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TO GAIN MONEY FAST, facil and LEGALLY. The best form to make fast
money If you really want to know if this works, it observes by same you, and it only watches how much people this doing this. If this does not convince to you, nothing will do it you do not let pass this opportunity, I did not believe it but I was convinced and now all my family and friends we are improving our lives! you do not have anything to lose but if that to win much. You will realize that is something truely ingenious, that is and it will make you gain a few euros and it only costs 6 EUROS or 6 U.S. dollars, and that is not nothing compared with which reportarte could if you dedicate to time and sacrifice. YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY TO PAY YOUR DEBTS? IT LEGALLY INVESTS To 5 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME And SIDES THAT THIS REALLY WORKS And IN ADDITION! Permíteme decirte that I found it. And that that I detest those schemes of marketing with several levels, or to make orders by mail, or putting propagandas in you exceed of mail, etc., the list is interminable. I proved all the odiosos schemes of hacerte rich express during 5 years. It was sailing by the groups (GOOGLE, YAHOO, ALTAVISTA, ETC.) when I saw an article that something said to obtain fast money. Pensè in Internet? Good, I said myself to same me, I have to do what type of scheme can present/display in Internet. This article described the way to send BY MAIL 1 CURRENCY OF EURO or 1 DOLLAR AMERICAN To ONLY 6 PEOPLE and TO GAIN $ 50,000 IN CASH IN 4 WEEKS. Good, the more I thought about this the more anxious was. So I concluded yes! clear it must of being a swindle. But as most of us I felt curiosity, so I continued reading. After meditating it and consulting it with some people I decided to try it! Really it is worth only 6 euros or 6 dollars and 6 seals of mail, I have spent more buying lottery and never I have won. *** This is not a swindle; he is not indecente, is not illegal; and he is free 99% of risk, really works if you follow the instructions, you will receive extraordinary dividends. Now you will be part of the business of the mail lists. In this business your product is not solid nor tangible, is a service. You are in the business of the development of the lists of mail (Mailing lists) Good first of all the main intention of this letter is convencerte of which this it is an honest system, legal and extremely profitable and also a form to obtain excellent income in a very short period of time. It is possible to also stand out, that this system has fulfilled its cycle natural, that is to say, has verified its effectiveness and with excellent results. Also, this system does not require physical contact with people, it does not require either of a heavy or difficult work, and the best thing: you will not have to leave house except gathering its mail. This it is a program of ELECTRONIC SUPPORT that takes advantage of the world-wide platform Internet, which guarantees its operation in perfect form. 100 % OF THE TIMES! Thousands of people have resorted to this average one to obtain good capitals and thus to initiate their own business. Basically, it becomes possible through a chain that goes to thousands of people and who will also be made reality for you, only with your collaboration. For that reason I recommend to you TO FOLLOW CAREFUL and EXACTLY the INSTRUCTIONS OF THIS LETTER, recalcándote once again that this is 100 % insurance and that you will not regret to have read this I articulate and put in practice... IT SHARES MONEY And IT RECEIVES FAST MONEY... BY MAIL. THIS REALLY WORKS!!!!!! LÉELO PLEASE, IS SUITABLE LÉERLO. TO YOU! FAST MONEY! If you are very anxious and you do not want to read what continuous, it sees the section of the instructions at the end of this article directly. **** the $50,000 in cash could be a high point to reach, but it was possible. I imagined that perhaps it could have a reach of $1,000 more or less, so I did it. As they said the instructions in the article, I sent by mail a SINGLE EURO to each one of the six people of the list that contained I articulate that I read. I included a small note that PLEASE said "to INCLÚYEME IN YOUR LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE Or email" along with the Euro. Soon I remade the list in where saquè to first, I above moved a position to each one of the rest and included my name at the end of her. This was the form to obtain that the money began to arrive to me. Soon I took this list that finished modifying and I PUBLISHED it IN ALL the NEWSGROUP (Groups of the News or Forums of Discussion) and BBS LOCAL THAT KNEW DEPENDS COMPLETELY ON YOU, Of the INDIVIDUAL. You must follow it and to publish it where it is possible to you, whichever but is published and more people see it, will have but possibilities for all of making but money, this determined whichever arrived to you by mail. It is really easy to do it... Let us review the reasons of so that to do it: the only expenses a 6 Estampillas, 6 you exceed and 6 EURO (a currency of a EURO or a dollar for each one in the list), soon to publish the article with your name including in ALL the NEWSGROUP that are happened to you (this are free) and soon to hope that you exceed them arrive to you. All we have 6 EUROS to spend in a easy investment and that it