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Sunspot cycle more dud than radiation flood
By Dan Sorenson ARIZONA DAILY STAR Many solar scientists expected the new sunspot cycle to be a whopper, a prolonged solar tantrum that could fry satellites and raise hell with earthly communications, the power grid and modern electronics. But there's scant proof Sunspot Cycle 24 is even here, let alone the debut of big trouble. So far there have been just a couple minor zits on the face of the sun to suggest the old cycle is over and the new one is coming. The roughly 11-year cycle of sunspot activity should have bottomed out last year, the end of Cycle 23 and the beginning of Cycle 24. That would have put the peak in new sunspot activity around 2012. But a dud sunspot cycle would not necessarily make it a boring period, especially for two solar scientists with the Tucson-based National Solar Observatory. Two years ago, William Livingston and Matt Penn wrote a paper for the journal Science predicting that this could not only be a dud sunspot cycle, but the start of another extended down period in solar activity. It was based on their analysis of weakening sunspot intensity and said sunspots might vanish by 2015. And here's the punch line: That last long-term down period, 1645-1715, coincided with the Little Ice Age, a period of bitter cold winters. That kind of talk could ruffle some feathers in this time of climate change and global warming, starring man-made carbon dioxide as the devil. The paper, rejected in peer review, was never published by Science. Livingston said he's OK with the rejection. "I accept what the reviewers said," Livingston said. "'If you are going to make such statement, you had better have strong evidence.' " Livingston said their projections were based on observations of a trend in decreasingly powerful sunspots but reviewers felt it was merely a statistical argument. He is aware that some opponents of the prevailing position that climate change and global warming are the result of manmade activity — greenhouse gas, specifically carbon dioxide, buildup — are very much interested in the idea that changes might be related to solar activity. "But it has not been proven yet," cautioned Livingston, an astronomer emeritus who still works out of an office at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory headquarters building on the University of Arizona campus. "We may have to wait. We may be wrong. (But) the sun is going to entertain us one way or another," he said. It's not just a scientific curiosity. There's a lot at stake in predicting whether sunspot cycles are going to be tame or wild, said Matt Penn of the National Solar Observatory. The powerful blasts of radiation that come from solar activity can fry electronic equipment on Earth; particularly vulnerable are satellites. The high-energy radiation produced by solar flares travels at near the speed of light, getting to Earth in just minutes. But the magnetic effects of a solar flare can take between two and three days to reach Earth, said Penn, a solar scientist. In the 1800s, magnetic blasts from intense solar activity induced currents in telegraph lines in the U.S. and Italy, starting fires and damaging equipment. Later, it was learned that solar activity affected radio transmission. It can also affect the electrical-power grid. A solar tantrum in 1989 blew transformers and caused a blackout in Canada. And a number of satellites are thought to have failed from exposure to high-energy blasts from solar activity. Satellite operators can turn them away or shut down vulnerable equipment aboard, and astronauts can use shielding to avoid those blasts. If Cycle 24 is the big cycle predicted, Penn said, "it's likely we'll have geomagnetic storms with a lot of sunspots, a lot of flares on the sun." Penn said even so-called "quiet sun" periods are far from boring because the sun's "surface consists of Texas-sized hot gas bubbles, which rise upward at a speed of about a mile per second. The gas cools and falls downward in narrower channels at about the same speed. That's what we call the 'quiet sun.'" "As we get more into the space environment with satellites, GPS and communication satellites, it means money. People who are about to launch new communication satellites really want to know how much shielding to put on their satellites. "But shielding amounts to weight, which is money. If they want them to last through (an intense cycle), they're going to want to protect them more, and that will cost them more." Penn is the telescope scientist on the McMath-Pierce solar telescope, the strange angular white thing amid all the white and silver-domed things atop Kitt Peak. Specifically, Penn works with an instrument that "sees" in the infrared range to provide information about magnetic activity. Sometimes, sunspot activity is more than theory or data to him. Several years ago, he was making an early-morning run from Tucson up to Kitt Peak to do some solar observing. He noticed his gas gauge was dangerously low and decided to stop for gas at the convenience store in Three Points. It was about 5 a.m., and no one was there to take cash, so he tried to use his credit card to gas up. But the pay-at-the-pump system was down. Crossing his fingers and driving up the mountain, Penn said he hoped he'd have enough gas after