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[email protected] May 21st 06 11:06 PM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed

an old freind wrote:
Fred wrote:
On 19 May 2006 21:15:17 -0700, "

it is a comon mispreceptive that Home or Bisexauls are obessed with
with anal sex. in point of fact this is relitively rare Person I have
not had active anal sex in roughly 6 years passive months ago

mst m2msex is oral or mutual jo in nature,

why" are people like fred and dr death so certain otherwise I don't
know, prehaps it says something about their own sexaul hangups (indeed
I am sure it says something about there sexaul hangups what I am not

So you admit to being a deviant faggot. What else is new?

nope you are lying again

hey queenie.......go give freddie a head job you filthy faggot. stay
out the cb groups. you fag hams keep posting we'll stay in the hammie
groups. the hammie's have YOU to blame! now go to the grave yard and
blow your aids ridden dead paw and STAY OUT OUR GROUPS!

can you tell the truth fred?

it doesn't look like it

get help coward

an old friend May 21st 06 11:41 PM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed

an old freind wrote:
Fred wrote:
On 19 May 2006 21:15:17 -0700, "

nope you are lying again

hey queenie.......go give freddie a head job you filthy faggot.

you know short of the wisement docitrine I would do so for fred even if
he wanted
out the cb groups.

you fag hams keep posting we'll stay in the hammie
groups. the hammie's have YOU to blame!

now go to the grave yard and
blow your aids ridden dead paw ...

my father is alive and does not suffer

they are not your gruop the CB belongs to me as much as you

Not Mopey Dopey May 22nd 06 12:59 AM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed
an old friend wrote:
they are not your gruop the CB belongs to me as much as you

whatever you do, do not let mopeydopey have access to your address. sooner
or later the loser will stalk you or ask someone to do it for him. the guy
can't control himself. it's like the urges he used to get with his daugter,
before he had her "crop dusted".

*** Posted via a free Usenet account from ***

[email protected] May 22nd 06 01:27 AM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed

Not Mopey Dopey wrote:
an old friend wrote:
they are not your gruop the CB belongs to me as much as you

whatever you do, do not let mopeydopey have access to your address. sooner
or later the loser will stalk you or ask someone to do it for him. the guy
can't control himself. it's like the urges he used to get with his daugter,
before he had her "crop dusted".

And he's a CB-er to boot, it would appear. I bet he has "latent"
issues, as college kids used to say. I wonder if he
listens to Doctors Bill, Phil or Laura.

ObBayAreaBroadcast: Garrison Keillor hosted a funny
show on writing and poetry for the 25th anniversary
of City Arts on KQED-FM earlier this afternoon.

Lloyd May 22nd 06 01:38 AM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed
Kindly ask Roger to stop posting in our group?

wrote in message

Not Mopey Dopey wrote:
an old friend wrote:
they are not your gruop the CB belongs to me as much as you

whatever you do, do not let mopeydopey have access to your address.
or later the loser will stalk you or ask someone to do it for him. the
can't control himself. it's like the urges he used to get with his
before he had her "crop dusted".

And he's a CB-er to boot, it would appear. I bet he has "latent"
issues, as college kids used to say. I wonder if he
listens to Doctors Bill, Phil or Laura.

ObBayAreaBroadcast: Garrison Keillor hosted a funny
show on writing and poetry for the 25th anniversary
of City Arts on KQED-FM earlier this afternoon.

[email protected] May 22nd 06 02:09 AM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed

Lloyd wrote:

Kindly ask Roger to stop posting in our group?

Thirty thousand newsgroups, and we gotta find
Roger? How about Aloysius or Lazlo?


There. That'll scare him off until the next
phase of the moon, and given the current
weather in the Bay Area, I wouldn't
count on much moon tonight.


Is anyone here involved with feeding a broadcast
stream to a Bay Area Internet server with ASP .Net?

Steven May 22nd 06 02:21 AM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed
And get a damned FAQ that teaches you retards what a CROSSPOST is and
how to break it.

My God, that's easy. Could you ask least bitch at "Loser" in their OWN
group and not make "NBC" (Networking Bitching and Crying) of it?

(Crossposts left for one purpose, but they will be clipped next time)

[email protected] May 22nd 06 03:34 PM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed

Lloyd wrote:
Kindly ask Roger to stop posting in our group?

Poor Lardass, always wants his asskickings moved where everybody can't
see them.

wrote in message

Not Mopey Dopey wrote:
an old friend wrote:
they are not your gruop the CB belongs to me as much as you

whatever you do, do not let mopeydopey have access to your address.
or later the loser will stalk you or ask someone to do it for him. the
can't control himself. it's like the urges he used to get with his
before he had her "crop dusted".

And he's a CB-er to boot, it would appear. I bet he has "latent"
issues, as college kids used to say. I wonder if he
listens to Doctors Bill, Phil or Laura.

ObBayAreaBroadcast: Garrison Keillor hosted a funny
show on writing and poetry for the 25th anniversary
of City Arts on KQED-FM earlier this afternoon.

an old freind May 22nd 06 06:25 PM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed

Lloyd wrote:
Kindly ask Roger to stop posting in our group?

Poor Lardass, always wants his asskickings moved where everybody can't
see them.

no that is yours but you you need help

Tommy July 30th 06 02:44 AM

some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed

wrote in message
: an old freind wrote:
: Fred wrote:
: On 19 May 2006 21:15:17 -0700, "
: wrote:
: it is a comon mispreceptive that Home or Bisexauls are obessed
: with anal sex. in point of fact this is relitively rare Person I
: not had active anal sex in roughly 6 years passive months ago
: mst m2msex is oral or mutual jo in nature,
: why" are people like fred and dr death so certain otherwise I
: know, prehaps it says something about their own sexaul hangups
: I am sure it says something about there sexaul hangups what I am
: sure
: So you admit to being a deviant faggot. What else is new?
: nope you are lying again
: hey queenie.......go give freddie a head job you filthy faggot. stay
: out the cb groups. you fag hams keep posting we'll stay in the hammie
: groups. the hammie's have YOU to blame! now go to the grave yard and
: blow your aids ridden dead paw and STAY OUT OUR GROUPS!
: can you tell the truth fred?
: it doesn't look like it
: get help coward

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