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  #11   Report Post  
Old March 23rd 05, 07:52 AM
Mike Tschel.
Posts: n/a

Wow! Excellent article. And, BTW - to the original poster - I didn't think
your question was stupid at all! In fact, I was wondering the same thing
myself a while back.

Thanks for the info!
Mike T.

wrote in message
On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 18:51:33 -0500, in "D. Brown"

Does anyone know what frequency Tethers operate on, the kind that they

for people who are under house-arrest? Would be interesting to know if

of the neighbors are a smooth criminal.

Thanks in advance.

State and federal correction agencies are staggering under the cost of
incarcerating the nation's 1.6 million inmates -- more than all personnel

active duty in the U.S. armed forces. And the number is growing. The

Bureau of
Justice Statistics estimates that by the year 2005 the prison population

will be
3.5 million. If the underlying causes are not addressed, that number could

even higher.

Since the Supreme Court ruled that federal prisons cannot exceed 125

capacity, and state prisons 117 percent -- limits reached by most in the

-- the criminal justice system has been forced to release increasing

numbers of
inmates before their sentences are up to make room for dangerous

criminals. In
the past, those on early release were generally placed in house-arrest

and their presence in the home electronically monitored. Nonviolent,

offenders, allowed out to work at day jobs, had to be "clocked in" at

prescribed by the supervising agency.

Monitoring programs are considerably cheaper than incarceration. They also
enable working offenders to begin paying restitution to victims and

the state for the cost of monitoring. Also, since 68 percent of

first-timers end up back inside, placing them in monitoring programs

instead of
in cells with habitual criminals may help reduce recidivism among this


Conventional house-arrest electronic monitoring systems use a miniature
transmitter locked around the offender's ankle. The device communicates

with a
modem attached to the telephone. When the individual comes home, the

instructs the modem to send a "time-in" message to a central monitoring
facility. If the subject goes beyond, say, 150 feet from the house, the

automatically transmits a "time-out" message. The information is relayed

to the
supervising agency, where it goes into a database of case files.

Correction or
parole officers can bring up a file at any time to see if the subject is

by the prescribed home-confinement hours.

However, conventional house-arrest monitoring does not track the movements

individuals outside the home. "The problem with these systems," said

Florida governor and U.S. drug czar Bob Martinez, "is that if you're not

no one knows where you are." With growing pressure to put more offenders

electronic monitoring, the need is a system that enables supervising

agencies to
know where the offender is at all times.

Pro Tech Monitoring Inc., a company headed by Martinez, developed the

Monitoring and Remote Tracking (SMART) system, which combines GIS, GPS,

phone and Internet technologies for 24-hour tracking. The person under
supervision wears a 3.5-ounce, tamper-proof ankle bracelet electronically
"leashed" to a small, portable tracking device (PTD) carried in a waist

handbag or briefcase. The PTD contains the microprocessor, GPS receiver

cellular/land-line communication system.

According to Martinez, the rules of behavior can be programmed into each

from a desktop PC. Constraints can include boundaries set up by geography

time -- where the subject is supposed to be at specific hours of the day

night, routes to and from work or rehabilitation classes, restricted areas

the community and the distance in feet the individual may be from the

This can be up to 1,000 feet, depending on the type of work the person

does. If
the specified distance is exceeded for more than a few minutes, the device
notifies the control center of the violation. The police are then directed

apprehend the person.

If a guideline is violated, the device warns the subject with an alarm, a
digitized voice and a liquid crystal display message. A violation not

within the required time, usually minutes, triggers a call to the control

via cellular phone. When the subject is home, the device automatically

communications from cellular to the home telephone. "The device is like a

looking down on you to be sure that you comply," said Martinez.

From a desktop PC, a parole officer or case supervisor can access a file

at the
central control Web site, and trace past movements or track an

movements in realtime on a computerized map. The file allows the agency to

if the person is showing up for work on time, going to rehabilitation

every week, or has been at or near the scene of a crime. Pro Tech inventor

Layson Jr. said the system can also be used as an investigative tool.

being able to go into a 7-Eleven with a list of mug shots of subjects that

in the area at the time of the crime."

