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  #21   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 11:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

From: Frank Gilliland on Wed 2 Nov 2005 08:19

On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
Frank Gilliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

It's the on-going Pro-Code-Test-Advocate Morsemen alliance
working hard with the PCTA Double Standard. :-)

Davie KNOWS things. He worked in the Department of State!
He served IN a country at WAR! [busy doing MARS at Tan
Son Nhut]

I can't yet figure your motivation

I don't know why -- I've clearly stated my "motivation" several times
in plain English.

Irrelevant, Frank. Davie DEMANDS MOTIVATION (when he runs out
of valid/coherent replies).

Davie DEMANDED that I "should" have gotten an amateur radio
license BEFORE EVER getting into professional radio. Implied
that it was the proper thing to doubt showing
MOTIVATION to HIM. Tsk, the U.S. Army didn't know that...

but you've admitted being a screw up
in the military. It looks as if you're out to smear the service of
others for whatever reason. Most of us who served managed to get
through a hitch without an Article 15, much less a court martial.

One more time, Dave: I wasn't exactly the 'model Marine', but I did my
service and I did it well (despite Dudly's imagined version of the
facts as recorded in my SRB). I am no less proud of my service than
any other Marine. And like any other Marine, I find it reprehensible
when someone like Dudly makes false claims about his "career", fudging
the truth in order to get a little more praise.

Frank, I've NO problems with your pride and espirit d'corps
about the USMC. It shows. It also shows you have no qualms
about stating what you did without embellishments,
embroidery, or exaggeration. You are telling it like it is.
Davie and Dudly sin by omission, leaving out the details of
their exploits.

Davie was HIGHLY CRITICAL of MY service in the Army, of NOT
being "at war" or even IN a country at war. When I voluntarily
enlisted on 13 Mar 52, there was a very hot war going on in
Korea. The Army didn't send me there directly, stationed me
in Tokyo beginning in early February, 1953, a sort-of cease
fire then in Korea. The formal Truce period began in July,
1953. [that "Truce" period has NOT ended...technically, a
state of war still exists with North Korea 52 years later]

Why is Davie so critical? Tsk, a long time ago in here I
mentioned being assigned to work at the (then) 3rd largest
Army radio station in ACAN (the worldwide Army Command and
Administrative Network...later called "StarCom" and then
Defense Communications System). HF radio. HF was the old
mainstay of long-distance message traffic in the military.
Three dozen transmitters on HF with power outputs of 1 KW
to 40 KW, operating 24/7. [Dave said "you never worked
24/7" but we did...all over the Pacific] Thing was that
this 3rd largest station was far bigger than ANY State
Department foreign station of any time in State's existance
and even helped carry State message traffic on some of the
circuits. Davie said "you don't know anything about what
State Department does!" but I did everyone who
was INTO the ACAN and DID carry some of their message load]

Davie got on a toot, adjusted his truss, and couldn't stop
condemning me in here ever since. Doesn't matter what the
subject is, Davie is so damn critical of being "opposed" in
anything he says that he does the "revenge" bit all the time
now. He is a MORSEMAN and, according to him, NO radio
amateur shows "motivation" unless they love, honor, and
obey morsemanship.

So you never got caught doing anything wrong. Hooray for you.
Something to be proud of, I suppose. However, I have a slightly
different value system. I don't rest my laurels on never having done
anything wrong (which I don't think anyone can honesty claim).
Instead, I list my accomplishments by the challenges I have faced and
overcome, whether they were caused by my own actions or by
circumstances beyond my control. And believe me, I have done both.

That's the way it is in the military. One seldom gets a
"choice" on what to do. Follow orders, etc.

Davie worked for the Department of State. "Following orders,"
then Secretary of State Colin Powell (under President Bush
the 2nd] told the world that "Saddam Hussein has Weapons of
Mass Destruction" thereby "justifying a war" in Iraq. [Powell
had been Chief of Staff of the military under President Bush
the 1st] Over 2000 service personnel killed since, absolutely
NO "weapons of mass destruction" have been found in Iraq. Has
the Department of State taken back Powell's public statement?
No. Has Davie ever taken back a single personal insult thrown
at others (many have been thrown)? No.

"Lessons learned?" Maybe.

Dudly said it himself: It's easy to get through the military without
so much as an Article 15 -- just follow orders. Now that's fine for a
reservist, where the orders given aren't much of a challenge. It's
easy to blindly follow orders. But that isn't always the case on
active duty. Maybe you forgot Abu Graib, or that incident where the
soldiers refused to make an unnecessary supply run without sufficient
armor..... or even the Iran-Contra scandal. When the orders are wrong
or illegal, as happens from time to time, it's -not- easy to do the
-right- thing and challenge authority. I consider that to be one of my

Good on you, Frank.

Davie won't let up on you, though. You see, he was IN a country
at war (busy killing commies with his MARS code key?) and knows
ALL about following orders. [the Vietnam War ended 30 years ago]
We all have to follow DAVIE's "orders." Especially the one on

The best Dudly the Imposter has come up with is "he was in
'seven hostile actions'!" Dud has NEVER said the WHEN or
WHERE of those infamous "seven hostile actions." We must all
honor and praise Dud for his valor and heroism or forever be
recipients of emotional exaggerated personal insults.

I also consider it an accomplishment to have fulfilled my military
obligation after two courts-martial and the constant denigration from
others that resulted from them, a tactic that Dudly is trying to use.
What Dudly doesn't realize is that he can say nothing that I haven't
heard before and overcome. I proved them wrong and I'm proud of that
fact. So when Dudly (and now yourself) try to use the same demeaning
tactics I can only laugh.

