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  #33   Report Post  
Old January 19th 06, 07:49 AM posted to
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Default Robeson's Rules

From: Dave Heil on Jan 18, 8:26 pm


Poseurs DO have that problem..."tripping the light fantastic"
all the time.

You have a point, Leonard.

One example would be your involvement in amateur radio.


Obviously NOT, judging by trotting out that old sway-backed
"involvement" nonsense. Amateurism is NOT a closed
community. There are only the close-minded individuals in
amateur radio who imagine themselves gods of radio.

Listen UP, David.

One does NOT have to be "involved" through federal licensing
to discuss either radio, licensing, or license testing for
amateur radio.

The FCC does NOT require any staffer or commissioner to
have been granted any amateur radio license in order to
MAKE amateur radio regulations OR regulated its use.

DISCUSSION of radio regulations is NOT the sole purview of
those already licensed...nor are those not licensed in the
amateur radio service "forbidden" to speak about it. Kindly
DROP your repeated nonsense of control-freakism about "who
can discuss what where" in regards to amateur radio.

I've been VERY much "involved" with radio for just about
53 years now. Radio. Communications radio. At the
professional level, not in some "clubhouse" idea of some
backyard amateurs sitting around thinking they were God's
Gift to the radio world because they have been granted a
federal license to be "hams."

When the FCC issues a Memorandum Report and Order stating
that ONLY already-licensed radio amateurs are to talk with
them about federal regulations, then and ONLY THEN can you
have your "wish" of "involvement."

Until then, I just say "Phhffftttttt" to your controlling


  #34   Report Post  
Old January 19th 06, 08:43 AM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default Robeson's Rules

From: Dave Heil on Jan 18, 8:26 pm


Poseurs DO have that problem..."tripping the light fantastic"
all the time.

You have a point, Leonard.

One example would be your involvement in amateur radio.


Obviously NOT, judging by trotting out that old sway-backed
"involvement" nonsense. Amateurism is NOT a closed

I didn't write of "amateurism", Len. I wrote of amateur radio.
Amateur radio is most assuredly a closed community in that only those
who have passed licensing exams may participate. You have not done so
and you may not participate.

Your claim of decades of interest in amateur radio is itself nearly a
decade old. You still hold no amateur radio license of any class.

There are only the close-minded individuals in
amateur radio who imagine themselves gods of radio.

I don't know a single soul who imagines himself a god of radio. I know
that you've, at various times, imagined me to be a god of radio. On
other occasions, you've told me that I'm no radio god. You seemed to
have difficulty in making up your mind. Well, one thing is certain.
You're no radio amateur.

Listen UP, David.

Don't attempt at giving orders here, Leonard.

One does NOT have to be "involved" through federal licensing
to discuss either radio, licensing, or license testing for
amateur radio.

You have discussed (but mostly pontificated) here for many years.
You're no closer to obtaining an amateur radio license today than you
were when you began posting to r.r.a.p. Your viewpoint that of an
individual who has not participated, but rather as one who is an
onlooker, a bystander.

The FCC does NOT require any staffer or commissioner to
have been granted any amateur radio license in order to
MAKE amateur radio regulations OR regulated its use.

That'll be relevant when you are appointed to or hired by the Commission.

DISCUSSION of radio regulations is NOT the sole purview of
those already licensed...nor are those not licensed in the
amateur radio service "forbidden" to speak about it.

Who has forbidden you to speak? When you speak, you speak as one with
limited knowledge of the topic. You aren't the already licensed. You
aren't the soon to be licensed. You're as far along the licensing trail
as your ever likely to venture.

DROP your repeated nonsense of control-freakism about "who
can discuss what where" in regards to amateur radio.

Thanks for the advice. I'll do that about the time you stop your
pontificating and condescension. In other words, I won't have to worry
about it in this lifetime.

I've been VERY much "involved" with radio for just about
53 years now. Radio. Communications radio.

We all know about that. It isn't amateur radio. I didn't write
"radio". I wrote "amateur radio". You're on the outside and you've
never been on the inside. Amateur radio.

At the
professional level, not in some "clubhouse" idea of some
backyard amateurs sitting around thinking they were God's
Gift to the radio world because they have been granted a
federal license to be "hams."

There's the condescension. Radio amateurs are granted a federal license
to be hams. You haven't got one.

When the FCC issues a Memorandum Report and Order stating
that ONLY already-licensed radio amateurs are to talk with
them about federal regulations, then and ONLY THEN can you
have your "wish" of "involvement."

Talk with them 'til you're blue in the face. Add footnotes to your
lengthy submissions. Submitting comments to the FCC is not
participation in amateur radio. You're still a sidewalk superintendent.