According to Martinez, SMART is particularly effective in cases involving
domestic violence. If, for example, an abusive husband or boyfriend under

restraint comes within so many miles of where his wife or girlfriend lives

works, he is immediately warned of imminent arrest unless he leaves the

area. At
the same time, the victim is warned to get to a safer place. If the

warning is
ignored or the PTD ditched, police in the area are directed to apprehend


What happens if the offender tries to take the system apart? "Turn one

said Martinez, "and the unit automatically sends a 'help' message to

SMART will be tested this year in Florida and Pennsylvania. Bureau Chief

Nimer of the Florida Department of Corrections said the agency will begin

runs in Tallahassee, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Orlando, Pensacola

Jacksonville. "We'll put it on ourselves -- those of us on the

team, probably a few of the judges, maybe the state attorney -- wear it

awhile and make sure that it articulates where we've been. After that

start off with low-risk offenders. If it works properly, we'll move on to
high-risk types."

Nimer said there is no shortage of eligibles for electronic monitoring in
Florida. "Our community control program is the largest in the nation --

got over 15,000 on house arrest; of that, only about 1,000 are

monitored. Then we've got another 140,000 on state-felony probation. The

majority of our caseloads have not been supervised using electronic

With GPS, however, we'll have a type of supervision that we've never had

We envision using this as a tool to enhance personal supervision of these

He added that plea agreements involving sex offenders and pedophiles often
result in putting them on the community control program. "When witnesses

unwilling to testify, or the charges are not sound," Nimer said, "the

will accept plea agreements. Out of all the cases disposed of in felony

court in
the state of Florida, only 3 percent go to trial. At times you end up with
high-risk types on supervision that you would rather see in prison. If

they are
on supervision, ultimately, they're the ones we want to pinpoint for


"This approach is the opposite of that taken by most jurisdictions. They

try to
find a group of people who don't pose a risk that are going to be

successful on
the program. We want electronic monitoring on the worst of the worst,

they are going to cause the most problems. For example, we haven't used
electronic monitoring on nonviolent drug offenders. We've used it on sex
offenders and pedophiles because we believe they pose a greater threat to


Nimer said departments of corrections and local law enforcement can work

partnerships based on the new system. "The dispatcher of the local

office can be notified when a violation occurs. The message will pop up on

mapping software in their office showing the location of the device. The
dispatcher can then direct a [patrol car] already in the field to pick up


He acknowledged that the new technology is a more expensive alternative

traditional electronic monitoring, but felt communities will be getting

protection because GPS has far more capabilities. "The new system is going

cost us $12 to $18 a day, per offender, excluding staff expenses, but we

that to drop in time as the company recovers R&D costs."

Lackawanna County, Pa., will begin field testing SMART, using office staff

volunteers, then do a six-month trial with low- to medium-risk defendants

are already in the criminal justice system. District Attorney Michael J.
Barrasse said the system will eventually be used in certain bail

situations, and
with parolees and various work-release individuals "to ensure we know

where they
are, and whether or not they are complying with their conditions of


"At this point, however, the county is looking at the system more as a

tool to
provide post-sentence protection for the victim, where the offender is
classified as low- to medium-risk" said Barrasse. "One of the strong

points of
the system is its ability to track the abuser as well as the person who

protection. If they're both traveling, and their zones happen to cross,

alarm will go off. If he gets closer and violates a second zone, both his

the victim's alarms will go off, along with the police being notified, and

assistant DA who is on call -- the victim is no longer in the dark."

And if the offender ditches the device? "All of these monitors have one

-- if somebody snaps and ditches the PTD, or snips it off, you may know

that person was last, but you don't know where they're going to. With this
system, though, both the supervising agency and the victim are going to

know the
offender has broken contact with the device. This allows the victim to

move to a
safe place until the offender is relocated."

Since Lackawanna County is in the northeast corner of Pennsylvania, near

Pocono Mountains, one of the objectives of testing will be to determine

effects of the mountains on operating the system and other areas where

signals are blocked. Since even geodetic-grade GPS receivers with

antennas on tall masts are subject to occasional signal blocking by

hills, forests, trees with heavy canopies, and tall buildings,

jurisdictions may
have to work around these limitations, possibly by requiring the subject

notify the control center before entering buildings or going into areas

known to
block satellite signals. "We are not overly concerned about this,"

said, "for the simple fact that we would only lose contact with the device

for a
few seconds."

Another factor may be accuracy. With selective availability (SA), a

imposed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) that diminishes GPS

accuracy for
non-military uses, GPS-derived coordinates have an accuracy of about 300

although measurements made over 30 minutes or more from a fixed position

average out to about 50 feet. Without SA, raw GPS is accurate to 60 feet.

the president has given the DOD 10 years to remove SA, it is likely to be

for a while. On the other hand, if GPS monitoring systems incorporate
differential correction signals, as broadcast by the Coast Guard or other
agencies, differential GPS accuracy will be better than 15 feet. But,

said, "Jurisdictions are not interested in knowing which chair the

offender is
in, they're interested in his movements through the community."

