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an update on Stevie
well been digging the archives on Stevie
located some 105 posst of his misdeeds dumping a lot of the repitivie stuff some of the gems the false stament that abortion is a ilegal setvie saying someone should take an med in his professional opinion stevie claiming people other than myself have aids stevie claiming someone beside myself is gay Stevie advocating suicide I am sure they love that one Stevie seems to think he will be able to defends his lies by claiming I lied or Len and the tooth fary lied stevie LPN will be challenged based on Stevie's own words indeed it is stevie that told it could be, a point tennessee seesm to agree with the form they want filled out arrvied yesterday I think i have combed as much out of Google as I can stand in short I don't think Stevie is fit to be nurse, will shall se what tennessee think after i hack through all these post highlight the relavant passages and forwrd them for tthier review just a good citiizen should feel free to resume threatening me now stevie _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
an update on Markie
an update on stevie
On 5 Nov 2005 15:19:46 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
wrote: well been digging the archives on Stevie located some 105 posst of his misdeeds dumping a lot of the repitivie stuff some of the gems Along with yours, Colonel, including your repetitive assertions on the validity of deceit and lying...Considering the nature of your "complaint", that ought to really open some eyes. the false stament that abortion is a ilegal Where ARE you getting this from? Google provide setvie saying someone should take an med in his professional opinion Please show where I prescribed one, Markie. Then you have a case. googgle provide and it is one my recent reposts stevie claiming people other than myself have aids And we'll also show wher you ahve chosen your own "definitions" for abbreviations and "words", Markie. it isn't aout ME Stevie get that through your head You have no reason to say that Todd's dad has AIDS even if I am lying in every post I make you have no reason to say todd's father has AIDS stevie claiming someone beside myself is gay Stevie showing where those other people have provided proof they are. more lies Stevie Stevie advocating suicide I am sure they love that one I am sure they love the fact that it's legal in some places. but i don't think tennesee is one of them nor is it the same I if I say someone should comitt suicide as you an LPN (for the present) says so Stevie seems to think he will be able to defends his lies by claiming I lied or Len and the tooth fary lied Me showing where you HAVE lied, Colonel....\ My lying will not denfend your lies Stevie and I will never have to face the nursing Board as a defendant or repsonant or anything else but perhaps witness to YOUR acts stevie LPN will be challenged based on Stevie's own words Markie Colonel will be humiliated with his own. not by the nursing Board of Tennesse nor anyone else you simply don't understand indeed it is stevie that told it could be, a point tennessee seesm to agree with Tennessee does not "agree" with you, Makrie. they did whenI called them and talked about you and your actions the form they want filled out arrvied yesterday I think i have combed as much out of Google as I can stand I am sure you ahve, Markie. and you still think you have the right to lie then poor stevie in short I don't think Stevie is fit to be nurse, will shall se what tennessee think after i hack through all these post highlight the relavant passages and forwrd them for tthier review And we'll be sure to keep this post to show them your intent to "hack through" them. as eveidence of what? it takes a lot of work to go trhough your **** and highlight your lies and deceits just a good citiizen should What would you know about being a good citizen, Markie? more than you it seems feel free to resume threatening me now stevie No threats, Markie...Just a promise to fully deprive you of any/all resources and assets the courts may allow for your culpable actions. then you are talking about nothing at all any one may bring their concerns to the sutorities about anyone just as you claim you have done no culapble action here BTW...Since this "action" is taking place in Tennessee, you are going to have to travel to Tennessee. Do you intend to retain local counsel? Or shall we just serve you personally and then have you held IN Tennessee as a flight risk? more threats more lies See ya! Steve, K4YZ _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
Stevie is losing it
On 5 Nov 2005 15:19:46 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
wrote: well been digging the archives on Stevie located some 105 posst of his misdeeds dumping a lot of the repitivie stuff cut feel free to resume threatening me now stevie No threats, Markie...Just a promise to fully deprive you of any/all resources and assets the courts may allow for your culpable actions. you can try but I am willing the take the "risk" after all tif the Board is willing to uphold their own rules your words are all I need to send them and no way you are making a malice case out quoting you to the nursing board BTW...Since this "action" is taking place in Tennessee, you are going to have to travel to Tennessee. Do you intend to retain local counsel? Or shall we just serve you personally and then have you held IN Tennessee as a flight risk? re read the above you are really losing it Stevie a flight risk on a civil action ? you are out of your mind if by some strech of the imagine nation you are talking about a criminal complaint then you over look extradiction and other legal niceities you are just plain stupid Stevie See ya! Steve, K4YZ _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
Pack Some Personal Items On Your Way To Tennessee, Markie!
