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Big Red Ham April 23rd 06 08:46 AM

NALs, again

Scott in Baltimore wrote:
Go get'em tiger, Sick'em, sick'em.

Sorry, I only report the news. I don't make it.

I don't care if someone runs an amp on CB. I only want them to
run it responsibly. If you wish to report an auction, have fun.

you're a ****ing must be a riot to **** with you over
the radio! LOL

Scott in Baltimore April 23rd 06 08:57 AM

NALs, again
Big Red Ham wrote:

you're a ****ing must be a riot to **** with you over
the radio! LOL

If you can. It would be fun to hear you squirm on the radio.

What's with the cross-post on your message, and the follow-up
only sent to one? Post to one or all, not selectively.

Another Lloyd April 23rd 06 09:29 AM

NALs, again

Have you ever listened to Sherin holding forth on 20 meters? There is no
"fu*king" with him because he keys down at ten in the morning and doesn't
let up until the sun sets (or his power supply overheats). He, like Dumbass
Donnie, simply does not know when to quit. If it were possible, Sherin would
time out this simplex frequency, though he accomplishes the same by droning
on and on while driving other Hams off. It has always amazed me that anybody
would talk to either of these clowns for more than five minutes. What do
they have to offer?
Sherin preaches, Donnie complains. Sherin claims to have a "melodic voice"
while Donnie whines about Mexicans undercutting his landscape business
And did you know that Sherin is NOT a real preacher as he posits? He is not
ordained, but self-proclaimed.
Heck, by Sherin's standards I could proclaim myself to be anything that
strikes my fancy should the mood so strike me. It works for him.
Maybe I can proclaim myself to be the Grand PooBah, Most Divine Leader of
the Super Heterodyne Intellectual Types (****).
Heck, if Sherin can claim to be a preacher I can likewise claim to be a
****, can I not?
Or is it the other way around????

"Big Red Ham" wrote in message

Scott in Baltimore wrote:
Go get'em tiger, Sick'em, sick'em.

Sorry, I only report the news. I don't make it.

I don't care if someone runs an amp on CB. I only want them to
run it responsibly. If you wish to report an auction, have fun.

you're a ****ing must be a riot to **** with you over
the radio! LOL

Morris April 23rd 06 10:13 AM

NALs, again
Fellow hams,

When we post here and even when we communicate on ham radio, we
open ourselves to commentary. I don't mind the commentary. Some is on
point. Some may be on point though we disagree. However, the
following has no semblance to reality.
From: Another Lloyd - view profile
Date: Sun, Apr 23 2006 3:29 am
Email: "Another Lloyd"
Not yet rated

He, like Dumbass
Donnie, simply does not know when to quit. If it were possible, Sherin
time out this simplex frequency, though he accomplishes the same by
on and on while driving other Hams off. It has always amazed me that
would talk to either of these clowns for more than five minutes. What
they have to offer?
__________________________________________________ _________
Comment: Read the book in progress at the address listed above and take
in some knowledge. Just because you are less than enlightened doesn't
mean you should drag everyone else down to your level, such as it may
Sherin preaches, Donnie complains.
Comment: Please understand, my friend, one person's preaching is
another's wisdom.
Sherin claims to have a "melodic voice"
while Donnie whines about Mexicans undercutting his landscape business
Comment: That has no basis in truth. The older I get, the more
congested my lungs are becoming, so I know my voice is far from
melodic. Do I detect envy?
And did you know that Sherin is NOT a real preacher as he posits? He is
ordained, but self-proclaimed.
Heck, by Sherin's standards I could proclaim myself to be anything that
strikes my fancy should the mood so strike me. It works for him.
Maybe I can proclaim myself to be the Grand PooBah, Most Divine Leader
the Super Heterodyne Intellectual Types (****).
Heck, if Sherin can claim to be a preacher I can likewise claim to be a
****, can I not?
Or is it the other way around????
Comment: I've never claimed a preacher nor do I feign to be such. Do
you have me confused with someone else? Really, Lloyd, think about it.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

Handloader April 23rd 06 12:21 PM

NALs, again

"Morris" wrote in message
Fellow hams,

When we post here and even when we communicate on ham radio, we
open ourselves to commentary. I don't mind the commentary. Some is on
point. Some may be on point though we disagree. However, the
following has no semblance to reality.

