View Full Version : Digital
- [TAPR] Papers of the 2020 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC)
- [K9ZW] A bit of Island (WI-001L) Operations
- [MKARS] Mike Walker, VA3MW: Dispelling the Myths about SDR technology, and why it is better than the older SuperHet technology that we all grew up with : Monday 7th June
- [KB6NU] From the trade magazines: Automatic impedance matching, AC grounding, rechargeable batteries
- TAPR Store Closed From Jun 7-11
- [G6NHU] 150 DXCC entities worked on 17m FT8
- [WB4SON] Winlink with Vara FM, TM-D710G & DRA-50
- [VARC] Activity on 4 metres (70 MHz)
- [KB6NU] EMC applications for software-defined radio
- [IOMARS] Its Wednesday and that means Shack night
- [KB6NU] ARDC talks about their grant process with RATPAC
- [DXZone] Halo and Stub antenna for 50MHz and 70MHz
- [DXZone] WebSDR Wismar
- [TAPR] Versatile WSPR Kit is now available for 15m/17m and 10m/12m.
- [K9ZW] NW Digital Radio DRAWS in its Correct Case
- [KB6NU] NIST demonstrates sensor that determines direction of incoming radio signal
- [KB6NU] ARDC issues two new requests for proposals
- [DXZone] ICOM IC-R9500 Review
- [KB6NU] OpenRTX: Free and open source firmware for digital radios
- [K9ZW] NW Digital DRAWS - Build Part 1
- [MKARS] Club Programme running up to Easter and April.
- 30 Years Ago: STS-37 Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX) Information Summary
- [KB6NU] Help update the Tech question pool, but dont get your hopes up
- [VK2TPM] Hermes Lite 2 direct connect to macOS
- [TWIAR] PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1151
- [IOMARS] New APRS node for Isle of Man
- [TAPR] PSR for Winter 2021 Available
- [TWIAR] Germany bans water vitalizer over radio interference
- [TWIAR] PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1150
- [IOMARS] Announcement from Dave GD4HOZ the repeater keeper
- [IOMARS] APRS iGate addition
- [TWIAR] Via HACKADAY: The Digital Radio Era (Partially) Ends In Ireland
- [DXZone] Ham Goodies
- [KB6NU] Get a grant from ARDC
- [KG3V] IC-7300 Firmware Upgrade to V 1.40
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2108
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2107
- [VK2TPM] Readly for digital magazines in Australia - a review
- [KB6NU] Learn how to get amateur radio grants Saturday February 6!
- [K9ZW] FT8SP FT8 & FT4 Polish Award Program
- [DXZone] How to build a Software Defined Radio
- [G6NHU] Ive had a busy January
- 30 Years Ago: U2MIR on packet already?
- [DXZone] LogiSim - Logic Circuit Simulator
- [KB6NU] FCC reminds us not to do anything illegal
- [KB6NU] Do we need more Volunteer Examiner Coordinators?
- [DXZone] APRSdroid to a Baofeng Cable
- [K9ZW] Welcoming 2021 - first QSO if the year is DX with Yoon HL5BLI - Flex-to-Flex too!
- [M0JCQ] Top 10 FT8 Operating Tips
- [KB6NU] HamPi and GNURadio
- [TAPR] PSR for Autumn 2020 Available
- [HR 2.0] Episode 508: Setting a Password for Brandmeister DMR Servers | Ham Radio DMR
- [DXZone] Soundcard Interfacing
- [SDARC] Broadband Hamnet
- [K0NR] Choosing A First Handheld Radio
- [DXZone] Packet Radio with Raspberry Pi 2 and Baofeng Radio
- [DXZone] About Digital Modes
- [DXZone] What is System Fusion
- [KB9VBR] Abbree Foldable CS Tactical Antenna Review
- [DXZone] PSK: How to Assure a Clean Signal
- [DXZone] FT8 and splatter and the ugliness of ALC
- [K9ZW] Is FT8 really better than No Radio at All?
- [K9ZW] Clicking through the Bands on FT8
- [VK2TPM] ABC and the Digital Revolution: whats next?
- [KB6NU] Time to comment on the proposed new fees
- [K9ZW] Golden Goose in Software Defined Radio
- [TWIAR] Old TV caused village broadband outages for 18 months
- [DXZone] Elecraft AX1 Antenna
- [TAPR] Board of Directors Election
- [K9ZW] Hard getting more than 7 bands in an FT8 Session
- This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1124
- [K9ZW] FT8 and another Car
- [DXZone] D-STAR Info
- [TAPR] Special DCC Issue (#146) of PSR
- [DXZone] Decoding Russian Meteor-M2 satellite images in real time
- [TAPR] August 2020 PSR Available
- [K9ZW] Flex-6000 - if you sell a Flex-6000 please do a factory reset for the new owner!