more Stevie Bullshit
On 6 Nov 2005 07:58:06 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
wrote: On 5 Nov 2005 15:19:46 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote: wrote: well been digging the archives on Stevie located some 105 posst of his misdeeds dumping a lot of the repitivie stuff cut feel free to resume threatening me now stevie No threats, Markie...Just a promise to fully deprive you of any/all resources and assets the courts may allow for your culpable actions. you can try but I am willing the take the "risk" after all tif the Board is willing to uphold their own rules your words are all I need to send them And I said have at it, Markie. working on it you have made more than 8000 post here that are under your own name (we will not even try to guess how many you may have under false name The Board is obligated to review all complaints it receives. If you really ARE stupid enough to file an official complaint, they WILL review it. And when they do, whatever you sent them becomes a matter of public record. posibly but I doubt it However everything I wil send is already in the public record Then whey THEY are done with it, my attorneys get to play with it. I don't think they do, but if you like I can send YOU personaly a copy of what i send to board of nursing and no way you are making a malice case out quoting you to the nursing board Easy pickings, Markie. you don't know what you are talking about Your "complaint" will be dispositioned as a retaliatory action on your part. retaliatory to what? after all you claim you have done nothing to me your use of the word of relaliatory would seem to indiacate that you are felling guility about something my complaint will document my real concern that you have violated the rules of the tennesse BoN cchapter 1000-2 rules and reg of lpn's section 13 and 14 the TenN BoN will evaulate my material, and then take such action as they seem fit, assuming you are right and you can post all **** you have here without it being a concern to the BoN you will not be damaged in any way hence no case for you, OTOH if I am right and send them the right stuff and they act, they will damage you not me, and again no case for Stevie against me And when they have closed it, my attorneys get the package. Then you get to drive to Tennessee for the civil case that will follow. wrong again Stevie, assuming you can find an atttorney and a cause of action I am still not required to travel to Tennessee If you get something that the court will try to serve me with that service will take place here (and I think you have to go to FEDERAL court but I may be worng) then I first make a pro se effort to have the case dismissed, failing that I will hire a lawyer able to practice in TN and/or the federal Courts as needed If I have to blow the money on a retainer then I will also take a shot at suing you for the tort I believe you have done me with your threats lies harrasent and hate speech, and things will start getting expesive for you too Of course you can just sit up in the UP thinking that nothing will happen to you, but hey, it's your reality! I could try that bbut that line doesn't work BTW...Since this "action" is taking place in Tennessee, you are going to have to travel to Tennessee. Do you intend to retain local counsel? Or shall we just serve you personally and then have you held IN Tennessee as a flight risk? re read the above YOU "re-read the above" YOU will have to come to Tennessee to testify. While you're here, I'll ahve you served with the civil action. The flight risk issue will be a certainty. Gotcha! Greetings, I have found your comments to be so ridiculas and entertaining that I just had to weigh in. Let me introduce myself - I am who you have been referring to in various posts as Mrs. Markie. BTW, I am female at least the last time I checked. I also happen to be a trained paralegal and a 1L. First of all you are confusing the processes and methods of criminal legal cases with those of civil. You need to go clarify that before you make any more stupid comments. Try picking up a simple study guide on torts. 2nd, in this matter it is not Mark who would be bringing the action against you your license but the BON of TN - he is merely providing info so your cause of action if you do suffer damages from this proceeding would be against them, not Mark. 3rd, even if he is required to give a deposition in this matter he can do so from here in some fashion with modern technology. 4th, if you wish to bring a cause of action against Mark you first have to identify and quantify the real (legal term) damages that he ostensibly has or would have caused you which cannot occur until after the hearing by the BON (see above) you also would have to bring suit in a place that has jurisdiction over a resident of MI which is not the state of TN. For arguements sake, if you were able to bring suit in TN Mark still wouldn't have to come there - that's what attys are for and therefore you would have no course to arrange to have him held in TN as 'a flight risk' which is not a factor in a civil suit - another confusion you are making btwn civil and criminal law. Check your facts Steve before you make more of an ass out of yourself than you are. If you actually have facts your legal knowledge citations would give you credibility which you are lacking. signing