's the same as YOU getting hauled into General Sessions Court,
Markie...And Frankie's probably lucky that the Armed Forces' practice
is to just let idiots like him go at the end of their enlsitment rather
than putting them in the brig...It's far chaper to do it taht way...And
he now has two FEDERAL convictions on his record.

Marines with TWO courts martials in one tour are NOT "good"

and who appointed you judge?

Four Commanding Offiers that effected my promotions to Private
First Class through Sergeant, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps on
my promotions to Staff Sergeant and Gunnery Sergeant.

I thought you were an LPN

I am.

I am no less proud of my service than any other Marine.

You should be.

back you Stvie trying to tell everybody how to live and that if they
ever slipped up they were forever worthless

Where did I say Frankie was "forever worthless"...?!?!

I said he has a lot of room where it comes to him being "proud" of
what he did in the Marines...

Boring Stevie but exactly the sort of #### we all expect from you

Coming from YOU, "Colonel", that's a compliment. were incompetent as a Marine...Competency as a
Marine does not limit itself to how skilled or knowledgeable you may
have been in your MOS.

And HAD you been a "good Marine", you'd know.

sounds like he does KNOW

No, it does not.

His courts martials prove otherwise.

And like any other Marine, I find it reprehensible
when someone like Dudly makes false claims about his "career", fudging
the truth in order to get a little more praise.

What fudging?


I ask again, WHAT fudging?

So far Frankie is the fudging king...

Actually, it's more like he's a fudging idiot.

So you never got caught doing anything wrong. Hooray for you.
Something to be proud of, I suppose. However, I have a slightly
different value system. I don't rest my laurels on never having done
anything wrong (which I don't think anyone can honesty claim).
Instead, I list my accomplishments by the challenges I have faced and
overcome, whether they were caused by my own actions or by
circumstances beyond my control. And believe me, I have done both.

What you MEAN is that you were completely incapable of operating
within the "value system" of what it was to be a Marine, but now you
try some boohoo about how more challenging it was for you.

more lies Stevie


he does mean he was unable to live witjhing your value system but that
thank the goods is requred of no one


Markie, BY HIS OWN ADMISSION he was court martialed. A court
martial is the epitome of proof that FRANK GILLILAND was the one with
the "value systems" deficiencies.

Dudly said it himself: It's easy to get through the military without
so much as an Article 15 -- just follow orders.

I questioned orders on numerous occasions. But that's part of that
"value system"...Knowing how to work within the system.

You were stupid.

read enough of Stevie #### flushing the rest

Sorry you don't like the facts, Markie. Tough.

Steve, K4YZ

  #17   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 07:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 2 Nov 2005 09:52:29 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

On Tue, 01 Nov 2005 20:36:22 -0800, Frank Gilliland
On 1 Nov 2005 16:18:14 -0800, wrote in
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 31 Oct 2005 06:18:22 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote in
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 02:04:36 -0700, Frank Gilliland

cut He can't.

Sure I can.

No...You can make silly allegations (hence your nick-name of
"Silliland") that are just pie-in-the-sky guesses.

"Proof" would be some document that actually showed my reserve
status above and beyond the Delayed Entry period...

The problem for YOU is that nothing of the sort exists.

Sure it does -- your own words.

Your DOD record confirms your service from '74 to '92 (yes, that's
only 18 years, not 20 years as you claimed when you wrote, "I spent 20
years in the Marine Corps to give people the right to exercise their
freedom of choice, and it hurts me to see so many people exercising
their choice to be apathetic!"), but it doesn't distinguish between
active or reserve. It -does- confirm your MOS as an avionics tech. It
-doesn't- indicate that you were in any medical field, in which case
you would have been a Navy Corpsman, not a Marine Gunny.

Uhhhh...Looking for that reg wherein US Marines are not allowed to
keep personal pursuits while on active duty...

