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There seems to be mass confusion even among the gurus on
this newsgroup as to the difference between standing-wave current, as exists on a 1/2WL dipole, vs traveling-wave current, as exists on a terminated antenna like a rhombic. I have prepared two EZNEC files that should run on the free demo version of EZNEC as well as on the commercial edition. These two files clearly show the difference in the two types of currents. The standing-wave example is designed to illustrate standing-wave current. All of the forward energy is reflected at the open end of the wire. The total current displayed by EZNEC is the sum of the forward and reflected currents which are close to equal. The traveling-wave example is designed to illustrate traveling-wave current. Most of the forward energy is dissipated in the load resistor rather than being reflected. The total current displayed by EZNEC is the sum of the forward and reflected currents with the reflected current minimized to a negligible value. Each EZNEC file consists of a 1/4WL wire run horizontal one foot above ground at 4 MHz. In the standing-wave file, the wire is open and unterminated. In the traveling-wave file, the wire is terminated to ground by its characteristic impedance. To view EZNEC's tabulated current at each of the 18 segments along the 1/4WL, simply click on "Load Dat". The standing-wave file is: http://www.w5dxp.com/StndWave.EZ The traveling-wave file is: http://www.w5dxp.com/TravWave.EZ In the following results (directly from EZNEC) please note the almost constant phase reported for the standing-wave current vs the continuously changing phase reported for the traveling-wave current. Here are the values of current at each segment for the standing-wave example as reported by EZNEC: EZNEC+ ver. 4.0 standing wave 12/18/2007 9:11:33 AM --------------- LOAD DATA --------------- Frequency = 4 MHz Load 1 Current = 0.9974 A. at -0.01 deg. Load 2 Current = 0.9874 A. at -0.02 deg. Load 3 Current = 0.9703 A. at -0.03 deg. Load 4 Current = 0.9461 A. at -0.04 deg. Load 5 Current = 0.915 A. at -0.05 deg. Load 6 Current = 0.8773 A. at -0.06 deg. Load 7 Current = 0.8332 A. at -0.07 deg. Load 8 Current = 0.783 A. at -0.08 deg. Load 9 Current = 0.7271 A. at -0.08 deg. Load 10 Current = 0.6659 A. at -0.09 deg. Load 11 Current = 0.5999 A. at -0.09 deg. Load 12 Current = 0.5295 A. at -0.10 deg. Load 13 Current = 0.4553 A. at -0.10 deg. Load 14 Current = 0.3777 A. at -0.10 deg. Load 15 Current = 0.2974 A. at -0.10 deg. Load 16 Current = 0.2148 A. at -0.11 deg. Load 17 Current = 0.1307 A. at -0.11 deg. Load 18 Current = 0.0447 A. at -0.11 deg. Here are the values of current at each segment for the traveling-wave example as reported by EZNEC: EZNEC+ ver. 4.0 traveling wave 12/18/2007 9:18:19 AM --------------- LOAD DATA --------------- Frequency = 4 MHz Load 1 Current = 0.9992 A. at -3.12 deg. Load 2 Current = 0.9983 A. at -8.11 deg. Load 3 Current = 0.9977 A. at -13.08 deg. Load 4 Current = 0.9972 A. at -18.05 deg. Load 5 Current = 0.9970 A. at -23.02 deg. Load 6 Current = 0.9970 A. at -27.99 deg. Load 7 Current = 0.9973 A. at -32.96 deg. Load 8 Current = 0.9978 A. at -37.92 deg. Load 9 Current = 0.9985 A. at -42.87 deg. Load 10 Current = 0.9993 A. at -47.82 deg. Load 11 Current = 1.0000 A. at -52.75 deg. Load 12 Current = 1.0010 A. at -57.67 deg. Load 13 Current = 1.0030 A. at -62.58 deg. Load 14 Current = 1.0040 A. at -67.48 deg. Load 15 Current = 1.0050 A. at -72.36 deg. Load 16 Current = 1.0060 A. at -77.23 deg. Load 17 Current = 1.0070 A. at -82.09 deg. Load 18 Current = 1.0080 A. at -86.97 deg. -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com |
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Cecil Moore wrote:
There seems to be mass confusion even among the gurus on this newsgroup as to the difference between standing-wave current, as exists on a 1/2WL dipole, vs traveling-wave current, as exists on a terminated antenna like a rhombic. I have prepared two EZNEC files that should run on the free demo version of EZNEC as well as on the commercial edition. These two files clearly show the difference in the two types of currents. Heavily clip....... The standing-wave file is: http://www.w5dxp.com/StndWave.EZ The traveling-wave file is: http://www.w5dxp.com/TravWave.EZ clip..... Hi Cecil, I tried the files and they work well. Congratulations on a clever use of zero resistance loads. I have not seen that technique used before but it certainly allows for a good EZNEC demonstration. EZNEC is a great program. 73, Roger, W7WKB |
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Roger wrote:
I tried the files and they work well. Congratulations on a clever use of zero resistance loads. I have not seen that technique used before but it certainly allows for a good EZNEC demonstration. It's a way to "measure" the current without disturbing the current. Do you see how the EZNEC current has a reference phase and thus is a "snapshot" in time? Do you see how traveling-wave current travels and standing- wave current just appears to stand there? Since EM waves cannot just stand there and must necessarily move at the speed of light, a standing-wave is just an artifact of superposition (a magical illusion for some). It has no stand-alone existence aside from its forward and reverse component EM waves that indeed do travel at the speed of light (adjusted for velocity factor). EZNEC is a great program. Yes indeed, like the Smith Chart, it is a great antenna tool. I've been a satisfied customer for 20 years, since I first purchased ELNEC. ELNEC and EZNEC have been great tutors for me. If someone doesn't want to buy it, the free demo version of EZNEC available from http://www.eznec.com is quite a free lunch and although limited to 20 segments, is very useful on wire dipoles and monopoles and learning how they work. -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com |