off and returning you to KB9RQZ Mrs. Markie, 3rd party traffic . . . My wife is a bit wordy for this forum but i had trouble sorting out all your legal errors Truely and in all kindness for your families sake TALK TO LAWYER SOON you are really losing it Stevie a flight risk on a civil action ? Nope. The civil action is just what I will be persuing for damages. Remember what I told you DAYS ago about what happens to people who file malicious retaliatory complaints? THAT is criminal. so you say and yet you also say you can fille your concerns with other states freely without criminal penality you have even stated I can legaly file my concerns with the BoN in the past I dissmissed this at the time not believeing there was a cuase or rule they could use in this matter, when YOU pointed one out I (with help from Mrs Markie) went looking and found tha you may have in fact told the turth on that score for once agin assuming somehow you can presaude the cops down there to try and trump up some charge (and your filling of any falsehood in your police report could get you in trouble remember) they would still have to go through the legal mechanism of extradicting me a very expense and time consuming problem you are out of your mind Nope. if by some strech of the imagine nation you are talking about a criminal complaint then you over look extradiction and other legal niceities Not if you're already here to testify on the original "complaint". ..And Markie, I DO have the right to face you in a hearing. check your facts not sure you have that right as I understand I should be able to be disposed like any other witness ....You file a complaint in Tennessee, and Tennessee is where you're going to have to go to testify. check your facts You don't show, the complaint is dismissed and check your facts I STILL get to file a civil complaint on the malicious complaint charge! get your fact straight And once you're here on the original complaint the courts can order you to remain here. Stevie the BoN is not a court of law and court of law must have some reason to issue an order I am not required to stay in tennesesse for years just because you file a civil action any criminal filing can only be considered after the BoN has issed its findings. then a DA must decide that any action I took rises to a level that is criminal, and then he would get a warrant for my arest Otherwise you're in contempt of court. Those follow you across state lines too. you are just plain stupid Stevie Keep telling yourself that, Markie...Keep hoping....Keep asking yourself, "...is this really worth it?" you are just afraid you have blown it and that Google has provided it to me you have provoked this response by years of abusive behavoir you clearly do not understand the issues you are dealing with . GET real LEGAL advice, for your good Steve, K4YZ _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
an update on stevie
You have no reason to say that Todd's dad has AIDS
even if I am lying in every post I make you have no reason to say todd's father has AIDS my father doesn't have AIDS nor am I gay, This is getting to the point where I'm going to talk to a lawyer about filing suit for slander. Todd N9OGL |
an update on stevie
On 6 Nov 2005 21:21:30 -0800, "N9OGL" wrote:
You have no reason to say that Todd's dad has AIDS even if I am lying in every post I make you have no reason to say todd's father has AIDS my father doesn't have AIDS nor am I gay, This is getting to the point where I'm going to talk to a lawyer about filing suit for slander. I Know Been there Todd the problem is Stevie has been skirting along the edges to sue and win you will show that you are bing damged in monitary terms If I thought it could be done Id have done long ago and even if you get the judegment collecting is rough Todd N9OGL _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
More Markie Mularkie
More Markie Mularkie
Mark C. Morgan
17366 N River Rd Chassell MI 49916 |
More Markie Mularkie
K4YZ wrote: wrote: On 6 Nov 2005 07:58:06 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote: wrote: On 5 Nov 2005 15:19:46 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote: wrote: well been digging the archives on Stevie located some 105 posst of his misdeeds dumping a lot of the repitivie stuff cut feel free to resume threatening me now stevie No threats, Markie...Just a promise to fully deprive you of any/all resources and assets the courts may allow for your culpable actions. you can try but I am willing the take the "risk" after all tif the Board is willing to uphold their own rules your words are all I need to send them And I said have at it, Markie. working on it Uh huh. you have made more than 8000 post here that are under your own name (we will not even try to guess how many you may have under false name The Board is obligated to review all complaints it receives. If you really ARE stupid enough to file an official complaint, they WILL review it. And when they do, whatever you sent them becomes a matter of public record. posibly but I doubt it "possibly" However everything I wil send is already in the public record "will" No...it's on USENET. which is public Then whey THEY are done with it, my attorneys get to play with it. I don't think they do, but if you like I can send YOU personaly a copy of what i send to board of nursing