If you were on active duty then you would know that moonlighting is
-strongly- discouraged.

so? a lot of things are strongly discouraged, some ilgeal some not
some against the regs and some not

This is but one of Frankie's sillier suggestions...that having a
part time job/pursuit is somehow "evidence" of having NOT done the
things I claim...

more evasion Stevie you are ducking the issue as usual

if you were presueing something on the side say so, don't go about how
moonlighting is discouraged

deal with the issue

but then you can't deal with issues it seems

I know it is legal to "moonlight" in the army it take a slain forest
of paperwork to do but so does almost evrything in the army

Not so in the Marine Corps. I had to sign a statement that stated
my USMC duties must never be compromised, and I was given a very short
list of "no no's" for part time work...Law enforcement, any "job" which
was in conravention to any local, state or federal law, and partisan
politics wherein my status as a member of the Armed Forces may lend the
appearence of that branch having any preference for any political party
or candidate.

admitng that Franks is correct in his base charge

BTW so much for strongly discouraged

Took all of a day to walk the chit (A Naval term for a "permission
slip...Not an abbreviation for excrement) through. No big deal.

In some units it's even prohibited by the
commanding officer because the responsibilities of an outside job
usually conflict with the responsibilities of the unit. But you didn't
know that because you were never active duty; i.e, more proof from
your own ignorant words.

And you make reference as to what my "DOD" (properly DoD) record
states per my MOS's, but you and I BOTH know that that same record
shows nothing but active duty service (Delayed Entry

Maybe you don't know -- your DOD (or DoD if you like) record doesn't
specify. I mentioned that befo ".....but it doesn't distinguish
between active or reserve." The reason is because military members
frequently change from active to active reserve, to inactive reserve,
to retired (in your dreams), etc, etc. The record states your total
time, not how it was served.

breaking out for coment

And BTW, your time in the delayed
enlistment program isn't considered active -or- reserve (active -or-
inactive). Read your contract if you don't believe me.

Frank dudly does not bother with facts you know that

Your buddy Frankie is the one short on facts here, Markie...


For two days now he's been insinuating that having a part time job
is "evidence" that I was not on active duty and was "nothing more" than
a reservist.

it is eveidence, not convincing in and off itself I agree but it is
eveidence when combined with your erros in equipment and such it
starts to add up

How assinine.

But this conflicts with your 1998 claim that you were a "former 10
year+ EMT", which would make you an EMT -prior- to 1988, more than
four years -before- you "retired" from the Corps.

Uh huh. Six, actually.

Thee are a LOT of Marines who are EMT's...Both as Crash-Rescue
personnel on MCAS's and as "off duty" pursuits.

My first EMT card was in Pennsylvania in February 1986. PA
EMT-MAST 014402.

cuting to move on to rest of Stevie ####


Ahhhhhhhh...So providing even MORE references is #### now, eh,

no but all you were proiving to that point was **** so it is
reasonable to assume the rest was ****

Seems you don't LIKE facts, now do you...?!?!

wrong again

I just wish you proivde som

Steve, K4YZ

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  #18   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 07:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 2 Nov 2005 10:13:54 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

On 2 Nov 2005 09:42:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

So...Guess that "nobody here likes you" thing was WRONG, eh,

nobdoy does that was just Dave


"just Dave".

So now YOU are calling Dave a "nobody"..?!?!

yes I am


glad you enjoyed it

Please, Markie...provide us with some references to various
Amateur Radio related discussions in Amateur Radio related journals
that highlight you, Frankie, Brain, or any of the rest of your

no thanks

but Dave is a nobody as are you

anybody that is such lying hypocrite as you 2 ceratinly qualifies as
nobody in my book

On the OTHER hand, I can find quite a few articles in various
publications over the last 10 years that mention Dave Heil in nothing
but glowing terms....


he advocates poor ham practice by his own words

And as for the temperature of the water, I'd say your feet are a
few degrees closer to boiling than mine.....



I can't yet figure your motivation

I don't know why -- I've clearly stated my "motivation" several times
in plain English.

