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On Jan 1, 12:20*pm, Roger wrote:
Keith Dysart wrote: On Dec 30, 5:30 pm, Roger wrote: I don't recall any examples using perfect CURRENT sources. *I think a perfect current source would supply a signal that could respond to changing impedances correctly. *It should solve the dilemma caused by the rise in voltage which occurs when when a traveling wave doubles voltage upon encountering an open circuit, or reversing at the source. What do you think? A perfect current source has an output impedance of infinity, just like an open circuit. The reflection coefficient is 1. Similar to the reflected voltage for the perfect voltage source, the reflected current cancels leaving just the current from the perfect current source. ...Keith This disagrees with Roy, who assigns a -1 reflection coefficient when reflecting from a perfect voltage source. I don't think there is disagreement... - perfect current source, infinite output impedance, equivalent to open circuit, RC = 1 - perfect voltage source, zero output impedance, equivalent to short circuit, RC = -1 - output impedance equal to Z0, RC = 0 - output impedance greater than Z0, RC 0 - output impedance less than Z0, RC 0 The Norton or Thévenin equivalent circuits seem *capable of positive reflection coefficients. * Either can be positive, negative, or zero depending on the value of the output impedance compared to Z0. That is all that I am looking for. Your search suggestion from a different posting '"lattice diagram" reflection'yields some examples that demonstrate positive reflection coefficients. This would only be because the examples happened to use output impedances greater than Z0. I must have missed something, because I can't understand why there is an insistence that a negative reflection coefficient must exist at the source for the 1/2 or 1 wavelength long transmission line fed at one end. The reflection coefficient depends on the values of line characteristic impedance (Z0) and the output impedance of the source. Recall that RC = (Z2-Z1)/(Z2+Z1) For the reflected wave arriving back at the source, Z1 is the characteristic impedance of the line (Z0) and Z2 is the output impedance of the source. ...Keith |
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Discussing forward and reflecting waves, when is stability reached.
Roy Lewallen wrote: If "stability" means steady state, a transmission line with any resistance at either end or both ends is less complicated to analyze than the particularly difficult lossless case I used for my analysis which never reaches a true steady state. The presence of resistance allows the system to settle to steady state, and that process can easily and quantifiably be shown. And in two special cases, the process from turn-on to steady state is trivially simple -- If the line is terminated with Z0 (technically, its conjugate, but the two are the same for a lossless line since Z0 is purely resistive), steady state is reached just as soon as the initial forward wave arrives at the far end of the line. No reflections at all are present or needed for the analysis. The second simple case is when the source impedance equals Z0, resulting in a source reflection coefficient of zero. In that case, there is a single reflection from the far end (assuming it's not also terminated with Z0), but no re-reflection from the source, and steady state is reached as soon as the first reflected wave arrives at the source. Roy Lewallen, W7EL Could you better describe how you determine that the source has a Z0 equal to the line Z0? I can guess that you use a Thévenin equivalent circuit and set the series resistor to Z0. The power output of the Thévenin equivalent circuit follows the load. Therefore, when the load delivers power, the Thévenin equivalent circuit adsorbs power. Right? 73, Roger, W7WKB |
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On Tue, 1 Jan 2008 06:12:48 -0800 (PST), Keith Dysart
wrote: To illustrate some of these weaknesses, consider an example where a step function from a Z0 matched generator is applied to a transmission line open at the far end. Hi Keith, It would seem we have either a Thevenin or a Norton source (again, the ignored elephant in the living room of specifications). This would have us step back to a Z0 in series with 2V or a Z0 in parallel with V - it seems this would be a significant detail in the migration of what follows: The step function eventually reaches the open end where the current can no longer flow. The inductance insists that the current continue until the capacitance at the end of the line is charged to the voltage which will stop the flow. This voltage is double the voltage of the step function applied to the line (i.e 2*V). Fine (with omissions of the fine grain set-up) However, what follows is so over edited as to be insensible: Once the infinitesimal capacitance at the end of the line is charged, energy has reached the "end of the line" so to speak; and yet: the current now has to stop just a bit earlier TIME is backing up? Are we at the edge of an event horizon? and this charges the inifinitesimal capacitance a bit further from the end. BEYOND the end of the line? Just how long can this keep up? Very strange stuff whose exclusion wouldn't impact the remainder: So a step in the voltage propagates back along the line towards