Of COURSE they get to! From the Board, to Me, to them. Then eventually back to you. check with a lawyer about it Stevie, most such case regulatory cases don't work that way. It never works that way in matter of Legal professionals and of course as always you fial to address my point and no way you are making a malice case out quoting you to the nursing board Easy pickings, Markie. you don't know what you are talking about Sure I do. no you don't get a lawyer Stevie you NEED one you need one NOW Your "complaint" will be dispositioned as a retaliatory action on your part. retaliatory to what? after all you claim you have done nothing to me Uh huh.... your use of the word of relaliatory would seem to indiacate that you are felling guility about something "feeling" "guilty" Nope. That's an acceptable adjective used to describe what a person does when they can't get their way, and then try to inflict some sort of "damage" by this action.\ it is telling choice of words OTOH your "logic" implies a rape vitum may not report the rape becuase the vicutm dislikes the accuesed you need a lawyer my complaint will document my real concern that you have violated the rules of the tennesse BoN cchapter 1000-2 rules and reg of lpn's section 13 and 14 None of which applies to our USENET exchanges. that will be the issue have you READ the passges in question lately I have and saw provisoin that were in NO way limited to a hospital or professional setting You medical statements are IMO unethical You statements about classes of people would lead a reasonable person to question wether you are able to carry out your medical duties without discrimination and If it is found our internet exchance are not covered by the BoN ability to act then you have no case against me since you will not be damaged by my action talk to a lawyer the TenN BoN will evaulate my material, and then take such action as they seem fit, assuming you are right and you can post all #### you have here without it being a concern to the BoN you will not be damaged in any way hence no case for you...(SNIP) STILL a "case" for me. nope go see a lawyer It's not going to take a rocket scientist to figure out your "motives", Markie. Stevie Wonder can see that! my motives are ilrelavant Stevie your action and wether or not they lie withing the BoN power to act your have to show you were damaged by my actions talk to a lawyer (UNSNIP)...OTOH if I am right and send them the right stuff and they act, they will damage you not me, and again no case for Stevie against me Not happening. you better hope so And when they have closed it, my attorneys get the package. Then you get to drive to Tennessee for the civil case that will follow. wrong again Stevie, assuming you can find an atttorney and a cause of action I am still not required to travel to Tennessee Not "find" an attorney, Markie...FOUND. then if he told I have to travel to tennesessee for your civil action then he is either lying to you or more likely you have not explained the case to him properly since it is plain you don't understand what is going here If you get something that the court will try to serve me with that service will take place here (and I think you have to go to FEDERAL court but I may be worng) ....(SNIP) No, that service will take place HERE if you intend to press these "charges". no charges would ever be pressed by me but BoN if they deem fit to do so. I will present them with information about your activies and the USE the claimed PORFESSIONAL use you put that license to in any event If I testfiy in TN at the BoN and return home you will still have to prefom the service here, by the means provided for by law You seem to be under the delusion that he BoN matter is Mark v Stevie, it would the BoN v Steve And of course you're wrong. there NEVER an of course hen it comes the law that is why lawsuits take a great deal of time (UNSNIP)...then I first make a pro se effort to have the case dismissed, failing that I will hire a lawyer able to practice in TN and/or the federal Courts as needed It won't be dismissed, Markie. you better hope it is Attempting a malicious retaliatory claim of misconduct in a State board is a felony. you have to prove Malice as in the legal term malice as legal is more than I don't like you Stevie If I have to blow the money on a retainer...(SNIP) Well, well, Markie...We've caught you in another tale... You've already tired the "I have a lawyer" routine. yes I have a lawyer You also tried the "I have so much money and property" routine that you could outspend me on legal expenses. I do if need to but I do not currently have un retainer a lawyer who is a meber of the State bar in TN nor is the my lawyer for federal matter realy quailified in civil tort at the federal level (UNSNIP)...then I will also take a shot at suing you for the tort I believe you have done me with your threats lies harrasent and hate speech, and things will start getting expesive for you too "harrassment" "expensive" Markie, EVERYTHING is "hate speech" to you. more lies Stevie but what do you call making the statement "Mark Morgan caught on tape....?" Even when people do their best to clearly help or accomodate you, you insult them, call them names and otherwise create hate and distrust (ie: your rantings with Hans when he answered your 60m band quartions) you were the one