View Full Version : Digital
- d8#-0 Rich or Stupid? d8#-0p\
- Test Preparation Software
- 6AeOD Get-Rich-Quick Cons BEWARE 6AeODgE
- lh@7R Rich or Stupid? lh@7R7^
- gbd$l Get-Rich-Quick Cons BEWARE gbd$lNm
- m'4^> Rich or Stupid? m'4^>MR
- TNU3P Rich or Stupid? TNU3P(
- U.@g7 Get-Rich-Quick Cons BEWARE U.@g7SS
- Help us save usenet news for Time-Warner customers
- Looking for San Francisco Bay Packet Radio
- Linux PSK31 software
- How to join a club?
- 7.040Mhz signal (in Ukraine)
- Amateur Radio License Exam Preparation Software
- UIView Question
- 100 pages of videos
- KAM TNC for sale
- What mode and protocol is audio sample?
- AU Digital Radio Petiton
- Governor Romney dismissed role of Amateur Radio Operators in Emergencies.
- Need BBS Mail Forwarding Partner
- sound card programming
- APRSPoint 4.4 is released
- Fatloss computer program
- PSK-31 signal report format
- HP Desktop for sale!
- Watch NFL Games Online
- UI-View software
- PC packrat II
- GPS Garmin OEM 25 LVS, 12 ch, HIGH-PERFORMANCE...........
- PSK31 newbie receiving problem (RFI in cable)
- Callsign hats at W. CT Hamfest this Sunday
- W. Connecticut Hamfest is next Sunday
- Aprspoint 4.2.6 is available
- 2 weeks until Western Connecticut Hamfest
- swinger index date , swinger info , swinger info date , swinger information
- Western Connecticut Hamfest
- KAM+ Power Supply
- Digicom>64 and Digicom>128 for the Commodore 64/128 Computers
- Tnx Kim and Don.
- Pelican Island QRV with PSK31 on Aug 25 2007
- Finnish Ilmari balloon launch Aug 11th at 06 UTC
- What are the Tones on 14.077 ?
- scheduled for sporge flood
- RTTY on 5346.48 kHz: what mode is it?
- sound card programs under Viista
- Transport Control Protocol
- Transport Control Protocol
- WinAPRS question
- WinAPRS question
- Hal ST-8000 Memory Problems
- New Ham Radio Website
- Problem with APRS Mapping
- Graphing Calculator Programs
- TheNet & APRS
- APRS ???
- FYI: 100+ Kit Projects Companies
- PC-Amtor
- الي يتعطى المخدرات شوفو وش يصير فيه (صور)(صور)(صور)
- DSP software for PC
- Upload from Digipan to LoTW: invalid mode
- Re: Ship's Tour Of My Universe To Begin - Call To Arms! Duty Stations! Fire When Ready! Cease Fire Procola! Pt. I/III
- What FREQS for VHF Packet?
- Basic MixW question
- Gwyn Reedy, W1BEL, SK
- Now that CW is gone there will be more ham to non-ham conflicts.
- RESULT: will be created
- Aprspoint 4.2 released!
- interface for VX-6e and PC sound card
- Some mode on 40 meters noise wide band
- aprspoint 4.0 available, with improved tracking
- Vista compatibility with APRSPoint
- IC-M710 long distance communication, how long ?
- Local AM staiton FMing and Harmonics in 80 meters.
- Signa Link SL-1+ help
- Kam 3+ Resetting from KISS mode
- RTTY software
- radiosisma
- Does anyone know how to use the Boston Accoustics Receptor HD's hidden menu?
- Does anyone know how to use the Boston Accoustics Receptor HD's hidden menu?
- KPC-4 Firmware
- Visit Nighthawk's Forum
- RTTY and the SM-220 SCOPE
- FYI: New Radio Website
- Guide Lines For This News Group
- FYI: Some D-Star Links
- Wanted Collins 30L-1 Round
- tx/rx aprs
- WTB: VHF GE Master II or the like
- FCC NEWS Break
- setting up rigblaster
- NEW IC91 AD Yahoo group
- PSK-31 via satellite
- most cost effective controller
- PSK31 - PSK TARA Rumble this weekend - 0000 to 2400 UTC 7 October 2006
- Any digital on VHF/UHF?
- Packet Radio In Melbourne Question
- PSK Contest
- TARA PSK31 Rumble Contest
- Packet BBS?
- WTB COBRA 148 GTL Philippines Made
- HP 48gx and packet
- jeunes filles de 18 ans perverses
- Viens me voir en reel
- ACC2-connector on Kenwood TS2000 for RTTY with MicroKEYER
- icom 740 mars mod needed
- jeunes filles 18 ans perverses
- Frequency discriminator algorithms?
- Can someone please help me with this ???
- What's the story on solder these days?
- Batavia, NY hamfest
- ARRL Maryland State Convention this Saturday, July 29, in Hagerstown,MD
- Test
- Re: YAESU FT-817 FT-857 FT-897 KEYPAD
- Newbie Questions
- Low cost SMD Oven for making SMD samples and Prototypes
- Sept 9+10 - ARRL MDC Section Convention
- looking for 2 metre mobile radio
- Can a Type II radio repeater, repeat off of another Repeater?
