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David that is quite an array of antennas. Two questions come to mind.
Why the separation of a half versus 0.6 of a wave length? and 2 do you ground the top antenna when it is not in use or let it float? I have heard that the top array can remove static noise to advantage and I was wondering how that would compare to an elevated mast that would provide a cone of protection and thus allow use of the top array regardless of conditions. Regards Art art wrote: David, are you saying that your three-some stack is made out of tri banders of the same design such that a lobe null can be filled? I believe that is exactly the coverage the poster is looking for, he wants to be around to hear when the tree falls Art Dave wrote: "Cecil Moore" wrote in message t... CW wrote: I've been wondering for some time now why amateur operators don't build their Yagi antenna's so they can be raised and lowered about 10ft in addition to being rotated. Many do, using motor driven towers. In addition to lowering their arrays when a storm hits, some raise and lower their towers during marginal conditions to maximize signal strength. -- its really only practical on crank up type towers, for those with guyed towers its usually not possible. 10' change on 20m would likely not be very useful though. my hf stacks for 10/15/20 are all spaced 30' apart, 40m is spaced about 80'. even with those height changes (which i can select instantly so i can make direct comparisons without worrying about fading) there is often little difference between antennas... though sometims there is a lot of difference. This highlights the fact that often the signals arrive with a wide range of angles, though at some times they must be in a relatively narrow range. so having multiple antennas at different heights that can be selected in various combinations is a handy thing to do. |
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Yes there is a difference, A yagi is a planar beam ie on a single plane
so the height of the array is the same for all elements in the array which creates a major lobe or beam. If the array is not planar such as a Quad then the elements are at different heights so the true or effective height of a quad antenna which is also a beam style antenna is approximately the center point of the array or somewhere between the top and bottom of the quad element. The point to stand by is that the height of the feed point is immaterial with respect to the effective height of an array. In another post I pointed out that no matter which element is fed in a array the effective height of the array is always the same and thus the TOA is always the same Regards Art Sal M. Onella wrote: "CW" wrote in message ups.com... Fellows, I've been wondering for some time now why amateur operators don't build their Yagi antenna's so they can be raised and lowered about 10ft in addition to being rotated. It seems to me that raising and lowering the height of a Yagi affects the take-off angle by at least several degrees, meaning that the signal delivery (target area) would be moved by at least many hundreds of miles. I don't know if this helps, but advice for TV DX says that you get progressively improved performance until the yagi's height-above-average-terrain (HAAT) is equal to about ten wavelengths. (Above that HAAT, the signal strength varies up and down with further increases in the elevation ) I never tested the idea, but if correct and it also holds for HF, there won't ever be anybody _lowering_ a HF yagi. We would want the most height. At the 2006 Field Day, one team had multi-band beam at 85 feet and everybody loved it. Before anybody tells me there is a difference between a yagi and a beam, let me thank you in advance. I cannot formulate a sensible distinction between them and I welcome the knowledge. I presume the terms are related but not interchangeable. 73 |
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On 15 Oct 2006 21:35:43 -0700, "art" wrote:
Yes there is a difference, A yagi is a planar beam ie on a single plane so the height of the array is the same for all elements in the array which creates a major lobe or beam. If the array is not planar such as a Quad then the elements are at different heights so the true or effective height of a quad antenna which is also a beam style antenna is approximately the center point of the array or somewhere between the top and bottom of the quad element. The point to stand by is that the height of the feed point is immaterial with respect to the effective height of an array. In another post I pointed out that no matter which element is fed in a array the effective height of the array is always the same and thus the TOA is always the same Regards Art Hi Art, One of the most demeaning aspects of this newsgroups concerns misunderstandings of definitions and terminology that often leasd to unfortunate and unnecessary arguments. To wit: Yagi vs beam. It's been my understanding that any combination of radiating elements intended to radiate more energy in one direction than omni establishes a major lobe that is called a beam. In other words, any directional system establishes a beam. Therefore, 'beam' is generic to all directional radiators. It then follows that 'Yagi', 'quad', 'W8JK', 'EDZ', are all 'beams' of a particular type or configuration. I believe it's important that correct terminology be used for the benefit of the newcomers--would you not agree? Walt, W2DU |
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I said that both antennas are beams. What I was addressing was the height portion of the question whereas tho they are both beams the effective height measurements were different. i.e Planar beam versus other beams where the quad is not a planar beam. Seems like effective height measurements contribute to most yagi /quad comparison debates. There is also another side of the coin when measuring effective ht and that is when a yagi is positioned vertically where it is still planar when comparing to a quad element moved thru 90 degrees.which is now planar. If you chose to answer the posting what part of my posting would you leave out, or question its veracity especially after reading the total thread? Regards Art Walter Maxwell wrote: On 15 Oct 2006 21:35:43 -0700, "art" wrote: Yes there is a difference, A yagi is a planar beam ie on a single plane so the height of the array is the same for all elements in the array which creates a major lobe or beam. If the array is not planar such as a Quad then the elements are at different heights so the true or effective height of a quad antenna which is also a beam style antenna is