ranting I made an off hand coment about hans not answering the question asked you start another of your vendettas Of course you can just sit up in the UP thinking that nothing will happen to you, but hey, it's your reality! I could try that bbut that line doesn't work "bbut"....stop stammering. shove your speling cop rountinue BTW...Since this "action" is taking place in Tennessee, you are going to have to travel to Tennessee. Do you intend to retain local counsel? Or shall we just serve you personally and then have you held IN Tennessee as a flight risk? re read the above YOU "re-read the above" YOU will have to come to Tennessee to testify. While you're here, I'll ahve you served with the civil action. The flight risk issue will be a certainty. Gotcha! Greetings, I have found your comments to be so ridiculas and entertaining that I just had to weigh in. "rediculous" At this point, the conversation allegedly changes from "Markie" to "Mrs Markie"...Of course since the "introduction" starts of with the same lack of ability to spell, I seriously doubt the validity...but I'll play along! you are a fool Let me introduce myself - I am who you have been referring to in various posts as Mrs. Markie. BTW, I am female at least the last time I checked. I also happen to be a trained paralegal and a 1L. Oh geeze...Here we go... First of all you are confusing the processes and methods of criminal legal cases with those of civil. No, I'm not. Your S/O is going to try and "harm" me by making complaints to the Tennessee State Board of Nursing for these USENET exchanges. yes you are no one has to remain in the state for a civil action When he's done doing that and once the malicious intent has been established, I am going to ask that appropriate criminal chages for the criminal mischief be filed, and I will seek CIVIL damages as well. which if it can happen will after I have left the State of TN You need to go clarify that before you make any more stupid comments. You better turn to the other half there when addressing "stupid comments". BTW...His actions will affect YOUR standard of living. more threats more effort to imtiadate a witness that is a charagbel offense in even the event your corect and that BoN lacks jurissticion over the conduct I am bringing to it attention indeed your threats on this matter may well be a crime which one reason I am slowing down my preeration to include your efforts and your efforts in this regard add to my conviction that even you think the BoN will act aginst you in some way Try picking up a simple study guide on torts. 2nd, in this matter it is not Mark who would be bringing the action against you your license but the BON of TN - he is merely providing info so your cause of action if you do suffer damages from this proceeding would be against them, not Mark. Sure they will be against Mark. Sweetums, you need to get that slob to show you his REAL track record going back almost a decade on USENET silliness and stupidity. Stevie you don't understand NO action of mine is defense against you claiming the PROFESSIONAL opinion that Brain Burke should be forcably confine to a mental Hospital, nor gives you any insight into anyone Hiv status mine or todds or his father of the queen of shabes hiv status IF, and I repeat IF he's really stupid enough (or you are stupid enough to let him) to file these "complaints", I WILL demonstrate his malicious intent. proving Malice is far than proving I dislike you, for that Mater I public declare I do dislike like you so they no way of saying I am trying to conseal this fact Indeed I may well refer to my dislike in my cover leter /analys of your wiritng to BoN (not sure yet since I have not writen that document BTW FYI what will be send afterI am finsih sorting through will about 50 to hunerd of YOUR posts complete and entire post with the section I feel relavant highlighted and cover leter and analyis of each of those posts and how I feel they macth the provision of the TN BoN regs Regardless of what he thinks of me in THIS forum, there will be a brigade of my professional peers in that hearing who will tear his story to shreds. And on top of that I can call in literally HUNDREDS of persons who have been my patients over the last decade who can attest to my professional character. Local businessmen, politicos, law enforcement and other persons KNOWN to the community. you can try such a defense it may even work for you but I doubt it. If the BoN decides to take the matter up for some kind of action then they will be looking at your use and IMO ABUSE of your LPN status to make PROFESSIONAL judgement on USENET So...If "the Colonel" thinks he can "make a case" from these USENET exchanges as opposed to the testimony of professionals, then have at it... working on it it will take time to going all that stuff hightlight and write the analsys BTW...Just how far do you think his "complaint" will get with his repeated acknowledgement of his INTENTIONAL lying and deceit? you have never heard of inocualting 3rd, even if he is required to give a deposition in this matter he can do so from here in some fashion with modern technology. Deposition, Yes...Testimony, get your bags packed. Depotions can be done anywhere Stevie I can be deposed here and indeed as I live here I will insist on it you and or your consel depnding on how the BoN procedcures