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The absolute confusion eminated by Americans regarding 'Standing" and
"travelling" cannot be used as a absolute condemnation of American education.Freedom of speech is a basic right, the downside of which it is that it reveals the speakers level of education.However, the confusion alluded to is primarily that of old ,unemployed or retired people. In all of these cases a resume can be expanded way beyond that knoweledge level when the resume is overseen by an employer but with the excuse of advancing age and poor recall of memory the resume can be expanded to reflect the perceived expertise that the owner feels that he has attained by using a transmitter. If a employer were to review the resumes of these self esteamed applicants they can be excused in their efforts to find suitable applicants overseas. But this newsgroup is the world of old people, so one must constantly remind themseves that this world is not representitive of the new generation who may well be able to accept change but also posses a level of inquisitivenes. True, the quest for offshore employees by the present day employer may well reflect that the old also represent the young which if accepted, point to a nation in decline where advances in science can be purchased and its inhabitants can be ignored. Brings back memories of Japan and the Yagi antenna. Only after the war did it recognise the value of home built advances ala the antenna invention,while other nations pounced on science as a mechanism to achieve a better life for their own natives. It is noble to supply education to all that pursue such, but when educators dumb down the education for personal monetory reasons they trade a country for momentary rewards. What goes around comes around the same way as did perceived empires of old. Best regards Art Unwin KB9MZ |
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Face it, you are getting old too. I only know of one way of not getting any older, not presenting the normal characteristics of getting old(er). Dress it up anyway you want, that fact still holds true, I don't care if you wear "baggies" or not. If you're gonna wear them baggies just remember that them boxers are required too. Only alternative is an 8" piece of duck-tape applied vertically and centrally, posteriorly. Otherwise, you just show your ass like in that last post. Unless you present the 'other side' of the conversation you seem to be having, it just ain't gonna make much sense. - 'Doc |
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On 12 Jan, 07:09, Christopher Cox
wrote: It must upset you something fierce then to know that the founders of the major Ivy league schools and some of the most wealthy and influential people today all have a common trait, they do not hold a collage diploma. In answer to your condescending posts that I have ignored to this point I reply "do something". This is not meant to be combative, but an observation of fact. Some people lose sight of what a education is, a tool. They simply marvel at the tool without putting it to good use. If your ideas are superior to the current art, why not put them to good use to the betterment of mankind? This will make you much more sought after than a bitter old man taking jabs at passers by. I look forward to a useful application of your ideas. Regards, Chris Gentlemen and Radio hams I had no idea that standing and travelling waves was reserved for post doctorial studies in America, where offshore it is considered as an early part of the education curriculum. There are also physicists, consultants, sailors,naval instructors, NASA Reps cb ers and lecturers on this group argueing vehemently over the subject as if it is the cusp of modern day research. Each discipline having the benefit of being educated in such in a manner suitable for the class content. Considering the heated debate on mathematics on its misuse by a doctor working on space research at MIT I really should not be that surprised. It would appear that there is not a true foreign professor around to consult or to request some teachings from so this debate of several years could have closure. Reminds me of the 'O' ring debate in America where it was discovered for the first time in the western hemisphere that butile O rings had a low tensile strength, this found over some one's dead body. We desperately need more Indian techs to settle over here to help us out, and possibly one to join the group, instead of marvelling on the side lines at the goings on regarding the pursuit of knoweledge about radiation. We have more than 500 permanent Indian and Asian technicians in my town hired by State Farm in a desperate effort to upgrade their computor comprehension and Bill Gates is also crying desperately for employees from offshore venues. Our hospitals would just rot if were were not aided by the educated from the emerging countries who are leap frogging us in many ways. Caterpillar went to Northern England to staff their metal pattern shops. As for the rest they generated the 'Rust Belt' regions by sticking with what they had. Surely we can find just one that can inform the group about standing and travelling waves! Gentlemen and radio hams, you can join the group without leaving your countries to show of your education on this newsgroup. They need help over here.....desperately. Art |