Dudly doesn't understand that because his mindset works in
some strange personal fantasy via his computer. He lives by
exaggerated emotional phrases (most praising himself) and trying
to do a snow job (badly) on others about his "accomplishments."

Davie is probably just looking for a word fight with his
perceived "enemies." He is of a control-freak kind and does
NOT like ANYONE telling him "no" or what to do. He MUST "win"
these word fights and be "in the right."

Dave, I have no beef with you. I didn't feel it necessary to give you
-any- sort of explanation but I did anyway. If it wasn't enough, or if
you can't understand it, tough ****. But do you really feel the need
to defend Dudly -- a retired Marine Gunny, a CAP Major, a TN State
Guardsman, and a veteran of seven hostile actions -- against me, a
****bird PFC? If you do then you are only hurting Dudly's case, not
helping it. If you are going to stick up for Dudly, fine. As far as
I'm concerned, you two love-birds can row your boat out into the wash
together and do whatever it is that makes you two happy.

I suggest they both go see the premiere of the new film "Jarhead"
(as a couple). They can both get some emotional espirit d'corps.
Dudly can use the film's fiction for better embroidery of his
"hostile actions." Davie can get the emotional thrill of doing
battle "in-country" that ended over three decades ago. That
will get them all fired up to throw more hissy fits against other
veterans of the U.S. military who don't agree with their personal

  #22   Report Post  
Old November 2nd 05, 11:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 2 Nov 2005 12:29:10 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

On 2 Nov 2005 10:13:54 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 09:42:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

So...Guess that "nobody here likes you" thing was WRONG, eh,

nobdoy does that was just Dave


"just Dave".

So now YOU are calling Dave a "nobody"..?!?!

yes I am

That's DOUBLE freakin hillarious!

glad you enjoyed it


glad you enjoyed it

On, no, Markie...we're laughing AT you, not WITH you!

either way gald you enjoyed it

Please, Markie...provide us with some references to various
Amateur Radio related discussions in Amateur Radio related journals
that highlight you, Frankie, Brain, or any of the rest of your

no thanks

Uhhhh..."no thanks" was the wrong answer.

bull**** it was the right answer

"Not able" was.

but Dave is a nobody as are you

Whelp...There you have it...Frankie AND Markie opting for the
"stinging personal insult" in the face of no other options to persue!

more lying by Stevie he must be very afarid these days with the way he
goes on and on and on about things

anybody that is such lying hypocrite as you 2 ceratinly qualifies as
nobody in my book

The problem for YOU is that you've proved NEITHER of those

proved em both, to any one with any objectivity

but that does let you out I know

nor do I have to prove em to form the opinion

it is also no problem ME at all

On the OTHER hand, I can find quite a few articles in various
publications over the last 10 years that mention Dave Heil in nothing
but glowing terms....


he advocates poor ham practice by his own words

No he doesn't.

sure does we had that arguement before all you did was keeping
claiming he did not over and over again

not a spread of proof on your part of course

pruning shear out again
No, you did NOT "do it well", save perhaps in YOUR imagination.

wether he did or did not is something YOU don't know Stevie

Sure it is!


Sure it is!

To state otherwise is for YOU to call Frankie a liar!

not a tall
ctuing stevie repating himself
That's the same as YOU getting hauled into General Sessions Court,
Markie...And Frankie's probably lucky that the Armed Forces' practice
is to just let idiots like him go at the end of their enlsitment rather
than putting them in the brig...It's far chaper to do it taht way...And
he now has two FEDERAL convictions on his record.


I see criminal records are your favorite kind.

another Stevie lie

it is true I don't see having a criminal record as the end of the
world or as something akin to treason

Marines with TWO courts martials in one tour are NOT "good"

and who appointed you judge?

Four Commanding Offiers that effected my promotions to Private
First Class through Sergeant, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps on
my promotions to Staff Sergeant and Gunnery Sergeant.

another lie

they did not appoint you judge

Sure they did.

prove it
stevie lie stevie get cut off and find his typing was wasted
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  #24   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 05, 05:24 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...ButCan't Get A Grip

Frank Gilliland wrote:

Well, while Davie and Dudly and all their their sock puppets are busy
reminiscing about their Hollywood-forged military careers, I'm taking
a few days to winterize the homestead. We are long overdue for a hard
winter and I want to be ready. It's that "Semper Paratus" thing.....

I'm not Davie and there is no Dudly. I've spoke very little about my
military service. I didn't stay for a career. Perhaps you'd like to do
a little guessing and see if I made the whole thing up, Frank. Maybe
after you've winterized your home.

Dave K8MN
  #25   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 05, 07:29 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

From: Frank Gilliland on Nov 2, 4:43 pm

On 2 Nov 2005 14:18:20 -0800, wrote in
. com:


I suggest they both go see the premiere of the new film "Jarhead"
(as a couple). They can both get some emotional espirit d'corps.
Dudly can use the film's fiction for better embroidery of his
"hostile actions." Davie can get the emotional thrill of doing
battle "in-country" that ended over three decades ago. That
will get them all fired up to throw more hissy fits against other
veterans of the U.S. military who don't agree with their personal

Well, while Davie and Dudly and all their their sock puppets are busy
reminiscing about their Hollywood-forged military careers, I'm taking
a few days to winterize the homestead. We are long overdue for a hard
winter and I want to be ready. It's that "Semper Paratus" thing.....

Gotcha, Frank. Have fun on the homestead work.

Davie Heil don't wanna talk about his military daze. He
wants to talk about "little johnsons." Tsk, tsk, and I
thought he didn't get turned on by THAT. Takes all kinds!