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On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:33:23 -0600, Cecil Moore
wrote: There seems to be mass confusion even among the gurus on this newsgroup as to the difference between standing-wave current, as exists on a 1/2WL dipole, vs traveling-wave current, as exists on a terminated antenna like a rhombic. :-) Confusion appears to be selective here, and not to be found generally in the remainder of the group. For instance, in the quote above, we are introduced to two antennas THAT ARE NEVER AGAIN EMPLOYED, AS EXPLICITLY INFERRED, AS THE BASIS OF COMPARISON! In short, the author immediately dismissing these practical antennas, never again approaches the problem as described above. The solution to this confusion appears to be of no true concern. So, what's the problem? No question follows in the remainder of the post, only statements. No statements illustrate the difference between any antennas that are the source of the presumed confusion. The original model wires draped 1/200th wavelength above ground are certainly not to be confused with conventional rhombic, nor dipoles. Diligent readers would back away from this dead horse. Modeling a rhombic is not outside the art of the practitioner, only one practitioner for whom the data does not support the premise for these antennas (quickly discarded as I have pointed out). Four 4 wavelength wires built into a symmetric diamond, one source at 22MHz, one load, and the whole model is described. As a variation, put it in free space, test; repeat with it 65 feet above ground, test. As another variation, load with a matched R, test; load with an open/short, test. What monumental results follow from all results? 65 feet above ground we observe: w/Rl = 816 Ohms: I magnitude declines end-to-end due to radiation; I magnitude varies insignificantly seg-to-seg (1%); I phase varies ~160-~100 degrees per 10 segments; I phase inverts every 10 segments. w/Rl = 1e9 Ohms: I magnitude declines end-to-end due to radiation; I magnitude varies seg-to-seg (~10%-~40%); I phase varies ~160-~100 degrees per 10 segments; I phase inverts every 10 segments. In free space we observe: w/Rl = 816 Ohms: I magnitude declines end-to-end due to radiation; I magnitude varies insignificantly seg-to-seg (1%); I phase varies ~160 degrees per 10 segments; I phase inverts every 10 segments. w/Rl = 1e9 Ohms: I magnitude declines end-to-end due to radiation; I magnitude varies seg-to-seg (~5%-~25%); I phase varies ~160 degrees per 10 segments; I phase inverts every 10 segments. All variations support the notion of traveling and standing wave antennas (unless, of course, some novel re-definition of terms is injected into the debate). The presumption of traveling waves is well defined in the current data when placing a "matched load" on the antenna-as-transmission line is performed. The presumption of standing waves is well defined in the current data when the "matched load" is opened on the antenna-as-transmission line. What does not conform to well tailored expectations? The phase swings under all conditions are well defined, extensive, and repeat with regularity. Further, we can also observe how ground's proximity, even with a substantial height against wavelength begins to intrude into current dynamics. We can then proceed into where confusion might reside (it not being found in these antennas): GROUND. Yes, the death embrace of the original models with GROUND profoundly skews the data. I would note that there is the usual crafting of the original post to insure plausible deniability. In short, the reader is left to be astonished by the data (corrupt as it is, given the tantalizing premise of Rhombics and Dipoles being so confusing to the crowd of readers) and to then be lead further away from that initial dismissal of those antennas, only to be drawn back to them through Byzantine extrapolations and copious mathematical "proofs." As always, fun. I doubt anything new in the technical vein will follow, so I look forward to the parade that is sure to fill this thread. 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:53:06 -0800, Richard Clark