....Reality? You want reality? You who used to claim to be a shirt tail
How is this for reality. You, Bob, are a prime example of what it means to
be a phony.

He, like Dumbass
Donnie, simply does not know when to quit. If it were possible, Sherin
time out this simplex frequency, though he accomplishes the same by
on and on while driving other Hams off. It has always amazed me that
would talk to either of these clowns for more than five minutes. What
they have to offer?
__________________________________________________ _________
Comment: Read the book in progress at the address listed above and take
in some knowledge. Just because you are less than enlightened doesn't
mean you should drag everyone else down to your level, such as it may

Comment: There is some question amongst several of us as to whose "level"
you are raising or lowering. Suffice it to posit that many, if not all of
us, are not enamored with your bloviating.
Sherin preaches, Donnie complains.
Comment: Please understand, my friend, one person's preaching is
another's wisdom.

Your blowhard, half hour broadcasts are hardly "wisdom". Perhaps in your

eyes your long-winded diatribes make sense, but the rest of us dislike
suffering through your long-winded air time. Has it ever occurred to you
that when you transmit, the frequency goes dead? Have you ever wondered why?
Probably not.
Sherin claims to have a "melodic voice"
while Donnie whines about Mexicans undercutting his landscape business
Comment: That has no basis in truth. The older I get, the more
congested my lungs are becoming, so I know my voice is far from
melodic. Do I detect envy?
Envy is hardly the word. Disdain would better fit.

And did you know that Sherin is NOT a real preacher as he posits? He is
ordained, but self-proclaimed.
Heck, by Sherin's standards I could proclaim myself to be anything that
strikes my fancy should the mood so strike me. It works for him.
Maybe I can proclaim myself to be the Grand PooBah, Most Divine Leader
the Super Heterodyne Intellectual Types (****).
Heck, if Sherin can claim to be a preacher I can likewise claim to be a
****, can I not?
Or is it the other way around????
Comment: I've never claimed a preacher nor do I feign to be such. Do
you have me confused with someone else? Really, Lloyd, think about it.

I guess your lengthy and boring broadcasts could be used to dispute this.

You, in all honesty, have made few friends. In fact, Bob, you drive more
Hams from the air than you address. It would be a true Godsend if you were
able to realize this and then shut the Hell up.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX April 23rd 06 06:38 PM

NALs, again
Sorry my friend, too busy to read all the nonsense but I noticed my
book "Guardians at the Gate, Sex in the Courthouse" was not listed in
my post. It is at "Not Sponsored by The
Florida Bar."

In a glance, I noted your commentary about popularity. None of us can
know how popular we are. No doubt, as with everyone else, the panarama
of human relations is present. No doubt, my conduct has not always been
stellar, but who can claim the contrary? No doubt, throughout life all
of us are in a growth pattern. I can say this for su My qrz count
is 7,807 viewers, and the hams I elmered, one 50 years ago, are still
close friends. As well, I have dozens of open invitations to stay over
at ham's qth's around the world.

Sorry that I'm too busy to follow this thread further. From your
flaming, not your God given right to opine, I honestly believe yours is
a disturbed mind. Best wishes.

73, Bob Sherin, W4ASX

grapepunpkins 44 April 23rd 06 11:43 PM

NALs, again

"Another Lloyd" wrote in message

Have you ever listened to Sherin holding forth on 20 meters? There is no
"fu*king" with him because he keys down at ten in the morning and doesn't
let up until the sun sets (or his power supply overheats). He, like

Donnie, simply does not know when to quit. If it were possible, Sherin

time out this simplex frequency, though he accomplishes the same by

on and on while driving other Hams off. It has always amazed me that

would talk to either of these clowns for more than five minutes.

ASX-Bob has been pulling this crap since 1990 when he first got
involved with the KV4FZ/KA4MUJ vs. Maritime Net Wars of the
80's and 90's. He once even rented a room at a hotel near the
Orlando hamfest to try and set up a "dialogue" between the Net Managers
and the BARF and Herbie FZ and his crew. Nobody showed up.
They all knew that this guy ASX was a brass-plated tuba horn
screwball. Later he tried to interject himself into the 14.313 war when
Glen Baxter got involved and tried to steal the show away. Later on
he would discuss openly how he used drugs like Prozac and Luxox
like you were sitting in his living room, except all this was done on
20M. Bottom line is Sherin, Baxter, Anderson, Schoenbaum and
the rest of em all CRAVE attention. They are toilet ticks who find
a frew where the **** is flying hard and heavy, then they try and
interject themselves as some kind of a "Dr. Phil" type personna on
the air, while everyone else and the doorknob knows already that
they are full of ultra-virgin cold-pressed MONKEY SHI+.