  #26   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 05, 08:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 2 Nov 2005 12:29:10 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 10:13:54 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 09:42:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

So...Guess that "nobody here likes you" thing was WRONG, eh,

nobdoy does that was just Dave


"just Dave".

So now YOU are calling Dave a "nobody"..?!?!

yes I am

That's DOUBLE freakin hillarious!

glad you enjoyed it

Who said I "enjoyed" it...?!?!

I said it was "hillarious".


glad you enjoyed it

On, no, Markie...we're laughing AT you, not WITH you!

either way gald you enjoyed it


I didn't say I enjoyed it...I said it was hillarious.

Please, Markie...provide us with some references to various
Amateur Radio related discussions in Amateur Radio related journals
that highlight you, Frankie, Brain, or any of the rest of your

no thanks

Uhhhh..."no thanks" was the wrong answer.

bull@@@@ it was the right answer

No, it was a direct "evasion".

YOU claim that Dave Heil is a "nobody", yet I can find numerous
references to him in all of the major Amateur Radio journals over tha
last 10-12 years...I find NO SUCH references to you or any of the rest
of your "circle".

"Not able" was.

but Dave is a nobody as are you

Whelp...There you have it...Frankie AND Markie opting for the
"stinging personal insult" in the face of no other options to persue!

more lying by Stevie...(SNIP)

Nope. You called Dave a "nobody" when I can readily find HIS name
in numerous references in Amateur Radio related publications. And at
least I've been quoted twice in "CQ" magazine, had several letters
published in CQ and QST, and have my name in such references as "DXCC"
and the contest scores over the years.

I find NO such references to KB9RQZ in any of them.

he must be very afarid these days with the way he
goes on and on and on about things

I see you're back to delusional episodes, Markie.

anybody that is such lying hypocrite as you 2 ceratinly qualifies as
nobody in my book

The problem for YOU is that you've proved NEITHER of those

proved em both, to any one with any objectivity

No, you've not. Not by a long stretch.

but that does let you out I know

nor do I have to prove em to form the opinion

it is also no problem ME at all

More random words in search of order, Markie.

Try E N G L I S H......

On the OTHER hand, I can find quite a few articles in various
publications over the last 10 years that mention Dave Heil in nothing
but glowing terms....


he advocates poor ham practice by his own words

No he doesn't.

sure does we had that arguement before all you did was keeping
claiming he did not over and over again

Because HE didn't.

not a spread of proof on your part of course

"...a spread of proof..."

Must be an Upper Penninsula thing....

pruning shear out again

No, you did NOT "do it well", save perhaps in YOUR imagination.

wether he did or did not is something YOU don't know Stevie

Sure it is!


Sure it is!

To state otherwise is for YOU to call Frankie a liar!

not a tall

"not a tall"...?!?!

So..Frankie's only...what? 5'3"...?!?!

ctuing stevie repating himself

"cutting" "repeating"

More of your censorship and issues you do not want to address, is
what yoiu mean.

That's the same as YOU getting hauled into General Sessions Court,
Markie...And Frankie's probably lucky that the Armed Forces' practice
is to just let idiots like him go at the end of their enlsitment rather
than putting them in the brig...It's far chaper to do it taht way...And
he now has two FEDERAL convictions on his record.


I see criminal records are your favorite kind.

another Stevie lie


You think Frankie's court martials are "nothing". They FEDERAL
convictions, regardless of whether he was "found guilty" or "pled

it is true I don't see having a criminal record as the end of the
world or as something akin to treason

No...I won't go as far as calling Frankie's conduct treason, nor
the end of the world...However HE tries to make issue of MY
military service when to call HIS service "less than adequate" would be
giving him one huge benefit of the doubt.

Marines with TWO courts martials in one tour are NOT "good"

and who appointed you judge?

Four Commanding Offiers that effected my promotions to Private
First Class through Sergeant, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps on
my promotions to Staff Sergeant and Gunnery Sergeant.

another lie

they did not appoint you judge

Sure they did.

prove it

Six documents signed by four commanding officers and two
Commandants addressed to me that start off with the words 'To All Those
Who Shall See These Presents Greetings'.....

Those certificates of appointment (better known in the Corps as
"promotion warrants") gave me the authority to make those decisons.
That's why the Marine Corps has the widest Enlisted-to-Officer ratio of
all the services.

stevie lie stevie get cut off and find his typing was wasted

No, it wasn't wasted.

Your feeble attempts to act as censor substantiated their efforts
as valid, Markie.

Steve, K4YZ

  #27   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 05, 07:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 2 Nov 2005 23:03:53 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

On 2 Nov 2005 12:29:10 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 10:13:54 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 09:42:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

So...Guess that "nobody here likes you" thing was WRONG, eh,

nobdoy does that was just Dave


"just Dave".

So now YOU are calling Dave a "nobody"..?!?!

yes I am

That's DOUBLE freakin hillarious!

glad you enjoyed it

Who said I "enjoyed" it...?!?!

you did

I said it was "hillarious".

yes you did


glad you enjoyed it

On, no, Markie...we're laughing AT you, not WITH you!

either way gald you enjoyed it


I didn't say I enjoyed it...I said it was hillarious.

then you lied

and Flush

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  #28   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 05, 09:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 2 Nov 2005 23:03:53 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 12:29:10 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 10:13:54 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 09:42:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

So...Guess that "nobody here likes you" thing was WRONG, eh,

nobdoy does that was just Dave


"just Dave".

So now YOU are calling Dave a "nobody"..?!?!

yes I am

That's DOUBLE freakin hillarious!

glad you enjoyed it

Who said I "enjoyed" it...?!?!

you did

I requoted EVERTYHING you did, Markie.