work can be present by phone or other means it is by no means certain that I must travel ever 4th, if you wish to bring a cause of action against Mark you first have to identify and quantify the real (legal term) damages that he ostensibly has or would have caused you which cannot occur until after the hearing by the BON (see above) you also would have to bring suit in a place that has jurisdiction over a resident of MI which is not the state of TN. Pretty poor grammatical expression for an alleged "paralegal" But in any case, if Markie intends to use the TENNESSEE State Board of Nursing to inflict his will on me, he'll eventually have to come here. perhaps but I don't think so nor will i linger if I do For arguements sake, if you were able to bring suit in TN Mark still wouldn't have to come there - that's what attys are for and therefore you would have no course to arrange to have him held in TN as 'a flight risk' which is not a factor in a civil suit - another confusion you are making btwn civil and criminal law. Sorry...Wrong. right I you are confusing the issues of criminal and civil Check your facts Steve before you make more of an ### out of yourself than you are. Hey, YOU'RE the one who married the liar..So who's the ### now, sweetums? stop with making statements of endearment to my wife esp as you have said she isn't a she, in which you are making an homosexual pass ole boy If you actually have facts your legal knowledge citations would give you credibility which you are lacking. signing off and returning you to KB9RQZ Mrs. Markie, 3rd party traffic . . . Uh huh...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig ht. My wife is a bit wordy for this forum but i had trouble sorting out all your legal errors There's no errors. You'll push this button and eventually have the hammer fall on your own head, Markie. you are making serious errors in your desprictions of the legal procedure Truely and in all kindness for your families sake TALK TO LAWYER SOON "Truly" "family's" Take your own advice. you are really losing it Stevie a flight risk on a civil action ? Nope. The civil action is just what I will be persuing for damages. Remember what I told you DAYS ago about what happens to people who file malicious retaliatory complaints? THAT is criminal. so you say and yet you also say you can fille your concerns with other states freely without criminal penality "file" "penalty" you have even stated I can legaly file my concerns with the BoN in the past I dissmissed this at the time not believeing there was a cuase or rule they could use in this matter, when YOU pointed one out I (with help from Mrs Markie) went looking and found tha you may have in fact told the turth on that score for once "legally" "dismissed" "believing" "cause" "that" "truth" I've told the "turth" on more occassions than you'd care to admit to, Markie, but hey, that's OK... avoiding the issue again you are full of evasions and **** agin assuming somehow you can presaude the cops down there to try and trump up some charge (and your filling of any falsehood in your police report could get you in trouble remember) they would still have to go through the legal mechanism of extradicting me a very expense and time consuming problem "Again" "persuade" I won't try unscramble the sentence... you should it could help you avoid ending up in jial yourself "the cops" are not the one's who would be involved in the filing of charges, Markie... The cops and or the DA are always involeved in filing criminal charges you will first have to make a police report. oolice report are made to the police. the police are the Cops therefore if your are going to get charges filed that can result in anyones arrest that cops will be involed, indeed without the cops who is going to arrest me? (You really ought to have Mrs Markie proof read your stuff) you are out of your mind Nope. if by some strech of the imagine nation you are talking about a criminal complaint then you over look extradiction and other legal niceities Not if you're already here to testify on the original "complaint". ..And Markie, I DO have the right to face you in a hearing. check your facts Checked and re-checked. check it agian not sure you have that right as I understand I should be able to be disposed like any other witness And I have the right to face you for cross examination...here in Tennessee... in a criminal case yes but the the BoN is NOT a crimanl proceeding. I truely wish it were and that the result could be you ending up behind bars, but that isn't the case. it is not even a civil involving me as a plaintiff i am merely an informant providing a service to the BoN Pack your bags. ....You file a complaint in Tennessee, and Tennessee is where you're going to have to go to testify. check your facts I have. Pack your bags. You don't show, the complaint is dismissed and check your facts I have. Pack your bags. I STILL get to file a civil complaint on the malicious complaint charge! get your fact straight I have. Pack your bags. And once you're here on the original complaint the courts can order you to remain here. Stevie the BoN is not a court of law True. But it is still a legally binding hearing. and court of law must have some reason to issue an order I am not required to stay in tennesesse for years just because you file a civil action You keep trying