- [KB6NU] Get 100 Field Day bonus points even if youre operating solo
- [KB6NU] Bringing feed lines into the house
- [HR 2.0] Episode 388: RFinder B1 Android Radio with a TGIF Hotspot - DMR Operating!
- [DXZone] GPS time sync for modern digital modes
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] Perspectives on a 6m DX Opening
- [KB6NU] Can you help this new Tech make his first contact?
- [HR 2.0] Episode 366: DMR Codeplug Programming and 5-Year Celebration!
- [DXZone] RumLog 4.7 now available
- [DXZone] AnyTone AT-D878UV
- [TAPR] New TICC Firmware Available
- [DXZone] MD-380 how to update firmware
- [K0NR] Aiwa Six-Band Radio Flashback
- [DXZone] FSK vs AFSK
- [DXZone] TYT MD-380 Review by Miklor
- [DXZone] Fldigi 4.1.11 released
- [M0FOX] AnyTone AT-D878UV GPS
- [TAPR] Login/Membership Problems Fixed
- [TAPR] WSPR on 20, 30 and 40 Meters
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide: E7F - DSP filtering and other operations; software defined radio fundamentals; DSP modulation and demodulation
- [HR 2.0] Episode 320: Anytone AT-D578 vs TYT MD-9600 | DMR Mobile Radio Comparison
- [VU2NSB] Data & Text Mode digital Radio
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide: E6C - Digital ICs: Families of digital ICs; gates; Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide: E6B - Diodes
- [SARS] Operating the ICOM IC-7300 SDR Transceiver
- [KE9V] Scrambled Eggs
- [HR 2.0] Episode 301: Anytone D578 Loading Contacts
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] New 70cm Yagi
- [W5KV] My only reservation with the new Icom IC-705
- [ETH] Kenwood TH-D72A Dual Band HT Overview
- [ETH] Kenwood TM-D710G Dual Band Mobile Review
- [ETH] Kenwood TH-D74A Tri-Band HT Overview
- [K9ZW] What is an SDR?
- [ETH] Yaesu FTM-100DR Dual Band Mobile Overview
- [ETH] Icom IC-4100A Dual Band DStar Mobile Radio Overview
- [FOAR] Milking Software Defined Radio
- [HTL] Episode 167 - DigiComm Cafe
- [M0FOX] Beyond FT8 - That would be FT4
- [PE0SAT] SigintOS
- [KG3V] Using the KAT-500 and KPA-500 with Icom Radios: Part II
- [KB6NU] My first Arduino class a success
- [2E0SQL] Using the NO-84 (PSAT) PSK Transponder
- LHS Episode #247: Linux Audio Deep Dive
- [VE3EBY] AE4FH Interviews
- [N6PSE] What is your drea
- [VK2TPM] FreeDV digital voice story on WIA broadcast via FreeDV
- [FOAR] The Internet of Digital Radio
- [VK2TPM] Generating RF with an osmo-fl2k VGA dongle
- [W2LJ] So why am I so skittish?
- [W2LJ] Universal HF Receiver
- [KB6NU] Which two-way radio service is right for you?
- [tapr-announce] This is NOT spam
- [KB6NU] Working on the new Tech study guide
- Re: [MW1CFN] Snow and SWR
- [WRC] Icom IC-7610 coming to Wythall
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] An 80m Broadband Matching System
- [CARA] January Meeting
- [SADARS] 11 Jan. 2018 - An Intro to Digital Slide Presentations
- [tapr-announce] PSR deadline Monday
- [FOAR] How does RTTY work?
- [FOAR] The evolution of our hobby is now ...
- [KHSNB] Web SDR Installed
- [N6PSE] DXpedition communications technology
- [tapr-announce] WD5IVD's obituary
- [tapr-announce] WD5IVD RIP
- [VK2TPM] Decoding pagers with rtl-sdr
- Re: SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR Heat and Mass Transfer: A Practical Approach(3rd. Ed., Cengel)
- A Modest Proposal to Save Five-Level Code
- [KB6NU] A Sad Day?
- 30 Years Ago: Minix Operating System and Amateur Radio
- [KB6NU] From my Twitter feed: Universal Radio Hacker, mailing repeater users, pot a problem for hams
- [tapr-announce] Write for PSR
- [FOAR] The spirit of our hobby ...
- [KB6NU] Do any libraries loan amateur radio gear?