NO WHERE in there did I say I "enjoyed" it.

I said it was "hillarious".

yes you did

And NO WHERE did I say I 'enjoyed it'. Please show us where I
said that?


glad you enjoyed it

On, no, Markie...we're laughing AT you, not WITH you!

either way gald you enjoyed it


I didn't say I enjoyed it...I said it was hillarious.

then you lied


But you ahve...Again...You even quoted all of the text from which
YOU allege I said something that I clearly did not...

and Flush

Lame try, Markie...

Steve. K4YZ

  #29   Report Post  
Old November 5th 05, 06:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip

On 3 Nov 2005 12:47:45 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

On 2 Nov 2005 23:03:53 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 12:29:10 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 10:13:54 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
On 2 Nov 2005 09:42:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 05:17:49 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in . net:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 04:43:18 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in t:


I'd imagine

No need to say any more -- that pretty much sums it up.

It surely does. It pretty much sums up all of your imagining, guessing
and assuming about what Steve has and hasn't done.

Dudly gets himself in hot water and it's Dave to the rescue!

So...Guess that "nobody here likes you" thing was WRONG, eh,

nobdoy does that was just Dave


"just Dave".

So now YOU are calling Dave a "nobody"..?!?!

yes I am

That's DOUBLE freakin hillarious!

glad you enjoyed it

Who said I "enjoyed" it...?!?!

you did

I requoted EVERTYHING you did, Markie.

NO WHERE in there did I say I "enjoyed" it.

then you were lying

and flush

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  #30   Report Post  
Old November 14th 05, 11:39 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
Default Gawd, how could I miss THIS one????

On 1 Nov 2005 22:53:47 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote in

Frankie of Silliland, RRAP's Newest Source Of Comic Relief wrote:
On 1 Nov 2005 16:18:14 wrote in
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 31 Oct 2005 06:18:22 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote in
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 02:04:36 -0700, Frank Gilliland

Let's talk about standards, Dudly....(SNIP)

what you going on about?

For once you've gotten something VERY right, MARK.

And let's take this "standard" thing a bit further....(HUGE SNIP)

You have never disclosed your reservist status

reservist? Stevie boy is reservist?

Nope. Except, as I clearly noted, my 4 months as "Delayed Entry"
prior to going active in September 1974.

It was a wild stab in the dark by the disgraced, court martialed
liar, Mark.

I am not calling you a liar Frank but it would be nice to back this up

He can't.

Sure I can.

No...You can make silly allegations (hence your nick-name of
"Silliland") that are just pie-in-the-sky guesses.

"Proof" would be some document that actually showed my reserve
status above and beyond the Delayed Entry period...

The problem for YOU is that nothing of the sort exists.

Sure it does -- your own words.

And substantiation of my assertion that you're a liar follows:

Your DOD record confirms your service from '74 to '92 (yes, that's
only 18 years, not 20 years as you claimed when you wrote, "I spent 20
years in the Marine Corps to give people the right to exercise their
freedom of choice, and it hurts me to see so many people exercising
their choice to be apathetic!"), but it doesn't distinguish between
active or reserve. It -does- confirm your MOS as an avionics tech. It
-doesn't- indicate that you were in any medical field, in which case
you would have been a Navy Corpsman, not a Marine Gunny.

Uhhhh...Looking for that reg wherein US Marines are not allowed to
keep personal pursuits while on active duty...

If you were on active duty then you would know that moonlighting is
-strongly- discouraged...(SNIP)

Frankie, the question I asked over and over in the original post

Since when does it require an MCO for a superior officer to give a
legal and lawful order to a subordinate? The granting of liberty is at
the discretion of the unit's commanding officer. And liberty doesn't
mean you are free to do as you please. If you come back from a 96 with
a decent sunburn you can end up with NJP -- that very situation has
happened more than once.

"What MCO was violated?" That's the wrong question, Dud. The right
question is, "What MCO grants a CO the authority to let his Marines
take on obligations outside the Corps that could, and very possibly
will, conflict with the obligations of the Corps?" The answer is....
There isn't one.

In some units it's even prohibited by the
commanding officer because the responsibilities of an outside job
usually conflict with the responsibilities of the unit. But you didn't
know that because you were never active duty; i.e, more proof from
your own ignorant words.

Of course I knew it.

And I had the Commanding Officer's approval chit for off duty
employment as was required by Marine Aircraft Group 16 policy at the

Gee, and all this time you have refused to provide -any- details about
your military "career". How silly of me to think that now, when
confronted with an issue even more intrusive than a few lines from a
DD-214, you would spit up some specific information. Gee, I need to
reconsider my position regarding your credibility........LOL!!!!

And you make reference as to what my "DOD" (properly DoD) record
states per my MOS's, but you and I BOTH know that that same record
shows nothing but active duty service (Delayed Entry

Maybe you don't know -- your DOD (or DoD if you like) record doesn't
specify. I mentioned that befo ".....but it doesn't distinguish
between active or reserve." The reason is because military members
frequently change from active to active reserve, to inactive reserve,
to retired (in your dreams), etc, etc. The record states your total
time, not how it was served. And BTW, your time in the delayed
enlistment program isn't considered active -or- reserve (active -or-
inactive). Read your contract if you don't believe me.

Sorry, SilliOne...Delayed entry WAS considered "reserve" time.

Not according to your DoD record. Check the dates yourself.

But this conflicts with your 1998 claim that you were a "former 10
year+ EMT", which would make you an EMT -prior- to 1988, more than
four years -before- you "retired" from the Corps.

Uh huh. Six, actually.