- pactor decoding
- WinAPRS Users
- looking for help with icom725 internal power supply
- How to get the English Picture perfect and driver??
- New Honolulu radiofax schedule effective 06/20/06
- MFJ-1278B question - PTT of power off
- WTB 2m / 70cm all modes transceiver
- Re: ebay: Icom 756 PROII Available, Nice !
- APRSpoint: memorial day special
- jeune fille 18 ans innocente
- Re: ebay: Icom 756 PROII Available, Nice !
- Hamvention: Amateur Radio Manufacturers and Unfair Pricing...
- MixW version 2.17 ready for downloading
- Drayton Lifestyle LP241 central heating control.
- Les plus belles jeunes filles du web
- Bob Grant Tribute, Part 3
- Please help to identification this digital mode
- Seatty 1.70 is published
- Soundmodem under Linux - documemtation?
- Newbie, questions on AX.25, theory, hardware etc.
- APRSPoint special
- Free Music Downloads
- PSK-31 interface help needed for FT-817
- tigertronics
- swldatabase
- Icom UX-14 Interface
- Today's Content Quality Rating For
- DSP Homebrew
- TNC- PC or box?
- Aprspoint version 3.1 available
- FT-897D and rigblaster plus
- APRSPoint new version released
- REQ: MFJ-1278B circuit diagrams/schematics
- just altering the landscape as it were
- having trouble laoding the gruo to read becusase of the arba scrpt still on the first page of the guorp
- what sort of traffic exist at VHF
- 'l7A, Best Bargains Online 'l7A,
- M-8000 EPROMS and Manual???
- Re: Bux Comm sound card to Radio interface.
- Software for RTTY ??
- Re: Bux Comm sound card to Radio interface.
- Re: Bux Comm sound card to Radio interface.
- Alice Cooper joins Philly's #1 Classic Rock Station for Nights
- FS - Packet TNC Bundle
- APRSPoint president's day sale
- APRS settings for long-distance train trip?
- Can't run TCP/IP through AX.25 using Linux
- Get Rich
- A Space Suit with a 145.990Mhz (FM) transceiver!
- do I have to rebuilt the kernel to enable AX25?
- Any interest in CML Microcircuits cool ICs?
- Register your opinion at HamPoll
- Increase selectivity by a Q multiplier
- APRSPoint new version available !
- We Want You To DJ!
- 'Classic' Winlink
- APRSPoint holiday special
- No link attitude!
- website
- APRS users
- WiFi packet on the 2390-2450Mhz band?
- Kantronics KTU Weathernode
- Digital Ham Software with user-defined modes (custom)?
- DRM inteference?
- Important: Check it Out!
- baycom, linux, ax25 frustration
- APRSPoint thanksgiving special
- WTD: Recommendation for home weather station
- help with choosing parts for project
- RigMate Computer Interface Kits now Shipping
- Announcing a new Rigblaster discussion group..
- telereader
- WTB KPC 9612 plus
- Naval connection? You qualify for RNARS membership!
- Universal M-8000 Decoder
- FSK transceiver design
- How to receive out of band signals..
- Help to configure EJ-41U in DR-135 to PC
- For Sale
- Wanted: KAM All-Mode EPROM
- News:Gothic Singles Photos!
- Clover
- Antsoft Best domain software
- International Space Station School Contacts on Oct 5th, 6th 7th
- Legendary UFO talk show host Don Ecker to Interview Zecharia Sitchin
- Lo nuevo en Radiocarisma
- DSP, DRM and other Mods for the DX-394
- Q15x25 activity - 17 meters
- A lot of good diagrams
- Iridium...can you receive it ?
- 4CH Electric RC Helicopter for $83
- 50.03 mhz spread spectrum?
- FCC Broadcast Flag v.s. Amateur Radio
- New threatto Packet Radio... Move over Cw...
- Re: Amateur Radio Assistance to Katrina Disaster!
- WinLink and H & W traffic.
- USPS List of ZIP CODES closed by Katrina
- USPacket's DigiBlog
- Echolink and AT&T
- Re: Removal of Morse Code from Amateur License Requirements...
- Re: Removal of Morse Code from Amateur License Requirements...
- PC as a TNC
- AOR ARD 9800 to ICOM 746 WIRING
- Ham radio beginner?
- Hardware sound card? Or software?
- dsp
- Sound Card or Serial TNC
- Field Day 2005
- Palm m515 ideal for packet or APRS for trade with CW keyer
- winaprs vs acarsd
- Another TH-D7A(G2.0) Problem
- ui-view/TH-D7(G) problems
- winlink2.9 access via Digiptr?
- looking for frequency synthesizer chip
- PH1PH - SK
- trying to come up to speed
- Re: Here is the smoking gun
- FA: my Items on E-Bay...
- Please email me
- digital signal processing
- cash
- Question on web spiders
- AGWPE for Linux?
- Dell Dimension 4100/ ts-450-s/Rascal
- Amazing
- fbb and internet??
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