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-- " Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. " "cl" wrote in message .verio.net... FA = FOR AUCTION "Ad Hoc Guy" wrote in message .. . Just Curious here guys, but what is an FA ? ( sorry I,m not too familiar with the language) Thanks -- " Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. " "Dan Conti" wrote in message ... Hi Dan, I am sorry to hear about your mishap with Ebay. What is Ebays reasoning for not allowing FA's to be posted in newsgroups? They don't give reasons for the "reasoning" , they don't have to. They are GOD, Is it because its considered spam? This is the first I have heard of it. It's the first you've heard of it beacuse it's been going on since eBay was formed here on the newsgroups and no one cared or made a stink about it. Go to rec.radio.swap right now and you will see at least 6 FA postings. Are those auctions being yanked? Are they being reported to eBay? DO you really thinks eBay gives a Rat's Ass about it until someone reports it? Someone dimed me out, plain and simple, and where I'm from, that's a RAT. Not at al something to be proud of. So WTB and FS are ok? But not FA? Am I copying that right? I honestly don't know. This has been going around and around on the newsgroups for years. Are Viagra ads OK? Are off topic political posts in a shortwave group OK? and on and on? I guess they are until Dan Conti posts a few FA posts during the year and I am being reported to eBay, and now threatened to be reported to my ISP. Amazing. Thanks Mike Burch K8MB |
I'll tell you guys, that really tickles my funny bone. First off a
"contract" can be formed between two individuals without even signing a written paper.The basic act of demand and offer constitutes a "contract". Ebay, although an American based company, operates in Canada, thus being under the common law ruling and consumer laws. If it can be reached from Quebec , it also falls under the Civil Code which is very clear on the matter of cancellation of contracts. What Ebay has basically done is breach a legally formed contract between two individuals , regardless of the items or nature of the contract, and has literaly stepped in acting as third party and cancelled the contract without the consentment of the parties. That is a NO NO in any court of law. I think it's about time that people begin voicing out the abuse from this company who freely enfringe on foreign laws, use and culture. I am convinced that a simple complaint to your local Consumer advocate requesting an investigation will force Ebay to justify their act. Since 1994, Cyberspace and cybermarketing and exchanges are now integral to all Laws in Canada and Quebec. Ebay is no exception. I'm not trying to show off here mind you, I studied law a few years ago. Thanks -- " Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. " "cl" wrote in message o.verio.net... "Ed" wrote in message . 93.175... I will re-post it on eBay, but will follow eBay's rules and NOT post any FA on the newsgroups, not even rec.radio.swap. I'd be interested in seeing that particular rule.... if you would please provide a link. It doesn't seem logical to me that EBay would prohibit the advertising of their own auction on other sites, when such advertising can only further EBay's chance of increased profits through the EBay sale going as high as possible. Ed I've advertised FAs here just recently, my auctions weren't cancelled. I'm wondering if somehow, "maybe" someone sent E-Bay - the non tech wizards they are, a notice that perhaps your scanner was modified or whatever, to make them think it was illegal????? Just a thought. I've seen other FAs in here as well, none of them complained of having their auctions cut short. The ONLY auction "I" had cut short, was a "linear" I was auctioning off - listed as NOT working, the finals pulled, for parts. I listed it I believe for 10 meters, yet they pulled it. No big deal... But they've never pulled my auctions for posting FA. IF you have suspects in mind, I suggest you take it up with them. Why turn vigilante against the whole group? cl |
"Dan Conti" wrote in message ... DeWayne wrote: think they're GOD, As far as internet auctions go, Aren't they? Yep Ebay kind of reminds me of Microsoft. Hopefully MS will have some hot competition one of these days! |
Sorry for budding in Dan, But what you say is very true about Ebay. I recently posted a switch key for sale and the bids were going great until Ebay pulled the rug from under me removing the add saying that the key I was selling received complaints from "certain " people and that it was still in use today...blah blah blah. Who the hell does Ebay think they are ? The authorities watch dog ? Sorry to hear about it. Isn't it a sick, sinking feeling when an auction you are running is suddenly yanked? At least you were given a reason. I have now sent in THREE inquiries asking why the listing was removed, with NO response from eBay. Apparently they are arrogant now that they remove your auction and don't even tell you why. Christ I pay at least 200$ a month in advertising not to mention the substantial "cuts" Paypal takes off MY earnings. Needless to say that I for one am very ****ed also and especially sickened by the abusive Capitalistic Tyrant ways Ebay demonstrates. TOO BAD we dont have other options as popular as FleaBay. Someone else will invent a better mousetrap, make a billion bucks and get as big and arrogant as ePAY. It's a vicious cycle. Dan |
"Ad Hoc Guy" sputtered incoherently in
: I'll tell you guys, that really tickles my funny bone. First off a "contract" can be formed between two individuals without even signing a written paper.The basic act of demand and offer constitutes a "contract". Demand and offer don't make a contract in any sense of the word. contract: An agreement between persons which obliges each party to do or not to do a certain thing. Technically, a valid contract requires an offer and an acceptance of that offer, and, in common law countries, consideration. www.duhaime.org/dictionary/dict-c.htm -- You are a fluke of the Universe You have no right to be here And whether you can hear it or not, the Universe is laughing behind your back "Five-eleven's your height, one-ninety your weight You cash in your chips around page ninety-eight." |
Isnt Amazon.com a competitor to Ebay ? or is it a flop ?
-- " Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. " "DeWayne" wrote in message ... "Dan Conti" wrote in message ... DeWayne wrote: think they're GOD, As far as internet auctions go, Aren't they? Yep Ebay kind of reminds me of Microsoft. Hopefully MS will have some hot competition one of these days! |
We had a case recently where a girl and a guy were transfering funds back and forth to earn air mile points with their credit card. Ebay spied on her and cut off her ACCOUNT. Yet there is a serious LOOPHOLE in this consumer point earnings on Ebay and Paypal.. She had her boyfriend open an account and they are at it again, transfering $500 back and forth and earning points....makes me smile, "laws are made to be broken,contoured and ridiculed" That's what it's all about.... -- " Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. " "Sky King" wrote in message ... Hey Dan, if you post to newsgroups, do one at a time, that is not considered spamming. Also, If you read the ebay rules on newsgroups they don't want you to advertise ebay on the groups. You are just using FA for your own personal auction and not promoting ebay. Also, it says ebay will not take any action if somebody else posted your auction, or if they can't confirm an e-mail address that is not registered with ebay. Many people do look at the auctions listed FA: on the groups. Some people are cry babies, some with potty mouths who bitch about it. These people should use their filters so they won't see anything with FA:. A friend of mine that uses ebay posted his auction on the groups a few months ago. Now, he ran into a cry baby and said he complained to ebay. Well that auction went on. This jerk used a false e-mail address to post thinking he was safe. As my buddy said to him on the newsgroups (which the baby spammed) YOU has been reported to to your provider. He told them this guy is causing trouble on the groups and is spamming and using a made up address. The newsgroup moderators don't take kind to that. Guess what? My buddy posted more auctions and the "baby rat" was never heard from again. My buddy assumed that his own provider banned him since he never posted again. Seems it does not pay to be a schmuck! Dan Conti wrote: eBay, an idea that started out with good intentions, to serve the internet community has gone the way of so many other internet services of it's type. They think they're GOD, (along with many on these groups who think they are almost God, or NEWGROUP POLICE at the very least). eBay is now only concerned with MILKING the very MOST money they can from it's customers. Try to call them on the phone? Are you kidding? Send them an e-mail? Good luck. They don't care, and why should they, they're the only game in town. U.S. Capitalism at it's best, but more about THAT later... I recently put a UNIDEN 296D and 796D scanners on eBay for sale, and also made FA posts on these groups. Luckily, the 296D sold early with BUY IT NOW, and for some strange reason, the 796D was bid to a price past what the original BUY IT NOW pricing was. Yep, there's that good ole US capitalsim at work again. No one twists arms to bid that high, and as far as I know, ther is NO mechanism on eBay to STOP a bidder from bidding an item TOO HIGH. The auction was to end today. I would have had a decent return for my scanner, and the buyer would have a brand new, in box, never opened, never used scanner. But yesterday eBay replaced my auction with this notice...... ***This listing (5759983900) has been removed by eBay or is no longer available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly. If the item was removed by eBay, please consider this transaction canceled*** I DID NOT CANCEL THE AUCTION. eBay offered NO explanation as to why they removed this auction. As far as I know, the 796D is NOT banned for sale on eBay. They cancel your auction, but they DO NOT refund your listing fee. They send you NO e-mail explaining the removal. NONE. I sent them an inquiry, but so far no response. This is NO WAY to do business. I am now out the listing fees, and the financial reward of the winning bid. eBay, or SOMEONE hurt me bad in this, for no legitimate reason.... Other then what I THINK happened. Some NO LIFE, MISERABLE lurker in these groups, basically a RAT , SCUMBAG dropped a dime on my newsgroup listings to eBay, and they removed my auction. If you check my newsgroup