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Easier licensing
Easier licensing
From: "Bill Sohl" on Wed, Dec 7 2005 2:51 pm
wrote in message Bill Sohl wrote: wrote in message Bill Sohl wrote: wrote in message snip Publicizing the exact Q&A makes the requirements lower because the prospective ham knows exactly what will be on the test, down to the exact wording, and the exact correct answers. Big difference from secret tests! Yawn.... BUT publishing the questions was never proposed by ARRL. That being so, who in the FCC do you attribute the change to? Those who wanted to save money by getting FCC out of the exam-giving process. So the reality is that no one in the ham community pushed that. I'll conclude then that anytime the FCC proposes a change even if not originated in the ham community, if you view it as a lowering of requirements then it is automatically bad per your opinion. "That's about the size of it..." snip Someone would have to do this in a structured way, by downloading the entire database at regular intervals (say once a month) and analyzing it a la AH0A. ARRL is perfectly capable of that I'm sure. But somebody has to pay for it. ["it's all about money"? :-) ] ARRL has more than enough ability to fund such a study or simply assign the task to one of the permanent ARRL staffers. AH0A is hardly an objective analyzer...whatever he sees is all about morse code... :-) And you can bet that whatever numbers ARRL puts out, some will say they are "massaged" and accuse the ARRL of "fraud" and such. WHO cares? There is always someone that will take issue with any study conclusion, analysis, ets. If you expect a 100% agreed to set of review and analysis as the end result, tyhen yu're expecting the impossible. The ARRL can do no wrong. snip I could care less about those that might want to wait for changes they have no assurance are coming. But those changes have an enormous impact on the numbers. That's the point, whether we care about it or not. The percent of people that might ultimately wait for "possible" (emphasis on possible as opposed to actual) future changes is, I suspect small. Odds are that there aren't many current techs waiting for future free upgrades nor where there likly many that shelved their upgrade plans when the ARRL first proposed free upgrades. (IMHO of course). Morsemen are prescient, see all, know all. We cannot doubt them. [they don't let us] |
Easier licensing
Easier licensing
Easier licensing
Easier licensing
From: "Bill Sohl" on Wed, Dec 7 2005 2:51 pm
wrote in message Bill Sohl wrote: wrote in message Bill Sohl wrote: wrote in message snip Publicizing the exact Q&A makes the requirements lower because the prospective ham knows exactly what will be on the test, down to the exact wording, and the exact correct answers. Big difference from secret tests! Yawn.... BUT publishing the questions was never proposed by ARRL. That being so, who in the FCC do you attribute the change to? Those who wanted to save money by getting FCC out of the exam-giving process. So the reality is that no one in the ham community pushed that. I'll conclude then that anytime the FCC proposes a change even if not originated in the ham community, if you view it as a lowering of requirements then it is automatically bad per your opinion. "That's about the size of it..." snip Someone would have to do this in a structured way, by downloading the entire database at regular intervals (say once a month) and analyzing it a la AH0A. ARRL is perfectly capable of that I'm sure. But somebody has to pay for it. ["it's all about money"? :-) ] ARRL has more than enough ability to fund such a study or simply assign the task to one of the permanent ARRL staffers. AH0A is hardly an objective analyzer...whatever he sees is all about morse code... :-) And you can bet that whatever numbers ARRL puts out, some will say they are "massaged" and accuse the ARRL of "fraud" and such. WHO cares? There is always someone that will take issue with any study conclusion, analysis, ets. If you expect a 100% agreed to set of review and analysis as the end result, tyhen yu're expecting the impossible. The ARRL can do no wrong. snip I could care less about those that might want to wait for changes they have no assurance are coming. But those changes have an enormous impact on the numbers. That's the point, whether we care about it or not. The percent of people that might ultimately wait for "possible" (emphasis on possible as opposed to actual) future changes is, I suspect small. Odds are that there aren't many current techs waiting for future free upgrades nor where there likly many that shelved their upgrade plans when the ARRL first proposed free upgrades. (IMHO of course). Morsemen are prescient, see all, know all. We cannot doubt them. [they don't let us] |
Easier licensing
From: on Dec 7, 5:28 pm
