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an_old_friend December 11th 05 04:37 AM

on the subject of forgeris (FORGERIES)

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 10 Dec 2005 04:17:09 -0800, "Major Dud" wrote in

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 9 Dec 2005 15:48:45 -0800, "Major Dud" wrote in

Shut up, Dud.

Not in your wildest dreams, little boy...

Come back with your demands when you've made amends for your
behaviour in the Corps, jail bird.

I -have- made amends, Dud -- by losing rank and pay, and (ironically)
by doing time in the brig (not 'jail'). Even before I had my discharge
upgraded, my "general under honorable conditions" was prima facie that
I had fulfilled my duties and that I owe them nothing more. The only
person who has -any- problem with my service is you. But never having
served in the Corps yourself, your opinion means squat.

Stevies problems is he beleives no one can amends for anything, that is
no doubt one of the reason Stevie can't admit to anything since he
would never forgive himself, and might have to (in his mind) comit
suicide if he was forced to accept the truth about himself in even the
slightest degree

He will not even adkonwledge he had any part in the break up of his

However, I will rephrase my comment:

Put up or shut up, Yellow Dog.

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