wrote: We can then proceed into where confusion might reside (it not being found in these antennas): GROUND. Yes, the death embrace of the original models with GROUND profoundly skews the data. Hi All, Well, I find there is more technical content to dissect in at least one dead horse. Let's look at the "traveling wave" model and see what it has to offer in the cold harsh light of reality. Right off the bat with its performance: -23.74dB What could possibly account for all this loss? The "load?"? Instead of tossing the load, let's toss ground and put this corpse in free space. It's performance: -0.30dB I don't know how any math error like this could be used to validate a model, but the efficiency as an antenna that hugs ground so vigorously hardly measures up to either a dipole or a rhombic. On the plus side, confusion certainly offers many vendors an income, and suckers are born every minute who would love a low noise antenna. However, what happened to the currents when we discarded ground? Well, the pristine constant current of the former model plunges right down the toilet of expectations (while performance shot through the ceiling at the same time - one has to wonder what was confusing about this?). Phase change? That cute 90 degrees formerly nudged and cosseted onto center stage has now been nailed to the floor with no more total variation than 2.15 degrees. Hard to imagine how a transmission line could so thoroughly rape its inventor. Turning to the "standing wave" model, would it be instructive how a ground free performance might similarly fare? Right off the bat with its performance: -1.69dB it would seem a stretch to find any more efficiency (and shows how that traveling wave model really sucks). However, without ground for completeness' sake: -0.28dB However, what happened to the currents when we discarded ground? Well, roughly the same 2 degree shift we found when the "traveling wave" model split the sheets with ground, but beyond that, an almost identical current taper and phase lock-down found with the "traveling wave" model free of ground (or in comparison to itself close to ground). So, is there any substantial difference between the two models once ground's death grip is released? I will leave that question for tea-leaf analysis, because engineers would have buried this dead horse long ago. ***** Irony meter pegged ***** I would like to point out that the only things changed with these original models was a switch from 2D to 3D analysis to reveal total loss; and a switch from the ground offered to free space. I look forward to Cecil, once again, impeaching his own evidence (and typically without once mentioning the data). I am sure I have sunken to new lows and once I am exposed for what I am (an English major), vindication will taste sweeter than wine. (may as well steal that thunder too) 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 17:42:00 -0800, Richard Clark
wrote: Let's look at the "traveling wave" model and see what it has to offer in the cold harsh light of reality. Right off the bat with its performance: -23.74dB What could possibly account for all this loss? The "load?"? Hi All, Being one to never leave too many unanswered questions (Cecil merely questions questions); I poured 100W into the original model (the only change made was from constant I/E to constant P). In fact, the proximity of ground allowed 99.38 watts to be absorbed by the load! How much reaches the load once this dead horse wrenches free from ground's death grip and is allowed to ascend the stairway to heaven? 0.4982 watts You heard it here first. ;-) And, yes, another change (2 total) was made to the ground offered to make it, instead, free space. Who knows, maybe the "traveling wave" model is for a new matching device for greater load efficiency. Unfortunately it would be best suited for 80M speakers. 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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Richard Clark wrote:
Let's look at the "traveling wave" model and see what it has to offer in the cold harsh light of reality. Right off the bat with its performance: -23.74dB What could possibly account for all this loss? The "load?"? You are wasting your time. The entire purpose of the model is to illustrate the phase shift in the traveling wave current - absolutely no other purpose. So how do you explain the phase shift in the current which is obviously traveling wave current? -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com |
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On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 17:42:00 -0800, Richard Clark
wrote: On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:53:06 -0800, Richard Clark wrote: We can then proceed into where confusion might reside (it not being found in these antennas): GROUND. Yes, the death embrace of the original models with GROUND profoundly skews the data. Hi All, Well, I find there is more technical content to dissect in at least one dead horse. Let's look at the "traveling wave" model and see what it has to offer in the cold harsh light of reality. Well first, mea culpa's to the readership in using Cecil's models (never a good idea as they did not attend the question he introduced whereas mine did). However, moving on to the nut of my copping a plea. I had not noticed that Cecil drove his wires into MiniNEC ground - something I have never done in all my modeling. So, my "changes," as reported, were faithful, but very much unbalanced the implicit return path through that MiniNEC ground. Being the good analyst, I then considered my previous work in an even colder, harsher light of brutal reality. What I did was to replace that ground path with a wire symmetrical to the 60 footer and then raised the assembly an inch. Right off the bat with its performance: -23.74dB -42.04dB What could possibly account for all this loss? The "load?"