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  1. d8#-0 Rich or Stupid? d8#-0p\
  2. Test Preparation Software
  3. 6AeOD Get-Rich-Quick Cons BEWARE 6AeODgE
  4. lh@7R Rich or Stupid? lh@7R7^
  5. gbd$l Get-Rich-Quick Cons BEWARE gbd$lNm
  6. m'4^> Rich or Stupid? m'4^>MR
  7. TNU3P Rich or Stupid? TNU3P(
  8. U.@g7 Get-Rich-Quick Cons BEWARE U.@g7SS
  9. Help us save usenet news for Time-Warner customers
  10. Looking for San Francisco Bay Packet Radio
  11. Linux PSK31 software
  12. How to join a club?
  13. 7.040Mhz signal (in Ukraine)
  14. Amateur Radio License Exam Preparation Software
  15. UIView Question
  16. 100 pages of videos
  17. KAM TNC for sale
  18. What mode and protocol is audio sample?
  19. AU Digital Radio Petiton
  20. Governor Romney dismissed role of Amateur Radio Operators in Emergencies.
  21. Need BBS Mail Forwarding Partner
  22. sound card programming
  23. APRSPoint 4.4 is released
  24. Fatloss computer program
  25. PSK-31 signal report format
  26. HP Desktop for sale!
  27. Watch NFL Games Online
  28. UI-View software
  29. PC packrat II
  30. GPS Garmin OEM 25 LVS, 12 ch, HIGH-PERFORMANCE...........
  31. PSK31 newbie receiving problem (RFI in cable)
  32. Callsign hats at W. CT Hamfest this Sunday
  33. W. Connecticut Hamfest is next Sunday
  34. Aprspoint 4.2.6 is available
  35. 2 weeks until Western Connecticut Hamfest
  36. swinger index date , swinger info , swinger info date , swinger information
  37. Western Connecticut Hamfest
  38. KAM+ Power Supply
  39. Digicom>64 and Digicom>128 for the Commodore 64/128 Computers
  40. Tnx Kim and Don.
  42. Pelican Island QRV with PSK31 on Aug 25 2007
  43. Finnish Ilmari balloon launch Aug 11th at 06 UTC
  44. What are the Tones on 14.077 ?
  45. rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc scheduled for sporge flood
  46. RTTY on 5346.48 kHz: what mode is it?
  47. sound card programs under Viista
  48. Transport Control Protocol
  49. Transport Control Protocol
  50. WinAPRS question
  51. WinAPRS question
  52. Hal ST-8000 Memory Problems
  53. New Ham Radio Website
  54. Problem with APRS Mapping
  55. Graphing Calculator Programs
  56. TheNet & APRS
  57. APRS ???
  58. FYI: 100+ Kit Projects Companies
  59. PC-Amtor
  60. الي يتعطى المخدرات شوفو وش يصير فيه (صور)(صور)(صور)
  61. DSP software for PC
  62. Upload from Digipan to LoTW: invalid mode
  63. Re: Ship's Tour Of My Universe To Begin - Call To Arms! Duty Stations! Fire When Ready! Cease Fire Procola! Pt. I/III