No, you've not.

that si the problem you can't read plain english

"is" "English".

or distored english or any other kind

"distorted" "English"


but you've admitted being a screw up
in the military. It looks as if you're out to smear the service of
others for whatever reason. Most of us who served managed to get
through a hitch without an Article 15, much less a court martial.

One more time, Dave: I wasn't exactly the 'model Marine', but I did my
service and I did it well (despite Dudly's imagined version of the
facts as recorded in my SRB).

No, you did NOT "do it well", save perhaps in YOUR imagination.

wether he did or did not is something YOU don't know Stevie

Sure it is!


We Frankie's ADMISSIONS that he was COURT MARTIALED not once, but

so what?

That's the same as YOU getting hauled into General Sessions Court,
Markie...And Frankie's probably lucky that the Armed Forces' practice
is to just let idiots like him go at the end of their enlsitment rather
than putting them in the brig...It's far chaper to do it taht way...And
he now has two FEDERAL convictions on his record.


Marines with TWO courts martials in one tour are NOT "good"

and who appointed you judge?

Four Commanding Offiers that effected my promotions to Private
First Class through Sergeant, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps on
my promotions to Staff Sergeant and Gunnery Sergeant.

another lie

they did not appoint you judge

I thought you were an LPN

I am.

for now at least

I am no less proud of my service than any other Marine.

You should be.

back you Stvie trying to tell everybody how to live and that if they
ever slipped up they were forever worthless

Where did I say Frankie was "forever worthless"...?!?!

plenty of times

I said he has a lot of room where it comes to him being "proud" of
what he did in the Marines...

Boring Stevie but exactly the sort of #### we all expect from you

Coming from YOU, "Colonel", that's a compliment. were incompetent as a Marine...Competency as a
Marine does not limit itself to how skilled or knowledgeable you may
have been in your MOS.

And HAD you been a "good Marine", you'd know.

sounds like he does KNOW

No, it does not.

His courts martials prove otherwise.


And like any other Marine, I find it reprehensible
when someone like Dudly makes false claims about his "career", fudging
the truth in order to get a little more praise.

What fudging?


I ask again, WHAT fudging?

yours the whole fabric of your stech of vague claims with no back up

they make it possible to reasonable doubt you even went to boot camp
exceeding **** tolerance flcuhing the rest
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  #19   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 07:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 2 Nov 2005 09:52:29 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On Tue, 01 Nov 2005 20:36:22 -0800, Frank Gilliland
On 1 Nov 2005 16:18:14 -0800, wrote in
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 31 Oct 2005 06:18:22 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote in
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 02:04:36 -0700, Frank Gilliland
cut He can't.

Sure I can.

No...You can make silly allegations (hence your nick-name of
"Silliland") that are just pie-in-the-sky guesses.

"Proof" would be some document that actually showed my reserve
status above and beyond the Delayed Entry period...

The problem for YOU is that nothing of the sort exists.

Sure it does -- your own words.

Your DOD record confirms your service from '74 to '92 (yes, that's
only 18 years, not 20 years as you claimed when you wrote, "I spent 20
years in the Marine Corps to give people the right to exercise their
freedom of choice, and it hurts me to see so many people exercising
their choice to be apathetic!"), but it doesn't distinguish between
active or reserve. It -does- confirm your MOS as an avionics tech.It
-doesn't- indicate that you were in any medical field, in which case
you would have been a Navy Corpsman, not a Marine Gunny.

Uhhhh...Looking for that reg wherein US Marines are not allowedto
keep personal pursuits while on active duty...

If you were on active duty then you would know that moonlighting is
-strongly- discouraged.

so? a lot of things are strongly discouraged, some ilgeal some not
some against the regs and some not

This is but one of Frankie's sillier suggestions...that having a
part time job/pursuit is somehow "evidence" of having NOT done the
things I claim...

more evasion Stevie you are ducking the issue as usual

There's no "issue" here, twitless.

Frankie claimed my part time job was "evidence" that I was not an
active duty Marine.