wrote: From: Bill Sohl on Dec 6, 6:11 am wrote in message Agreed, Bill. The Technician privs are, IMHO, not optimum for an entry-level license. To whom are you commenting? My name isn't "bill." I'm not convinced that a "starting path" is necessary. The alternative would be to eliminate all license classes except the Amateur Extra, and require all new hams to meet all the requirements of the Amateur Extra without any intermediate steps. The ONLY alternative? :-) It isn't logical to have ONE license labeled "Extra." :-) While some can and would do so, it's clearly not the best way to do things. How often have we heard "ham radio isn't for everyone!" :-) Firstly, having grades or levels of license is too much like the traditional union concept of work with levels of apprentice-journeyman-master. Not really. Yes, REALLY. Amateur radio is NOT an occupation. If a person can meet the requirements of the higher class licenses, they can go right to General or Extra. The apprentice-journeyman system doesn't allow that, except perhaps in extraordinary circumstances. Says who? The only Guild I have a card for doesn't require those levels. Every month, a few dozen new licenses are issued to Generals and Extras. While that number is small compared to those who start out as Technicians, it proves that at least some new hams bypass one or both upgrading steps. Why does one have to "upgrade" through license classes? "Upgrading" can be done for oneself, to keep abrest of technology advancements (see the old "Amateurs Code" on that). If there were only ONE license, there would be no "upgrading" via licenses, would there? But, such a one-class system would take away all the "fun" that some have of needing to be "better than others!" :-) Amateur radio isn't a union nor a guild nor a craft. Len, you're the only one who makes that comparison. No, I got that from a licensed radio amateur some years ago. It IS parallel to the license classes as well as the thinking of those needing rank-status- privilege "upgrades" for longer-tenured amateurs. Even if it's valid, it means nothing in terms of how many Amateur Radio license classes should exist. Well now, I just don't think ANY multiple classes should exist. ONE license. How about that? Not really. The license classes exist for two reasons: 1) To offer an easy way to get started in amateur radio One can't go into an HRO, plunk down plastic, walk out with a working two-way radio? :-) What would be easier? 2) To offer an easier path to full privileges than would exist with a single license class that required the same knowledge Removing the artificiality of all that class distinction with carrot-stick "privileges" would erase all of that. Face it, Jimmie, all those classes GREW in order to satisfy some POLITICAL reasons within the amateur community. In the beginning there was only ONE license. Anyone who can meet the requirements of the various license classes can earn them. "Earn them?" :-) "I load sixteen tons and what do I get?" [ol' Ern singing away a once popular song :-) ] If there were NO classes, just ONE license, wouldn't the applicants have "earned" those? In the beginning there was only ONE license. It is a HOBBY, And a lot more! As far as the federal government is concerned, it is a NON-PAYING radio activity that is expressly forbidden to broadcast or engage in common-carrier communications. That boils down to a HOBBY. It's also done for public service. Jimmie, grow up. You are NOT the ARRL trying to do a snow job on the public, trying to get more membership. Amateur radio is basically a HOBBY. Hobbies, ALL hobbies, can be made into a "service" for SOME of the public. Now, if you thought you were doing some "service" to the nation, you are delusional. In Title 47 C.F.R., the word "service" is used as a regulatory word meaning the type and kind of radio activity being regulated by a Part, ALL Parts. Amateur radio is basically a HOBBY. Individuals engaged in that HOBBY are licensed because the FCC, the federal agency regulating all civil radio, think that licensing is a tool of regulation. In almost every human activity there are levels of achievement and recognition for same. "Recognition?" Tsk, now you are back to CLASS DISTINCTION again! Level of achievement with a no-class, one-license system: Have a license or not have a license. Operating a radio transmitter is, in reality, not a complex task That depends on the transmitter. Some require a lot of skill and knowledge, others do not. Crap. It isn't anywhere close to rocket science. If very ordinary young men can operate multi-control vacuum tube transmitters of high power output with success and rapidity with only a few days of on-the- job instruction, then your "lot of skill and knowledge" is crap squared. And there is far more to amateur radio operation than "operating a transmitter". Anyone, with or without a license can operate a RECEIVER. Crap-cubed, Jimmie. UNLICENSED people by the thousands every day in the USA are OPERATING TRANSCEIVERS. Crap