Authorities in Florida and Pennsylvania have discussed the feasibility of

system with experts as well as with judicial, law enforcement and

representatives nationwide. "We have talked with a number of district
attorneys," said Barrasse, "throughout the state and on the national

level. Law
enforcement and district attorneys' offices around the country are looking

see if this is going to be an effective tool."

As research and development progress in this field, monitoring systems

will get
smaller with each generation. Barrasse definitely believes this is the

GPS-based monitoring systems are heading. "I don't think we're so far away

this becoming a more advanced system similar to heart monitors -- not

right now,
but down the road."

Martinez agreed. "Obviously, our devices will get smaller as batteries

smaller and more cost effective. Some of our visionary engineers say we

probably have the system down to where it would all be in the ankle

bracelet. I
don't see that for the next couple of years, but I do see it being the

size of a
typical Motorola cellular [phone] in the near future."

Higher-risk individuals will eventually be placed on this new GPS-based
monitoring system if testing in Florida and Pennsylvania show the system

consistently reliable and offenders would rather carry the device, follow

and have a measure of freedom than be in prison.

As for the voluntary aspect of the system, with 1.4 percent of America's
population in jail by 2005, a self-contained, tamper-proof ankle bracelet

inevitable. Scientists say that identification implants are already

Can monitoring implants be far behind?

Bill McGarigle is a freelance writer specializing in communication and
information technology. E-mail:


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  #12   Report Post  
Old March 24th 05, 01:57 AM
George Kinzer
Posts: n/a

Folks like him have nothing in their life so they
answer in news groups and try to **** off people
Folks who have nothing in life use CB?

What, whine like a bitch cause I made a statement about using a "search
Like I said, I did some seating on the Internet, posted a link, then I got
to thinking, "why am I doing all this searching?" I emailed him Personally
and it bounced.
You don't have a clue about my life, what I do, think I got time for
Look at the last hundred post I have made. Think I intend to **** people

**** him off? I don't care if I did or not.
Now YOU making comments?
Stick to the Facts.
NOT your assumptions.
I won't bring it down to your level. Not now, not ever.

  #13   Report Post  
Old March 24th 05, 02:11 AM
Posts: n/a

I know you are, but what am I?

Nyeah, nyeah.

Can we watch cartoons now?

  #14   Report Post  
Old March 24th 05, 04:54 AM
D. Brown
Posts: n/a

People do that using CB?

I figured people who use CB talk like Hank Snow or Bulford T. Justice and
keep saying 'that's a big ten-four."

Folks who have nothing in life use CB?

I did use a "search engine" as George had suggested, and I did find that
these are some of the groups George frequents or at least posts to under the
nym used here.

And to top it all off it looks as though he's from Alabama.

Two of these things together don't mean much as far as judging one's
character really, but combined... well....

If your daddy walks you to school every morning because he's in the same
grade as you.. You just might be George Kinzer.

  #15   Report Post  
Old March 24th 05, 04:58 AM
D. Brown
Posts: n/a

What, whine like a bitch cause I made a statement about using a "search
Like I said, I did some seating on the Internet, posted a link, then I got
to thinking, "why am I doing all this searching?" I emailed him Personally
and it bounced.
You don't have a clue about my life, what I do, think I got time for
Look at the last hundred post I have made. Think I intend to **** people

**** him off? I don't care if I did or not.
Now YOU making comments?
Stick to the Facts.
NOT your assumptions.
I won't bring it down to your level. Not now, not ever.

Hey look George, I am really sorry. Looks as though I have struck a nerve
bringing up the subject of "Tethers" and "House-Arrest".

You didn't really have to go through all of the trouble "baby sitting" me
and presenting me with that nice Power Point presentation on Tethers.
But I guess it gave you something to bitch about.

Anyhow, hopefully your parole will be cut short for your outstanding
behavior and your friendly demeanor towards others. The Tether will be off
before you know it and then you can start hitting the hooch again. Maybe you
won't be so edgy and angry all of the time.

  #16   Report Post  
Old March 24th 05, 07:44 AM
George Kinzer
Posts: n/a

Anyhow, hopefully your parole will be cut short for your outstanding
behavior and your friendly demeanor towards others. The Tether will be off
before you know it and then you can start hitting the hooch again. Maybe you
won't be so edgy and angry all of the time.

A) I don't drink
B) Never seen a Tether
C) "C " ya later

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