approximately the center point of the array or somewhere between the top and bottom of the quad element. The point to stand by is that the height of the feed point is immaterial with respect to the effective height of an array. In another post I pointed out that no matter which element is fed in a array the effective height of the array is always the same and thus the TOA is always the same Regards Art Hi Art, One of the most demeaning aspects of this newsgroups concerns misunderstandings of definitions and terminology that often leasd to unfortunate and unnecessary arguments. To wit: Yagi vs beam. It's been my understanding that any combination of radiating elements intended to radiate more energy in one direction than omni establishes a major lobe that is called a beam. In other words, any directional system establishes a beam. Therefore, 'beam' is generic to all directional radiators. It then follows that 'Yagi', 'quad', 'W8JK', 'EDZ', are all 'beams' of a particular type or configuration. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I agree, where did I say different? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I believe it's important that correct terminology be used for the benefit of the newcomers--would you not agree? Yes I would agree but if one is unsure of the true terminology should we ban all from ham radio as it has now moved from a hobby to....... IEEE transactions on antennas ? I believe everyone has become too picky as to who is a ham and who is not and thus are becoming adverserial to those not fully versed in the art. Look at the long posting regarding antenna efficiency where everybody jumped on the electrical version of efficiency ie transfer of electrical energy to a time variant field and totaly ignoring the reference to pattern volume.with respect to the main lobe portion. How on earth do electrical engineers chose iapliances for the home when so much device energy is wasted or does not imprint on the required use? The majority of people on this newsgroup including newcomers are now convinced that energy entering an array is nearly equal to the radiation energy contained in the single main lobe and they contest other thoughts by the use of " ratios": which is devoid of units and relavence. Even if they didn't want to read the posting as a whole not one looked at radiation efficiency change when viewing radiation from a complex circuitry direction or in other words driven elements in parallel since elements in parallel alter the resistance DC to resistance radiation ratio ,admittedly small but there none the less. I would admit to a review of antenna efficiency or radiator efficiency if it was normal for radiators to be made of wood As I said earlier to much nittpicking going on such that hams are becoming adverserial to each other and that is to bad if we want newcomers to stay around.NUFF SED Art Walt, W2DU |
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On 16 Oct 2006 13:06:58 -0700, "art" wrote:
Walt I said that both antennas are beams. What I was addressing was the height portion of the question whereas tho they are both beams the effective height measurements were different. i.e Planar beam versus other beams where the quad is not a planar beam. Seems like effective height measurements contribute to most yagi /quad comparison debates. There is also another side of the coin when measuring effective ht and that is when a yagi is positioned vertically where it is still planar when comparing to a quad element moved thru 90 degrees.which is now planar. If you chose to answer the posting what part of my posting would you leave out, or question its veracity especially after reading the total thread? Regards Art Walter Maxwell wrote: On 15 Oct 2006 21:35:43 -0700, "art" wrote: Yes there is a difference, A yagi is a planar beam ie on a single plane so the height of the array is the same for all elements in the array which creates a major lobe or beam. If the array is not planar such as a Quad then the elements are at different heights so the true or effective height of a quad antenna which is also a beam style antenna is approximately the center point of the array or somewhere between the top and bottom of the quad element. The point to stand by is that the height of the feed point is immaterial with respect to the effective height of an array. In another post I pointed out that no matter which element is fed in a array the effective height of the array is always the same and thus the TOA is always the same Regards Art Hi Art, One of the most demeaning aspects of this newsgroups concerns misunderstandings of definitions and terminology that often leasd to unfortunate and unnecessary arguments. To wit: Yagi vs beam. It's been my understanding that any combination of radiating elements intended to radiate more energy in one direction than omni establishes a major lobe that is called a beam. In other words, any directional system establishes a beam. Therefore, 'beam' is generic to all directional radiators. It then follows that 'Yagi', 'quad', 'W8JK', 'EDZ', are all 'beams' of a particular type or configuration. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I agree, where did I say different? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Ok Art, here's the way I saw it: Sal Manela sez: "Before anybody tells me there is a difference between a yagi and a beam, let me thank you in advance." Then you replied, "Yes there is a difference," So Art, my response was only to refute your statement above. I don't dispute your other statements. Walt, W2DU |
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Best regards Art Walter Maxwell wrote: On 16 Oct 2006 13:06:58 -0700, "art" wrote: Walt I said that both antennas are beams. What I was addressing was the height portion of the question whereas tho they are both beams the effective height measurements were different. i.e Planar beam versus other beams where the quad is not a planar beam. Seems like effective height measurements contribute to most yagi /quad comparison debates. There is also another side of the coin when measuring effective ht and that is when a yagi is positioned vertically where it is still planar when comparing to a quad element moved thru 90 degrees.which is now planar. If you chose to answer the posting what part of my posting would you leave out, or question its veracity especially after reading the total thread? Regards Art Walter Maxwell wrote: On 15 Oct 2006 21:35:43 -0700, "art" wrote: Yes there is a difference, A yagi is a planar beam ie on a single plane so the height of the array is the same for all elements in the array which creates a major lobe or beam. If