? And through a follow-up last time, the same conclusion. The transmission line apparent load for a 100W constant power consumes 99.25 watts Instead of tossing the load, let's toss ground and put this corpse in free space. It's performance: -0.30dB -42.20dB I don't know how any math error like this could be used to validate a model, but the efficiency as an antenna that hugs ground so vigorously hardly measures up to either a dipole or a rhombic. On the plus side, confusion certainly offers many vendors an income, and suckers are born every minute who would love a low noise antenna. Now it enjoys nearly 20dB less noise than before my mistake. However, what happened to the currents when we discarded ground? Well, the pristine constant current of the former model plunges right down the toilet of expectations (while performance shot through the ceiling at the same time - one has to wonder what was confusing about this?). Phase change? That cute 90 degrees formerly nudged and cosseted onto center stage has now been nailed to the floor with no more total variation than 2.15 degrees. Hard to imagine how a transmission line could so thoroughly rape its inventor. The current is still not constant (the original model must rely on a poor return path to accomplish this). The phase does vary by 90 degrees. As modified, the current slope reveals this is no longer a traveling wave antenna (but it never was anyway). This can be remedied by shifting the last load (the apparent transmission line load) to 750 Ohms. This, of course, improves nothing in performance. Turning to the "standing wave" model, would it be instructive how a ground free performance might similarly fare? Right off the bat with its performance: -1.69dB -21.43dB it would seem a stretch to find any more efficiency (and shows how that traveling wave model really sucks). However, without ground for completeness' sake: -0.28dB -21.12dB However, what happened to the currents when we discarded ground? Well, Not enough to discuss. roughly the same 2 degree shift we found when the "traveling wave" model split the sheets with ground, but beyond that, an almost identical current taper and phase lock-down found with the "traveling wave" model free of ground (or in comparison to itself close to ground). So, is there any substantial difference between the two models once ground's death grip is released? I will leave that question for tea-leaf analysis, because engineers would have buried this dead horse long ago. Well, after sifting my own tea-leaves (one has to wonder how this escaped the intrepid author's scrutiny) - no not much difference after all. Transmission lines are pretty robust when designed correctly. However, neither bear any resemblance to the original post's mention of rhombic or dipole antennas; and my models of those clearly discard Cecil's confusion over his named currents by using conventional designs of conventional antennas. After all, who ever heard of a traveling wave transmission line? [This is probably the only point Cecil could ever hope to argue as he would immediately seize on the opportunity to force that term into the canon.] ***** Irony meter pegged ***** I would like to point out that the only things changed with these original models was a switch from 2D to 3D analysis to reveal total loss; and a switch from the ground offered to free space. I look forward to Cecil, once again, impeaching his own evidence (and typically without once mentioning the data). I am sure I have sunken to new lows Having beaten Cecil in the game of analysis, even to my own, I must be pond scum by now. and once I am exposed for what I am (an English major), vindication will taste sweeter than wine. (may as well steal that thunder too) Imagine, I got to the wine decanter first too! :-) 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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Richard Clark wrote:
On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 17:42:00 -0800, Richard Clark wrote: On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:53:06 -0800, Richard Clark wrote: We can then proceed into where confusion might reside (it not being found in these antennas): GROUND. Yes, the death embrace of the original models with GROUND profoundly skews the data. Hi All, Well, I find there is more technical content to dissect in at least one dead horse. Let's look at the "traveling wave" model and see what it has to offer in the cold harsh light of reality. Well first, mea culpa's to the readership in using Cecil's models (never a good idea as they did not attend the question he introduced whereas mine did). However, moving on to the nut of my copping a plea. I had not noticed that Cecil drove his wires into MiniNEC ground - something I have never done in all my modeling. So, my "changes," as reported, were faithful, but very much unbalanced the implicit return path through that MiniNEC ground. Being the good analyst, I then considered my previous work in an even colder, harsher light of brutal reality. What I did was to replace that ground path with a wire symmetrical to the 60 footer and then raised the assembly an inch. Right off the bat with its performance: -23.74dB -42.04dB What could possibly account for all this loss? The "load?"