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Slow Code wrote:
wrote in oups.com: I was in my neighborhood drug store and what did I see? The November issue of pop com! Steve, your letter was well written and spot on.Congratulations on being published! Have you ever considered submitting regular articles to either pop com or monitoring times? You have great writing skills. What was Steve writing about? Thanks, Bill! SC, There was an article about CAP in Popular Communications that addressed the recent change of federal policy on FOUO, or "For Offical Use Only" release of information on certain aspects of radio communication. Part of that change has been for CAP to withdrawn any and all discussion of it's operating frequencies from cap.gov sites that aren't password protected for CAP members only. The author called into question the validity of that practice. I made a point of suggesting that we as radio hobbyists need to re-think our liberal publishing of what we hear, even when we are only discussing the user, mode and frequency, not the actual content of the transmission. And Bill...Morkie doesn't like me because at each and every turn of his attempts to lie, deceive and mislead, I've "busted" him over and over for those acts. Morkie doesn't like having his nose rubbed in his online misdeeds, yet continues to do it. Thanks again for the kind comments. It wasn't, by the way, the first time in recent history that I've been "published" (not in the professional sense, obviously) in Amateur media. I've had several "hits" in CQ magazine since November of last year, and had an item I originally published in this forum picked up by "Worldradio" as a guest op-ed item a few years ago. 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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On Thu, 07 Dec 2006 20:16:55 -0800, Wabbit, aka MarQueerMyDear, attempted
to confuse the issue further by squeaking: wrote: wrote: wrote: On 27 Nov 2006 18:43:26 -0800, wrote: Dave Heil wrote: wrote: Dave Heil wrote: wrote: Dave Heil wrote: wrote: wrote: On 26 Nov 2006 04:12:44 -0800, wrote: I recall K4YZ/KTN4GN inviting people to monitor him and he would send an SWL confirmation. in other wors more self serveing fluff? Zackley! To hell with FOUO. SWL him for his glory. well it shows how we learn of this great letter and you notice he did not post it here but sent in his sockpuppets to anounce it What you just said made me curious, so I hit up WWW.QRZ.COM for "Newport" and there are NONE in 4-land. There's one in Washington, two in five-land, and a handful of 'em in Canton, Ohio. His first post was on Oct 10th about "faggortry." Wait a minute.... Didn't Robesin used to live in Canton, Ohio? Maybe Bob Newport is one of his ex-in-laws or something. well, he's down to the level of annoyance. He always was. After you get comfortable in your self-satisfaction over your decree that there are no Newports in 4-land, consider that Kentucky is in 4-land. There is a rather sizable city across the river from Cincinnati, called Newport, Kentucky. It is the county seat of Campbell County. Is your bulb burning any brighter? [superfluous newsgroups trimmed] Dave K8MN Dave, that is a place name, not a family name. There's a Newport in Rhode Island as well, but no light bulb for the geographically challenged Heil. If I was geographically challenged, I'd hardly have known the information I presented to you. So you're telling me that "Bill" is geography? Is that what you think I've told you? "Bill Newport" does not appear to exist in 4-Land as the anon poster would like us to think. I'll bet there's no "Hot-ham-and-cheese" in your local phone book either, Brian. I'll bet that, too. There you go. The beauty of being an anon poster supporting the atrocities of Robesin is that people tend to mistrust your claims. "His claims", Brian; not "your claims". Your name doesn't appear in your posts. You're an anonymous poster. So why do you call be "Brian?" My call be K8MN. What you call be? Until "bill" can show us a correct listing on QRZ, I'll just have to doubt he exists in real life. Until "Hot-ham-and-cheese" can show me a correct listing in QRZ, I'll believe him to be a fearful fraud. It's a free country. ...but not terribly intelligent. Thank you for your sincere concern. Thanks for the cheap entertainment. Indeed. Notice that "Bill" used an underscore (_) between his first and last name. Also notice that "Bill" then used a period (.) between his full name and his general location, "4-Land." How about that! Thank you for another demonstration of you inability to properly read and use syntax. Notice that you use hyphens between the parts of your screen name. If you buy such a sandwich at any restaurant, are there any hyphens in the name? Dave K8MN Notice that your communication has become meaningless. I am certain all commucation has become meaningless to him and he never noticed He's an A-1 OP. is he realy? certainly that not something to be aspried to one A1 op threatens to muder people over radio topics another states plainly he is willing to help other hams break the rules if they are Dx HE wants and both intent on preserving their frat boy intiation rites pastetic FAGS OF A FEATHER SWAP SPIT TOGETHER I hope you win the Bag of Coal, Wabbit. The gods know how hard you've worked for it this year. -- __________________________________________________ ______________________ Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5; COOSN-029-06-71069 The God of Odd Statements, the Ugliest Pig****er In The Universe Stupidity Takes Its Toll. Please Have Exact Change. If you never read anything else in any of my sigs, read this: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15321167/ http://borealin.livejournal.com/15104.html Or watch it he