Ham radio! It sure attracts the screwballs eh folks ???

Between Bell running off to the Phillipines to marry a 20 year
old girl and the kook bible beaters on 3.905 at 8:00 evenings and
the Donnie and Jim show on 14.313... ham radio sure is a
bagfull of spiced jellybeans! Wheeeeeeeeeee.....!!

Bob Sherin, W4ASX April 24th 06 01:32 AM

NALs, again
Absolutely untrue. Never was in Orlando for any ham meeting, though I
know the Auxilary meeting of which you write. You've got the wrong guy
on that one. However, on motivation, you're getting close. Bored with
ham radio at the time, I decided to take up my journalism. The issue
of which you write brought me together with both sides as interviewer.
My articles were published in Florida Skip and broadcasts carried on
K1MAN. For me, it was a fun time being in the middle as a neutral

When KV4FZ was prosecuted by the feds, he called me, knowing I had an
interest in law, and invited me down to help him out. I accepted as I
would have for any ham in need, although acceptance did not constitute
condoning the behavior. I was able to affect the reversal of two
counts of coviction by the jury through the discovery of fabricated

That fueled more journalism, since I was right in the middle. I was
able to keep confidence with Herb while, at the same time, criticizing
him publicly for his conduct. If any readers are interested in that
high drama, put into your NG search "When the Feds Fanned Out." You're
gonna love it, because it was a lesson to this utterly naive ham at the

Now K1MAN has the spotlight for the final curtain, and because I once
worked close in doing broadcasts there, I know much on the inside. So
when I post, I have some authority, but the ham who reported that all
important court decision has the scoop us all with remarkable news.

Is there some need you have to degrade? Are you uncomfortable with
yourself? Chill my friend and enjoy life. We only have a short time.
Let's create as much happiness as we can for those around us.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

Morris April 24th 06 01:49 AM

NALs, again
This response if for Pico, as I'm finished working for today and can do
some surfing.

Before you visit and read at least Chapter 1 of
"Guardians at the Gate, Sex in the Courthouse," realize your ill
informed statements, in fact conjecture, is just pure wrong. The
Florida Bar closed its investigation two years ago, not furnishing to
this day problable cause or charge.

No one would deny that putting the entire story out on the Net, naming
names, calling the Florida Bar corrupt, notifying them of the URL for
the manuscript, is looking in the mirror, confronting that issue as
closely as anyone can.

It is understandable that hams would be bored with that particular
subject. After all, there are infinite interets out there, and the Bar
story to most isn't a lot of fun. To me, though, learning of the
cesspool of judicial corruption here in Florida is pure revelation.
(If you want the goods on the cesspool, read Chapter 2, all about
Republican black box voting fraud.)

I'm flattered to be the center of attention, but why not pick someone
more worthy, since so many of our fellow hams have so much more on the

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

Dr.Death April 24th 06 02:35 AM

NALs, again
"Morris" wrote in message
This response if for Pico, as I'm finished working for today and can do
some surfing.

Before you visit and read at least Chapter 1 of
"Guardians at the Gate, Sex in the Courthouse," realize your ill
informed statements, in fact conjecture, is just pure wrong. The
Florida Bar closed its investigation two years ago, not furnishing to
this day problable cause or charge.

No one would deny that putting the entire story out on the Net, naming
names, calling the Florida Bar corrupt, notifying them of the URL for
the manuscript, is looking in the mirror, confronting that issue as
closely as anyone can.

It is understandable that hams would be bored with that particular
subject. After all, there are infinite interets out there, and the Bar
story to most isn't a lot of fun. To me, though, learning of the
cesspool of judicial corruption here in Florida is pure revelation.
(If you want the goods on the cesspool, read Chapter 2, all about
Republican black box voting fraud.)

I'm flattered to be the center of attention, but why not pick someone
more worthy, since so many of our fellow hams have so much more on the

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

I read part of it. Nothing personal, but it was quite boring. But then, I'm
a realist, and I see the corruption in all walks of society.

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