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On 19 Jan, 18:52, "Tom Donaly" wrote:
AI4QJ wrote: "art" wrote in message ... Maybe to you, but some people on this newsgroup have alluded to my honesty. Haha, they merely "alluded" to your honesty, they were never able to directly "attest" to it. How could they after hearing the whopper about of the little antenna (a.k.a. "dummy load") for the big band? I never played hooky from school in my lifetime( well maybe a couple of times) Is this another "allusion to", or "illusion of", *said honesty? I am not a redneck so I had no fears that education would deteriate my inbuilt intelligence Indeed, if you had such fears there wouldn't have been anything to worry about since your "education" had no effect on your journey to intellectual absurdity. like you did. So I was able to tuck a few years under my belt until a free trip came about for my family and I to Central Illinois. Didn't bargain on staying so I had to sell my house in London for a song. It now costs so much I can't hardly afford to buy it back! By the way the U.S. also subsidized the trip over, so your tax money was really appreciated. At which point during your sucking at the teat of the US taxpayer did insanity enter into the equation? A former immigrant who made so much money over here that he stayed. Of course you stayed, they *all* stay. In my travels worldwide I am often able to gain the confidence of people in other countries to the point that they eventually say the negative things about the US that are deep seated in their minds. At the same time, when I was empowered to offer the prospect of green cards (as I have been a few times, and did,), without exception the response was overwhelmingly positive. So, if the US is so ****ty, why do they want to come here? The only answer can be that their home countries are ****tier, which in fact they always are (including any place in London that art could afford to live in). The intent of art's post is to insult and enrage Americans on this thread by saying, take all the foreign aid that you, in your stupidity and ignorance, gave to me and my family and shove it up in your idiot country's posterior. But, lest art's groupies become confused, remember that arthur stayed here by choice and he is quite happy here, building broadcast antennas that fit on dinner plates; it might just work after all, *in the same country where it was possible to generate such great profits for the inventor of the pet rock. Opportunities abound. Pay no attention to him, Art, he's just another simple-minded nativist. Actually, many people from India and China have come to Silicon Valley and stayed long enough to get experience, after which, they went home, started their own companies, and prosper to this day. Unless AI4QJ is a Native American, he can't complain about immigration without exposing himself as a hypocrite. 73, Tom Donaly, KA6RUH- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Tom, Don't concern yourself with me. People who have something to offer have my full attention. This guy is acting like a baby and trying to censor me and my work, but he can't do that if he himself has no credability. People on the sidelines watching obviously are interested in antennas and can easily spot those of no interest. He would be better of argueing about standing/travelling waves which is garanteed employment for at least five more years and where Cecil will reply to him until hell freezes over on the subject. I may put this new antenna if I get brave enough to go out in the cold but then I may wait for spring and concentrate on other things. Seems like people think I am trying to sell them something, when I am not. I am retired and am not interested in actively pursueing monetary rewards. I pay for a patent as a record of my work. If money is offered I will take it to pay for my other pursuits and I have many to complete. Thanks for the effort anyway but let their comments slide over since they are meaningless. Best regards Art Unwin...KB9MZ...xg(uk) |
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![]() "Richard Clark" wrote in message ... On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 01:36:22 GMT, "Lee" wrote: As your interests span 20 down to 80 Only 20...... and Q intrudes into the bandwidth you desire at the longer wavelengths, then lowering Q would only drive down your efficiency and increase your complaint of getting out. It seems you are rapidly moving away from the loops. You might (if you can interpret the technical comments) try Arthur's contra-wound inventions. No doubt, they too would make good receive antennas, and the proximity of windings would lower Q, but this would come at a severe loss of gain and sensitivity. A receiver has enough gain to make up for this loss, but your transmitter is forever crippled with the introduction of both Ohmic loss and its loss boost due to tightly coupled currents. A larger diameter antenna is called for if you are sticking with loops, but that is probably unmanageable. 20 foot circumference is the longest magloop for 14megs operation!!! That is with 90% efficiency... Another breed of loop, the halfwave open loop allows you to build an omni horizontal polarized antenna in a small area, but we now enter into other issues you have not discussed. What resources, other than the tower, are available to you for supporting the linear loaded dipole you seek? None If you have four support points, your garden size is not unsuited to a full half wave design, there are no Q issues, no efficiency issues - except for matching to a 5 Ohm load. What can I say? Compromise antennas demand care and feeding. All i requested was a suitable design configuration for a linear loaded halfsize rotary dipole to go on top of the tower and my reasons why....... not a discussion on magloops .... I`ll go with the linear short 1/4 wave vertical layout for each leg of the dipole, where half the element is fed back on itself down to 6 inches from the ground ( or, in my case, to the mast ) with about 3 inch spacing of the element. You lost me entirely here. You want a horizontal dipole, and you will build a closely