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Dave Heil July 28th 06 08:09 AM

Rmay the lord bless and grant you pecae from the mental illnessthat traps you
Roger Wiseman AB8MQ, moonbounce king, posing as
" wrote:
an old freind wrote:

may the lord bless and keep you and grant you peace

Hey, Markie, where's that proof that you don't have a shemale wife?

He'll likely provide it upon verification of your moonbounce QSOs, nutball.

See you at the ARES meeting!

Dave K8MN

Not Cocksucker Lloyd July 28th 06 03:13 PM

Rmay the lord bless and grant you pecae from the mental illness that traps you

an old friend wrote:
an old freind wrote:
may the lord bless and keep you and grant you peace

Hey, Markie, where's that proof that you don't have a shemale wife?

posted you can prove it for yourself anytime you can catch him at home

"Him at home?" BWHAHAHAHAHA Markie admits he married a shemale!

an old freind July 28th 06 06:59 PM

Rmay the lord bless and grant you pecae from the mental illness that traps you

Dave Heil wrote:
Roger Wiseman AB8MQ, moonbounce king, posing as
" wrote:
an old freind wrote:

may the lord bless and keep you and grant you peace

Hey, Markie, where's that proof that you don't have a shemale wife?

He'll likely provide it upon verification of your moonbounce QSOs, nutball.

in deed that is a good time

See you at the ARES meeting!

surely you jest dave

Dave K8MN

an old freind July 28th 06 07:52 PM

bearing false witness is a sin wismen

Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:

"Him at home?" BWHAHAHAHAHA Markie admits he married a shemale!

bearing false witness is a sin wismen
since the reference is to her father you can call her father you can't
call me

an old freind July 28th 06 11:31 PM

bearing false witness is a sin wismen

bearing false witness is a sin wismen

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