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Roy Lewallen, W7EL wrote:
"Those traveling waves, and hence their sum, cannot cause a reflection of other waves, or alter those waves in any way." Let`s reason together on the situation in a quarter-wavelength short-circuited transmission line stub. I maintain it has a hard short on its far end and a high impedance on its near end. A high impedance means just what it says. You can put a high voltage on it and the resulting current is small. Reflection from a short-circuit results in a 180-degree voltage phase reversal at the short. A round-trip on a 1/4-wave stub produces an additional 180-degree phase reversal. This means thats volts returning to the open-circuit end of the stub are about of the same phase and magnitude as when they started out. Nearly identical voltages appear at the same pair of terminals from opposite directions. Significant current flows in either direction? I think it does not. Where voltage causes insignificant current flow, we have a high impedance. That is why King, Mimno, and Wing on page 30 of Transmission Lines, Antennas and Wave Guides say: "Since the input impedance of a short-circuited quarter-wavelength section of transmission line is a very high resistance, short-circuited stubs may be used to support the line." Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI |
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On Apr 13, 11:49 pm, Ian White GM3SEK wrote:
Roy Lewallen wrote: Please let me emphasize again that not I or anyone else who has posted is disputing the validity of your matching methods or the utility of the "virtual short" concept. The only disagreement is in the contention that the "virtual short" actually *effects* reflections rather than being solely a consequence of them. The key word there is "utility" - the virtual short/open concept is *useful* as a short-cut in our thinking. But concepts are only useful if they help us to think more clearly about physical reality; and short-cuts are dangerous if they don't reliably bring us back onto the main track. .... Indeed. I was thinking about this in terms of short-cuts before reading Ian's post. What if you take a short-cut and it just takes you off into the woods? I'm not sure my posting about this made it into the thread in an intelligible way. (I fear Google may have sent it off on a "short-cut.") The gist of it was that, although there are examples where considering points an even number of half-waves from a short as being shorts themselves work fine, there are plenty of counter examples too. I fear that people new to the use of stubs will be lulled into a false sense of security using that concept, when indeed it fails miserably at times. Especially in this age of computers and readily available programs to deal with lines, INCLUDING their loss, why would I use a concept that may take me on a short-cut that turns out to be the long way around? What IS useful to me about the concept is NOT the calculation of the performance of a particular network of stubs, but rather in coming up with the trial design to test with full calculations. My example was the use of two stubs to give me a null on one frequency and pass another frequency; I can get a null by putting a "virtual short" at that frequency, and that's a line that's a half wave long on that frequency, shorted at the other end. But on a slightly lower frequency, it looks capacitive, so I can put another stub that's inductive in parallel with it to create an open circuit at the frequency I want to let pass. THEN I pull out the calculations with line attenuation included, and discover that in some situations it works fine, and in others, the performance is terrible. It's a useful visualization tool and design aid; it's a poor analysis tool at best. At worst, it will lull you into building something that just won't work, wasting time and resources. Cheers, Tom |
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I'm not sure I understand the point you're trying to make. Nothing I've