to the fourth power, Jimmie. Perhaps this skill and knowledge requirement is why you have such a dislike of Morse Code, Len. Morse Code operation in amateur radio usually involves skilled operators. Crap to the fifth power, Jimmie. Don't try that "you ain't good enough to be in the same universe as you morsemen." "Morse code operation in amateur radio" does NOT involve ALL "skilled operators." Is 5 WPM rate something that is "skilled?" Geez, Jimmie, you've written that "20 WPM CW [code] isn't high rate." You elevated yourself to being better than most with morse and you deride thousands of old extras who passed a 20 WPM test. Tsk, tsk. The license test element 1 doesn't involve full-day shifts of relaying messages on some net, doesn't involve emergency messaging from ships or people in danger, doesn't involve anything but a very simple test of cognition. VECs can delete sending tests at their option. If you've looked at the ARRL home page lately you would have seen a little Quiz box. 45.6 percent of those who took that Quiz said they NEVER used radiotelegraphy! The people you cite do not "operate radio transmitters" in the same sense that radio amateurs do. They are, in reality, radio *users*, not operators in the sense of amateur radio operators. The radios they USE are either owned by their employers (businesses, public safety agences as examples) or themselves (private boat or aircraft owners as an example). Some of those radios DO require a licensed person to oversee their operation and technical details, but some do NOT. Depends on the particular radio service. They are not required to have much if any technical knowledge of their radio equipment, nor does that equipment have any technical adjustments. An amateur radio license is ALSO a radio station license. That is the difference. Amateurs ARE allowed to build their own transmitters (within limits of regulations) but all other radio services (some exceptions in Part 15 devices) require type-acceptance of RF emitters. Being allowed to home-build does NOT impact USE, Jimmie. Amateur USE is the same whether home-built or ready- built. "Adjustment" to meet the technical requirements of Part 97 is NOT USE. In fact the radios are usually set up so that the only adjustments are on-off-volume, channel select, and maybe squelch. In many cases the latter two do not exist. You forgot the Push-To-Talk "adjustment." :-) In case you are wondering about some boat or aircraft owners, take a look at a popular seller of private marine radios, SGC in Belleview, WA. Their SGC 2020 model is for both marine and amateur HF bands, the chief difference being in frequency control ranges. The front panel controls are the same and not as simple as you describe. [there's plenty of other examples, especially in small-boat radar] In general aviation craft, the civil communications band transceiver IS simple. It should be since a pilot has to give their attention to FLYING, not playing ham. Add to that the civil navigation band receiver with OBS for VOR, the crossed needles for LOC and GS, the Marker Beacon lights, is NOT "simple." Toss in the transponder and its operation (not complex, but woe if you squawk the wrong code these days!). That they do not require radio operator licenses is proof of that difference. Crap to the sixth power, Jimmie. The REGULATIONS were SIMPLIFIED to streamline them by removing old, antiquated regulations that no longer benefitted anyone. The governments (worldwide) did that. This isn't 1920 and some ship's radio room with a single "skilled" radio operator the only one "qualified" to operate a spark transmitter and crystal set receiver. Times have changed. On top of all that, the radio users cited above may not be FCC licensed, but they are trained, tested and often certified in proper radio procedures for the radios they use. "Certified?" They get neat little certificates (suitable for framing)? Wow! Each and every radio service has their own set of jargon and lingo, plus communications procedures. shrug So? They generall use the same lingo and jargon when using wired telephones. It is JOB-SPECIFIC. For example, licenses to pilot aircraft with radios require that the licensee know and demonstrate proper aircraft radio procedures. The pilot's license cannot be obtained without such radio procedure knowledge. By the Federal AVIATION Administration, NOT the FCC. The FAA makes the regulations for flying/piloting, Jimmie. Amateur radio is completely different. Amateur radio is basically a HOBBY. Pilots don't go chasing DX or engaging in contact contests or sending QSLs. Ignore a ham transceiver and all you do is miss a contact or two, maybe offend the person at the other end. Ignore an airplane's attitude or instruments and it crashes and the pilot is DEAD, perhaps with many more on the ground. Completely different. I agree. A radio amateur is, by definition and regulation, both operationally and