Thee are a LOT of Marines who are EMT's...Both as Crash-Rescue
personnel on MCAS's and as "off duty" pursuits.

My first EMT card was in Pennsylvania in February 1986. PA
EMT-MAST 014402.

Where you were stationed at Camp .....?

There was no "Camp ....." in Pennsylvania, Frankie.

MCAS ......? NAS ......? Fort ......? BSA troop ......?

Followed up by EMT-1A in Orange County CA in June of
1986. I also held National Registry (took that test at the hospital at
MCB Camp Pendleton) It has/had nothing to do with my MOS...Just what I
was interested in doing.



BTW...I received a CG's Certificate of Commendation in 1988 for
life-saving from CG Third MAW, then another one from the CG First MAW
in 1990 for a second event...

That EMT training came in handy!

Dudly the hero!!!

Nope. Just did the right thing at the right time.

Yeah, I know what you mean. When I visited Disneyland back in '82 I
caught a kid who fell down a flight of stairs. It doesn't make me a
hero, just the dope who happened to be there at the time. I've had a
few things like that happen, as I'm sure a lot of people have. Anyone
else would have done the same. In fact, most people who -have- been
able to save life and limb by nature of circumstances consider their
actions to have been a natural response. But most people don't define
their lives and "careers" by such actions. That is, most -normal- and
-mentally balanced- people.

Also, in the late
'80s, (before moving to Arkansas, home state of your second wife and
your state of residence when you allegedly "retired" from the Corps in
1992), you worked in California as an ER tech at "Hoag Memorial
Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach, CA", which would be virtually
impossible if you were also on active duty as an avionics tech.

Uh....No...Why would having a part time job less than 10 miles from
the base where I was stationed at (and 1.5 miles from where I lived...)
be a problem?

See above, moonlighting.

And AGAIN you waffle on the question at hand...

You make some suggestive comments yet don't answer the questions.


I -did- answer the question. You just couldn't understand the answer
because you have never served on active duty.

PLEASE CITE just ONE Marine Corps order (from 1986 through 1992)
that allegedly "proves" I was unable/unauthorized to work part time as

Nice try, Dud, but it won't work. I have no doubt that you -were-
allowed to work as an EMT simply because you were a reservist. It
would be a different story if you were on active duty at the time.

Are all those Marines who work part-time jobs in Jacksonville,
Oceanside, San Diego and other USMC-base associated cities doing
something illegal?

Some were.

And HOW MANY of those were EMT's...?!?!

Beats me. But I've never heard of an EMT that was also on active duty.
Never would have happened in any of the units I was in. In fact, in
3/8 you couldn't even get a part-time job delivering pizza since no
outside employment was allowed by order of the CO, period.

I'd love to see the MP's dragging off-duty Marines from firetrucks
and ambulances.

That sort of stuff turns you on, huh? Well, it doesn't really matter
since the Marines don't have MP's...... they have SP's. That pile of
dirt just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Stay tuned because one day
real soon I plan to compile all of your military 'wisdom' into one big
easy-to-reference list.....LOL!!!

Is working part time as an ER tech any different than working at
Taco Bell, singing in a church choir or participating in the Big
Brothers/Sisters programs...?!?!

Yes, by the amount of responsiblity required of the job. Nobody cares
if you don't show up to work at Taco Bell or miss choir practice. But
an emergency room tech missing a shift can result in real problems.

No kidding, eh...?!?! figure I can make it through EMS school but don't know how
to pick up the phone and say "Something's come up at the base and I
can't make it in..."...?!?!

More proof that you were never on active duty: frequently there are
times when you don't have access to a telephone, especially when
liberty is cancelled because the alert status of the base or unit is
raised. In those cases, outside comm is usually prohibited because of
security issues. Happened when the US shot down the Libyan jets, when
Beirut got bombed, when Reagan invaded Grenada..... Speaking of which,
I had a friend in 2/8 that I knew from MCAGCC. They were prohibited
from using the telephone several days before deployment, outgoing mail
was held on ship during transit, and even the ship's MARS station was
shut down.

But you never experienced such things because you were never on active
duty..... -or- on float.

Especially when that tech is in the military and suseptible to the
possibility that liberty could be cancelled, the base locked down, or
any of the other things that sometimes happen, without warning, that
would prevent you from even giving notice of your impending absence.

As a Marine your primary obligation is to the Corps...(SNIP)

Obviously a point you didn't have any respect for until AFTER
those two courts martials, eh...?!?!

Actually, it didn't sink in until after the first court-martial, but
well before the second.

(UNSNIP)...and I don't think
-any- hospital with an emergency room would hire a part-time EMT who
is much more likely to miss a shift than a dedicated EMT whose primary
obligation is to the hospital and patients. They might let you in as a

Then once again you've allowed us a moment to break into laughter
at your ignorance and arrogance~!

Prove me wrong, Dudly.

The ONLY way you could have been educated, trained and gained
experience as an EMT while in the Corps is if you were a reservist.

How is that? Did I violate some MCO in my 18 years by leaving the
barracks and participating in non-USMC pursuits?

Not pursuits, Dudly -- obligations.

You have it turned around again, AS USUAL, Cowardly One.

Being an EMT does not require an obligation? You make it sound like a
hobby. You must not have taken the job very seriously.

"Leatherneck" used to publish ton's of "human interest" stories on
Marines who did exactly those things....

Name one.

Name them yourself...I don't have back copies of Leatherneck
anymore...However anyone who cares to do some research will see you for
what you are....

YOU referenced the source so it's YOUR obligation to validate YOUR
claim.... oh, that's right, you didn't understand the meaning of an
'obligation'. Well, now you do so you don't have an excuse. Name one
of those Marines that was written up in Leatherneck for being an EMT
while in active duty. Just one.