work to make it back to the station on the way home. When he got to work, he learned that "a communications satellite had been damaged by (a solar flare). Lots of communications were dropped that morning, and my credit-card pay-at-the-pump attempt was one of them." Though Aimee Norton appreciates the practical benefits of being able to predict the sun's activity, solving some of the star's mysteries that relate to the big picture are more compelling. Norton is a program scientist on the solar observatory's SOLIS (Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun) facility at Kitt Peak. "Part of what we're trying to understand is how the magnetic field regulates or moderates the energy that is transported in the atmosphere," Norton said. "Because one of the mysteries of the sun is, it's hotter in the upper atmosphere than (at the surface). So there is energy being transported. Some people think the magnetic field is somehow magically getting that energy out there." Norton said she's hoping for a powerful cycle, noting, "It would give us more things to do research with — either that or no cycle at all, which would be similar to the Maunder Minimum." She said she figures there's little chance of a completely dead cycle but added, "Wouldn't that be fascinating if the solar system managed to offset our contribution?" Because you can't go • Visit Solar Cycle 24: www.solarcycle24.com/ • Mr. Sunspot's Answer Book: http://eo.nso.edu/MrSunspot/answerbook/polarity.html • NASA's Solar Physics: http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/whysolar.shtml • Solar storms: www.solarstorms.org • National Solar Observatory's Solis solar telescope (Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun): http://solis.nso.edu • For more information on sunspots: http://spaceweather.com or http://science.nasa.gov • For a list of sometimes spectacular sunspot-induced problems: http://sw.astron.kharkov.ua/swimpacts.html ● Contact reporter Dan Sorenson at 573-4185 or at . -- "We are also brainwashing our children on the warming topic. We have no better example than Al Gore's alarmists and inaccurate movie which is being shown in our schools and being hawked by warming activists with little or no meteorological-climate background," Gray wrote. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au...9-7583,00.html http://www.firesociety.com/article/24204/ |
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Good grief, the new sunspot cycle has barely begun. Give it a little time.
It is way too soon to expect any fireworks, even in an exceptional solar cycle. Ed, NM2K "Roger" wrote in message news:4dCdnSnMYv6XwqvVnZ2dnUVZ_uSdnZ2d@hawaiiantel. net... Sunspot cycle more dud than radiation flood By Dan Sorenson ARIZONA DAILY STAR Many solar scientists expected the new sunspot cycle to be a whopper, a prolonged solar tantrum that could fry satellites and raise hell with earthly communications, the power grid and modern electronics. But there's scant proof Sunspot Cycle 24 is even here, let alone the debut of big trouble. So far there have been just a couple minor zits on the face of the sun to suggest the old cycle is over and the new one is coming. The roughly 11-year cycle of sunspot activity should have bottomed out last year, the end of Cycle 23 and the beginning of Cycle 24. That would have put the peak in new sunspot activity around 2012. But a dud sunspot cycle would not necessarily make it a boring period, especially for two solar scientists with the Tucson-based National Solar Observatory. Two years ago, William Livingston and Matt Penn wrote a paper for the journal Science predicting that this could not only be a dud sunspot cycle, but the start of another extended down period in solar activity. It was based on their analysis of weakening sunspot intensity and said sunspots might vanish by 2015. And here's the punch line: That last long-term down period, 1645-1715, coincided with the Little Ice Age, a period of bitter cold winters. That kind of talk could ruffle some feathers in this time of climate change and global warming, starring man-made carbon dioxide as the devil. The paper, rejected in peer review, was never published by Science. Livingston said he's OK with the rejection. "I accept what the reviewers said," Livingston said. "'If you are going to make such statement, you had better have strong evidence.' " Livingston said their projections were based on observations of a trend in decreasingly powerful sunspots but reviewers felt it was merely a statistical argument. He is aware that some opponents of the prevailing position that climate change and global warming are the result of manmade activity - greenhouse gas, specifically carbon dioxide, buildup - are very much interested in the idea that changes might be related to solar activity. "But it has not been proven yet," cautioned Livingston, an astronomer emeritus who still works out of an office at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory headquarters building on the University of Arizona campus. "We may have to wait. We may be wrong. (But) the sun is going to entertain us one way or another," he said. It's not just a scientific curiosity. There's a lot at stake in predicting whether sunspot cycles are going to be tame or wild, said Matt Penn of the National Solar Observatory. The powerful blasts of