Until then, I just say "Phhffftttttt" to your controlling


You're a very deep thinker, Leonard.

Dave K8MN
  #35   Report Post  
Old January 19th 06, 12:05 PM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Lennie Demonstrates Why He's A Known Liar And Deceiver


Even more basic than that, though, is Dudly's FAILURE to produce
ONE item, documentary or from anyone else, of his vaunted
"active military service in the USMC."

Sorry, Lennie.

A LIE on your part.

I've produced NUMEROUS references to verifyable third-party
sources of my service.

All of which points to YOU lying about it.

That's why I can say "Leonard H Anderson is a know liar and
deceiver" in a public forum and not have to worry about getting sued.

Frank Gilliland has shown Dud to be a true poseur (fake,
impersonator) on the Marine jargon, units, etc., and I've
verified that with some former Marines that I know (at least
one of which agrees that Major Dud is a total fake). Dud
can't come up with a single document, snapshot, or anything
else after his claimed "18 year active duty time."

Frankie's done nothing except try to bark loud and hope no one
notices that he's just a shivvering little lap dog without the
resources to live up to his bark.

Frankie is himself a disgraced EX-Marine, one that couldn't even
make it through ONE tour of duty without getting into more trouble than
some Marines do in a whole career.

And that's why I can say Frank Gilliland is a liar and deceiver in
a public forum and not be concerned about law suits either. He'd never
be able to demonstrate otherwise.

As to "working in Marine avionics," Dud has NEVER mentioned a
single nomenclature or familiar name of ANY piece of avionics
equipment used on USMC helos or any other aircraft. That's
an unheard of thing with those who've been IN ACTUAL work on
those aircraft.


Unless you care to discuss the CONVERSION of those devices to
Amateur use, there's not a bit of need to do so.

I COULD run off at the mouth ala-Lennie with nomenclatures,
manfacturers, etc, but it means nothing.

That YOU think that such repetitive ramblings "prove" something is
false. It just shows you can quote well.

When Dudly tried to talk about crypto
equipment, he got that wrong and refused to acknowledge that
Hans had the correct names showing Dudly his duds in print.

Got WHAT wrong?

The best that Dud could do was try to name some "MARS radio
gear" (probably after his oh-so-important task as "assistant
NCOIC" of some MARS station).

"...of some MARS station".

Well, there you go with half-baked "quotes" and innuendo as if
you'd not been given the details before...Or as if all of the
information isn;t on my QRZ "Bio" under K4YZ...Again, all information
that can be verified and corroborated by the authorizing agencies.

But nice try, though!

Hardly have to try at all. You posted it.

And answered it.

Really? So why did you post "Raped an old friend?"

Dudly thinks rape is "cool?"

Nope. But certain members of the Feeble Five have expressed an
"interest" in forced sexual encounters...

Rape is a four-letter word and should be treated as such.

So is "liar", but you seem to wear it like the Congressional
Medal, Lennie.

But, that is par for Dudly's course as an extra class
radio amateur showing everyone the "good side" of amateur
radio. shrug

We could show YOUR "good side" of professional electronic
engineering, but hey, YOU have already done if for us!

Dudly just doesn't give a damn WHAT he writes, scribbles,
blabbers in here...just as long as he can vent his
frustrations of his everyday life on everyone else, cuss
them out, call them names, etc.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......Sure sounds like Lennie to me.

Sure has established a track record just like it!

Dudly is just incapable of accepting anything negative to
whatever he wrote. Anyone who does so gets called a "LIAR"
and worse. It is endemic. It has turned this forum into a
pandemic of personal invective trading, well away from any
"policy discussions."

You lead the way, Lennie!

And Lennie...

A person is not a liar unless they are NOT telling the truth.

YOU have been found NOT telling the truth on occassions far too
numerous to count.

Right now there are two Petitions up before the public at
the FCC (RM-11305 and RM-11306) on a reorganization of U.S.
amateur radio frequency allocations. Dudly hasn't been
able to post on those matters, yet at least 320+ others have
made their comments known on those matters at the FCC.

Lennie's not been paying attention.


The best that Dud can come up with is promotion of internecine
word warfare on the Industry Canada reallocation of THEIR
"220" MHz band (to following the U.S. allocations). NOT a
direct matter of policy for U.S. amateurs.

So what, Lennie?

Even those things that ARE a direct policy matter for US Amateurs
are NOT matters for YOU.

In short, Dudly is just a COWARD in not being able to present
ANY verification of his alleged military service with the
USMC, nor of ANY statement of familiarity with USMC avionics...(SNIP)

And Leonard H. Anderson has, once AGAIN, demonstrated that he is an
intentionally deceitful old putz who's weak minded, cowardly and
without any redeeming virtue.