Is it YOUR contention that all of those Marines were NOT "real
Marines" because they did something that wasn't associated with their
official duties?

I said nothing of the sort. You're spinning so hard now you are going
to fall down and puke.


That's what you've implied...

Have you ever tried to read anything without attaching it to your own
distorted imagination? Try it sometime -- it will help to eliminate
your moral confusion.

You've suggested that in 18 years
(actually 14 at the time I obtained my initial EMT certification) that
I SHOULDN'T have had any time or opportunity to be an EMT, and that in
doing so, somehow "proved" that I was never on Active Duty...As if 140
hours of night classes over a four month period kept me from my offical

Don't try to be clever, Dud -- in your desperation to defend your fake
service record you forgot about the other 3 years and 8 months..... or
was it 5 years and 8 months..... gee, Dud, make up your mind: were you
an EMT on active duty for four or six years?

All this information is publically available from what -you- have
written on Usenet. Of course, you can always use that "my account was
hacked" excuse, but that doesn't explain why you claimed to be in the
Air Force Auxilliary, a retired Marine Gunny, and signed your posts
with "Semper Paratus" (Coast Guard motto).

Uh...Actually I use "Paratus et Vigilans", a personal motto which
means "Prepared and Vigilant".

You have used "Semper Paratus" in many posts. For example:

.....[nursing is] the one "technical occupation" that I have enjoyed
(as both EMT and LPN) where more than one off my "projects" has
returned to where I work and shook my hand and said "Thank you for
helping to save my life."

Some occupation, huh?!

Semper Paratus

Steve Robeson, LPN
Chattanooga, TN

You even explained why you used it:

"If having great respect for an organization (the United States Coast
Guard, in this case) that goes so far out of it's way on a daily basis
to save human lives makes me a "paramilitary wannabe", guilty as

And when taken in context with the preceding post it also makes you a
praise-seeking hero wannabe.

So...I make some positive inferences to the Coast Guard, and
that's "wrong"...

In your case, it's as wrong as John Wayne Gacy showing an interest in
dressing up like a clown.

Yet we have you bragging about allegedly being in Beirut

Allegedly? No, I posted the proof, Dud. You should try it sometime.

having been twice court martialed, and that's OK...?!?!


When you get done laughing, how about showing me where I said that
getting court-martialed twice is "OK"?

Did I miss some law that says once someone uses a latin word in
THEIR motto, no one else can use it...?!?!

Did I say it was illegal?

You obviously have a problem with it...

You obviously have an obsession with it.

Nor does it explain your
interest in pirate radio, star gazing, or your hunt for ET. Clearly
you are one very confused individual, Dudly. And as more than one
person has previously noted, you are clearly a paramilitary-wannabe
and a hero-wannabe.

I see you harbor the same "hate anyone who does more than I do"
sentiments that Lennie and Brain do...

Keep dreaming, Dudly. I couldn't care less how bad you have screwed up
your life -- it's what you claim to have done but haven't that hobbles
-your- horse.

I'm not the one with two court martials over his head, Frankie.

I'm not the one who lies about his military "career", Dud.

And as for the rest, I can see how a busted-back-to-boot-camp PFC
would have a "problem" with a Marine who DID make it to Gunnery
Sergeant and did so without so much as a single Article 15....

I have no problem with it at all. In fact, I have the highest respect
for most of the staff NCO's I've met over the years. Funny tho, every
one of them who retired held a rank higher than Gunny..... why do you
suppose that is, Dud? Come to think of it, most of the SNCO's I knew
made Gunny within 8-10 years. And it didn't take them 8 years to get
promoted to First/Master Sergeant. But then they were active duty.....

Of course you managed to screw up the one paid "uniformed" job you
held, so I guess no one should expect you to be involved in any kind of
"uniformed" volunteer work, huh...?!?!

If the shower-shoe fits.

And I think we have the correct shoe on you, Frankie...

There's plenty more information that is publically available about
you, but I think I made my case -- using -YOUR OWN WORDS-!!!

So far, you've not "proven" a single thing.

And you have? Ok, Dudly. Whatever you say.

I've proven you to be a liar.

If there's one thing that's lacking in public schools these days it's
the failure to teach critical thinking skills.

What more could I ask for...?!?!

A better education.

Unless you can show me where NO OTHER MARINE EVER worked a part
time job, went to school off duty, followed "personal" pursuits that
were not part-and-parcel of thier USMC duties...?!?!

So the fact that two-headed snakes have existed is proof that you have
one? Go soak your head. I'm talking probability here, Dudly. So far
your claims are so IM-probable that you defending them only makes the
argument against you even stronger.

No...We HAVE "proven" my cowardly assertions since you won't
"straight-up" answer the question.

Because the question presumes an untrue premise. And yes, your
assertions are cowardly.

Where, Frankie, has NO OTHER MARINE EVER worked a part time

Disregarding the horrific grammatical structure of your question, 3/8
in 1983-84.

went to school off duty,

Never prohibited, IME.

followed "personal" pursuits that were
not part-and-parcel of their USMC duties...?!?!

Never prohibited, IME.


See above part-time jobs

"Go soak your head" is the BEST you can come up with, Frankie?

I suppose I should dumb down my statement to a level that you can
understand: Just because some active duty Marines were allowed to take
part-time jobs is not proof that you were ever on active duty. Is that
simple enough? Or do I need to draw a Venn diagram (i.e, a picture)?

Geeze, Frankie...That was a loooooooooooooooooooooooong stretch,

Taking a vacation from your "career" as spelling cop?

You took one from being a Marine. Twice.

Your point?