to avoid the CRIMINAL complaint for the malicious intent. there is no crime you said no cops were involved you are ill informed and confused any criminal filing can only be considered after the BoN has issed its findings. then a DA must decide that any action I took rises to a level that is criminal, and then he would get a warrant for my arest "issued" "arrest". Do me a favor...File your "complaint". Then when the hearing is set, DON'T show up. I have been doing doing a favor in telling you how wrong you are in many ways Otherwise you're in contempt of court. Those follow you across state lines too. you are just plain stupid Stevie Nope. Just looking forward to laughing at you in person for a change. Keep telling yourself that, Markie...Keep hoping....Keep asking yourself, "...is this really worth it?" you are just afraid you have blown it and that Google has provided it to me Nope. There's not a single thing in this USENET forum that is potentially punishable by ANY act of censure, suspension or revocation of my Nursing license. we shall see YOU are certain there is,... another lie I am not certain there is. I believe there is you can't seem to tell the truth about much of anything regard ing me what power do you claim to be anble to read my mind and know I am certain that you can be santioned for your PROFESSIONAL asertions on USENET. I am certain enough that I take my intended action with relitively little risk to myself. and I am certain that I don't think you are fit to be a nurse, esp to any person who may be homosexual or bixeaul or follow an alternitive religion, people you are required to serve without discrimination. You may indeed serve them, but your coment lead me and I believe will the BoN to question that state of affairs. Assuming your questioned and found not wanting you will not have been damged LEGALY, maybe your in your pride but that is long way from criminal charges If merely damaging a persons pride were criminal you would indeed be in jail by now. of that I have no doubt .. despite the fact that your own "buddies" won't publically support you and that not one other person offers you any encouragement.... I don't need nor did i request the "support" of anyone. I asked if folks would throw me a keyword or 2 Brain has thrown a keyword that I have useful ..But then you are known (and yes, "Google provides") for your deceit, dishonesty and intentional misrepresentation of material fact. which has nothing to do with your claims about geting Brain Forcibly comited or Todd father having AIDS In short, what ever inconvienience you may cause in the short term, I am going to use to rip you "a new one" in the long term... more threats Indeed it looks like you are trying to delay my coment by the way you keep adding to the file about your effort at witness intimadation, An interesting tactic I must say you have provoked this response by years of abusive behavoir The abuse is yours, Markie...Lies, deceit, harrassment... my lying to does not exucse your PROFESSION Judgement about comitment of Brain it just doesn't fly you clearly do not understand the issues you are dealing with . GET real LEGAL advice, for your good GOT real LEGAL advice, and she says you're in for the ride of your life if you think otherwise. did you bother to tell her about your years of making PROFESSIONAL judgement on USENET? I don't think so Steve, K4YZ |
More Markie Mularkie
an_old_friend wrote:
you have never heard of inocualting I know I've never heard of inocualting. Depotions can be done anywhere... Do you make de potions in a kettle over an open fire? Dave K8MN |
More Markie Mularkie
Dave Heil wrote: an_old_friend wrote: you have never heard of inocualting I know I've never heard of inocualting. not repsonible for your ignorance Dave Depotions can be done anywhere... Do you make de potions in a kettle over an open fire? Dave K8MN |
More Markie Mularkie
Dave Heil wrote: an_old_friend wrote: you have never heard of inocualting I know I've never heard of inocualting. Depotions can be done anywhere... Do you make de potions in a kettle over an open fire? Dave K8MN deposition |
More Markie Mularkie
More Markie Mularkie
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote: an_old_friend wrote: you have never heard of inocualting I know I've never heard of inocualting. not repsonible for your ignorance Dave According to your past posts, you aren't even responsible for your own ignorance, Mark. It (so you say) is our problem. Depotions can be done anywhere... Do you make de potions in a kettle over an open fire? Dave K8MN |
More Markie Mularkie
Dave Heil wrote: an_old_friend wrote: Dave Heil wrote: an_old_friend wrote: you have never heard of inocualting I know I've never heard of inocualting. not repsonible for your ignorance Dave According to your past posts, you aren't even responsible for your own ignorance, Mark. nope never said that another dave lie and if you want me to get you fired I am more than willing to give it a try Have some thoughts all it should take is telling your boss the turth aout a few. I'll enjoy doing it, and according you you will get what you wanted It (so you say) is our problem. nope But your own ignorance id your problem not mine Depotions can be done anywhere... Do you make de potions in a kettle over an open fire? Dave K8MN |
an update on Stevie mark will sue!