(UNSNIP)...nor of being even a human being instead of a sociopathic
syndrome-symbol of what is WRONG with U.S. radio amateurs.

Lennie, you've demonstrated what IS wrong with you, and that's all
that matters.

Just HOW does Mrs Lennie sleep in all that stench...?!?!


Steve, K4YZ

  #36   Report Post  
Old January 19th 06, 06:49 PM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Robeson's Rules

On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 04:26:59 GMT, Dave Heil


Poseurs DO have that problem..."tripping the light fantastic"
all the time.

You have a point, Leonard. One example would be your involvement in
amateur radio.

how is that? Oh I see just lying again

Dave K8MN

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  #37   Report Post  
Old January 19th 06, 06:51 PM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default nice of you to admit your desire wrt the ARS

On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 07:43:52 GMT, Dave Heil

From: Dave Heil on Jan 18, 8:26 pm


Poseurs DO have that problem..."tripping the light fantastic"
all the time.
You have a point, Leonard.

One example would be your involvement in amateur radio.


more censorsorship more forgery dave

Obviously NOT, judging by trotting out that old sway-backed
"involvement" nonsense. Amateurism is NOT a closed

I didn't write of "amateurism"

sure did you did in a amteur fashion as well

, Len. I wrote of amateur radio.
Amateur radio is most assuredly a closed community in that only those
who have passed licensing exams may participate.

Bull****, plain and simple
You have not done so
and you may not participate.

showing your colours again and quite plainly

you want to restrict the ARS to those you approve of
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  #39   Report Post  
Old January 19th 06, 08:29 PM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default nice of you to admit your desire wrt the ARS

On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 07:43:52 GMT, Dave Heil

From: Dave Heil on Jan 18, 8:26 pm

Poseurs DO have that problem..."tripping the light fantastic"
all the time.
You have a point, Leonard.

One example would be your involvement in amateur radio.

more censorsorship more forgery dave

Excuse me, Colonel. You seem to be in over your head. Please point to
any portion of Len's post which I altered in any way.

Obviously NOT, judging by trotting out that old sway-backed
"involvement" nonsense. Amateurism is NOT a closed

I didn't write of "amateurism"

sure did you did in a amteur fashion as well

That is incorrect. I did not mention "amateurism", nor did I post in an
"amteur" fashion.

, Len. I wrote of amateur radio.

Amateur radio is most assuredly a closed community in that only those
who have passed licensing exams may participate.

Bull****, plain and simple

That's what you've posted alright. I'm sure that you can quote an
applicable regulation which permits operation of an amateur radio
station by unlicensed persons.

You have not done so and you may not participate.

showing your colours again and quite plainly

I show my colors every single time I post. So, might I add, do you.

you want to restrict the ARS to those you approve of

How is my statement that Leonard Anderson is not a participant in
amateur radio a restriction? He has the same opportunity as anyone else
to obtain a license. He is prevented from doing so only by inertia.

Dave K8MN
  #40   Report Post  
Old January 19th 06, 09:27 PM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Lennie Demonstrates Why He's A Known Liar And Deceiver

From: K4YZ on Jan 19, 3:05 am


Even more basic than that, though, is Dudly's FAILURE to produce
ONE item, documentary or from anyone else, of his vaunted
"active military service in the USMC."

Sorry, Lennie.

A LIE on your part.

I've produced NUMEROUS references to verifyable third-party
sources of my service.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, trying to perpetuate your own LIE by calling
others "liars?" :-)

1. Not a single DD-214 copy anywhere of yours to be seen.

2. Not a single military document copy of yours to be seen.

3. Not a single individual's reference to attest to your
having been on active USMC duty at any time during your
claimed 18-year active duty.

4. Not a single photograph, snapshot, or other memento of
yours to be seen from your "18-year USMC active duty."

5. Not a single newspaper or other periodical copy to state
of your having entered the USMC, left the USMC, or even
served in any capacity on active duty to be seen.

6. Your constant use of wrong terms and jargon in use by
the USMC is indicative of NOT being ON active duty.

7. Your failure to know of ANY USMC avionics equipment by
either nomenclature or familiar name is indicative of
NOT being involved with such electronic equipment.

All of which points to YOU lying about it.

No "lie" if there is nothing at all to attest to your USMC
service visible to others. All we have is YOUR claims to
the fact.

That's why I can say "Leonard H Anderson is a know liar and
deceiver" in a public forum and not have to worry about getting sued.