technically responsible for his/her station. Tsk, the vast majority have NO means except a contact at the other end of the radio circuit, NO way of insuring that their RF emitters meet the prescribed technical characteristics given in Part 97. In the vast majority of situations, the radio amateur sets up his/her station and operates it without special formal training, testing or certification other than the amateur radio license. Yeah, they pay by plastic, perhaps follow the maker's instructions and fumble around until things sound right. So the license tests must be more comprehensive than those for services where the "operator" is really more of a user. Crap to the seventh order, Jimmie. "Modern" amateur band transceivers, transmitters, receivers, etc. are ready-to-play right out of the box. Those are aligned, tested, calibrated, ready-to-go. Sort of like the SGC 2020 private marine version SSB transceiver. :-) Typical amateur radio equipment - particularly HF/MF equipment - has many technical adjustments and controls. Skill and knowledge *are* required to operate such radios to best advantage. Oh, back to lower-order CRAP, Jimmie. After an hour's instruction (maybe less) I was QSYing a BC-339 1 KW HF transmitter. It had MORE "technical adjustments and controls" than the average amateur transmitter of comparable power. Wanna see what those looke like? He http://sujan.hallikainen.org/BroadcastHistory/uploads/ My3Years.pdf Unlike almost all other radio services, amateur radio is not formally channelized, particularly on HF/MF. Except the "60m band." Except for all those VHF and UHF repeaters which have been frequency-coordinated. snip of squealing to the chorus Would you have just one class of license? Yes. NO class, ONE license. If you need gold stars or pretty certificates, get those at Office Depot. Would you prefer the chaos of unregulation? Or perhaps much more regulation that would eliminate much of the freedom and flexibility radio amateurs enjoy? Reducto ad absurdum "questions" don't win you anything. If any license has been a failure at its original purpose, it is the Technician. That license was created to encourage the development and use of VHF/UHF after WW2, and not to be an entry-level license at all. The original Technician license privileges were for 220 MHz and up. The license was intended for technically-oriented folks who wanted to tinker and build and experiment, and occasionally operate. What do you mean "occasionally operate?" And just what is YOUR experience at ham bands of 220 MHz and up? Especially right after WW2. Yet most Technicians then and now are primarily communicators, not builder/experimenters. Funny thing about your sneer, Jimmie, it almost makes you smile, but not quite. Right now the combined numbers of no-code-Technician and Technician Plus classes make up a bit more that 48% of ALL U.S. amateur radio licenses granted. Almost HALF, Jimmie. Newcomers to amateur radio are entering through the no-code-test Technician class level...because it has NO code test. Sunnuvagun! Perhaps that emotional baggage is why you never held a Novice license, Len. Perhaps you disliked being known as a beginner. In 1951 I would have accepted that "Novice" grading...as a teen- ager. Maybe in early 1953 at age 20 when learning to operate high-power HF transmitters. NOT by late 1954 as an E-5 and supervisor of an operating team. Sure as hell NOT by early 1956 after being a supervisor of microwave radio relay equipment vital to the linkage of all parts of a military radio station. You call me a "beginner" in radio now you will get laughed at and become a target for rotten tomatoes. Get the picture? "history" lesson omitted from one who wasn't there then Neither is it a reason to discard the concept. The details may need changing but the concept is valid. It offers a way for newcomers to get started in amateur radio without having to make a large investment of resources. More crap of no particular order. You are stuck in an endless loop of repeating past regulatory standards AS IF time and attitudes have not changed. For example of blindness to actual fact: One big reason the Novice lost favor as the entry point for new hams was its lack of privileges on the most popular VHF/UHF bands - 2 meters and 440, where most of the repeaters are. Just ordinary crap. The Novice class started before "repeaters" were numerous in major urban areas. After 1990, newcomers were shunning "Novice" and going for the NO-CODE-TEST Technician class license. Sure, it was straight- jacketed to VHF and above but it was fun for most in urban areas and the equipment makers had equipment on the shelves for them to buy. snip to Jimmie mumbling about kiddies It is misplaced in a "community" whose active members are predominently adult. No, it isn't misplaced at all. Including young people in amateur radio is a *good* thing, not a problem. Goodie...have fun attending nursery school