the source. In front of this step, current is still flowing. Behind the step, the behind the reflected step, rather? current is zero and voltage is 2*V. Want to explain how you double the stored voltage in the distributed capacitance of the line without current? The definition of capacitance is explicitly found in the number of electrons (charge or energy) on a surface; which in this case has not changed. The charge that is continuing to flow from the source is being used to charge the distributed capacitance of the line. It would appear now that charge is flowing again, but that there is a confusion as to where the flow comes from. Why would the source at less voltage provide current to flow into a cap that is rising in potential above it? Rolling electrons uphill would seem to be remarkable. Returning to uncontroversial stuff: The voltage that is propagating backwards along the line has the value 2*V, but this can also be viewed as a step of voltage V added to the already present voltage V. The latter view is the one that aligns with the "no interaction" model; the total voltage on the line is the sum of the forward voltage V and the reverse voltage V or 2*V. If this is the "latter view" then the former one (heavily edited above?) is troubling to say the least. In this model, the step function has propagated to the end, been reflected and is now propagating backwards. Implicit in this description is that the step continues to flow to the end of the line and be reflected as the leading edge travels back to the source. This is a difficult read. You have two sentences. Is the second merely restating what was in the first, or describing a new condition (the reflection)? And this is the major weakness in the model. Which model? The latter? or the former? It claims the step function is still flowing in the portion of the line that has a voltage of 2*V and *zero* current. Does a step function flow? As for "zero" current, that never made sense in context here. Now without a doubt, when the voltages and currents of the forward and reverse step function are summed, the resulting totals are correct. In this thread, that would be unique. But it seems to me that this is just applying the techniques of superposition. And when we do superposition on a basic circuit, we get the correct totals for the voltages and currents of the elements but we do not assign any particular meaning to the partial results. Amen. Unfortunately, more confusion: A trivial example is connecting to 10 volt batteries in parallel through a .001 ohm resistor. Parallel has two outcomes, which one? "Through" a resistor to WHERE? In series? In parallel? Much to ambiguous. The partial results show 10000 amps flowing in each direction in the resistor with a total of 0. This would suggest in parallel to the parallel batteries, but does not resolve the bucking parallel or aiding parallel battery connection possibilities. The 0 assignment does not follow from the description, mere as one of two possible solutions. But I do not think that anyone assigns significance to the 10000 amp intermediate result. Everyone does agree that the actual current in the resistor is zero. Actually, no. Bucking would have 0 Amperes. Aiding would have 20,000 Amperes. However, by this forced march through the math, it appears there are two batteries in parallel; (series) bucking; with a parallel resistor. The "no interaction" model, Is this the "latter" or former model? while just being superposition, seems to lend itself to having great significance applied to the intermediate results. Partially this may be due to poor definitions. Certainly as I read it. If the wave is defined as just being a voltage wave, then all is well. Still ambiguous. And then deeper: But, for example, when looking at a solitary pulse, it is easy (and accurate) to view the wave as having more than just voltage. One can compute the charge, the current, the power, and the energy. It would seem if you knew the charge, you already know the energy; but the power? But when two waves are simultaneously present, it is only legal to superpose the voltage and the current. And illegal if only one is present? Odd distinction. Is there some other method like superposition that demands to be used for this instance? But it is obvious that a solitary wave has voltage, current, power, etc. But when two waves are present it is not legal to.... etc., etc. The "no interaction" model does not seem to resolve this conflict well, and some are lead astray. I was lost on a turn several miles back. And it was this conflict that lead me to look for other ways of thinking about the system. I can only hope for clarity from this point on. Earlier you asked for an experiment. How about this one.... Take two step function generators, one at each end of a transmission line. Start a step from each end at the same time. When the steps collide in the middle, the steps can be viewed as passing each other without interaction, or reversing and propagating back to their respective sources. Why just that particular view? We can measure the current at the middle of the line and observe that it is always 0. Is it? When? If, for some infinitesimal line section, there is no current through it, then there is no potential difference across it. Hence, the when is some infinitesimal time before the waves of equal potential meet - and no current flow forever after. Therefore the charge that is filling the capacitance and causing the voltage step which is propagating back towards each generator How did that happen? No potential difference across an infinitesimal line section, both sides at full potential (capacitors fully charged, or charging at identical rates). Potentials on either side of the infinitesimal line section are equal to each other and to the sources, hence no potential differences anywhere, No potential differences, no current flow, no charge change, no reflection, no more wave. The last bit of induction went to filling the last capacitance element with the last charge of current. Last gasp. No more gas. Nothing left. Finis. must be coming from the generator to which the step is propagatig because no charge is crossing the middle of the line. Do you like it? Not particularly. What does it demonstrate? ...Keith 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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On Tue, 01 Jan 2008 10:20:19 -0800, Roger wrote:
The power output of the Thévenin equivalent circuit follows the load. Hi Roger, That doesn't describe an equivalency, merely a proportionality. Therefore, when the load delivers power, the Thévenin equivalent circuit adsorbs power. Right? What about phase? 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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Keith Dysart wrote:
The Norton or Thévenin equivalent circuits seem capable of positive reflection coefficients. Either can be positive, negative, or zero depending on the value of the output impedance compared to Z0. Would you please quote a reference that addresses the subject of reflection coefficients from Thevenin or Norton equivalent sources? To the best of my knowledge, there is absolutely no requirement that a Thevenin or Norton equivalent circuit exhibit the same reflection coefficient at the circuit it replaces. -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com |
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Roger wrote:
The power output of the Thévenin equivalent circuit follows the load. Therefore, when the load delivers power, the Thévenin equivalent circuit adsorbs power. Right? The mere concept of a Thevenin equivalent circuit absorbing power is contrary to the rules for the use of a Thevenin equivalent circuit. No significance can be automatically assigned to the power conditions inside a Thevenin equivalent source. -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com |
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Roger wrote:
Could you better describe how you determine that the source has a Z0 equal to the line Z0? I can guess that you use a Thévenin equivalent circuit and set the series resistor to Z0. Probably the simplest way is to put the entire source circuitry into a black box. Measure the terminal voltage with the box terminals open circuited, and the current with the terminals short circuited. The ratio of these is the source impedance. If you replace the box with a Thevenin or Norton equivalent, this will be the value of the equivalent circuit's impedance component (a resistor for most of our examples). If the driving circuitry consists of a perfect voltage source in series with a resistance, the source Z will be the resistance; if it consists of a perfect current source in parallel with a resistance, the source Z will be the resistance. You can readily see that the open circuit V divided by the short circuit I of these two simple circuits equals the value of the resistance. The power output of the Thévenin equivalent circuit follows the load. Sorry, I don't understand this. Can you express it as an equation? Therefore, when the load delivers power, the Thévenin equivalent circuit adsorbs power. Right? Certainly, any energy leaving the transmission line must enter the circuitry to which it's connected. Is that what you mean? Roy Lewallen, W7EL |
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On Jan 1, 1:20*pm, Roger wrote:
Discussing forward and reflecting waves, when is stability reached. Roy Lewallen wrote: If "stability" means steady state, a transmission line with any resistance at either end or both ends is less complicated to analyze than the particularly difficult lossless case I used for my analysis which never reaches a true steady state. The presence of resistance allows the system to settle to steady state, and that process can easily and quantifiably be shown. And in two special cases, the process from turn-on to steady state is trivially simple -- If the line is terminated with Z0 (technically, its conjugate, but the two are the same for a lossless line since Z0 is purely resistive), steady state is reached just as soon as the initial forward wave arrives at the far end of the line. No reflections at all are present or needed for the analysis. The second simple case is when the source impedance equals Z0, resulting in a source reflection coefficient of zero. In that case, there is a single reflection from the far end (assuming it's not also terminated with Z0), but no re-reflection from the source, and steady state is reached as soon as the first reflected wave arrives at the source. Roy Lewallen, W7EL Could you better describe how you determine that the source has a Z0 equal to the line Z0? *I can guess that you