radiation that come from solar activity can fry electronic equipment on Earth; particularly vulnerable are satellites. The high-energy radiation produced by solar flares travels at near the speed of light, getting to Earth in just minutes. But the magnetic effects of a solar flare can take between two and three days to reach Earth, said Penn, a solar scientist. In the 1800s, magnetic blasts from intense solar activity induced currents in telegraph lines in the U.S. and Italy, starting fires and damaging equipment. Later, it was learned that solar activity affected radio transmission. It can also affect the electrical-power grid. A solar tantrum in 1989 blew transformers and caused a blackout in Canada. And a number of satellites are thought to have failed from exposure to high-energy blasts from solar activity. Satellite operators can turn them away or shut down vulnerable equipment aboard, and astronauts can use shielding to avoid those blasts. If Cycle 24 is the big cycle predicted, Penn said, "it's likely we'll have geomagnetic storms with a lot of sunspots, a lot of flares on the sun." Penn said even so-called "quiet sun" periods are far from boring because the sun's "surface consists of Texas-sized hot gas bubbles, which rise upward at a speed of about a mile per second. The gas cools and falls downward in narrower channels at about the same speed. That's what we call the 'quiet sun.'" "As we get more into the space environment with satellites, GPS and communication satellites, it means money. People who are about to launch new communication satellites really want to know how much shielding to put on their satellites. "But shielding amounts to weight, which is money. If they want them to last through (an intense cycle), they're going to want to protect them more, and that will cost them more." Penn is the telescope scientist on the McMath-Pierce solar telescope, the strange angular white thing amid all the white and silver-domed things atop Kitt Peak. Specifically, Penn works with an instrument that "sees" in the infrared range to provide information about magnetic activity. Sometimes, sunspot activity is more than theory or data to him. Several years ago, he was making an early-morning run from Tucson up to Kitt Peak to do some solar observing. He noticed his gas gauge was dangerously low and decided to stop for gas at the convenience store in Three Points. It was about 5 a.m., and no one was there to take cash, so he tried to use his credit card to gas up. But the pay-at-the-pump system was down. Crossing his fingers and driving up the mountain, Penn said he hoped he'd have enough gas after work to make it back to the station on the way home. When he got to work, he learned that "a communications satellite had been damaged by (a solar flare). Lots of communications were dropped that morning, and my credit-card pay-at-the-pump attempt was one of them." Though Aimee Norton appreciates the practical benefits of being able to predict the sun's activity, solving some of the star's mysteries that relate to the big picture are more compelling. Norton is a program scientist on the solar observatory's SOLIS (Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun) facility at Kitt Peak. "Part of what we're trying to understand is how the magnetic field regulates or moderates the energy that is transported in the atmosphere," Norton said. "Because one of the mysteries of the sun is, it's hotter in the upper atmosphere than (at the surface). So there is energy being transported. Some people think the magnetic field is somehow magically getting that energy out there." Norton said she's hoping for a powerful cycle, noting, "It would give us more things to do research with - either that or no cycle at all, which would be similar to the Maunder Minimum." She said she figures there's little chance of a completely dead cycle but added, "Wouldn't that be fascinating if the solar system managed to offset our contribution?" Because you can't go . Visit Solar Cycle 24: www.solarcycle24.com/ . Mr. Sunspot's Answer Book: http://eo.nso.edu/MrSunspot/answerbook/polarity.html . NASA's Solar Physics: http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/whysolar.shtml . Solar storms: www.solarstorms.org . National Solar Observatory's Solis solar telescope (Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun): http://solis.nso.edu . For more information on sunspots: http://spaceweather.com or http://science.nasa.gov . For a list of sometimes spectacular sunspot-induced problems: http://sw.astron.kharkov.ua/swimpacts.html ? Contact reporter Dan Sorenson at 573-4185 or at . -- "We are also brainwashing our children on the warming topic. We have no better example than Al Gore's alarmists and inaccurate movie which is being shown in our schools and being hawked by warming activists with little or no meteorological-climate background," Gray wrote. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au...9-7583,00.html http://www.firesociety.com/article/24204/ |
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Ed Cregger wrote:
Good grief, the new sunspot cycle has barely begun. Give it a little time. It is way too soon to expect any fireworks, even in an exceptional solar cycle. Hi Ed, That whole "report" is more of an attempt to discredit global warming than it is anything else. - 73 de Mike N3LI - ....still waiting for a scientific refutation of the heat retaining effect of increasing percentages of CO2 in gaseous media...... |