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On 12 Jan, 12:19, Christopher Cox
wrote: Excellent, By your statements, putting forth such elementary ideas should not be much of a task. Looking forward to it. Chris Chris, I am often reminded that as a mechanical engineer which puts me lower than a sailor I should stay out of electrical matters so on this one I am holding back as my questions on the subject were answered to my satisfaction. On the other hand Clark is asking lots of questions as if he is the adjudicator of what is right and what is wrong. Also Roy, who states reguarly that he is a antenna consultant no less is having trouble as are the other instant experts. So Chris as a newby on the newsgroup you are in excellent position to supply the correct answers that all are so desparately looking for, tho if you are an electrical engineer I have little hope for closure. Art |
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art wrote:
[interesting, inciting stuff--as usual] Art I think what goes on in a resonant cavity is far from boring, or, even absolutely known ... However, such be as it may. Damn brits are probably psychic! Regards, JS |
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On 12 Jan, 13:01, "AI4QJ" wrote:
"art" wrote in message ... Gentlemen and Radio hams Comment #1: When you say radio hams remember that in the US the "ham" is neither professional nor an occupation. In fact, it is considered bad form for you to be discussing and attempting to gain information to enhance your commercial 'invention' if indeed you are applying for a commercial patent on your idea. You should define a clear separation between your amateur and commercial activities and this is something that frankly has been bothering me. I had no idea that standing and travelling waves was reserved for post doctorial studies in America, where offshore it is considered as an early part of the education curriculum. Whomever said it was not taught here as an early part of the curriculum? I honestly think that you have an improper understanding of the standing wave and its equations. There are also physicists, consultants, sailors,naval instructors, NASA Reps cb ers and lecturers on this group argueing vehemently over the subject as if it is the cusp of modern day research. Not really. We are discussing it as it relates to amateur radio antennas (that actually work). We are correcting each other as to how its measurements affect, for example, the phase delay in a coil of a bug-catcher antenna. We are far too low on the technical food to emulate you and relate to such grandiose ideas as solving the unified field theory or trying to explain the economics of global outsourcing where Bill Gates and others can hire 10 times the "engineers" at 1/2 the cost. Bill will get plenty of US technical labor at that point in time when americans are forced to accept the reality that they must accept pauper wages or do not work at all. This has NOTHING to do about differences in education. In fact, you will see many Indian students at your beloved MIT who are forced to repatriate to hteir home countries (although for me, I happen to find that going "home" in Wisconsin is a nice thing, not a bad thing) after receiving their diplomas.. Bill Gates and IBM simply want them back and they will willingly return, given the chance at a green card or H1B visa, since receiving 30K per year in the US is far better than reciving 4K per year in India. This has othing to do with a "hobby" or a "radio service" intended for use by "amateurs" who are paid nothing at all. Each discipline *having the benefit of being educated in such in a manner suitable for the class content. Considering the heated debate on mathematics on its misuse by a doctor working on space research at MIT I really should not be that surprised. It would appear that there is not a true foreign professor around to consult or to request some teachings from so this debate of several years could have closure. Reminds me of the 'O' ring debate in America where it was discovered for the first time in the western hemisphere that butile O rings had a low tensile strength, this found over some one's dead body. We desperately need more Indian techs to settle over here to help us out, and possibly one to join the group, instead of marvelling on the side lines at the goings on regarding the pursuit of knoweledge about radiation. Upon reading this, my first question was 'what do O rings designed by American or Indian engineers have to do with ham radio?', Suddenly I realized that it involved the levitation of diagmagnetc O ring material where perhaps current might travel through the center ;-) Perhaps you could contact NASA, as a professional activity, and set them straight as to what to do. Just give them a clue; then they can hire their 30K/year Indian engineers to complete the