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N9OGL March 1st 06 10:02 PM

Partical and Wave duality explained
Physics tell us that EM wave can be a partical or vise versa. It come
from packet nature of wave which Max Plank show with his constant
called h. Energy in partical is E=hf/2PI where f is frequency of radiation
and PI is international constant set by Geneva comittee at 3.141592653.
So you radio send particals out over antenna of energy E and they go to
other hams antennas. So how big the particals? Could they make you
antenna bend from recoil? That a topic we cover at my web sight.

You will be surprised. Come see it.

Or how about the fact that radio waves travel at a velocity of C (C =
186,000 miles per second or 3.00 X 10^8 ms-1) or the fact that an
electromagnetic wave is an electric and magnetic wave traveling at a
right angle to each other. The magnetic part of the wave last longer
then the electrical part, which ends. Or the fact that the third part
of electromagnetic wave is called a geons (a gravitational wave).

Todd N9OGL

cmdr buzz corey March 2nd 06 03:36 AM

Partical and Wave duality explained

N9OGL wrote:

Or how about the fact that radio waves travel at a velocity of C (C =
186,000 miles per second or 3.00 X 10^8 ms-1)

Not in all mediums it doesn't.

N9OGL March 2nd 06 05:52 AM

Partical and Wave duality explained
it travels at 186,000 miles per second or 3.00 X 10^8 ms-1 in a vaccum

Todd N9OGL

Curtains Boy Rules March 2nd 06 08:34 AM

Partical and Wave duality explained

"N9OGL" wrote in message
it travels at 186,000 miles per second or 3.00 X 10^8 ms-1 in a vaccum

Todd N9OGL

Would that explain the vacuum that exists between Woger's left and right

Come on...this vapid clown has a difficult enough time spelling correctly
much less presenting himself as one with an I.Q. much over room temperature.

That Celtic Cross on the door? It is a marker for the Pappa John pizza
deliverymen so that they find the proper house. The rest of Woger's
neighbors have KKK insignia on their doors.

Life is like that in the redneck town of Glendale, West Virginia.

Billy Smith March 2nd 06 09:54 AM

Partical and Wave duality explained
You can always find the hovel belonging to Curtain's Boy. It is the one with
the hubcaps and tires in the front yard, appliances on the porch, and jacked
up bombed out vehicles on concrete blocks.

"Curtains Boy Rules" HidingOut@glendale wrote in message

"N9OGL" wrote in message
it travels at 186,000 miles per second or 3.00 X 10^8 ms-1 in a vaccum

Todd N9OGL

Would that explain the vacuum that exists between Woger's left and right

Come on...this vapid clown has a difficult enough time spelling correctly
much less presenting himself as one with an I.Q. much over room

That Celtic Cross on the door? It is a marker for the Pappa John pizza
deliverymen so that they find the proper house. The rest of Woger's
neighbors have KKK insignia on their doors.

Life is like that in the redneck town of Glendale, West Virginia.

N9OGL March 2nd 06 10:08 AM

Partical and Wave duality explained
Electromagnetic radiation: That form of energy which characterized by
transversely oscillating electric and magnetic fields whic propagate at
the velocity of C in free space. At a sufficient distance from the
source, the electric field vector and the magnetic field vecor are at
right angles to eachother, forming a right handed (coordinate) system.

C = 186,000 Miles per second or 3.00 X 10^8 mps-1

Geons: A graviational field in the form of small packets which also
travel trasversely with an electromagnetic field.

Todd N9OGL

[email protected] March 2nd 06 02:50 PM

Billy Smith's Cranial - Rectal Inversion explained

Billy "HUD apartment dwelling roach" Smith wrote:
You can always find the hovel Billy is projecting the way his father's old duplex on 8th St. in Belle Plaine, Iowa is

Gee retard, Dave's pictures prove otherwise. But then you are a
self-confessed retard.
Billy "retard" Smith confesses to his generally accepted retarded
status in . net:
"I'm a general retard. bwhahaha"

[email protected] March 2nd 06 02:50 PM

Partical and Wave duality explained
Another cut and paste by Toodles..........

[email protected] March 2nd 06 03:30 PM

Partical and Wave duality explained

N9OGL wrote:
No dumbass, I typed

No, you cut and pasted it off of another website.

all of that early early this morning at 3:08

BWHAHAHAHAHA Toad has no life other than computers... BWHAHAHAHAHAHA
Were you jacking off to those shemale pics you post to Nim Busters,


N9OGL March 2nd 06 03:32 PM

Partical and Wave duality explained
No from what I've heard your the one posting them, and people on there
are wanting you to start posting again

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