That was ludicrous on the face of it...However HIS refusal to cite
even one MCO of the period that said "you can't be an EMT while you're
in the Marine Corps" pretty well proves MY assertion that he's full of
your "bovine excrement"...

if you were presueing something on the side say so, don't go about how
moonlighting is discouraged

(1) I already stated, YEARS AGO, that I worked part time as an EMT
in an ER...

(2) I am not the one going on about "moonlighting" being
"discouraged"...That's in your's and Frankie's ballpark! I already
stated that I complied with Group Orders for off duty employment.

deal with the issue

I did.

but then you can't deal with issues it seems

Sure I did.

I know it is legal to "moonlight" in the army it take a slain forest
of paperwork to do but so does almost evrything in the army

Right there you admit that moonlighting is acceptable, then I went
on to say....:
Not so in the Marine Corps. I had to sign a statement that stated
my USMC duties must never be compromised, and I was given a very short
list of "no no's" for part time work...Law enforcement, any "job" which
was in conravention to any local, state or federal law, and partisan
politics wherein my status as a member of the Armed Forces may lend the
appearence of that branch having any preference for any political party
or candidate.

Issue "dealt with".

admitng that Franks is correct in his base charge

"admitting" "Frank"

No, I did nothing of the sort.

Frankie claimed that by having "admitted" to being an EMT I was
somehow "proving" that I was "only" a reservist. Nothing of the sort
is even remotely factual.

BTW so much for strongly discouraged

It was NOT "strongly discouraged" when I was on active duty, except,
as previously noted, where it conflicted with official duties.

I already addressed that.

Took all of a day to walk the chit (A Naval term for a "permission
slip...Not an abbreviation for excrement) through. No big deal.

In some units it's even prohibited by the
commanding officer because the responsibilities of an outside job
usually conflict with the responsibilities of the unit. But you didn't
know that because you were never active duty; i.e, more proof from
your own ignorant words.

And you make reference as to what my "DOD" (properly DoD) record
states per my MOS's, but you and I BOTH know that that same record
shows nothing but active duty service (Delayed Entry

Maybe you don't know -- your DOD (or DoD if you like) record doesn't
specify. I mentioned that befo ".....but it doesn't distinguish
between active or reserve." The reason is because military members
frequently change from active to active reserve, to inactive reserve,
to retired (in your dreams), etc, etc. The record states your total
time, not how it was served.

breaking out for coment

And BTW, your time in the delayed
enlistment program isn't considered active -or- reserve (active -or-
inactive). Read your contract if you don't believe me.

Frank dudly does not bother with facts you know that

Your buddy Frankie is the one short on facts here, Markie...



Like his "facts" about how my working part time as an ER tech
"proved" that I was "only" a reservist.

For two days now he's been insinuating that having a part time job
is "evidence" that I was not on active duty and was "nothing more" than
a reservist.

it is eveidence, not convincing in and off itself I agree but it is
eveidence when combined with your erros in equipment and such it
starts to add up

"evidence" "of" "evidence [again]" "errors"

No, it's nothing of the kind.

And what "equipment" errors?

You and Toiddie are the only one in this forum with "equipment

How assinine.

But this conflicts with your 1998 claim that you were a "former 10
year+ EMT", which would make you an EMT -prior- to 1988, more than
four years -before- you "retired" from the Corps.

Uh huh. Six, actually.

Thee are a LOT of Marines who are EMT's...Both as Crash-Rescue
personnel on MCAS's and as "off duty" pursuits.

My first EMT card was in Pennsylvania in February 1986. PA
EMT-MAST 014402.

cuting to move on to rest of Stevie ####


Ahhhhhhhh...So providing even MORE references is #### now, eh,

no but all you were proiving to that point was #### so it is
reasonable to assume the rest was ####


It was nothing of the kind.

And you broke your own "don't assume" rule...And it bit you.

Seems you don't LIKE facts, now do you...?!?!

wrong again

I just wish you proivde som

"provide" "some"

I have.

And as I have said before...Just because you can't/won't acccept
them does not negate them as such.

Steve, K4YZ

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