View Full Version : Scanner
- What is the repeater channel used for 460.325Mhz?
- Re: Scanner Feed List - Non Radio Reference
- Code 10-S
- Is a 210XLT still worth buying
- Solution manual Turbulence in the Atmosphere (John C. Wyngaard)
- Gmail issues
- Icom R-7000 Mods
- Re: want to buy icom ic-r1
- Calif - CHP Frequencies
- Re: What does QSL mean???
- Re: Shinwa SR001
- Manual for Regency Turboscan 800 TS2 Needed
- Re: What does QSL mean???
- Re: What does QSL mean???
- Re: Programming the PRO-64/PRO-2041
- Regency HX-1500
- Uniden Bearcat 210Xlt
- Whistler WS1065 Desktop Digital Scanner Re: Opinions wanted:
- Re: Orange County (Calif) Sheriff, silence on 460 MHz
- Regency Touch K100
- Re: Peoria, AZ Police Frequencies
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- San Angelo Texas Scanner Frequencies
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- Wanted: NYC freqs with P.L.
- What does QSL mean???
- Peoria, AZ Police Frequencies
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- Online scanner streams?
- Manitoba
- Compare Gre and Whistler radios
- Thanks
- Whistler WS1065 Digital trunking scanner
- Re: Uniden Bearcat 210Xlt
- Re: Uniden Bearcat 210Xlt
- Re: Uniden Bearcat 210Xlt
- .
- Taxi Companies | Taxi Service
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics4th E by Chiang,Wainwright
- NYC frequencies
- Programming Old Regency Scanners OY-OF-BAND
- Re: Shinwa SR001
- Humor & Funny Stories
- SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics 4th Eby Chiang,Wainwright
- Scanner Master Police Call CD
- Re: Regency HX-1500
- Time Capsule: Icom IC R-100
- Uniden Bearcat 210Xlt
- Re: Uniden Bearcat 210Xlt
- Uniden 396XT Computer Connection
- Uniden BC 760 XLT - Loss of received signal (deaf)
- Uniden Bearcat 210Xlt
- Re: Is new RS PRO-93 no better than my old Regency HX1500 ??
- gre training in hyderabad
- Bearcat Warehouse Reviews ?
- Re: Alinco DJ-X10 software?
- NY Center - Air Traffic Control
- Re: CB slang
- need help with psr-500 scanner
- PLEASE DO NOT POST BINARY TO THIS GROUP [was: Radio programming softwarecollection]
- programing
- Re: AM Station by my house, anything I can do?
- Pro-2006 dust blown off...anybody have win-turbo CE232
- Re: 5900 KHz
- Re: 5900 KHz
- Coax advice please part 2
- Coax advice please
- Regency Flight Scan # ACT-T-720A servoce manual/schematics needed
- GRE/Radio Shack Scanner Maker Belly up?
- Uniden 996t DIGITAL police scanner - minimum $350
- Boston Area Freqs Spreadsheet
- Easier to Read HomePatrol Manual
- The Golden Age of Radio: An Unscientific Poll
- FS: DX394 Receiver
- Uniden 396XT SALE
- collins com 251
- ICOM R-8500 wide band receiver for sale
- alinco dj-x2tscanner how to tune in??
- List of Scanner Lists
- 5900 KHz
- 5900 KHz
- ham radio loses another one
- Amateur Radio
- Amateur Radio
- 5800 KHz
- Help With Squelch on Pro 2001
- cops say its illegal 2 have these ham radio repeaters programmed intoyour ham radio mobile. also illegalal on ht according2cops
- cops say illegal 2 havee ham radioo repeaters programmed in ur ham radio
- TrunkPCR version 0.90.282 Now Available
- TrunkPCR version 0.90.282 Now Available
- FS Realistic Scanning Receiver
- Quick Reference Cards for the XT Scanners
- very very very vague hoa rules
- Canada outlaws hands-free ham radio
- Pro 106 digi scanner
- several states outlaw using cb radio while walking
- several states outlaw using ham radio while walking
- realistic pro 2021 modification
- FS Realistic Scanning Receiver
- Ruling Against Boston Police
- now, Canada has outlawed simply having 2 way radios visible in your vehicles
- Re:,,,, alt.startrek.creative
- Re:,,,, alt.startrek.creative
- Re: Delaware outlaws Cb radio
- FS Realistic PRO-2003 scanner
- Re: Oregon radio law
- Collecting Old Pre-1920 Russian Gold Coins _30467
- Re: Oregon radio law
- Re: Oregon radio law
- Re: Delaware outlaws Cb radio
- Re: Delaware outlaws Cb radio
- Re: Delaware outlaws Cb radio
- pro-164
- whacker emergency lights
- why bother upgrading
- lol at the current effectt of palmdale anti-antenna ordinance
- palmdale
- Uniden NASCAR Scanner.
- Canadian hands-free cb amaeur radio l aw
- help with pro 163 scanner
- Re: Yupiteru MVT 7000 or 7100
- Re: CIA Official Reveals Demon Mr. Bush Knew No WMDs and LIED to Kill America
- you hoas could face a huge lawsut for requiring cellphone towers andother towers to bllend in with the sky
- BC200XLT battery replacement
- Re: local laws overrule federal law
- Easier to Read PSR 310/410 Manual
- OT - You know you are having a bad flight when...