the array is not planar such as a Quad then the elements are at different heights so the true or effective height of a quad antenna which is also a beam style antenna is approximately the center point of the array or somewhere between the top and bottom of the quad element. The point to stand by is that the height of the feed point is immaterial with respect to the effective height of an array. In another post I pointed out that no matter which element is fed in a array the effective height of the array is always the same and thus the TOA is always the same Regards Art Hi Art, One of the most demeaning aspects of this newsgroups concerns misunderstandings of definitions and terminology that often leasd to unfortunate and unnecessary arguments. To wit: Yagi vs beam. It's been my understanding that any combination of radiating elements intended to radiate more energy in one direction than omni establishes a major lobe that is called a beam. In other words, any directional system establishes a beam. Therefore, 'beam' is generic to all directional radiators. It then follows that 'Yagi', 'quad', 'W8JK', 'EDZ', are all 'beams' of a particular type or configuration. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I agree, where did I say different? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Ok Art, here's the way I saw it: Sal Manela sez: "Before anybody tells me there is a difference between a yagi and a beam, let me thank you in advance." Then you replied, "Yes there is a difference," So Art, my response was only to refute your statement above. I don't dispute your other statements. Walt, W2DU |
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that separation comes about from the spacing of guy wires on the rohn towers
they are on. it also happens to work out reasonably well with the elevation pattern software since that many antennas fairly well covers the whole range of take off angles from new england to most of the world. all my yagis are completely grounded designs anyway, so there is no need to further ground them when not in use. when there is rain or snow static the top one often becomes too noisy to use while lower ones are just fine... another good reason to rotate the bottom antennas (except on 40m where it won't turn under the guy wires). "art" wrote in message ps.com... David that is quite an array of antennas. Two questions come to mind. Why the separation of a half versus 0.6 of a wave length? and 2 do you ground the top antenna when it is not in use or let it float? I have heard that the top array can remove static noise to advantage and I was wondering how that would compare to an elevated mast that would provide a cone of protection and thus allow use of the top array regardless of conditions. Regards Art art wrote: David, are you saying that your three-some stack is made out of tri banders of the same design such that a lobe null can be filled? I believe that is exactly the coverage the poster is looking for, he wants to be around to hear when the tree falls Art Dave wrote: "Cecil Moore" wrote in message t... CW wrote: I've been wondering for some time now why amateur operators don't build their Yagi antenna's so they can be raised and lowered about 10ft in addition to being rotated. Many do, using motor driven towers. In addition to lowering their arrays when a storm hits, some raise and lower their towers during marginal conditions to maximize signal strength. -- its really only practical on crank up type towers, for those with guyed towers its usually not possible. 10' change on 20m would likely not be very useful though. my hf stacks for 10/15/20 are all spaced 30' apart, 40m is spaced about 80'. even with those height changes (which i can select instantly so i can make direct comparisons without worrying about fading) there is often little difference between antennas... though sometims there is a lot of difference. This highlights the fact that often the signals arrive with a wide range of angles, though at some times they must be in a relatively narrow range. so having multiple antennas at different heights that can be selected in various combinations is a handy thing to do. |
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![]() "Sal M. Onella" wrote in message news:w3DYg.5744$gM1.5721@fed1read12... "CW" wrote in message ups.com... Fellows, I've been wondering for some time now why amateur operators don't build their Yagi antenna's so they can be raised and lowered about 10ft in addition to being rotated. It seems to me that raising and lowering the height of a Yagi affects the take-off angle by at least several degrees, meaning that the signal delivery (target area) would be moved by at least many hundreds of miles. I don't know if this helps, but advice for TV DX says that you get progressively improved performance until the yagi's height-above-average-terrain (HAAT) is equal to about ten wavelengths. (Above that HAAT, the signal strength varies up and down with further increases in the elevation ) I never tested the idea, but if correct and it also holds for HF, there won't ever be anybody _lowering_ a HF yagi. We would want the most height. At the 2006 Field Day, one team had multi-band beam at 85 feet and everybody loved it. no, it doesn't hold for hf. tv dx is basically a line of sight vhf/uhf type of propagation where height is everything. the higher you can go the better, i don't know where 10 wavelengths came from since that is actually pretty low on the higher uhf channels! on hf you can't get high enough to get away from the ground reflection effects so you might as well put them to good use. And yes, when bands like 10/15/20m are wide open from new england to europe the best antennas are often the lowest ones here... i.e. my yagi at 30' on 10m will have much stronger signals than the ones at 60, 90, or 120'. and yet at other times, like now, on 10m my yagi at 180' is often the only one to hear any dx. so the answer is: yes, you can be too high, but no, you can't get too high. |
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![]() "Dave" wrote in message . .. tv dx is basically a line of sight vhf/uhf type of propagation where height is everything. the higher you can go the better Yes, this has been my experience -- I need to get higher than my neighbor's roof, for example. i don't know where 10 wavelengths came from since that is actually pretty low on the higher uhf channels! Another Yes. At 600 MHz (near mid-band for UHF TV) 10 wavelengths is a mere 5 meters. Not much of a skyhook required to get up there! Doubtful this applies to HF skywaves. Thanks to all.. 73 |
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