View Full Version : Scanner
- Base Scanner Comparable To the Radio Shack PRO-2006?
- Alinco DJ-X2000
- Yaseu VR500 - interested parties
- Trunk PCR Version 0.7.175 Update
- FA:2 Days left!! UNIDEN BC796D Digital Trunking Scanner - NIB!
- Schematic Wanted
- CCrane CCatalog CCame today
- Radio Shack Pro-2006 Info?
- Formula 1
- Best handheld antenna for 225-400 Mhz Milair?
- FS: BC780XLT & HR2510 both complete
- On the cheap, under $100?
- Re: Fire season already
- Followup to Coax question
- Coaxial Cable Question
- Trunktracker Question
- FS: Radio Shack PRO-43 Handheld Scanner
- FA: UNIDEN BC796D Digitail Trunking NIB!
- FA: UNIDEN BC296D Digital trunking Hand Held - NIB!
- easy money in 30 days
- Trunk PCR Version 0.7.174 Update
- Bearcat Display Problem
- Modifying preset frequency bands on Bearcat?
- Please check out my Updated Scanner Site
- WTB:Trunktracker in Canada
- ID Tracker Updated - V3.6.0
- Re: WFM in Japan ???
- Forum for listening/scanning/Ham/Short-wave etc.
- Want Military HF, VHF, UHF, SatCom frequencies. Join the MilAirCommsChatGroup
- The Hotest Product On the Market! 7DhbrQ
- Re: trouble with hum
- FT: BC780XLT for PRO-2006/2042
- schematic/info on BC890XLT?
- Pro-97 Software?
- BC296D Programing on Apco 25 800Mhz
- Icom H16 - different versions?
- FS: Algreo DFjr doppler radio direction finder
- For Sale
- Optoelectronics Scout for sale
- Optoelectronics Scout for sale
- BC296D power life?
- Ultimate scanner (wishful thinking)
- What is there to monitor on 2.4 GHz band?
- Re: Uniden repair?
- Softare for Radio Shack Pro2096
- Kern County
- Re: is this data or just interference?
- Re: want to buy a SW radio for my husband
- Re: Pro 2004 owners manual
- FS: Pro-93
- Is there any mods for a pro 67
- BC296D bunch o questions
- Scanner Crystals Needed
- Pro 2006 upper and lower cabinet
- purpose of 1000 channels on some scanners? a hidden attraction?
- Yes, not to mention some really intelligent asses, too.
- Bob GROVE on TLC Tonite 9pm EST show on AREA 51
- BC898T vs. BC780XLT
- FA: Kenwood VC-H1 SSTV Visual Communicator
- looking 4 scanner w/ Mods
- query re the elusive GE/EDACS traffic
- BC898T bug in the CTCSS decoding
- Retread newbie equipment question
- Derry (or N. Ireland) Frequencies ?
- FS: General Electric Portable Transceiver w/ charger (161 Mhz range)
- FS: ICOM IC-R5 w/ OPC-478U Computer Cable
- BC898T SS Software Problem
- Male BNC to MX connector
- Fosset's nonstop flight around t. world
- Over 100 misc. Low Band radio crystals
- Over 100 misc.UHF radio crystals
- AOR or ICOM?
- above 1000 mhz
- 900mhz yagi question
- ARC8000
- Bearcat BCT8 Vs. BC898T differences?
- Realistic (radioshack/tandy) 2006 Question
- what's the difference between simplex and half-duplex?
- sc230 Vs. BC246T
- scanning FRS/GMRS radios.
- forums?
- 800 mhz uniden scanner cell-unblocked on ebay
- WTB: PRO-2004 scanner
- FS - Yupiteru MVT-7000
- Wow, I'm impressed!
- newbie needs help with selecting indoor antennas
- Where does RS pull freqs from to program scanners (P-95), etc.
- ISO DC adapter
- ISO Uniden email addresses
- ISO Uniden email addresses
- IRC radio monitoring
- Yaesu VR-120D DC input and other newbie questions
- Railroad Frequencies: AM or FM?
- HOW do i get my BC 200 xlt scanner to search?
- Radio Station Reporter Helped Out At Emergencies
- CopWatch Uses Scanners
- PRO-95 Scanner questions
- North-Central Florida Mil Logs 2/23/2005
- Re: test
- To owners of a JIL SX-200: display blocked on "89APL-E"
- Frequencies needed for Maumelle, Arkansas Police
- Pro 96 fixed
- Scanner Advice
- Radio Cradle
- North-Central Florida Mil Logs 2/21/2005
- WTB - Bearcat III accessories
- BCT-7 Police Scanner.
- Frequency Request (Chula Vista)
- Looking to trade
- Re: fast easy cash. very worth it
- BCT8 for a DeCoDeR
- North-Central Florida Mil Logs 2/20/2005
- Very active Freq : 237.4000, other Mil activity found in search
- Antenna-Climbing out 3rd Flr window
- MilTenna Antenna Product Review.
- Ppro 2032 Mods
- FT: BC796 for BC246
- Icom 7100
- BC 760 XLT
- Lexington Kentucky police data comms
- Manteca CA Scannerist Spots Stolen SUV
- Pro 96 part question
- 780 XLT
- VR-150 English Manual.