- [KB6NU] From my Twitter feed: DMM tutorial
- [W&DARC] Samaritans Special event
- [KB6NU] Top two trade mags predict wireless trends for 2017
- [KB6NU] From my Twitter feed: SDR review, FM
- [WRC] GB7SO has closed down permanently
- [KB6NU] From my Twitter feed: Connect a clock to SDRplay, first contact certificate
- [M0FOX] DV4home DStar DMR dPMR NXDN C4FM
- [M0FOX] SharkRF openSPOT DMR/FUSION/D-STAR hotspot
- [2E0SQL] PSAT - PSK31 Satellite Transponder
- Old Fashioned Packet Radio
- [KE9V] TX Factor - Thirteen
- [KB6NU] One=Day Tech Class Videos: Safety, I and II
- [KB6NU] One-Day Tech Class videos: Modulation, digital modes
- [KE9V] Todays Video Link
- [2E0SQL] Automatically change CW Skimmer frequencies via a timer
- [tapr-announce] DCC Call for Papers - Deadline Extended to August 12
- [100WW] Don Wilbanks, AE5DW discusses ARN and the Young Ham of the Year Award
- [tapr-announce] As Time Marches On, PSR's Deadline Gets Closer
- Remote Serial Access via TNC?
- Digipeating on 2m/70cm
- [KB6NU] Stuff I found while browsing: Open-source EmComm tool, DSP class
- [KB6NU] Amateur radio in the news: Emergency communication, public service
- 30 Years Ago: FCC Grants AMSAT/ARRL Packet Radio TelePort STA
- Let Me Entertain You
- Re: KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog for Wednesday 18 June 2014
- Looking for a Palm Pilot
- Re: Radio for 9600 baud@UHF
- Old Packet TNC with new computer
- Yaesu FT 8900R and FLDigi
- Ham Radio Now for Tuesday 14 January 2014
- [tapr-announce] Last Call for PSR
- DR-200 Firmware
- Questions about an Icom IC-9100 with D-Star
- [tapr-announce] Attend a Live Board Meeting
- [tapr-announce] Board of Directors Election
- Packet Radio
- what mode are they
- [tapr-announce] openHPSDR "Hermes" Interest List Now Open
- [tapr-announce] Write for PSR!
- [tapr-announce] DCC in PSR ?
- [tapr-announce] Monday, Monday
- [tapr-announce] Coming Soon: August 15 Deadline of PSR
- Re: Amateur Radio Respect, and Warning
- Re: Amateur Radio Respect, and Warning
- RF Analog to Digital Converter
- Re: Codec2 - putting your money where your mouth is
- Re: Codec2 - putting your money where your mouth is
- Digital modes: What frequency am I on?
- Yaesu VX-8DR: on-board TNC
- DJ equipment . . . how to buy it at best online prices from a trustedseller . . .
- Re: ADVERT: DSP Training in March, San Jose, CA
- Getting started with APRS decoding.
- QSO's in other modes than BPSK31? especially forward error correcting
- [tapr-announce] PSR deadline
- Looking for Howie Goldstein - N2WX
- [tapr-announce] Last Call
- analizing rf signals
- Repeater owners or trustees on Radio Banter?
- [tapr-announce] PSR Deadline: October 15
- SeaTTY for FAX ?
- [tapr-announce] write for PSR
- MixW software question
- Newbie digital modes question
- [tapr-announce] [Fwd: [time-nuts] SK -- Den Connors, KD2S]
- warbling digital mode
- [tapr-announce] Reminder: PSR deadline
- [tapr-announce] write now
- Dead newsgroup?
- [tapr-announce] Final Reminder: Sign up now for the 2009 TAPR/AMSATBanquet at Dayton Hamvention
- soundmodem PTT with hamlib
- BPSK software?
- Low sunspot activity boosts digital communications
- Re: Test
- W.H.A.K. Comedy Radio
- APRSPoint version 4.5.1 available
- FLDIGI Soundcard Problem
- Pictoaud?
- help
- Back into digital
- Recent packet radio software?
- Auto detect digital mode
- PSK31 contests and contest etiquette?
- Soundmodem-Userspace converse mode
- Connecting computer to IC_725
- FA: SignaLink SL-1+ Sound Card - Radio Interface
- New haml magazine
- TARA RUMBLE - Scores due friday, Team GAFFERS get your scores in
- MixW version 2.19b2 with Vista Fix
- KAWIN Logging program
- Ham Radio License Exam Preparation Software
- Receiving Digital TV on Radio
- HUGE lot estate clearance-antique radios-CB-shortwave-transceivers-phonos-testequip-mics-Grigsby-Grunow, Philco, Majestic, Wards Airline, consoles,tabletops, cathedral, tombstone, bakelite, wooden, plastic-much more- over 50items listed
- QST review of up-to-date amateur equip ...
- Ham Radio Test
- SE5(! Get-Rich-Quick Cons BEWARE SE5(!T1
- wA`c$ Get-Rich-Quick Cons BEWARE wA`c$@N
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