- Yupiteru MVT 7000 or 7100
- CT250 Software
- Looking for an aircraft scanner
- Pro 2020
- The natives at Radioreference are restless
- TrunkPCR version 0.90.279 Now Available
- Re: Pro96 Crack
- regency R1090
- programming SmartZone system into Uniden BCD396XT ?
- Handheld Scanner Help-Stopped working
- Home Patrol -- Is it worth it?
- FS: NIB GRE PSR-310 Hand Held Trunked Scanner
- Regency R1080 Distorted Audio Problem
- Printed Easier to Read 396T/996T Manuals
- Re: Local cops arrested me for using my radio
- Today I saw a Uniden ad in Popular Science magazine.
- New Freqs - Updated 16 Jan 2011
- ham radio whacerism goes ack to 1920
- Media Center - Mixet B2B Marketplace
- Radio Shack Pro-92
- New GRE Home Patrol "Equivalent" ?
- Re: This is a
- BCD396XT car charger
- REQ: Radio Shack Pro 2004 Question
- Re: Climbing a 1,700 ft Antenna Tower
- Easier to Read UBC800XLT Manual
- Re: HOAs are a disgrace and should be outlawed
- Sydney Australia Medina Marketing Solutions
- HOA desecrates graveyard
- Seeking Experienced Scanner Personnnel
- Ariadne Designs Ltd
- Comprehensive Resource Guide on the Stretch Mark Problem.
- Realistic PRO-2006 Programmable Scanner, decaying LCD display
- got a pro 93
- Pro90 Help
- Trunking scanner antenna
- New radio freqs - updated 3 Oct 2010
- moonraker mrp 2000 cct diag
- RNLI Pager
- Motorola MT2090 Desktop
- Newbie Scanner setup question
- LAST DAY!! Uniden Bearcat BC220XLT 200 Channel Handheld Scanner
- Re: pribate property
- got the old scanner
- ecpa
- Uniden Bearcat BC220XLT 200 Channel Handheld Scanner
- pro 2050 scanner
- how can we operate outr CB radios mobile??/
- cartoons
- GRE PSR 700
- Re: radiosondes
- It happened in New York AGAIN!!! Another ham arrested in NY fortalking on a cell phone (which was actually his amateur radio)
- Easier to Read 996XT Manual
- Re: Many operators of Amateur Radio equipment could be diagnosed asmentally ill
- re-viving Regency HX 1500 scanner
- Los Angeles County live scanner website?
- Q: PDF copies of old Police Call editions (2003/2004) available anywhere? - ctx
- BlackBerry Police Scanner
- 800 MHz angle antenna BNC connection
- I wish, Philippines frequencies list
- London, UK frequencies
- Re: FS AOR AR-5000, Spectum Display SDU-5500, Timewave DSP-59+
- Modes Questions From Sr. Citizen
- TrunkPCR version 0.90.271 Now Available
- Pro-83 Manager Version 1.0.13 Now Available
- Disconne or Scantenna ?
- Wanted. Pro-50 scanner for parts
- Pro-83 Manager Version 1.0.10 Now Available
- Upgrade From A GRE 500 ? Opinions ?
- All tax related matters and International tax matters.
- PCR Remote version 0.70.051 Now Available
- PCR Pro version 1.14.267 Now Available
- TrunkPCR version 0.90.270 Now Available
- Uniden BCD996T Unable to restore any groups after disabling all groups withinin a system
- crystals
- PCR Pro version 1.14.266 Now Available
- PRO 77
- Re: against the law to even recieve messages while driving
- Yupiteru MVT 3300 EU
- PRO-82 Problem
- WTB Belt Holster for a PRO-43
- need plug -in antenna for BC - 145
- antenna ideas (on pickup
- Re: Illinois outlaws 70 centimeter ham radios completely and scannersbeing played on the internet
- hoas found another way around the ban on them outlawing antennas
- Re: ohio rules hams and cbers can e jailed ffor rfi to part 15devices
- parts for a Yupiteru MVT-7100 for auction and some BIN on
- Wtb Pro 26
- bearcat bc - 145 - xl adding an s meter
- Eton E1XM swap for...
- sound and the collaboration with microphone
- bc sc 150 hand held
- uniden / bearcat BC - 145 XL
- sound or its association with microphone
- Mods for Realistic/Radio Shack PRO-50
- adding a PL tone keypad to a bc-145xl???
- Voice Activated Recorder
- screw the HOA
- casino channels
- Making An Old Scanner Good Again
- Pike County, Pennsylvania lack of education
- RadioShack Pro-51 keyboard repair?
- how can I get a refund on my illegal FCC-approved type acceptedradios here in the U.S.?
- radio shack pro 107
- frs/gmrs radios are illegal in New York and Kentucky while mobile andin Indiana eben while portable
- Re: so when a cop asks for your radio license
- why is a legal antenna all of a sudden illegal just because youchanged the station on your radio???
- Scanning in the 21st Century
- what do you do when you have 2 hoas???!!!
- BBS for Scanners
- Req. info: re there any "Numbers Station" e.g. "Lincolnshire Poacher" still active in UK and on what frequencies please?
- SAMS scanner service booklets ( S D series ) F S
- Please Provide Help With Receiving E1
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