Is there some civil suit upcoming involving you? :-)

I don't "LIE" in a public forum such as this. I've given enough
references on my military service and my (much-longer) civilian
career in radio-electronics...including several personal
references who are licensed radio amateurs, one of which served
with me in the same Army unit at the same time. The Pacific
edition of the Stars and Stripes military newspaper carried my
interview on Hardy Barracks in Tokyo in the 50s, including my
own photos of that time. [one of those in one photo was Stan
Peschel, died about a year ago according to industry association

Frankie's done nothing except try to bark loud and hope no one
notices that he's just a shivvering little lap dog without the
resources to live up to his bark.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...looking in your own mirror again? :-)

Frank Gilliland has provided several references, mostly photos
of his USMC service time (good ones), including a digitization
of a telephone coin used in a foreign country...something that
would be familiar to anyone using the same sort of coin. The
part of his DD-214 is certainly a reference, something which
you do NOT have visible to anyone.

Frank has "told it like it is" in detail, regardless of the
situations he found himself in and makes no moral judgement on
anyone else. You, on the other hand, have yet to PROVE you've
actually been on active USMC duty in any way.

And that's why I can say Frank Gilliland is a liar and deceiver in
a public forum and not be concerned about law suits either. He'd never
be able to demonstrate otherwise.

"Dudly's done nothing except try to bark loud and hope no one
notices that he's just a shivvering little lap dog without the
resources to live up to his bark."

Tsk, tsk, all that "law suit" talk again! :-)

Seems to everyone else that Frank Gilliland can certainly
prove HIS USMC service by enough references and links given
in this public forum. "We" have seen nothing comparable to

As to "working in Marine avionics," Dud has NEVER mentioned a
single nomenclature or familiar name of ANY piece of avionics
equipment used on USMC helos or any other aircraft. That's
an unheard of thing with those who've been IN ACTUAL work on
those aircraft.


To prove you were actually involved with such avionics work.

Unless you care to discuss the CONVERSION of those devices to
Amateur use, there's not a bit of need to do so.

In other words, YOU DON'T KNOW THE STUFF. :-)

You are trying to make excuses for NOT being familiar with
any of that equipment. Very transparent.

I COULD run off at the mouth ala-Lennie with nomenclatures,
manfacturers, etc, but it means nothing.

"It means nothing" because you CANNOT do so. :-)

After years of working with such equipment you CANNOT remember
a single name? You cannot get the crypto terms correct...even
though encryption is definitely a no-no in amateur radio use.

You've never worked with such equipment, something clearly
evident in NOT mentioning names or terms.

Well, there you go with half-baked "quotes" and innuendo as if
you'd not been given the details before...Or as if all of the
information isn;t on my QRZ "Bio" under K4YZ...Again, all information
that can be verified and corroborated by the authorizing agencies.

WHAT "agencies?" Verification by "call the VA?" :-)

Just digitize your latest DD-214, black out your SSN, and make
that image available to all via a link somewhere...or by e-mail
attachment. Everyone who was actually IN the military of the
USA got a DD-214. Those who don't have one now can get a copy
from NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) in
St. Louis. A copy can be obtained via e-mail now...but the
requestor must supply his/her own SSN and (if applicable) their
service serial number.

So is "liar", but you seem to wear it like the Congressional
Medal, Lennie.

I don't "LIE," Dudly. Don't have to.

We could show YOUR "good side" of professional electronic
engineering, but hey, YOU have already done if for us!

No, not for "professional electronic engineering." Few in
here are involved in that. You certainly have NOT been
involved in that.

I am a Life Member of the IEEE, a professional organization.
The IEEE has a Code of Ethics regarding electronics (and
electric) engineering and I follow that.

A person is not a liar unless they are NOT telling the truth.

Dudly is, "by NOT telling the truth," claiming fradulent
service with the USMC. Dudly only CLAIMS to have done things,
has presented NO evidence or references of any kind to
corroborrate his claims.

YOU have been found NOT telling the truth on occassions far too
numerous to count.

"occasion." [get your S out of there...]

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Dudly makes a LIE in that statement.

Another "mirror syndrome" activity of Dudly: Try to misdirect
by calling his challengers as "liars." Typical, but NOT a
"reply" to anything.

And Leonard H. Anderson has, once AGAIN, demonstrated that he is an
intentionally deceitful old putz who's weak minded, cowardly and
without any redeeming virtue.

Personal insults are NOT "replies."

If Dudly wants to be believed, he needs only to supply some
evidence of his claims. So far he has not done so, just
weasel-wording some generalities and giving alleged references
that cannot be obtained by the public. A DD-214 copy image
would be a start.

Just HOW does Mrs Lennie sleep in all that stench...?!?!


Refraining from those constant personal insults would be another
good start in showing the world what an amateur extra class
license can be. So far, there hasn't been much good shown by
yourself as a "representative" "involved" "participating"
radio amateur.

Get some mental health counseling soon. It would benefit

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