http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqxmPjB0WSs Then, if you manage to read/watch all that, try this: http://www.newamericancentury.org/Re...asDefenses.pdf And Molly Ivins had a few choice words to say about it, weeks befo http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/092906B.shtml Here's Chris Floyd: Fatal Vision: The Deeper Evil Behind the Detainee Bill: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/100206A.shtml "Q: What's the difference between the Vietnam War and the Iraq War? A: George W. Bush had a plan to get out of the Vietnam War." -- Anon. Thread where outing begins: http://tinyurl.com/hojf8 George Pickett Memorial Trophy, Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, and the Order of the Holey Sockpuppet winner on outing personal contact info in x-poasted subject lines: "Plenty of people post under their real names and do not attempt to hide their contact info. You are scared of being 'outed' because you are a pathological abuser of usenet, and people rightly despise you for it. You're afraid of being reported to the authorities or, better, visited by a couple of guys with baseball bats. Other people don't have this obsessive fear. Ward Hardman himself has posted plenty of personal information - nothing that anyone else added was hidden in any way. You're so ****ing scared you've built up this whole sick mythology about different categories of bad dudes who 'out' scum like you. "Meanwhile you are the ugliest pig****er in the universe. You are the coward without ethics. You call me a 'newbie' - ha! what an asshole you are. Those who want to remain anonymous do so. There is absolutely no way you could identify me, not unless you had the sort of subpoena power that only gets turned on for big-time terrorists. That's because I chose to be anonymous. Some people don't. Only really stupid dicks like you choose the sort of semi-anonymity which leaves you in constant fear. "What a dickless wonder you are 'Snarky' you fat asshole." -- in MID: . com "I am the only one who has outer filthed Ward" -- James C. "Crackhead" Cracked voluntarily self-immolates, in MID: "When I told Abbie Hoffman that he was the first one who made me laugh since Lenny Bruce died, Hoffman said, "Really? He was my god." The combination of satirical irreverence and sense of justice that Bruce and Hoffman shared was the real spirit behind the Yippies--a term I coined to describe a phenomenon that already existed: an organic coalition of stoned hippies and political activists who engaged in such actions as throwing money on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, then explaining to reporters the meaning of that symbolism. Folksinger Phil Ochs summed it up: "A demonstration should turn you on, not turn you off." So when journalists link the Yippies with misleading bedfellows, at best it's careless shorthand; at worst it's deliberate demonization. Osama bin Laden wanted an aircraft to crash into the Pentagon. Abbie Hoffman merely wanted to levitate it." -- Paul Krassner, http://tinyurl.com/ehu3v |
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![]() Demon Lardass of Constipation wrote: On Thu, 07 Dec 2006 20:16:55 -0800, Wabbit, aka MarQueerMyDear, attempted to confuse the issue further by squeaking: wrote: wrote: wrote: On 27 Nov 2006 18:43:26 -0800, wrote: Dave Heil wrote: wrote: Dave Heil wrote: wrote: Dave Heil wrote: wrote: wrote: On 26 Nov 2006 04:12:44 -0800, wrote: I recall K4YZ/KTN4GN inviting people to monitor him and he would send an SWL confirmation. in other wors more self serveing fluff? Zackley! To hell with FOUO. SWL him for his glory. well it shows how we learn of this great letter and you notice he did not post it here but sent in his sockpuppets to anounce it What you just said made me curious, so I hit up WWW.QRZ.COM for "Newport" and there are NONE in 4-land. There's one in Washington, two in five-land, and a handful of 'em in Canton, Ohio. His first post was on Oct 10th about "faggortry." Wait a minute.... Didn't Robesin used to live in Canton, Ohio? Maybe Bob Newport is one of his ex-in-laws or something. well, he's down to the level of annoyance. He always was. After you get comfortable in your self-satisfaction over your decree that there are no Newports in 4-land, consider that Kentucky is in 4-land. There is a rather sizable city across the river from Cincinnati, called Newport, Kentucky. It is the county seat of Campbell County. Is your bulb burning any brighter? [superfluous newsgroups trimmed] Dave K8MN Dave, that is a place name, not a family name. There's a Newport in Rhode Island as well, but no light bulb for the geographically challenged Heil. If I was geographically challenged, I'd hardly have known the information I presented to you. So you're telling me that "Bill" is geography? Is that what you think I've told you? "Bill Newport" does not appear to exist in 4-Land as the anon poster would like us to think. I'll bet there's no "Hot-ham-and-cheese" in your local phone book either, Brian. I'll bet that, too. There you go. The beauty of being an anon poster supporting the atrocities of Robesin is that people tend to mistrust your claims. "His claims", Brian; not "your claims". Your name doesn't appear in your posts. You're an anonymous poster. So why do you call be "Brian?" My call be K8MN. What you call be? Until "bill" can show us a correct listing on QRZ, I'll just have to doubt he exists in real life. Until "Hot-ham-and-cheese" can show me a correct listing in QRZ, I'll believe him to be a fearful fraud. It's a free country. ...but not terribly intelligent. Thank you for your sincere concern. Thanks for the cheap entertainment. Indeed. Notice that "Bill" used an underscore (_) between his first and last name. Also notice that "Bill" then used a period (.) between his full name and his general location, "4-Land." How about that! Thank you for another demonstration of you inability to properly read and use syntax. Notice that you use hyphens between the parts of your screen name. If you buy such a sandwich at any restaurant, are there any hyphens in the name? Dave K8MN Notice that your communication has become meaningless. I am certain all commucation has become meaningless to him and he never noticed He's an A-1 OP. is he realy? certainly that not something to be aspried to one A1 op threatens to muder people over radio topics another states plainly he is willing to help other hams break the rules if they are Dx HE wants and both intent on preserving their frat boy intiation rites pastetic FAGS OF A FEATHER SWAP SPIT TOGETHER I hope you win Against you is a sure victory, now go eat the contents of your colsotomy bag. |