does not entail no type of effort with a SPECTACULAR one compensates OF BETWEEN $15,000 and $25,000 in single 3 to 5 weeks. So prívate to play the lottery, or today better eats in house instead of going outside and invests those 6 EUROS in which one pleasing surprise can darte. There is no form to lose! As this works exactly, Next I detail the simple instucciones to you of how you are going to obtain that easy money arrives to you. Prepárate to obtain it, this is the form... ******************************** INSTRUCTIONS: *** STEP 1: It obtains 6 white sheets of paper and writes the following thing: "PLEASE IT INCLUDES MY NAME IN YOUR LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE Or Email" Or "PLEASE ADD MY NAME TO YOUR LIST". Soon, it also writes your name, direction and electronic mail (and mail). Like a pretty detail pon also in which POSITION appeared each name of the people when you sent your EURO (Ejm: "You were in the 3 position" or "You were in slot 3") like making it but complete. That one is, to make money and to pass it well at the same time, everything with good will. Now it doubles this page where you have written the previous thing, around the currency of 1 Euro or of the bill of 1 dollar American, you do not send to checks nor another type of payments, single EUROS or American Dollars. Ponlo everything within 1 on and màndalo to each one of the 6 listed people, the idea to double the paper around the Euro is for assuring that it is going to arrive at his destiny and THAT IS IMPORTANT!!!!! Of another way the people who work in the mail podrìa to detect that she is money and to remain with the thousands of you exceed that they are to you arriving; so that she recommends herself to surround everything, additionally, in a dark paper or of coal so that she does not see herself through on). What these doing are to create a service and like so, makes LEGAL COMPLETELY. From now on these not sending to him to a EURO or a DOLAR to some person without any reason, these paying to a EURO or a DOLAR by a legitimate service (I assure to you, again, that this is completely legal). Immediately afterwards, it sends the 6 you exceed (better with fine cardboard or waddings in case of being currency so that one does not notice and it disappears by the way) to the following directions: 1.HÉCTOR LLANEZA ALVAREZ C/ELEUTERIO QUINTANILLA Nº32 3ºA C.P 33208 GIJÓN ASTURIAS SPAIN 2.VICTOR ENRIQUE HUMOFFE DORREGO 588. 3ºPISO DTO. 35 BELL. C.P 2804 BS. AS. ARGENTINA BALD 3.ILUMINADA BELTRÁN C/PEDRO JUAN NÚÑEZ Nº 8 PTA: 5 C.P.46021 VALENCIA VALENCIA SPAIN CANARY 4.JORGE CRESPO CELDRÁN C/ISLAS 180 ESC/ 1 PTA/17 C.P.46024 VALENCIA VALENCIA SPAIN 5, Eduardo Yafe Silva Irigoyen n· 86 Santa Lucia dep. Canelones Uruguay C.P. 90700 6, JUAN.JOSE GONZALEZ PARRA SEPARATED FROM Nº POST OFFICE 63 30002 C.P MURCIA MURCIA SPAIN *** STEP 2: Listening with care, this is the form of as you are going to receive Money by mail. It watches the list of the SIX people, flock the name #1 of the list of above, and adds yours at the end of her, so the one that was # 2 happens to be # 1 and the one that was # 3 happens to be # 2, the one that was # 4 happens to be # 3 and the one that was # 5 happens to be 4 etc... and YOU are now number 6, includes your name, direction, C.P. and country *** STEP 3: It changes everything what you create advisable of this article, but tries to maintain it but near the possible thing the original one. Now pon your article in at least 200 NEWSGROUP, also calls Forums of Discussion or Groups of the News (they exist more than 24,000 groups). Sòlo you need 200, but at the most amount you put, but money will arrive to you. Here some indications of like introducing itself in the newsgroup go. LIKE HANDLING THE NEWSGROUP: In the first place, you do not need to write up all this letter again to do the yours own one. Only pon the cursor at the beginning of this letter and drags downwards so that everything is "shaded". Later, it presses keys CTRL +C, of this form is in the memory of your computer. Soon, it opens an application Block de Notas (NotePad), Wordpad or MsWord preferably. Soon, once opened anyone of these applications it places the cursor at the beginning of a leaf in target and presses CTRL+V, and you will already have this letter and you will be able to add your name and direction in #6 being followed the instructions of above. By I complete guard this letter with your changes in a new file of the application. HE IS EVERYTHING! Everything what you must do now is meterte in different "newsgroup", forums, classified, or announcements free, etc. and to publish it. It remembers that whenever you want to do it it was enough with opening the file kept, copying it and to stick it in the area of message of the newsgroup, or classified, forum or announcement free, etc. In order to arrive at them in any finder pon these terms: newsgroup, forums of discussion, classified, announcements free or guestbooks; and they will appear thousands of pages. You do not forget to publish all the announcement or letter but with YOUR NAME in position 6, disappearing the 1; when you already have practice to only will take about 30 seconds you by each newsgroup. It is recommended, in addition, that when you publish the description of this article you try to give a name him that "catches", as "IT NEEDS MONEY RÁPIDO?, reads EAST ARTICLE" or "IT NEEDS MONEY TO PAY HIS DEBTS", "IT LOWERS EAST FILE and IT READS AS IT CAN RECEIVE MONEY BY MAIL" etc. and not thus "DESIRE MILLION IN 1 WEEK", because nobody took you in serio.