Yea. Morse code goes wayyyyy back. Clear back to when the natives
were beating on hollow logs. Depending on the way the wind was
blowing, they could talk to aunt Ug, or Cousin UG, or even their
brothers uG and Grunt.
All I'm trying to get at is there are more than one way to
communicate. CW in the world of HAM is definitely and ONLY ONE way to
do so. How about this then, just to make it even:
Everybody has to set up and communicate via SSTV at X number of
frames per minute, just to offset the requirement for CW. Equal time
for equal privileges! Just like the politicians trying to get votes.
.. . Every radio and TV station has to offer equal time to each person
and each issue. No one issue is more important than any other. . .
just UNLIKE Ham, where CW rules and all others Drool. How darn
lop-sided can it get!
Please now, don't get me wrong. I don't dislike Code. I strictly
feel that it's blown WAY out of proportion and has become an excuse
rather than a feature. One has to step back and realize that there
are more than one way to communicate with somebody else, and that
there is no perfect or required way to do so, UNLESS YOU OWN A HAM
RADIO. .. . Geez folks. Isn't it time to let that poor ol' dead
horse finally lie down?