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Hail Eris! On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 13:16:28 -0800, Not Cocksucker Lloyd
jabbered inanely: Demon Lardass of Constipation wrote: On Thu, 07 Dec 2006 20:16:55 -0800, Wabbit, aka MarQueerMyDear, attempted to confuse the issue further by squeaking: wrote: wrote: wrote: On 27 Nov 2006 18:43:26 -0800, wrote: Dave Heil wrote: wrote: Dave Heil wrote: wrote: Dave Heil wrote: wrote: wrote: On 26 Nov 2006 04:12:44 -0800, wrote: I recall K4YZ/KTN4GN inviting people to monitor him and he would send an SWL confirmation. in other wors more self serveing fluff? Zackley! To hell with FOUO. SWL him for his glory. well it shows how we learn of this great letter and you notice he did not post it here but sent in his sockpuppets to anounce it What you just said made me curious, so I hit up WWW.QRZ.COM for "Newport" and there are NONE in 4-land. There's one in Washington, two in five-land, and a handful of 'em in Canton, Ohio. His first post was on Oct 10th about "faggortry." Wait a minute.... Didn't Robesin used to live in Canton, Ohio? Maybe Bob Newport is one of his ex-in-laws or something. well, he's down to the level of annoyance. He always was. After you get comfortable in your self-satisfaction over your decree that there are no Newports in 4-land, consider that Kentucky is in 4-land. There is a rather sizable city across the river from Cincinnati, called Newport, Kentucky. It is the county seat of Campbell County. Is your bulb burning any brighter? [superfluous newsgroups trimmed] Dave K8MN Dave, that is a place name, not a family name. There's a Newport in Rhode Island as well, but no light bulb for the geographically challenged Heil. If I was geographically challenged, I'd hardly have known the information I presented to you. So you're telling me that "Bill" is geography? Is that what you think I've told you? "Bill Newport" does not appear to exist in 4-Land as the anon poster would like us to think. I'll bet there's no "Hot-ham-and-cheese" in your local phone book either, Brian. I'll bet that, too. There you go. The beauty of being an anon poster supporting the atrocities of Robesin is that people tend to mistrust your claims. "His claims", Brian; not "your claims". Your name doesn't appear in your posts. You're an anonymous poster. So why do you call be "Brian?" My call be K8MN. What you call be? Until "bill" can show us a correct listing on QRZ, I'll just have to doubt he exists in real life. Until "Hot-ham-and-cheese" can show me a correct listing in QRZ, I'll believe him to be a fearful fraud. It's a free country. ...but not terribly intelligent. Thank you for your sincere concern. Thanks for the cheap entertainment. Indeed. Notice that "Bill" used an underscore (_) between his first and last name. Also notice that "Bill" then used a period (.) between his full name and his general location, "4-Land." How about that! Thank you for another demonstration of you inability to properly read and use syntax. Notice that you use hyphens between the parts of your screen name. If you buy such a sandwich at any restaurant, are there any hyphens in the name? Dave K8MN Notice that your communication has become meaningless. I am certain all commucation has become meaningless to him and he never noticed He's an A-1 OP. is he realy? certainly that not something to be aspried to one A1 op threatens to muder people over radio topics another states plainly he is willing to help other hams break the rules if they are Dx HE wants and both intent on preserving their frat boy intiation rites pastetic FAGS OF A FEATHER SWAP SPIT TOGETHER I hope you win the Bag of Coal, Wabbit. The gods know how hard you've worked for it this year. Against you is a sure victory, now go eat the contents of your colsotomy bag. Well, damnitall, some under-appreciative numbnuts failed to second my nomination of you, so you get nothing at all beyond the Pineapple. I guess your k00kery just isn't all that outstanding. -- Shon'ai COOSN-029-06-71069 "I was told there would be cookies." Cross-Poasters For Goddess! Remember: Straight people can't help it! A petition to make the Five-Fingered Hand of Eris the official symbol for the planet Eris: http://www.petitiononline.com/ffhoeris/ "If you don't have pedicures AT LEAST every two weeks, don't talk to me. If you don't floss every night and morning and brush at least twice a day, don't talk to me. If you don't spend money on you hair and get great cuts and color, don't talk to me. If you are heavy, don't talk to me. If you don't shower every morning and take a nice bubble bath every night, don't talk to me. If you don't have a loved one in your arms, don't talk to me. If you don't keep an immaculate house, don't talk to me. If you don't work, don't talk to me." -- Clearly, Martha Vandella never wants to talk to me, which is for the best, really. MID: . com |
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