post, and it's responses, you can formulate some potential suspects for yourself. Day in and day out these newsgroups are LOADED with nonsensical SPAM, and hore**** to beat the band, and nothing is ever done about it. Because someone was basically JEALOUS that my auction would bring a few bucks more then THEY thought it was worth, they act like a RAT ******* Newsgroup Cops and cause me harm. Well folks, the gloves are off. I will offer the scanner on a straight FOR SALE basis 80 ZILLION times on these groups. Since it is unfortunately the only game in town, if I have to, I will re-post it on eBay, but will follow eBay's rules and NOT post any FA on the newsgroups, not even rec.radio.swap. However, rest assured, that I will make a second vocation of reporting ANY and ALL FA eBay posts I find to eBay ad nauseum. Even those on the rec.swap group. eBay rules DO NOT allow posts even on a swap or for sale newsgroup. So, all you fellow hobbyists who get censored or DUMPED by eBay like I did, thank your fellow ASSHOLE lurker for it. Yes, this was LONG and I am ****ED. Thanks for reading. Dan |
Try going on the alt.for sale newsgroups
-- " Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. " "Dan Conti" wrote in message ... This seems to be the best info on the eBay rules for posting on Usenet newsgroups: "eBay users may not post on Usenet groups (Internet newsgroups) to advertise eBay or an eBay listing that is inappropriate or violates the Usenet board policy. If Usenet abuse is reported to eBay, we may among other remedies remove the listing, issue a warning, or suspend the user's eBay account. Please note that eBay can only take action in cases where it's clear it was an eBay member who posted to the Usenet group inappropriately." As you can see.. It is permitted by eBay to post a link to your eBay auction listing IF and only IF it is appropriate for that newsgroup. If the newsgroup permits it, then go for it if you want... If it is against the policy of that newsgroup, then it can be reported to eBay and your ISP who each may take actions. Who determines what can be posted on WHAT newsgroup? Where can these rules be found? Who decides what is appropriate? My rantings aside, this entire episode will be a good learning experience for us all. Apparently, if I go to eBay with a FA posting and tell them it's against the newsgroup rules, that person is in violation and subject to all kinds of actions... Dan |
Dan here is what you do....
Grab some Ebay logo, and take a picture of it, Post it in the auction like you would any item with photos not forgetting to put the Registered sign next to the Ebay logo. Just entitle it " EBAY ARE TYRANTS " and explain your case in the description and put a 0.01 cent value on the ad. I'll bet you it wont take a minute before they get back to you. Furthermore, any emaikl you send to Ebay should be accompanied with a CC: to your local consumer advocacy group, any Newsnet service you like and even the newspapers if you have too. It's by rattling the cage that you awake the animal. Let us know how you make out. -- " Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. " "Dan Conti" wrote in message ... Sorry for budding in Dan, But what you say is very true about Ebay. I recently posted a switch key for sale and the bids were going great until Ebay pulled the rug from under me removing the add saying that the key I was selling received complaints from "certain " people and that it was still in use today...blah blah blah. Who the hell does Ebay think they are ? The authorities watch dog ? Sorry to hear about it. Isn't it a sick, sinking feeling when an auction you are running is suddenly yanked? At least you were given a reason. I have now sent in THREE inquiries asking why the listing was removed, with NO response from eBay. Apparently they are arrogant now that they remove your auction and don't even tell you why. Christ I pay at least 200$ a month in advertising not to mention the substantial "cuts" Paypal takes off MY earnings. Needless to say that I for one am very ****ed also and especially sickened by the abusive Capitalistic Tyrant ways Ebay demonstrates. TOO BAD we dont have other options as popular as FleaBay. Someone else will invent a better mousetrap, make a billion bucks and get as big and arrogant as ePAY. It's a vicious cycle. Dan |
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