said disputes in any way that the input impedance of a shorted quarter wave stub is high. I'm quite able to make transmission line calculations and arrive at correct results. You're certainly correct that there's very little net current at the open end of the stub. Yet there are waves traveling in both directions right through that point. Don't believe it? Then check the current anywhere else along the stub. How did it get there without going through the "open" at the input end? Roy Lewallen, W7EL Richard Harrison wrote: Roy Lewallen, W7EL wrote: "Those traveling waves, and hence their sum, cannot cause a reflection of other waves, or alter those waves in any way." Let`s reason together on the situation in a quarter-wavelength short-circuited transmission line stub. I maintain it has a hard short on its far end and a high impedance on its near end. A high impedance means just what it says. You can put a high voltage on it and the resulting current is small. Reflection from a short-circuit results in a 180-degree voltage phase reversal at the short. A round-trip on a 1/4-wave stub produces an additional 180-degree phase reversal. This means thats volts returning to the open-circuit end of the stub are about of the same phase and magnitude as when they started out. Nearly identical voltages appear at the same pair of terminals from opposite directions. Significant current flows in either direction? I think it does not. Where voltage causes insignificant current flow, we have a high impedance. That is why King, Mimno, and Wing on page 30 of Transmission Lines, Antennas and Wave Guides say: "Since the input impedance of a short-circuited quarter-wavelength section of transmission line is a very high resistance, short-circuited stubs may be used to support the line." Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI |
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Roy Lewallen wrote in
: anywhere else along the stub. How did it get there without going through the "open" at the input end? Ah, a total re-reflector! Owen |
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Richard Clark wrote:
"This conforms to my experience with many plumbing designs on the microwave bench." Good. Then, Richard Clark must also be familiar with the grooved circular flange used in conjunction with a smooth flange to join waveguide segments. This groove isn`t just used to hold a neoprene gasket. It is also used as an electrical choke to keep the microwaves within the pipe. It is approximately a 1/4-wave choke and its high impedance across its open-circuit helps foil the wave escape. If virtual open-circuits didn`t work, the "choke-flange wouldn`t work either. Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI |
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On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 19:10:18 -0700, Roy Lewallen wrote:
Walter Maxwell wrote: Thank you, Roy, I appreciate your comments, as always. However, I knew that you have always considered that virtual opens and shorts cannot cause reflections, and I was hoping my discussion would have persuaded you otherwise. snip I'd think that this diode-like property of virtual shorts would be a major clue that they're not real, but a mathematical convenience. The virtual short is a point where the sum of the voltages of all waves, forward and reflected, add to zero. If this condition causes waves to reflect when struck from one direction, what possible physical explanation could there be for it to do absolutely nothing to waves traveling the other way? So I repeat the question: If a virtual short circuit cannot cause reflections, then what causes the reflection at the stub point? My answer is this: There is no total re-reflection at the stub point. It only looks that way. As you've observed, the waves (traveling in one direction, anyway) behave just as though there was such a re-reflection. But the waves actually are reflecting partially or totally from the end of the stub and other more distant points of impedance discontinuity, not from a "virtual short". The sum of the forward wave and those reflections add up to zero at the stub point to create the "virtual short", and to create waves which look just like they're totally reflecting from the stub point. This has some parallels to a "virtual ground" at an op amp input. From the outside world, the point looks just like ground. But it isn't really. The current you put into that junction isn't going to ground, but back around to the op amp output. Turn off the op amp and the "virtual ground" disappears. Likewise, waves arriving at the virtual short look just like they're reflecting from it. But they aren't. They're going right on by -- from either direction --, not having any idea that there's a "virtual short" there -- that is, not having any idea what the values or sum of other waves are at that point. They go right on by, reflect from more distant discontinuities, and the sum of those reflections arrives at the virtual short with the same phase and amplitude the wave would have if it had actually