Well, I guess that means that you are no better than me. And never
forget that YOU made the equivocation, Dud.

BTW, what happened to your first marraige? Were you lying when you
took those vows before God?


Oh, I see..... it's a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do thing with you, huh?

I didn't tell you?

Nope. So what -are- your justifications for why you failed at your

Why? Is it pertinent to Amateur Radio? Is it pertinent to my
USMC career?

Absolutely. You accuse me of lying because I broke my oath. You broke
-your- oath to your wife and to your God. Therefore, you lied to your
wife and to your God. If you don't have enough respect for your God to
keep -your- oath, what makes you think that you can hold someone else
to the same standard? So it really IS a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do thing,
isn't it?

You will never understand the difference, Dud: I'm not holding you to
-my- standard -- I'm holding you to a -higher- standard, just as you
would expect. Despite this, you waste your time in the newsgroups
throwing around school-yard banter, covering your lies with more lies,
and disgracing honorable institutions by leeching their honor and
integrity to feed your personal pride and delusions of heroism. Even
when I'm not here you pray to me because you don't have the discipline
(let alone the common sense) to avoid arguing with someone whom -you-
describe as "silly". The fact is that you -can't- set a standard that
is higher than mine, a ****bird PFC. Add to that the fact that your
tactics are lame and impotent, your 'facts' are generally wrong, and
you tuck tail and run from every challenge to the legitimacy of your
claims about your military "career", and anyone can see that -your-
standards are well below mine, let alone the standards required of a
Marine Gunny.

Nope, you were never active duty. You're a Major Dud.

Or just another toe-hold you are desperate for since you've been
unable to establish one anywhere else...?!?!

Forget it, Dud. It's obvious that you can't address anything that
deals with reality. Don't even try -- you might stroke out or

He also dodges following up on all of the references I have

See above.

I see you trying to stretch some things real far, none of it
causing even "collateral damage".

Take a poll, Dudly.... who here is your friend?

And who is YOURS?

Or Lennie's? Or Brain or Markie's?

I think you've pretty much reached the "desperate for a stinging
insult" phase...

Hmmm..... "stinging insult"..... your words, not mine.

That's because in doing so he'd have to eat crow...A LOT of

Although for Stevie to be Carrer Resvist? National gaurd would make a
lot of his #### make more sense now you bring it up but do you have
more than that

He has NOTHING, Mark...No "evidence", no facts, no justification,

Wrong. I have your own words and some basic math skills.

Then it seems you also have some comprehension issues and need a

Once again, you're the expert.

Nope. But I am better at math and English comprehension...witness
the following:

Witness this:

K4YZ wrote:

That's what you've implied...You've suggested that in 18 years
(actually 14 at the time I obtained my initial EMT certification)...(SNIP)

Excuse me...that was "12".....

Steve, K4YZ


Nuff said.

That's all I
need to prove that you are a liar.

Uhhhhh....How's that?

So far all your "math" has proven is that while I was on active
duty I ALSO had non-USMC pursuits.

Pottery, polishing rocks, building hot-rods..... those are "pursuits",
Dudly. You claim to have successfully had two concurrent careers, both
with very demanding and very conflicting obligations. Big difference.

I did?

W H E R E did I say I had "TWO CONCURRENT CAREERS", Frankie...?!?!

Mind you, we're quoting YOU now ! ! !

I had a PART TIME JOB...No retirement plan...No 401K...

Oh, so of those 10+ years of experience you claimed to have in 1998,
six of them were actually only part-time? How "part time" were they?
10hrs/wk on the average? So those six years of experience while on
active duty is really equal to only 1-1/2 years or so of full-time
experience? Only a fourth of full-time experience? That's a pretty big
disparity, Dud, although not uncharacteristic of your propensity to
'stretch' the truth. But claiming to have 400% more experience than
you really had..... that's called "stretching the truth a little too
far" and I don't buy it. In your posts you omit the fact that much of
your experience wasn't spent as a career. In fact, you state quite
clearly in several posts that EMT -was- your career for all those
years, even while working at the hospital in California. So either you
lied about having a career as an EMT while on active duty, or you are
lying about -not- having a career as an EMT while on active duty, or
you are lying about being on active duty. Take your pick.

BTW, you never did answer the question of where you were stationed
when you worked as an EMT in PA. Care to give it another try?

What part of MCO's were therein
violated? Other than during Typhoon Condition 1A on Okinawa, I never
spent one minute on Barracks Restriction, and even then THAT was
"island wide".

That doesn't make sense -- the minute you didn't spend on barracks
restriction was island wide? Think -before- you type, you fruitcake.

I did...very thoughtfully...The ONLY "barracks restriction" I was
ever "on" was during island wide restrictions for Typhoon Condition 1A.

Did you have to sign in at the OOD's office every two hours? If not
then it's not the same thing.

Anyway, you clearly don't understand the difference between liberty
and restriction, something that is known by any active duty Marine
(and probably known by active duty members of the other services as

Sure I do. The POINT having been made that I never stood so much
as one minute of any form of punishment in 18 years inn the Marines...

Can YOU say the same thing...?!?!

What, are you dense? Haven't you been paying attention all this time?
Did I not declare, long ago, that I spent time in the brig? Are you
actually -trying- to look like a moron? If you are, it's working.

And I never stated, suggested or implied that you "stood" any
pushishment for anything. But that wasn't the issue. Not being granted
liberty is not restriction. Restriction in regards to punishment
simply means that restrictions are placed on your liberty (when
granted). You don't know the difference. You claim to have spent 18
years on active duty, where the duty of every NCO is to pull an
occasional 24-hr shift in the OOD's office (sometimes as the OOD), the
place where Marines on restriction show up every two hours to sign
their restriction forms..... yet you don't know the difference.

