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[email protected] December 24th 05 04:39 PM

more stive shit
"K4YZ" wrote:

This was the one that crossed the line, Mark, and the one that will
be second in line (behind your death threats) to Houghton County
Sheriff's Office.

I've retained a lawyer in Michigan. It's expensive, but worth it.

I am going to demand that you deliver a complete, unconditional
apology via Registered Mail to my home address no later than 27
December 2005. Should you fail to do so, I am prepared to move against
you in civil court. I am also prepared to move against you in criminal
court. Ignore this as you will, however I am counselled by an Attorney
in the State of Michigan that grounds exist and he is willing to file
them on my behalf.

Said apology will also appear in RRAP.

That having been said, you are free to do as you wish, but the
consequences are yours to bear.

Steven J Robeson

there you have ladies gentlemen and germs (that is
you stvie) Stvie
think srape is a matter for fun

Maybe I shuld forward this stuff to some of the
real femmiNazi's types
I know lse if they want to flame stevie the
asshole of RRAp
everyone should be advised that The following
has been advocating the abuse of elders making
false charges of child rape, rape in general
forges post and name

he may also be making flase reports of abusing
other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

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