coupled vertical system that will rotate where half the element is within 6 inches of ground? Too much is left unsaid in this description. Is your tower guyed? Freestanding? You are using the mast (tower?) as half the antenna? Is the mast (tower?) grounded? This sounds like you are top feeding a vertical quarterwave open transmission line that rotates around one element. If so, your feed line is going to really become a nightmare of isolation. It will show varying horizontal/vertical directivity to a loss of 10dB in any direction - if you can match to the near short circuit conditions at the feed point. I`m not building a vertical !!! I don't think this is what you mean, but what you describe is vague. Probably. Imagine a half wave dipole with each leg folded back on itself effectively becoming half its original physical length but still the original electrical length, each leg is like a long thin letter `U` ..like a folded dipole that has been cut open circuit opposite the feed point...I shouldn`t have mentioned a vertical because it mis-lead you, it was meant just to describe the configuration of the dipole legs. Cheers. Len.......G6ZSG....... |
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On 19 Jan, 20:42, "AI4QJ" wrote:
"art" wrote in message ... On 19 Jan, 18:52, "Tom Donaly" wrote: AI4QJ wrote: "art" wrote in message .... Maybe to you, but some people on this newsgroup have alluded to my honesty. Haha, they merely "alluded" to your honesty, they were never able to directly "attest" to it. How could they after hearing the whopper about of the little antenna (a.k.a. "dummy load") for the big band? I never played hooky from school in my lifetime( well maybe a couple of times) Is this another "allusion to", or "illusion of", said honesty? I am not a redneck so I had no fears that education would deteriate my inbuilt intelligence Indeed, if you had such fears there wouldn't have been anything to worry about since your "education" had no effect on your journey to intellectual absurdity. like you did. So I was able to tuck a few years under my belt until a free trip came about for my family and I to Central Illinois. Didn't bargain on staying so I had to sell my house in London for a song. It now costs so much I can't hardly afford to buy it back! By the way the U.S. also subsidized the trip over, so your tax money was really appreciated. At which point during your sucking at the teat of the US taxpayer did insanity enter into the equation? A former immigrant who made so much money over here that he stayed. Of course you stayed, they *all* stay. In my travels worldwide I am often able to gain the confidence of people in other countries to the point that they eventually say the negative things about the US that are deep seated in their minds. At the same time, when I was empowered to offer the prospect of green cards (as I have been a few times, and did,), without exception the response was overwhelmingly positive. So, if the US is so ****ty, why do they want to come here? The only answer can be that their home countries are ****tier, which in fact they always are (including any place in London that art could afford to live in). The intent of art's post is to insult and enrage Americans on this thread by saying, take all the foreign aid that you, in your stupidity and ignorance, gave to me and my family and shove it up in your idiot country's posterior. But, lest art's groupies become confused, remember that arthur stayed here by choice and he is quite happy here, building broadcast antennas that fit on dinner plates; it might just work after all, in the same country where it was possible to generate such great profits for the inventor of the pet rock. Opportunities abound. Pay no attention to him, Art, he's just another simple-minded nativist. Actually, many people from India and China have come to Silicon Valley and stayed long enough to get experience, after which, they went home, started their own companies, and prosper to this day. Unless AI4QJ is a Native American, he can't complain about immigration without exposing himself as a hypocrite. 73, Tom Donaly, KA6RUH- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Tom, Don't concern yourself with me. People who have something to offer have my full attention. This guy is acting like a baby and trying to censor me and my work, but he can't do that if he himself has no credability. People on the sidelines watching obviously are interested in antennas and can easily spot those of no interest. He would be better of argueing about standing/travelling waves which is garanteed employment for at least five more years and where Cecil will reply to him until hell freezes over on the subject. I may put this new antenna if I get brave enough to go out in the cold but then I may wait for spring and concentrate on other things. Seems like people think I am trying to sell them something, when I am not. I am retired and am not interested in actively pursueing monetary rewards. I pay for a patent as a record of my work. If money is offered I will take it to pay for my other pursuits and I have many to complete. Thanks for the effort anyway but let their comments slide over since they are meaningless. ================================================== ==== One thing I will have to say, art, *is that either your loyal groupies in faith-based "science" have a problem with reading comprehension or they suffer from a cranial deficiency that precludes their ability to process information following the rules of simple logic. This commonality amongst your followers, modern day Don Quixote de la Manchas attacking the fierce windmills of reasonable science on this ng, is the prime reason for my having plonked each and every one of them. ================================================== ====- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - As I have said many times, free speech is a right.The downside is that it portrays the manner of man who takes hold of that freedom. When you stated I was dishonest it hurt, but then I realized that now I knew the manner of the man in question. When a door is slammed shut in your face another always opens so that the light may enter. As Dr King would say "I have seen the light" and no doubt many others also have seen the light. I am not a liar and some are willing to bet on it while you, the accuser, have turned tail. Art Unwin KB9MZ....XG(uk) |