solution. We have more than 500 permanent Indian and Asian technicians in my town hired by State Farm in a desperate effort to ....save millions of dollars in engineering labor/burden costs and improve the bottom line, forcing other companies to do the same to remain competitive. Our hospitals would just rot if were were not aided by the educated from the emerging countries who are ...applying methods and principles provided by US universties so emerging 3rd world countries can provide labor at 1/10 the cost of EU and US professionals in the same field. Caterpillar went to Northern England to staff their metal pattern shops. ...at approximate 60% of the cost of hiring American workers. I know the drill. I used to work for IBM who went to Ireland and Scotland to do the same thing. As for the rest they generated the 'Rust Belt' regions by ....having to compete with Japanese steel companies who forced them out of business by dumping subsidized steel products on American shores without any possibility of fair competition. just one that can inform the group about standing and travelling waves! Frankly I believe that order would be too tall for you. I really don't think you understand the equations but any mechancial engineer would have been taught this phenomenon early in his curriculum. What happened? Did you forget? Has it been too many years? Did nature in her cruelty decide to file that information so far back in your memory banks that there is no hope for a simple recovery of said information? Gentlemen and radio hams, you can join the group without leaving your countries to show of your education on this newsgroup. They need help over here.....desperately. Thus ends my participation in this troll thread. AI4QJ I am just a member of the WORLD wide web who has been viewing this discussions of many thousands maybe tens of thousands of postings over more than a decade. I am not sure if it is all a case of hitting Cecil or that you cannot compete with his knoweledge. As for me I have also been attacked for more than a dozen years because it is felt that my ideas are all baloney. I share every thing I do with respect to ham radio. I write up patents as a record of my work. How can I possibly make money on my ideas when every body derides them as baloney without providing a basis? State Farm states that the talent is just not out there when the subject comes up. GE many years ago decided to get into the literal money side of business and cut back on manufacturing e.t.c.Loads of engineers laid off. About 80 at my plant went out the door leaving only six of us engineers left. If State Farm is correct then our teaching institutions are taking money from students on the guise that a golden pot awaits. They quickly find they have debts and nowhere to go. As for hams on this newsgroup they costantly remind me of their former employment to give credability to their statements when trying to down size me.If you feel I am taking improper advantage of ham radio on a commercial scale then talk to the FCC and also mention Roy by the way. My ideas on waves may be way off but I am not really interested in talking about them and probably have nothing to offer. When all of this group challenged a well educated person on the validity of adding a time varient to Gaussian law so it equates to Maxwells laws I was shocked. That this group would fall over themselves denying the validity of the math expressed changed me immensily as does this savaging of the question of standing waves.You don't have to make excuses to me why the standing wave can't be resolved as with the mathematics supplied from that member of MIT, This is viewed WORLD WIDE and those viewers are not stupid. I know that my new antenna aproach is correct. You know that all that is new will be rejected. So when it becomes recognised and sort for by offshore companies should I refuse them as an american when science outside of the academic circle is berated? I have shared everything and I mean everything, about by work with radio hams in the hope of bettering the hobby. To reject is their choice especially when you intimate that it doesn't work without reason. When this group requested a computor set up so a member could check it out on his own program. Yes, the data proved my work but what the hell, this group wanted to fight! Well I am still here even tho my country rejects the science supplied. So you can get back to your waves thread and continue to tell all of them where you are correct while everybody else is wrong. As David intimated the subject is good for quite a while yet, at least while Cecil is still alive. But unlike Cecil who lets insults slide by I think it is well past time to send some insults back which those who insult consider shocking. I am very pleased that you have decided not to pursue this thread because the actions of the group speaks for themselves to the World Changes need to be made in America, but without acceptance from american employers and the complacence of the population the future looks dire.As for me I have made my pile and feel good Art, |