use a Thévenin equivalent circuit and set the series resistor to Z0. This will do it. As will a Norton with the parallel resistor set to Z0. The power output of the Thévenin equivalent circuit follows the load. Therefore, when the load delivers power, the Thévenin equivalent circuit adsorbs power. *Right? This apparently simple question has a very complicated answer that depends on what precisely is meant by "load delivers power" and "circuit absorbs power". If by "load delivers power", you mean the reflected wave, then this may or may not (depending on the phase), mean that energy is transfered into the generator. If you mean that the time averaged product of the actual voltage and current at the generator terminals show a transfer of energy into the generator, then energy is indeed flowing into the generator. If by "circuit absorbs power", you mean that there is an increase in the energy dissipated in the generator, this can not be ascertained without detailed knowledge of the internal arrangement of the generator and also depends the meaning of "load delivers power", discussed above. ...Keith |
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Roy Lewallen wrote:
If the driving circuitry consists of a perfect voltage source in series with a resistance, the source Z will be the resistance; This is obviously not true and easily illustrated using a battery. | | Gnd--||---\/\/\/\/---+---(I)---||--Gnd | 50 ohms | 12v 12v Using a 12v source and current meter (I) to test the impedance to ground from point '+', what does that V/I impedance measure? Can you spell infinity? The same principle holds true for an AC source when phase is considered. Replace the 12v battery with a 12vac source and test the impedance at '+' with a phase-locked 12vac source. The measured V/I will be infinite just as it is in the DC case. It would certainly appear that the reflection coefficient seen by the reflections changes depending upon the phase of the reflections. In any case, the source Z is obviously not what the reflections encounter. -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com |
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Roger wrote:
Keith Dysart wrote: On Dec 30, 5:30 pm, Roger wrote: I don't recall any examples using perfect CURRENT sources. I think a perfect current source would supply a signal that could respond to changing impedances correctly. It should solve the dilemma caused by the rise in voltage which occurs when when a traveling wave doubles voltage upon encountering an open circuit, or reversing at the source. What do you think? A perfect current source has an output impedance of infinity, just like an open circuit. The reflection coefficient is 1. Similar to the reflected voltage for the perfect voltage source, the reflected current cancels leaving just the current from the perfect current source. ...Keith This disagrees with Roy, who assigns a -1 reflection coefficient when reflecting from a perfect voltage source. It appears you're confusing perfect voltage and current sources. A perfect voltage source has a zero impedance, so if it's connected to a transmission line with no series resistance, it presents a reflection coefficient of -1. A perfect current source has an infinite impedance, so if it's connected to a transmission line with no parallel resistance, the reflection coefficient is +1, as Keith says. The Norton or Thévenin equivalent circuits seem capable of positive reflection coefficients. That is all that I am looking for. Reflection coefficients are complex numbers, so they can't properly be described as "positive" or "negative" except in the special cases of +1 and -1. In all other cases, the can only be described by their magnitude and angle, or real and imaginary component. Under normal circumstances, reflection coefficients can have any magnitude from zero to one, and any angle. A Thevein equivalent, like the circuit it's replacing, can present any possible reflection coefficient. For example, a Thevenin equivalent circuit having an impedance of 19 - j172 (that is, the equivalent consists of a perfect voltage source in series with a 19 ohm resistance and a capacitance of 172 ohms reactance) will present a reflection coefficient of about 0.8 - j0.5 to a 50 ohm transmission line. This is also true of a Norton equivalent consisting of a perfect current source shunted by an impedance of 19 - j172 ohms. Of course, a voltage source and series impedance not acting as an equivalent for any other circuit can also be used to drive the line, and the source impedance will equal the impedance that's in series with the perfect source. Likewise a current source with a parallel impedance. . . . I must have missed something, because I can't understand why there is an insistence that a negative reflection coefficient must exist at the source for the 1/2 or 1 wavelength long transmission line fed at one end. No one has insisted on that at all. As I've said, any reflection coefficient can exist at the source. It depends solely on the impedances of the transmission line and the source. Both Keith and I have given the equation describing the simple relationship, and you can find it also in many references. It was -1 for my example only because I used a perfect voltage source with no series impedance. Roy Lewallen, W7EL |
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