- FS: BC246T
- Antenna advice - best super gain
- radio shack portable
- Uniden Bearcat BC 800XLT scanner: Cell phone Unblocked
- Uniden Bearcat BC 800XLT scanner: Cell phone Unblocked
- Uniden Bearcat BC 800XLT scanner: Cell phone Unblocked
- CHP monitoring
- Re: Uniden BC296D handling caution
- Daytona 500 scanner streaming?
- phoenix area info
- FA: Uniden Bearcat BC 800XLT scanner
- Re: For Sale: Mobile / Cell Phone Jammer
- Keynote pagers (SOLD)!!!!!!!!
- BC296D handling caution
- FA - Icom 7100 - 1/2 hour left
- WTB: New or Used - DSSS Spread Spectrum Radio Modem
- Wanted To Buy: DSSS Spread Spectrum Radio Modem
- antenna contact stuck inside
- UnIdEn Bc250 DeEeEeE FoR AuCtIoN
- A Sad Reality: The Unaviodable Death of Scanning
- Digital Receiver in Canada w/o license...
- Pro-96 CPU upgrade insanity
- FCC Search Site
- FS: BC780XLT, Uniden HR2510, Pro350XL, Keynote pagers.
- FA:Uniden Bearcat BC 800XLT scanner
- FA - Icom R7100...two days left
- Re: VR500 for Auction in UK. Post Anywhere.
- Fla Mobile scanners question
- Pasco Hernando Freqs?
- aor 8200 mk3u for sale
- Wanted: Maxon WTA-1 Antenna?
- WinScanRS
- WinScanRS
- WinScanRS
- Pro-91
- Uniden BC246T Leather Cases
- For sale AOR AR8200 MK3
- Pro 2052
- check my scanner and other stuff on ebay!
- FS/FT Icom R7000's with rack mounts
- FA - Icom R7100
- Super Bowl Combat Air Patrol Recorded Audio OnLine
- Super Bowl North-Central Florida Mil Logs 2/6/2005
- North-Central Florida Mil Logs 2/5/2005
- Alinco DJ-X10 programming software?
- Easier to read 2052 Manual
- SuperBowl Flyover Aircraft with Senator Aboard??
- Super Bowl Combat Air Patrol’s already down one aircraft.
- FT: Yupiteru MVT-7000 (Full 800 Mhz Cell)
- PRO-82 case?
- Mil Acft Comms Log - Sat, 5 Feb 2005
- Need Biloxi, MS Casino Frequencies
- Kenwood TK360
- Bearcat 898T discriminator
- FS - Icom R-7100
- Discriminator tap for BC895XLT Needed
- plug in crystals
- Re: Listening to fast food frequencies..
- Ham Radio Desks
- wide band receiver, HT, PC controlled radio
- RS PRO96
- Uniden Bearcat Dealers in Canada ???
- tracking more than 1 Smart Zone tower in the same bank with a Pro 96
- Charging BC200XLT with 6 V Car Charger
- Hudson Fl Frequency Talkgroups
- ICOM R20
- How am I programming Pro96 wrong
- Chandler/Phoenix freqs
- PRO-2052 - Should I But It?
- FA; Stridsberg 4 port multicoupler with newest "m" mod done by factory
- North-Central Florida Mil Logs 2/1/2005
- North-Central Florida Mil Logs 1/28/2005
- For a change..
- cordless phone
- Legal Question
- Mil Acft Comms - Tues 1 Feb 2005
- For Trade: AOR AR8000
- Programming a R1090
- FA:Shinwa SR001 scanner like new 3 days left!
- 900mhz baby monitors
- WTB: PRO-43 back plate
- Lets try this again:Vox Squelch software:
- FS:BC60XLT $65.00 & Regancy R1050 $20.00
- FS Bearcat 780xlt mint $250
- Does any VOX recorder software exist?
- Cleaning Out House Sale
- Mil Acft Comms - Sat, 29 Jan 2005
- Discone antenna for VHF low band and CB
- Crystal or synthesized?
- PC controlled reciever --- good idea? bad idea? or a just plain ugly one?
- Mil Acft Comms Log - Friday 28 Jan 2005
- For sale/Trade BC60XLT
- Uniden BC92XLT Nascar scanner
- BC780XLT or PRO-2006?
- Trade ALL for Laptop
- Is winradio really all that good?
- Florida Mil Acft Comms - Thurs 27 Jan 2005
- Reference Materials Wanted
- Florida Mil Acft Comms - Wed 26 Jan 2005
- Re: Poppers? --- I WANT ONE !!!
- test
- Re: Realistic PRO-2004 F.S.
- BC 246 Upgrade?
- Constant Beeping Scanner Defeaters
- 263.925 Mhz FM
- Re: Poppers? --- I WANT ONE !!!
- Broadcast FM SCA subcarriers
- FA:Shinwa scanner with all acc. & P/S on eBay
- What are cellular frequencies?
- Sell your stuff for free on this site I found & free membership
- Cordless Phone reception
- FS: Scanner/Radio Books
- 800 mghz antenna
- HEY KRAKULA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!LQQKy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- aor 8200u mk3 for sale
- FS: BK VHF portable & Pro-83
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