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On 12 Jan, 16:49, John Smith wrote:
art wrote: [interesting, inciting stuff--as usual] Art I think what goes on in a resonant cavity is far from boring, or, even absolutely known ... However, such be as it may. *Damn brits are probably psychic! Regards, JS No John you are not a typical sample of this group. I have been on it for over a decade as have the two Richards and Roy. During that time we had a lot of experts on hand that supplied info to the rest of us. But one by one they all left because of personal attacks as the latest newcomers will find to their cost. But I and Cecil and a couple of others are standing our ground despite the reputation of this group. We are interested in ham radio and ideas and do not subscribe to the idea that all is known and if disputed must be crushed. I have a small 160 metre antenna on top of my tower that is in equilibrium,resonant and without the need for a ground. It is viewable by anybody especially those with small gardens that are excluded from that band. Why on earth would three guys try to suppress that fact? What is it in there that they have a desire to supress? Would a full size antenna small enough for a mobile without external loads or ground requirements to get on 160 metres a real threat to ham radio? John, you made Vincents antenna for yourself to obtain the facts. It is not perfect but it is something new.You know Vincent was and is under attack. The antenna may not be perfect but some thing is new so hams ditch the baby with the purifying water. Regards Art |
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On Jan 13, 1:15 pm, "AI4QJ" wrote:
He has no "small' 160m antenna on his tower (so he is a fibber) That's one hell of a statement, I assume you can back it up? Derek |
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On 12 Jan, 20:15, "AI4QJ" wrote:
"Christopher Cox" wrote in message ... Me, nah, I hold little or no knowledge on the subject of antenna's. I have lurked here for a very long time and have posted on occasion. I have a few pet projects on topic, an OCF with a vertical radiator and I am toying with a phase fed pair of quads. What prompted me to post was the tone of yours. I do not hold any great education, but know some very notable and brilliant people. I do O.k. for myself and have found that actions produce better results than words. Just thought that piece of wisdom applied here. Once you understand the difference between standing waves, (which has no real power itself but which stores the reactive VA power into that power which is is eventually dissipated in "radiation resitance" dissipating into free space as radiation power), and traveling waves, which do have real power that is also disspated into that same type of radiation power through the radiation resistance, an interesting question becomes "what is the nature of this so-called radiation resistance which dissipates the power of a forward wave or the stored power in a standing wave?". We feed power into the antenna as electric current and then it exits the antenna as radiation.. Maxwell's equations (in spite of what art theorizes) says that the power has been converted to an EM wave. So, electric current, which is not an EM wave consisting of photons and propagating into space, is converted into a different form of radiation energy that IS an EM and does consist of phtons and waves. When this conversion occurs and energy is transmitted into free space, we attempt to quantify this net loss to our generator with familiar terms, i.e. current or voltage dissipated into "radiation resistance". However, we all know there is no actual physical component known as a radiation resistor. Conceptualizing how this power conversion works goes back to maxwell: "why" is there a time varying EM magnetic and electric field (external waves and photons) generated by the flow of current? Well, it could be described as nature's tendency to maintain equilibrium. If a change is made to a conductor by putting a current through it, nature "objects" and fights back by setting up an EM wave that tends to cancel out the incoming current pulse. But no matter what, I will always easily have enough energy in my forcing function (current or voltage) to overcome nature's objection and send a net outflow of energy occuring as radiation theoretically equal to what I inputted. Art's unusual theories apparently have something to do with this same conversion of electric currents on the antenna to the radiated energy that propagates through space. Art believes he has made discoveries that augment the maxwell equations and solved the nystery as to how this power is converted from amps to radiation. He essentially takes advantage of the fact that scientists and hobbyists (at least on THIS board) have not done a good job conceptualizing what actually happens during the process of converting electric current from a generator to a radiated wave into free space. Our rather feeble invention of the radiation "resistor" helps us in the design of our antennas but it is not conceptually correct; a resistor is obviously dissipated as heat, not radiation (other than infrared heat). So how, physically does amps/volts in a conductor dissipates as radiation? That is a good question. And Art will give you a very UNacceptable answer to that question. No, the current particles do not fall out of the ends of the antenna and get levitated as galactic particles; this is the sort of thing, frankly, that you might hear from children. However, Arthur has been very persistent and I believe that over time persistance CAN overcome handicaps in both inteligence and education, at least on rare occaisions so I have tried to cooperate with Mr. Art up to now. That is, until *I read into the poor attitude and tone of his posings on this thread "Education". Indeed, he attacks even people such as myself who have attempted to encourage him. Now I see him for what he is...a simple crank of no relevance to the the scientific community out of his own choosing. He has no "small' 160m antenna on his tower (so he is a fibber), I interupt your post at this point only since you are expressing your views as in free speech but to be a fibber, a lier in other words is a deliberate untruth. At the moment I do not have the smallest antenna for 160M on my tower since the radiator is around 18 foot long and tipped at an angle to reflect what the computer states. I suppose I will have to make one that will fit into a 1 foot cubed carton to satisfy the term small. We have plenty of hams in this community plus repeaters so you can come yourself or ask a surragate to inspect on your behalf. It is a fold over tower so close examination is possible and I have all the necessary equipment to measure impedance or what have you. I also have on hand a loop style antenna for 20 M made on a hoola hoop, so I could convert that to 160M. On top of thatJohn has just rigged up Vincent's antenna that every body decries. If he were willing I could describe modifications for the same antenna constructed for a smaller size plus without the need for ground to avoid the comments applied to Vincents antenna . I have never met John but I believe him to be honest So I will supply him the details if he wants them and he can report results to you without pre inspection from myself. On the other hand I can build a small 160 M antenna and send it to hime by post office mail which he can play, with and report upon. Disagreement and suppression is one thing but a lier I am not! Either way I will now make a 160M small antenna incase it becomes desired. Yes I am very hurt by this barb and will work hard in full filling my side of what I have discussed. It may finish up a bit bigger than a foot since I have no idea how small it can be made but it will be small for shipping via the post office.It will be made of#22 wire so that it can also be tested for heat resistance, the bain of the EH antenna as well as Vincent's and many others. I haven't tested for that but see no problems as #22 should be able to handle normal use Art Unwin KB9MZ to him he doesn't know the difference between a standing wave and a traveling wave, is not familair with present models and their difficulties. If point zero is at the beginning, Mr. art is at -7 and he refuses to learn any tools that he needs to advance. I too would like a better conceptualization of why/what and how maxwells EM fields work and how the power conversion physically occurs on an antenna but for now I am stuck, along with everyone else, using the radiation resistance model. For all of its conceptual drawbacks, it works just fine mathematically. One key to better understanding (my opinion only) may be in more recent exotic physics models such as dark matter interactions with EM fields but that is way beyond any understanding I have at this point; that is why I previously took an interest in art's theory but which eventually went nowhere (too bad). I don't criticize him for that; he just needs to sharpen his tools a bit and take a completely different path if he is to succeed (but I predict he will not). Levitation of galactic particles in my opinion is not the path to success. AI4QJ |
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art wrote:
At the moment I do not have the smallest antenna for 160M on my tower since the radiator is around 18 foot long and tipped at an angle to reflect what the computer states. I suppose I will have to make one that will fit into a 1 foot cubed carton to satisfy the term small. That's great, Art. How's it working out for you? Did you work J5C over the past couple of nights? Did you snag G3JMJ's loud signal this evening? I can load my 6m beam on 160m, but it doesn't work well at all. I use a slightly long inverted L with a series vacuum variable and nearly 6,000 feet of buried radials. There's a three inch short, tapped coil to ground at the feed point in order to match the antenna to the RG-213 I feed it with. The antenna isn't small and it isn't elegant. I'm willing to listen to your ideas about how I can equal the signal from that inverted L by using a much smaller antenna. Why don't you post information on such a creation? Dave K8MN |
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