You didn't spend 18 years on active duty, Dud.

Like I said, Dudly -- the more you talk, the deeper you dig
your hole.

How's that?

So far, you're the one in "negative numbers", Frankie...

Better be careful with your math -- remember, it was 18 years before
it was 14 years before it was 12 years..... when is the next revision?

Frankie...You should try out for the part of the guy in the comic
book "Fantastic Four" that can stretch like Silly-Putty, because you
sure earned the opportunity here today!

Grow up, "Major".

I'm doing just fine.

Ok then, don't grow up.

But YOU are the one making strange assertions unsubstantiated by
facts, Frankie.

You validate my arguments just fine.

Lastly...The Marine Corps, as do all the services, heavily recruit
and covet their various Reserve assets...The USMC in particular
requires the same degree of qualifications of their Reservists as they
do their active duty components.

Yes they do. Many reservists are former active duty Marines. Many
active duty Marines are former reservists. Blah, blah, blah. What's
your point?

The POINT is that YOU seem to express duty as a Reservist as a

I degrade only your service as a reservist, Dud. I do it because of
the way -you- feel about -yourself-. You hate yourself for what you
think are your failings; for being a reservist that never saw action
and got drummed out of the Corps on a medical discharge. And because
you hate yourself so much, it's easy to push your buttons.

As for me, the only buttons you can push are your fraudulent claims
about being retired, your "seven hostile actions", and serving your
time on active duty -- fabrications which, ironically, are the product
of your self-hatred. It's no suprise that I have become your primary
adversary. But you don't even see that you are really arguing with
yourself, not with me.

Sometimes I think that you actually -want- me to post undeniable proof
of your bogus service claims so you can quit living the lie. I will in
due time, but not before I get my kicks by letting you suffer the
torment of being stuck in your own web of lies.

This is not something I made up, but a matter of public record and
USMC policy.

Where did I say anything different?

At every suggestion that I may have "only" been a reservist and at
the point wherein you made inferences that duty as a Reservist was
somehow less-than-adequate.

No, Dudly. I have clearly stated several times that I think there is
nothing at all wrong with being a reservist. It may be different than
active duty, but is no less worthy of pride and honor. The problem is
that -you- don't feel that way. It is -you- that feels a reservist is
"less-than-adequate" and not worthy of the same respect as a Marine
who served on active duty. I just push that button and, as expected,
you thrash around in a defensive fit of grade-school name calling and
emotionally charged avoidance tactics. You really need to learn some
discipline, Dud.

I should know...I helped train Reservists at various times.

Gee, another claim about your military career. I wonder if I should
give that one as much weight as I give the rest of your claims....

It doesn't matter what "weight" you give it, Frankie...

Very well, I shall give it as much weight as the rest of your claims:

You were incompetent as a Marine when you were on active duty and
you're incompetent to sit in judgement of anyone who was in the

True or not, the fact remains that I earned an honorable discharge and
you got kicked out on a medical. The fact remains that I saw action
(and wish I hadn't) and you didn't (and wish you did). The fact
remains that I served my time on active duty while you were a
reservist. Hmmmm...... you claim that your 6 years of EMT work was
part-time, and a reservist is really a part-time job too......

Let's see now..... one weekend a month, that's 48 x 12 = 576 hours/yr.
Add to that 2 weeks a year, which is another 336 hours. So that's 912
hours/yr, times 16 years (18 years less boot camp and technical MOS
training, a very generous estimate) which is 14,592 hours. Now that
converts to 608 days, or 1.665 years. So for all practical purposes,
after 2 years of boot camp and MOS training you served the active duty
equivalent of slightly more than 1-1/2 years, for a grand total of
3-1/2 years, which is -LESS- than my 4 year cruise.

Kiss my hash mark, Major Dud!!!

So...that having been said, even if I HAD been a Reservist, I would
have had to meet the same standards as the Active Duty forces...

That's right. The only difference is that you, as a reservist...(SNIP)

Frank Gilliland has uttered yet another intentional lie.

(UNSNIP)...didn't have the same experiences as an active duty Marine. And active
duty Marines didn't have the same experiences a you, a reservist...(SNIP)

Frank Gilliland has uttered yet another intentional lie.

Too bad you couldn't be proud of that fact instead of trying to pass yourself
off as something you never were -- an active duty Marine.

Three in a row.

And considering those same Reserve (and National Guard) forces are
carrying the same load as their active duty counterparts in Iraq right
now, your "suggestion" that I may have been a Reservist as a negativism
is ludicrous and assinine.

I have nothing against reservists...(SNIP)

Your words in this forum demonstrate otherwise.

(That's four)

(UNSNIP)...I -do- take issue with reservists
who claim to be, or claim to have been, active duty when they weren't.

Well that leaves out anyone in THIS forum.

Your charade is getting really old, Dudly.

It's not the same and you know it. Because if you didn't know it then
you wouldn't have tried to hide the fact that you spent your entire
Marine "career" as a reservist.


What's wrong with being proud of who you are instead of trying to be
someone you're not? It works for me.

Being less that you can be worked for you. Two court martials
prove it.

You have a strange definition of 'proof', Dud. Care to cite a
dictionary or two (assuming you aren't afraid to learn something about
critical thinking)?

So...Frankie...Have any REAL proof of your "having been an EMT
proves you were a Reservist" claim, or do we just get treated to
another Lenniesque blustery diatribe?

Watching you squirm is good enough for now. I'll break out the
magnifying glass a little later.

Steve "Weekend Warrior" Robeson, K4YZ

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