activities with all the kiddies. Now you're just getting nasty, Len. No, I've only touched on your apparent pedophilia. The reason amateur radio is "primarily adult" is that young people don't stay young for long. Remarkable! You've made a DISCOVERY! Ah, but you've talked only about their physicality. Mentally some NEVER outgrow their childhood...keeping the kiddie thoughts and pretending to be grown-ups long into their old age. One of the Basis and Purposes of the Amateur Radio Service is education. In case you haven't noticed, the FCC was NEVER chartered as an educational institution. FCC say "SELF-education," Jimmie. About radio. "Teach goegraphy?" What are public schools for? Recess? "Other languages?" Morsemen say "morse code is an international language" therefore only ONE is needed. "Time zones?" WTF you tawkin bout? "Government regulations?" BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH!!!!!! Part 97 is one of the SMALLEST Parts in Title 47 C.F.R. Amateur Radio is for people of almost any age, not just "adults". It is not an age-specific activity. I'm sure that pedophiles love it. Amateur radio is one place where adults and children can often interact as functional equals. You've GOT to be kidding if you want to be "functional equals" with a six-year-old Technician!!!! Young people do not need to be isolated from adults and most adult activities. They need just the opposite - inclusion and integration, so they learn to be part of the community rather than alienated from it. Note: Got word from Psychology Today magazine that your application as Editor-in-Chief has been revoked. You really DO have to have a passing grade on Psych 101 to qualify. Of course there are a few activities that are not suitable for young people, but amateur radio isn't one of them. *Any* activity has the capacity to make a young person "different". Now you are contradicting yourself. Those who are involved in Scouting are "different" from those who are not involved. Here's a hint, Sherlock. BOY scouts and GIRL scouts are/were purposely FOR children. They weren't intended for grown-ups. If you need to wear a uniform and be in the woods, try enlisting in the army...which you've never done. Most young people who play sports will never be able to play professionally. Are there professionals in radiosport? Most young people who learn a musical instrument will never be able to be professional musicians. You can't play music over the amateur bands. Most young people who perform in school plays will not become actors. Yet some TRY to be actors (or salespeople) toward others, trying to impress others on their lofty abilities. :-) But amateur radio can be the path to a number of careers, like engineering. The MAJORITY of my contemporaries in electronics got into it WITHOUT first getting an amateur radio license. You all had at least a high school education, didn't you? Wasn't required then. Even literacy wasn't a requirement! There were special classes to teach English then but that required an extension of the service time to compensate. All had passed various aptitude tests to become signalmen, didn't they? No. The ONLY aptitude test given in regards to radio was a morse code cognition test given to all recruits. Steering of recruits in the military then was DEMAND-driven. One goes where one is told to go. You all went to microwave school, right? No. Some went to Field Radio School, some went to tele- typewriter school, a few went to inside-plant telephone school. We had a separate group for outside-plant telephone people...the "pole cats" who put up the poles for wire antennas and strung the wire. It wasn't like you and the others had no "radio-electronics" background at all, and had to start from scratch. Tsk. Try NOT to TELL ME what I or any contemporaries were doing, Jimmie. You don't know dink about it. Some DID start with no previous experience other than turning on a broadcast receiver. One was a chemist in his 3rd year of college (not quite old enough to escape the draft and too young to escape drafting by the Wehrmacht!). One was a farmer from Iowa. Others were from different occupations having nothing to do with radio or electronics. While you may have not had specific "HF" training, was there no transfer from the training you did have? One did, in fact, transfer out...didn't like all that electronics snit at Monmouth and asked to go into Infantry. So you had experienced people to supervise, teach and guide everything you did, and make sure you did it right. That's normal in the military. :-) They didn't hold any hands or coddle lower ranks if that's what you mean...guffaw! You weren't on your own at all until the experienced people thought you were ready - right? Not entirely true. If ANY situation arose that required handling, it was handled as best as one could. That is ALSO true in ANY aspect of military experience. What you did was all according to set