wrote in message ... well been digging the archives on Stevie located some 105 posst of his misdeeds dumping a lot of the repitivie stuff some of the gems the false stament that abortion is a ilegal setvie saying someone should take an med in his professional opinion stevie claiming people other than myself have aids stevie claiming someone beside myself is gay Stevie advocating suicide I am sure they love that one Stevie seems to think he will be able to defends his lies by claiming I lied or Len and the tooth fary lied stevie LPN will be challenged based on Stevie's own words indeed it is stevie that told it could be, a point tennessee seesm to agree with the form they want filled out arrvied yesterday I think i have combed as much out of Google as I can stand in short I don't think Stevie is fit to be nurse, will shall se what tennessee think after i hack through all these post highlight the relavant passages and forwrd them for tthier review just a good citiizen should feel free to resume threatening me now stevie _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account Are you going to report him again markie? |
an update on Stevie
Bountiful Brain BooBoo's
Stevie hopefully soo to be ex LPN
K4YZ wrote: , yet another smokescreen for Brian P Burke, N0IMD wrote: Meanwhile Steve diagnoses a brand name drug...(SNIP) How does one "diagnose" a drug to a person, Brain? Perehaps you meant "prescribe"...?!?! (Of course you did...but you were more anxious to try and get the "dig" in rather than be accurate, so once again I got ya!) But even then you'd STILL be wrong. But of course little things like facts don't get in your way. You ought to read up on what constitutes "prescribing" and "prescribing authority" as defined by the Drug Enfocement Agency. may be you should look the reg on being on LPN at the BoN you are not allowed to lie about medical matters (Better yet...ignore that...sure would hate to ruin the fun you've been having all-the-while making a fool out of yourself......) (UNSNIP)...to a person on the internet (across state lines) and follows it up with a comment that it's his "professional" opinion. Hmmm? Did he get any medical training at all? Obviously I did... but you have choosen to ignore the arts that did notsuit you Otherwise I might have difficulty making a fool out of you like I just did... Sheeeeesh..... Steve, K4YZ |
Marky C. Moron soon to be back in the rubber room or jail
an old friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: , yet another smokescreen for Brian P Burke, N0IMD wrote: Meanwhile Steve diagnoses a brand name drug...(SNIP) How does one "diagnose" a drug to a person, Brain? Perehaps you meant "prescribe"...?!?! (Of course you did...but you were more anxious to try and get the "dig" in rather than be accurate, so once again I got ya!) But even then you'd STILL be wrong. But of course little things like facts don't get in your way. You ought to read up on what constitutes "prescribing" and "prescribing authority" as defined by the Drug Enfocement Agency. may be you should look the reg on being on LPN at the BoN you are not allowed to lie about medical matters You are a ****ing imbecile, Marky. (Better yet...ignore that...sure would hate to ruin the fun you've been having all-the-while making a fool out of yourself......) (UNSNIP)...to a person on the internet (across state lines) and follows it up with a comment that it's his "professional" opinion. Hmmm? Did he get any medical training at all? Obviously I did... but you have choosen to ignore the arts that did notsuit you STFU, child abuser! Otherwise I might have difficulty making a fool out of you like I just did... Sheeeeesh..... Steve, K4YZ |
altering BB atribtution
On 10 Nov 2005 04:28:29 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
, yet another smokescreen for Brian P Burke, N0IMD wrote: still more changes of atribution everyone should be advised that The following person has been advocating the abuse of elders he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable STEVEN J ROBESON 151 12TH AVE NW WINCHESTER TN 37398 931-967-6282 _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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