reflected from the virtual short. Like with the op amp, you can "turn off" the virtual short by altering those distant reflection points such as the stub end. Please let me emphasize again that not I or anyone else who has posted is disputing the validity of your matching methods or the utility of the "virtual short" concept. The only disagreement is in the contention that the "virtual short" actually *effects* reflections rather than being solely a consequence of them. snip I maintain that such an example can't be found, because in fact reflection takes place only at physical discontinuities and not at "virtual shorts". Waves in a linear medium simply don't reflect from or otherwise affect each other. I'm not saying that you can't apply the analytical concept of "virtual shorts" to arrive at the same, valid, result. Or that the "virtual short" approach won't be easier. But I am saying that it's not necessary in order to fully analyze any transmission line problem, simply because it's not real. Can you come up with such an example? Roy Hi R oy, Consider my two explanations, or definitions of what I consider a virtual short--perhaps it should have a different name, because of course 'virtual' implies non-existence. The short circuit evident at the input of the two line examples I presented---do you agree that short circuits appear at the input of the two lines? If so, what would you call them? Roy, I'd like for you to take another, but perhaps closer look at the summarizing of the reflection coefficients below. I originally typed in the wrong value for the magnitude of the resultant coefficients. With the corrected magnitudes in place, the two paragraphs following the summarization now make more sense, because the short circuit established at the stub point leads correctly to the wave action that occurs there. Summarizing reflection coefficient values at stub point with stub in place: Line coefficients: voltage 0.5 at +120°, current -60° (y = 1 + j1.1547) Stub coefficients: voltage 0.5 at -120°, current +60° (y = 1 - j1.1547) Resultant coefficients: voltage 0.5 at 180°, current 0.5 at 0° WRONG Resultant coefficients: voltage 1.0 at 180°, current 1.0 at 0° CORRECT Repeating from my original post for emphasis: These two resultant reflection coefficients resulting from the interference between the load-reflected wave at the stub point and the reflected wave produced by the stub define a virtual short circuit established at the stub point. The following paragraph shows how the phases of the reflected waves become in phase with the source waves so that the reflected waves add directly to the source waves, establishing the forward power, which we know exceed the source power when the reflected power is re-reflected. The same concept applies to antena tuners. Again repeating for emphasis: Let's now consider what occurs when a wave encounters a short circuit. We know that the voltage wave encounters a phase change of 180°, while the current wave encounters zero change in phase. Note that the resultant voltage is at 180°, so the voltage phase changes to 0° on reflection at the short circuit, and is now in phase with the source voltage wave. In addition, the resultant current is already at 0°, and because the current phase does not change on reflection at the short circuit, it remains at 0° and in phase with source current wave. Consequently, the reflected waves add in phase with the source waves, thus increasing the forward power in the line section between the stub and the load. Keep in mind that the short at the stub point is a one-way short, diode like, as you say, because in the forward direction the voltage reflection coefficient rho is 0.0 at 0°, while in the reverse direction, rho at the stub point is 1.0 at 180°, which is why it's a one-way short. You say that no total re-reflection occurs at the stub point. However, with a perfect match the power rearward of the stub is zero, and all the source power goes to the load in the forward direction. Is that not total reflection? Using the numbers of my bench experiment, assuming a source power of 1 watt, and with the magnitude rho of 0.04, power going rearward of the stub is 0.0016 w, while the power absorbed by the load is 0.9984 w, the sum of which is 1 w. The SWR seen by the source is 1.083:1, and the return loss in this experiment is 27.96 dB, while the power lost to the load is 0.0070 dB. From a ham's practical viewpoint the reflected power is totally re-reflected. In my example using the 49° stub the capacitive reactance it established at its input