  64. What FREQS for VHF Packet?
  65. Basic MixW question
  66. Gwyn Reedy, W1BEL, SK
  67. Now that CW is gone there will be more ham to non-ham conflicts.
  68. RESULT: rec.radio.amateur.moderated will be created
  69. Aprspoint 4.2 released!
  70. interface for VX-6e and PC sound card
  71. Some mode on 40 meters noise wide band
  72. aprspoint 4.0 available, with improved tracking
  73. Vista compatibility with APRSPoint
  74. IC-M710 long distance communication, how long ?
  75. Local AM staiton FMing and Harmonics in 80 meters.
  76. Signa Link SL-1+ help
  78. Kam 3+ Resetting from KISS mode
  79. RTTY software
  80. radiosisma
  81. Does anyone know how to use the Boston Accoustics Receptor HD's hidden menu?
  82. Does anyone know how to use the Boston Accoustics Receptor HD's hidden menu?
  83. KPC-4 Firmware
  84. Visit Nighthawk's Forum
  85. RTTY and the SM-220 SCOPE
  86. FYI: New Radio Website
  87. Guide Lines For This News Group
  88. FYI: Some D-Star Links
  89. Wanted Collins 30L-1 Round
  90. tx/rx aprs
  91. WTB: VHF GE Master II or the like
  92. SSTV and WEFAX
  93. FCC NEWS Break
  94. setting up rigblaster
  95. NEW IC91 AD Yahoo group
  96. PSK-31 via satellite
  97. most cost effective controller
  98. PSK31 - PSK TARA Rumble this weekend - 0000 to 2400 UTC 7 October 2006
  99. Any digital on VHF/UHF?
  100. Packet Radio In Melbourne Question
  101. PSK Contest
  102. TARA PSK31 Rumble Contest
  103. Packet BBS?
  104. WTB COBRA 148 GTL Philippines Made
  105. HP 48gx and packet
  106. jeunes filles de 18 ans perverses
  107. Viens me voir en reel
  108. ACC2-connector on Kenwood TS2000 for RTTY with MicroKEYER
  109. icom 740 mars mod needed
  110. jeunes filles 18 ans perverses
  112. Frequency discriminator algorithms?
  113. Can someone please help me with this ???
  114. What's the story on solder these days?
  115. Batavia, NY hamfest
  116. ARRL Maryland State Convention this Saturday, July 29, in Hagerstown,MD
  117. Test
  118. Re: YAESU FT-817 FT-857 FT-897 KEYPAD
  119. Newbie Questions
  120. Low cost SMD Oven for making SMD samples and Prototypes
  121. Sept 9+10 - ARRL MDC Section Convention
  122. looking for 2 metre mobile radio
  123. Can a Type II radio repeater, repeat off of another Repeater?
  124. pactor decoding
  125. WinAPRS Users
  126. looking for help with icom725 internal power supply
  127. How to get the English Picture perfect and driver??
  128. New Honolulu radiofax schedule effective 06/20/06
  129. MFJ-1278B question - PTT of power off
  130. WTB 2m / 70cm all modes transceiver
  131. Re: ebay: Icom 756 PROII Available, Nice !
  132. APRSpoint: memorial day special
  133. jeune fille 18 ans innocente
  134. Re: ebay: Icom 756 PROII Available, Nice !
  135. Hamvention: Amateur Radio Manufacturers and Unfair Pricing...
  136. MixW version 2.17 ready for downloading
  137. Drayton Lifestyle LP241 central heating control.
  138. Les plus belles jeunes filles du web
  139. Bob Grant Tribute, Part 3
  140. Please help to identification this digital mode
  141. Seatty 1.70 is published
  142. Soundmodem under Linux - documemtation?
  143. Newbie, questions on AX.25, theory, hardware etc.
  144. APRSPoint special
  145. Free Music Downloads
  146. PSK-31 interface help needed for FT-817
  147. tigertronics
  148. swldatabase
  149. Icom UX-14 Interface
  150. Today's Content Quality Rating For rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc
  151. DSP Homebrew
  152. TNC- PC or box?
  153. Aprspoint version 3.1 available
  154. FT-897D and rigblaster plus
  155. APRSPoint new version released
  156. REQ: MFJ-1278B circuit diagrams/schematics
  157. just altering the landscape as it were
  158. having trouble laoding the gruo to read becusase of the arba scrpt still on the first page of the guorp
  159. what sort of traffic exist at VHF
  160. 'l7A, Best Bargains Online 'l7A,
  161. M-8000 EPROMS and Manual???
  162. Re: Bux Comm sound card to Radio interface.
  163. Software for RTTY ??
  164. Re: Bux Comm sound card to Radio interface.
  165. Re: Bux Comm sound card to Radio interface.
  166. Alice Cooper joins Philly's #1 Classic Rock Station for Nights
  167. FS - Packet TNC Bundle
  168. APRSPoint president's day sale
  169. APRS settings for long-distance train trip?
  170. Can't run TCP/IP through AX.25 using Linux
  171. Get Rich
  172. A Space Suit with a 145.990Mhz (FM) transceiver!
  173. do I have to rebuilt the kernel to enable AX25?
  174. Any interest in CML Microcircuits cool ICs?
  175. Register your opinion at HamPoll
  176. Increase selectivity by a Q multiplier
  177. APRSPoint new version available !
  178. We Want You To DJ!
  179. 'Classic' Winlink
  180. APRSPoint holiday special
  181. No link attitude!
  182. website
  183. APRS users
  184. WiFi packet on the 2390-2450Mhz band?
  185. Kantronics KTU Weathernode
  186. Digital Ham Software with user-defined modes (custom)?
  187. DRM inteference?
  188. Important: Check it Out!
  189. baycom, linux, ax25 frustration
  190. APRSPoint thanksgiving special
  191. WTD: Recommendation for home weather station
  192. help with choosing parts for project
  193. RigMate Computer Interface Kits now Shipping
  194. Announcing a new Rigblaster discussion group..
  196. telereader
  197. WTB KPC 9612 plus
  198. Naval connection? You qualify for RNARS membership!
  199. Universal M-8000 Decoder
  200. FSK transceiver design
  201. How to receive out of band signals..
  202. Help to configure EJ-41U in DR-135 to PC
  203. For Sale
  204. Wanted: KAM All-Mode EPROM
  205. News:Gothic Singles Photos!
  206. Clover
  207. Antsoft Best domain software
  208. International Space Station School Contacts on Oct 5th, 6th 7th
  209. Legendary UFO talk show host Don Ecker to Interview Zecharia Sitchin
  210. Lo nuevo en Radiocarisma
  211. DSP, DRM and other Mods for the DX-394
  212. Q15x25 activity - 17 meters
  213. A lot of good diagrams
  214. Iridium...can you receive it ?
  215. 4CH Electric RC Helicopter for $83
  216. 50.03 mhz spread spectrum?
  217. FCC Broadcast Flag v.s. Amateur Radio
  218. New threatto Packet Radio... Move over Cw...
  219. Re: Amateur Radio Assistance to Katrina Disaster!
  220. WinLink and H & W traffic.
  221. USPS List of ZIP CODES closed by Katrina
  222. USPacket's DigiBlog
  223. Echolink and AT&T
  224. Re: Removal of Morse Code from Amateur License Requirements...
  225. Re: Removal of Morse Code from Amateur License Requirements...
  226. PC as a TNC
  227. AOR ARD 9800 to ICOM 746 WIRING
  228. Ham radio beginner?
  229. Hardware sound card? Or software?
  230. dsp
  231. Sound Card or Serial TNC
  232. Field Day 2005
  233. Palm m515 ideal for packet or APRS for trade with CW keyer
  234. winaprs vs acarsd
  235. Another TH-D7A(G2.0) Problem
  236. ui-view/TH-D7(G) problems
  237. winlink2.9 access via Digiptr?
  238. looking for frequency synthesizer chip
  239. PH1PH - SK
  240. trying to come up to speed
  241. Re: Here is the smoking gun
  242. FA: my Items on E-Bay...
  243. Please email me
  244. digital signal processing
  245. cash
  246. Question on web spiders
  247. AGWPE for Linux?
  248. Dell Dimension 4100/ ts-450-s/Rascal
  249. Amazing
  250. fbb and internet??