procedures that had been worked out carefully by trained and experienced people, correct? Not entirely true. With experience, learning, paying attention, lower rankings become higher rankings and are thus considered "trained and experienced." :-) And you had all sorts of manuals, training materials, tools, parts and test equipment to do the job - right? Not entirely true. But, it is useless to try to explain it to you since you have NO similar experience and NONE in that time frame. Those that did it wrong were shown why and had to practice getting it right. No re- criminations leveled, no "chewings out," no ostracizing. All good stuff - but it all amounts to a considerable training period, doesn't it? A lot more than a few days. What, to QSY a BC-339? A BC-340? An LD-T2? Simple task. The PW-15 was a bit more difficult due to the large double- shorting links for the final tank (15 KW conservative RF output, looked like it was built for three times that). Piece of cake to anyone with a normal memory. Memorizing new jargon was more "difficult", memorizing new procedures on the order-wire teletypewriter were more "difficult," some with bad pitch would set up the Shift on the RTTY exciters to 425 cycles instead of the 850 cycles standard. Jimmie, I WAS THERE, YOU WERE NOT. I've explained all of it before. I have a nice photo essay on it that is a free download. Did you get it? We all learned and did our tasks I'm sure you did - and there were incentives to do so! What "incentives" did we have? Name them. Do one's job well enough and one does NOT get demoted, does NOT get Company Punishment ("Captain's Mast" in the Navy), does NOT get **** details...although some military tasks ARE **** details for all. Promotion in rank an "incentive?" IF there is an opening (not guaranteed) in the TO&E and one is evaluated to be a responsible type, MAYBE a promotion. Of course, such an "incentive" also requires an additional responsibility and, with that, a whole new set of "gradings" on performance. Like what, Len? Compared to amateurs who have done things like building and operating complete EME stations on their own time, with only their own resources? Describe YOUR "EME" station, Jimmie. Military life is NOT a hobby, Jimmie. You don't understand that and it is useless to explain it to you. Now I'll tell you about *my* experience on "entering HF". We've all heard that before in here...yawn. It sounds JUST like some cute human-interest stories published now and then in amateur radio publications. "priceless" ego-boo story snipped A completely different environment than what you described for yourself. Yes. Big difference. I never considered myself "superior" to anyone except of lower rank (superiority was already pre-defined). While all what I've described was going on, WE (the soldiers) ALSO had to undergo periodic training to keep up our warfighting skills. NONE of that was a HOBBY, Jimmie. All the military radios I've seen that are/were meant to be used by "line outfits" were made as simple to operate as possible. That paradigm goes all the way back to the WW2 BC-611 "walkie talkie". "Handie-talkie," Jimmie. The "walkie-talkie" was the SCR-300 (R/T being BC-1000). Both designed by MOTOROLA. Tell us YOUR experiences WITH "line" outfits. How good can you do morse keying while rattling around IN a moving tank? Why do you think that military radios SHOULD have lots of complicated controls with lots of time available for operators to play with knobs, dials, and switches? Ever "wear" an AN/PRC-9? [or its cousins PRC-8, PRC-10?). How about carrying an AN/PRC-25 or a PRC-77? How about an AN/PRC-104 or the SINCGARS AN/PRC-119? Ever enter the "hopset" on a 119? I have. As a civilian. If you want knobs, dials, switches to play with, try the old post-WW2 USMC HF transmitter T-195 designed by Collins Radio. First Jeep-mounted Autotune critter, first one with an automatic antenna tuner...and enormously INEFFICIENT in terms of DC power drain on the Jeep versus its RF power output. I can rattle off dozens more but you won't accept any of those that haven't appeared in the Military Ring of the boatanchors afficionados. The environments are completely different, Len. NO KIDDING?!? Amateur radio is a HOBBY. Military is all about WARFIGHTING, Jimmie. Most radio amateurs are essentially self-taught, in their spare time, using their own resources. What they could learn in a week or two of intense formal training might take a month to a year of part-time self-study. WTF is this "intense" formal training? Is there a whips and chains punisher in the classroom as "teachers' aide?" YOU tell ME EXACTLY how much compensation I got for keeping up with the state-of-the-art in electronics (and radio, if you insist on making those two indestinguishable fields "separate")...and how many "intense instruction classes" I got during my civilian career? I can tell you exactly to both: ZERO. Anyone who tries