is Xc = -57.52 ohms. Thus its inductive susceptance B = 0.0174 mhos, which cancels the capacitive line susceptance B = -0.0174 mhos appearing at the stub point. My point is that the 49° stub can be replaced with a lumped capacitance Xc = -57.52 ohms directly on the line with the same results as with the stub--with the same reflection coefficients. In this case one cannot say that the re-reflection results from the physical open circuit terminating the stub line. Various posters have termed my approach as a 'short cut'. I disagree. I prefer to consider it as the wave analysis to the stub-matching procedure, in contrast to the traditional method of simply saying that the stub reactance cancels the line reactance at the point on the line where the line resistance R = Zo. In my mind the wave analysis presents a more detailed view of what's actually happening to the pertinent waves while the impedance match is being established. Walt |
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Walter Maxwell wrote in
: Summarizing reflection coefficient values at stub point with stub in place: Line coefficients: voltage 0.5 at +120°, current -60° (y = 1 + j1.1547) Stub coefficients: voltage 0.5 at -120°, current +60° (y = 1 - j1.1547) Resultant coefficients: voltage 0.5 at 180°, current 0.5 at 0° WRONG Resultant coefficients: voltage 1.0 at 180°, current 1.0 at 0° CORRECT Walt, Though admittance or impedance at a point on the mismatched line are calculated from the underlying Zo and the reflection coefficient corrected for line loss, they are easier to work in than the raw reflection coefficient. It is easier to explain why the stub is located at a position where Yn'=1 +jB than where Gamma=0.5120 (assuming lossless line). It is relatively obvious that where Yn'=1+jB, a shunt reactance of -jB from a s/c or o/c stub will leave Yn=1 which is the matched condition. Re your worked solution (above), I agree that the normalised admittance looking into 30deg of line with load 16.667+j0 is about 1-j1.1547 (not the different sign). I make the normalised admittance looking into the stub about 0+j1.15 (and the reflection coefficient about 0.5-98, how do you get 1+j1.15? The addition of the two normalised admittances 1-j1.15 + 0+j1.15 gives 1 +j0 which is the matched condition. The design is correct, the stub results in a match at the stub connection point (irrespective of what is connected on the source side of the point), but I can't understand your maths above (allowing for the sign error that I think you have made). Is the reflection coefficient explanation a clearer explanation than using admittances? Owen BTW, my line loss calculator solutions (http://www.vk1od.net/tl/tllc.php) for Belden 8262 RG58 (you said RG53, but you probably meant RG58) a (Note some symbols arent supported by plain ascii and appear as '?'.) Load to Stub connection: Parameters Transmission Line Belden 8262 (RG-58C/U) Code B8262 Data source Belden Frequency 16.000 MHz Length 1.030 metres Zload 16.67+j0.00 ? Yload 0.059999+j0.000000 ? Results Zo 50.00-j0.54 ? Velocity Factor 0.660 Length 29.97 ?, 0.083 ? Line Loss (matched) 0.059 dB Line Loss 0.149 dB Efficiency 96.63% Zin 22.12+j24.55 ? Yin 0.020258-j0.022480 ? Gamma, rho, theta, VSWR (source end) -2.44e-1+j4.29e-1, 0.493, 119.6?, 2.950 Gamma, rho, theta, VSWR (load end) -5.00e-1+j4.03e-3, 0.500, 179.5?, 3.000 ? 6.54e-3+j5.08e-1 k1, k2 1.30e-5, 2.95e-10 Loss model source data lowest frequency 1.000 MHz Correlation coefficient (r) 0.999884 Stub: Parameters Transmission Line Belden 8262 (RG-58C/U) Code B8262 Data source Belden Frequency 16.000 MHz Length 1.685 metres Zload 100000000.00+j0.00 ? Yload 0.000000+j0.000000 ? Results Zo 50.00-j0.54 ? Velocity Factor 0.660 Length 49.02 ?, 0.136 ? Line Loss (matched) 0.096 dB Line Loss 40.574 dB Efficiency 0.01% Zin 0.50-j43.44 ? Yin 0.000265+j0.023019 ? Gamma, rho, theta, VSWR (source end) -1.37e-1-j9.69e-1, 0.978, - 98.0?, 90.720 Gamma, rho, theta, VSWR (load end) 1.00e+0+j1.07e-8, 1.000, 0.0?, inf ? 6.54e-3+j5.08e-1 k1, k2 1.30e-5, 2.95e-10 Loss model source data lowest frequency 1.000 MHz Correlation coefficient (r) 0.999884 |
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Walt, before digging into your recent posting, I'd really like to get
one issue settled. I think it would be helpful in our discussion. The issue is: Can you find even one example of any transmission line problem which cannot be solved, or a complete analysis done, without making the assumption that waves reflect from a "virtual short" or "virtual open"? That is, any example where such an assumption is necessary in order to find the currents, voltages, and impedances, and the magnitude and phase of forward and reverse voltage and current waves? Roy Lewallen, W7EL |