********RECUERDA, WHICHEVER MAS NEWSGROUP YOU OBTAIN, MAS ANSWERS (and MONEY) YOU RECEIVE! BUT YOU MUST ENTER AT LEAST 200. * ********* ALREADY IS!!... Your you will be receiving money worldwide, of places that nor you know and in few days. ** ASEGÚRATE OF WHICH ALL the CORRECT DIRECTIONS ARE ** Now So that of all this: of 200 sent announcements, we say that to single receipt 5 answers (lowest example). THEN I WILL HAVE GAINED 5 EUROS or DOLARES WITH MY NAME in the position # 6 of èsta letter. Now each one of the 5 people who sent a Euro or DOLAR to me tambièn creates a minimum of 200 newsgroup each one with my name in no. 5 of the List and if to these people to only 5 people to each one of the 5 original ones responded them, this would cause that I gained 25 more Euros (DOLARES), now, if these 25 people create a 200 minimum of newgroups with my name in no. 4 and receiving sòlo 5 answers of each one. Estarìa winning other 125 Euros (Dolares)adicionales. Now 125 people put their same 200 groups with my name in no. 3 and they only receive 5 answers of each one, I I would receive additional from 625 Euros (Dolares)!!!! Ok? Aquì is the amused part more, each one of these 625 people put its letters in other 200 groups with my name in only 5 no. 2 and each one receives answer, this causes that I receive 3,125 EUROS (DOLARES)!!!!!!! These 3,125 people enviaràn èste message to a minimum of 200 newgroups with my name in no. 1 and if only 5 people of the 200 groups respond I will be receiving 15,625 EUROS (DOLARES)!!!!! Of an Original investment of of 6 Euros or 6 Dolares more stamps (seals). INCREDIBLE! and as I said before, that single 5 people respond is very little, the real average would be of 20-30 people! There that we put these numbers but to calculate. If single 15 people respond, this does: In # 6 15 Euros (Dolares) In # 5 225 Euros (Dolares) In # 4 3,375 Euros (Dolares) In # 3 50,625 Euros (Dolares) In # 2 759,375 Euros (Dolares) In # 1 11.390.625 Euros (Dolares) Yes, more than ELEVEN MILLION EUROS (DOLARES)! Once your name no longer is in the list, it again removes the last announcement from the newsgroup. What you must remember is that thousands of people more, anywhere in the world, connect to Internet every day and will read these articles every day as your and I we do it. So I believe that nobody would have problems to invest 1 EURO or DOLAR and to see if it really works. Some people get to think "and if nobody decides to answer to me". That which is the probability that this happens when there are thousands and thousands of honest people (who as you and I) they look for a way to have extra money... and who they are arranged to treat, because "there is no worse fight than the one than it does not become". Esteem that exists Every day of 20.000 to 50.000 new users (anywhere in the world). ANOTHER SYSTEM TO COMMUNICATE IS OBTAINING the email OF PARTICULAR PEOPLE. THEY MUST BE At least 200 DIRECTIONS, And THIS HAS A MINIMUM EFFECTIVENESS From The 5 To 15%. IF SINGLE YOU LOOK FOR PEOPLE WHO SPEAK SPANISH, IT SEES An Email SUPPLIER And PRINTS A LATIN LAST NAME ALREADY And THIS. Another form is to publish this letter in your PAGINA WEB (if you have it). *** Recuerda to do this of CORRECT, CLEAN and HONEST form and will work with complete certainty. You only must be honest. Asegúrate TO PRINT this article NOW, tries to maintain the list of all those that always send money to you and fíjate in the newsgroup and sees if all are participating cleanly. It remembers, HONESTY IS The BEST METHOD. You do not need to make tricks with the basic idea make money in this! ******* By the way, that if your you defraud to the people putting messages with your name and you do not send any money to the others of the list, your you will not receive ANYTHING almost. I have talked with people who met who did this and single they got to collect about $150,00, and that after 7 weeks. Some decided to prove again, doing it correctly, and in 4-5 weeks received more than $10,000.00. This is the cleanest and honest way to share fortune that I never have seen, without costing to us much except a little time. The TIME IS IMPORTANT, for that reason you do not let pass but of 7 days of the moment that you see east email or announcement. Let us follow all the rules of the business. "the fruits of the honesty take shelter in very just a short time and always last for" Chinese Proverb. Thanks again. You test. LAST STEP: And this it is the step that màs SIMPLY I like SIENTATE and ENJOY, BECAUSE the CASH COMES IN WAY!!!!! Delay to see just a little bit of money during the second week, but to apartir of the third week, STORM OF YOU EXCEED IN YOUR MAIL. Everything what you must do is to receive it and deals with not shouting very hard, when DES tells you that èsta time you obtained!!!!!! When you begin to be short of money, it reactivates this one file and re-it publishes such in places in which you are going them to publish now and new places that you will know in the future. Always mantèn by hand a copy of this article, REACTIVALO whenever you need money. HONESTY IS WHAT MAKES PREVAIL To ÈSTE PROGRAMS YOU DO NOT FORGET IT. GOOD LUCK! |
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