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On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 04:22:40 GMT, "Lee"
wrote: I don't think this is what you mean, but what you describe is vague. Probably. Imagine a half wave dipole with each leg folded back on itself effectively becoming half its original physical length but still the original electrical length, each leg is like a long thin letter `U` ..like a folded dipole that has been cut open circuit opposite the feed point...I shouldn`t have mentioned a vertical because it mis-lead you, it was meant just to describe the configuration of the dipole legs. Hi Len, This is more tenable. A satisfactory dipole, no horrendous loss due to counter winding feed. If you can hoist a beam, about 19 feet wide, with two wires connected at the ends and returning below it about 4 inches coming back within 4 inches of the beam above; then you stand a chance, provided you can match to about a 7 Ohm load. I presume your description follows something like (in fixed font): _____________________________0____________________ __________ | | ———————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————— 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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![]() "Richard Clark" wrote in message ... On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 04:22:40 GMT, "Lee" wrote: I don't think this is what you mean, but what you describe is vague. Probably. Imagine a half wave dipole with each leg folded back on itself effectively becoming half its original physical length but still the original electrical length, each leg is like a long thin letter `U` ..like a folded dipole that has been cut open circuit opposite the feed point...I shouldn`t have mentioned a vertical because it mis-lead you, it was meant just to describe the configuration of the dipole legs. Hi Len, This is more tenable. A satisfactory dipole, no horrendous loss due to counter winding feed. If you can hoist a beam, about 19 feet wide, with two wires connected at the ends and returning below it about 4 inches coming back within 4 inches of the beam above; then you stand a chance, provided you can match to about a 7 Ohm load. I presume your description follows something like (in fixed font): _____________________________0____________________ __________ | | ---------------------------- ----------------------------- Yes. Richard, you have it now...i was mainly concerned about the spacing of the foldback from the parent element as i have seen much more exotic layouts using 3 and four foldbacks using 400ohm ribbon feeder for the element which i might try for 80 and 160, but i`ll make those using spaced single wire dipoles rather than utilise a rigid rotatable ten meter dipole and a couple of lengths of wire..maybe i can do the same again for a reflector?? _______________O_______________ [_____________ I _____________] I I _________________I __________________ [_______________ ________________] Regards.... Len...........G6ZSG......... |
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On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 09:03:05 GMT, "Lee"
wrote: Yes. Richard, you have it now...i was mainly concerned about the spacing of the foldback from the parent element as i have seen much more exotic layouts using 3 and four foldbacks using 400ohm ribbon feeder for the element which i might try for 80 and 160, but i`ll make those using spaced single wire dipoles rather than utilise a rigid rotatable ten meter dipole and a couple of lengths of wire.. Hi Len, As for going lower to 80M using 3 or more foldbacks (for the simpler dipole) to keep it in your garden. Stick with your mag loops, because it doesn't get any better. Using 3 foldbacks for 80M (and the antenna is too wide for your garden) will give you a 10 KHz bandwidth at the 2:1 SWR points. Making the antenna smaller to fit, drives up the Q. 160M only portends worse Q (from your point of view). A small dipole, like a small loop, either are going to be hi Q if they are to be efficient. maybe i can do the same again for a reflector?? _______________O_______________ [_____________ I _____________] I I _________________I __________________ [_______________ ________________] YOW!!! You are now getting quite elaborate. You can accomplish this, with great care, and if you have the patience to raise and lower this half a dozen times or more to get it right. 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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![]() "Richard Clark" wrote in message ... On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 09:03:05 GMT, "Lee" wrote: Hi Len, As for going lower to 80M using 3 or more foldbacks (for the simpler dipole) to keep it in your garden. Stick with your mag loops, because it doesn't get any better. Using 3 foldbacks for 80M (and the antenna is too wide for your garden) will give you a 10 KHz bandwidth at the 2:1 SWR points. Making the antenna smaller to fit, drives up the Q. 160M only portends worse Q (from your point of view). A small dipole, like a small loop, either are going to be hi Q if they are to be efficient. Ah!! thanks for that Richard, I`ve learned something new as i thought `Q` remained the same as for a regular dipole - stretched or folded... maybe i can do the same again for a reflector?? _______________O_______________ [_____________ I _____________] I I _________________I __________________ [_______________ ________________] YOW!!! You are now getting quite elaborate. You can accomplish this, with great care, and if you have the patience to raise and lower this half a dozen times or more to get it right. Well, i`ve got a bit of time now i`m retired ....... ;o) I`m also looking into a Marconi vertical linear loaded, i`ve already got considerable radials buried as a start. Regards...... Lee.....G6ZSG...... |
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