to apply themselves in anything MUST do a whole helluvalot of SELF-STUDY...for their work OR for their hobby. SELF-STUDY on one's own free time...at nights, during lunch, anywhere keeping their eyes open and being receptive to new things. If that means taking the trouble to go to seminars, take extension classes without credit on one's own wallet payments, then one does it...if they really, really want to know more...in a hobby OR in a career. More important, the only experience requirements for amateur licenses in the USA disappeared 30+ years ago. BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Someone somewhere FINALLY figured out that amateur radio was a HOBBY way back then! Gotta love the fantasy that the amateurs had way back, being oh-so-important communications providers to the nation! :-) That fantasy still persists. :-( ... But it's an uphill road with FCC because the NPRM clearly states that FCC doesn't see it that way. WHICH NPRM? FCC 05-143? You are getting mixed up on what their discussion-on-other-Petitions have versus their proposal to just end all morse code test requirements for an amateur radio license. Hey, if you wanna have a big boo-hoo on "the FCC doesn't see YOUR way," then check the newspaper coupons at your local market. There may be a special on Kleenex or other tissues. If you want some nice gold stars to paste on your Extra license, go down to Office Depot and buy them. Then you can explain to your friends and neighbors how so very good you are ("see the gold stars?") and they will all gush all over you. [Kleenex will also absorb extra gushing] Stay dry. |
One Class of Amateur Radio License?
One Class of Amateur Radio License?
On 8 Dec 2005 17:19:44 -0800, wrote:
wrote: From: on Dec 7, 5:28 pm wrote: From: Bill Sohl on Dec 6, 6:11 am wrote in message I'm not convinced that a "starting path" is necessary. The alternative would be to eliminate all license classes except the Amateur Extra, and require all new hams to meet all the requirements of the Amateur Extra without any intermediate steps. The ONLY alternative? :-) If you don't want to lower the written test requirements, yes. which is of course an opiton yes that course of action has it price but cleally it benifits as well It isn't logical to have ONE license labeled "Extra." :-) Then call it something else. While some can and would do so, it's clearly not the best way to do things. Firstly, having grades or levels of license is too much like the traditional union concept of work with levels of apprentice-journeyman-master. Not really. Yes, REALLY. No, not REALLY. yes realy as an extra yourself you are not in postion to realy know Len and in this case myself esp are in the best postion to know Amateur radio is NOT an occupation. Who said it was? If a person can meet the requirements of the higher class licenses, they can go right to General or Extra. The apprentice-journeyman system doesn't allow that, except perhaps in extraordinary circumstances. Says who? The only Guild I have a card for doesn't require those levels. That's an extraordinary circumstance. why? Every month, a few dozen new licenses are issued to Generals and Extras. While that number is small compared to those who start out as Technicians, it proves that at least some new hams bypass one or both upgrading steps. Why does one have to "upgrade" through license classes? One doesn't. Anyone can "go for the Extra right out of the box". You haven't. "Upgrading" can be done for oneself, to keep abrest of technology advancements (see the old "Amateurs Code" on that). How about keeping abreast of correct spelling? ;-) shove it if you are goignt o play spelling cop If there were only ONE license, there would be no "upgrading" via licenses, would there? Right. And if there were only one license, regardless of what it would be called, its test(s) would have to contain everything that is now contained in the three written tests for the Amateur Extra. no it would not Otherwise the standards would be reduced. that isn't even true a lot of the material in the exists test drops out iin a one class license system and other matter become redundant as well, like obviously no need for clas absed who can ve question and a lot fot he stuff in the test now is pretty repitious So what you propose is that all new amateurs would have to pass the equivalent of all the written tests for the Amateur Extra all at once, just to get an amateur radio license. nope he does not nor do I I susgest a license test be created thatmeet the nees of the ARS under the system regardless of how hard or easy it is Is that what you want? nope more of your strwmen everyone should be advised that The following person has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable STEVEN J ROBESON 151 12TH AVE NW WINCHESTER TN 37398 931-967-6282 _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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