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On Sat, 14 Apr 2007 22:31:37 GMT, Owen Duffy wrote:
Walter Maxwell wrote in : Summarizing reflection coefficient values at stub point with stub in place: Line coefficients: voltage 0.5 at +120°, current -60° (y = 1 + j1.1547) Stub coefficients: voltage 0.5 at -120°, current +60° (y = 1 - j1.1547) Resultant coefficients: voltage 0.5 at 180°, current 0.5 at 0° WRONG Resultant coefficients: voltage 1.0 at 180°, current 1.0 at 0° CORRECT Walt, Though admittance or impedance at a point on the mismatched line are calculated from the underlying Zo and the reflection coefficient corrected for line loss, they are easier to work in than the raw reflection coefficient. Depends on the instrumentation available for obtaining the raw data. It is easier to explain why the stub is located at a position where Yn'=1 +jB than where Gamma=0.5120 (assuming lossless line). It is relatively obvious that where Yn'=1+jB, a shunt reactance of -jB from a s/c or o/c stub will leave Yn=1 which is the matched condition. Re your worked solution (above), I agree that the normalised admittance looking into 30deg of line with load 16.667+j0 is about 1-j1.1547 (not the different sign). Yes Owen, you're right. I added the y values at the last moment, and didn't catch the errors. Both the line and stub signs are reversed. Sorry 'bout that. I make the normalised admittance looking into the stub about 0+j1.15 (and the reflection coefficient about 0.5-98, how do you get 1+j1.15? Normalized y looking into the stub directly is y = 0 + 1.1547, but looking at the stub while on the line at the 30° point is y = 1 + 1.1547. To view the stub separately on the line the line is terminated in 50 ohms, because the real component of the line impedance at the match point is 50 ohms. The addition of the two normalised admittances 1-j1.15 + 0+j1.15 gives 1 +j0 which is the matched condition. Of course. The design is correct, the stub results in a match at the stub connection point (irrespective of what is connected on the source side of the point), but I can't understand your maths above (allowing for the sign error that I think you have made). The resultant coefficients are obtained by simply adding the voltage coefficients and the current coefficients, as in the adding of the line and stub admittances. Is the reflection coefficient explanation a clearer explanation than using admittances? Not at all, Owen, but as I said in the original post, the instrument I acquired early in my time with the RCA antenna lab was the PRD-219 reflectometer. At that time I considered it the best instrument for measuring transmission line circuitry at VHF, and because it delivered readings in reflection coefficient I became somewhat more efficient in my thinking process using that mode. Walt Owen BTW, my line loss calculator solutions (http://www.vk1od.net/tl/tllc.php) for Belden 8262 RG58 (you said RG53, but you probably meant RG58) a (Note some symbols arent supported by plain ascii and appear as '?'.) Load to Stub connection: Parameters Transmission Line Belden 8262 (RG-58C/U) Code B8262 Data source Belden Frequency 16.000 MHz Length 1.030 metres Zload 16.67+j0.00 ? Yload 0.059999+j0.000000 ? Results Zo 50.00-j0.54 ? Velocity Factor 0.660 Length 29.97 ?, 0.083 ? Line Loss (matched) 0.059 dB Line Loss 0.149 dB Efficiency 96.63% Zin 22.12+j24.55 ? Yin 0.020258-j0.022480 ? Gamma, rho, theta, VSWR (source end) -2.44e-1+j4.29e-1, 0.493, 119.6?, 2.950 Gamma, rho, theta, VSWR (load end) -5.00e-1+j4.03e-3, 0.500, 179.5?, 3.000 ? 6.54e-3+j5.08e-1 k1, k2 1.30e-5, 2.95e-10 Loss model source data lowest frequency 1.000 MHz Correlation coefficient (r) 0.999884 Stub: Parameters Transmission Line Belden 8262 (RG-58C/U) Code B8262 Data source Belden Frequency 16.000 MHz Length 1.685 metres Zload 100000000.00+j0.00 ? Yload 0.000000+j0.000000 ? Results Zo 50.00-j0.54 ? Velocity Factor 0.660 Length 49.02 ?, 0.136 ? Line Loss (matched) 0.096 dB Line Loss 40.574 dB Efficiency 0.01% Zin 0.50-j43.44 ? Yin 0.000265+j0.023019 ? Gamma, rho, theta, VSWR (source end) -1.37e-1-j9.69e-1, 0.978, - 98.0?, 90.720 Gamma, rho, theta, VSWR (load end) 1.00e+0+j1.07e-8, 1.000, 0.0?, inf ? 6.54e-3+j5.08e-1 k1, k2 1.30e-5, 2.95e-10 Loss model source data lowest frequency 1.000 MHz Correlation coefficient (r) 0.999884 |
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