? And through a follow-up last time, the same conclusion. The transmission line apparent load for a 100W constant power consumes 99.25 watts Instead of tossing the load, let's toss ground and put this corpse in free space. It's performance: -0.30dB -42.20dB I don't know how any math error like this could be used to validate a model, but the efficiency as an antenna that hugs ground so vigorously hardly measures up to either a dipole or a rhombic. On the plus side, confusion certainly offers many vendors an income, and suckers are born every minute who would love a low noise antenna. Now it enjoys nearly 20dB less noise than before my mistake. However, what happened to the currents when we discarded ground? Well, the pristine constant current of the former model plunges right down the toilet of expectations (while performance shot through the ceiling at the same time - one has to wonder what was confusing about this?). Phase change? That cute 90 degrees formerly nudged and cosseted onto center stage has now been nailed to the floor with no more total variation than 2.15 degrees. Hard to imagine how a transmission line could so thoroughly rape its inventor. The current is still not constant (the original model must rely on a poor return path to accomplish this). The phase does vary by 90 degrees. As modified, the current slope reveals this is no longer a traveling wave antenna (but it never was anyway). This can be remedied by shifting the last load (the apparent transmission line load) to 750 Ohms. This, of course, improves nothing in performance. Turning to the "standing wave" model, would it be instructive how a ground free performance might similarly fare? Right off the bat with its performance: -1.69dB -21.43dB it would seem a stretch to find any more efficiency (and shows how that traveling wave model really sucks). However, without ground for completeness' sake: -0.28dB -21.12dB However, what happened to the currents when we discarded ground? Well, Not enough to discuss. roughly the same 2 degree shift we found when the "traveling wave" model split the sheets with ground, but beyond that, an almost identical current taper and phase lock-down found with the "traveling wave" model free of ground (or in comparison to itself close to ground). So, is there any substantial difference between the two models once ground's death grip is released? I will leave that question for tea-leaf analysis, because engineers would have buried this dead horse long ago. Well, after sifting my own tea-leaves (one has to wonder how this escaped the intrepid author's scrutiny) - no not much difference after all. Transmission lines are pretty robust when designed correctly. However, neither bear any resemblance to the original post's mention of rhombic or dipole antennas; and my models of those clearly discard Cecil's confusion over his named currents by using conventional designs of conventional antennas. After all, who ever heard of a traveling wave transmission line? [This is probably the only point Cecil could ever hope to argue as he would immediately seize on the opportunity to force that term into the canon.] ***** Irony meter pegged ***** I would like to point out that the only things changed with these original models was a switch from 2D to 3D analysis to reveal total loss; and a switch from the ground offered to free space. I look forward to Cecil, once again, impeaching his own evidence (and typically without once mentioning the data). I am sure I have sunken to new lows Having beaten Cecil in the game of analysis, even to my own, I must be pond scum by now. and once I am exposed for what I am (an English major), vindication will taste sweeter than wine. (may as well steal that thunder too) Imagine, I got to the wine decanter first too! :-) 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC Cecil's decanter has too much lead in the glass. 73, Tom Donaly, KA6RUH |
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Richard Clark wrote:
As modified, the current slope reveals this is no longer a traveling wave antenna (but it never was anyway). This can be remedied by shifting the last load (the apparent transmission line load) to 750 Ohms. Duhhhhhhhh! When you changed the conditions, you changed the characteristic impedance. The reason for your confusion is obvious below. This, of course, improves nothing in performance. This is not a performance issue. This is a current phase issue. The purpose for the existence of that EZNEC file is to illustrate traveling-wave current - nothing else. After all, who ever heard of a traveling wave transmission line? Who indeed? Richard, FYI, a transmission line terminated in its characteristic impedance *IS* a traveling wave transmission line. Do you understanding the meaning of a "flat" transmission line? A flat transmission line *is* a traveling wave transmission line. Here is one modeled in EZNEC. Download and click on "Load Dat". http://www.w5dxp.com/stub514R.EZ Why is the ignorance level about traveling waves so high on this newsgroup? It's the result of those inadequate lumped circuit models. -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com |
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