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![]() "Michael Coslo" wrote in message ... Ed Cregger wrote: Good grief, the new sunspot cycle has barely begun. Give it a little time. It is way too soon to expect any fireworks, even in an exceptional solar cycle. Hi Ed, That whole "report" is more of an attempt to discredit global warming than it is anything else. - 73 de Mike N3LI - ------------- Well, I'm not ready to give up my internal combustion engines just yet. Neither side has convincing arguments as far as I'm concerned. And I do not trust the global warming folks at all, since most of their claims are unprovable and I suspect their leaders' political motives. The real answer to global warming, assuming it exists and assuming that we are causing it, is a severe population reduction. Any volunteers? I didn't think so...G Ed, NM2K |
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Michael Coslo wrote:
...still waiting for a scientific refutation of the heat retaining effect of increasing percentages of CO2 in gaseous media...... Every time it has happened in the past, an ice age followed. One might argue that a certain level of CO2 actually triggers an ice age. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:V...core-petit.png http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:I...emperature.png -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com |
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![]() "Cecil Moore" wrote in message ... Michael Coslo wrote: ...still waiting for a scientific refutation of the heat retaining effect of increasing percentages of CO2 in gaseous media...... Every time it has happened in the past, an ice age followed. One might argue that a certain level of CO2 actually triggers an ice age. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:V...core-petit.png http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:I...emperature.png -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com ---------- Yup. Kind of hard to refute the geological data on that one. Ed, NM2K |
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Cecil Moore wrote:
Michael Coslo wrote: ...still waiting for a scientific refutation of the heat retaining effect of increasing percentages of CO2 in gaseous media...... Every time it has happened in the past, an ice age followed. One might argue that a certain level of CO2 actually triggers an ice age. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:V...core-petit.png http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:I...emperature.png You are quite possibly correct, Cecil, Interrupting/changing the flow of ocean currents could indeed have an effect on certain things such as the Gulf stream. There are plausable scenarios that even in a warming environment, interruption of the gulf stream could cause the British Isles to become a lot colder, as much of their temperate climate depends on that Gulf stream moderating their high latitude temps. So in any event, hot or cold, we could ber causing the problem! ;^) - 73 de Mike N3LI - |
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Ed Cregger wrote:
"Michael Coslo" wrote in message ... Ed Cregger wrote: Good grief, the new sunspot cycle has barely begun. Give it a little time. It is way too soon to expect any fireworks, even in an exceptional solar cycle. Hi Ed, That whole "report" is more of an attempt to discredit global warming than it is anything else. - 73 de Mike N3LI - ------------- Well, I'm not ready to give up my internal combustion engines just yet. Neither side has convincing arguments as far as I'm concerned. And I do not trust the global warming folks at all, since most of their claims are unprovable and I suspect their leaders' political motives. Smart man, Ed. Listen to the science, not the politicians. When I see people lining up by party, I tend to discount the politics. But there is some science here that is fact. The rest is pretty compelling. What is needed is the disbelievers to come up with equally valid science to show why the fist fact is being negated. That is all I ask - No Algore insults or whatever the leeburuls do to make fun of the other side. Kind of like Moore's law, first person that brings politics into it loses. hmmm Coslo's law?? My chance at netnews immortality.... 8^) The real answer to global warming, assuming it exists and assuming that we are causing it, is a severe population reduction. Any volunteers? If I may be so gloomy, Ed, I think Mother Nature is very close to a self correcting move in that direction. I suspect a global famine in the not too distant future. In some parts of the world, rice is now costing more that we pay for beef. Buy Febreeze stock........ - 73 d eMike N3LI - |
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Michael Coslo wrote:
So in any event, hot or cold, we could be causing the problem! ;^) Whatever it is that we are doing, the Martians are doing the same thing. The melting of the polar ice cap on Mars is very closely correlated to the melting of the polar ice cap on Earth. Seriously, one can see from the temperature graph history that the temperature was almost 5 degrees F hotter 130,000 and 325,000 years ago than it is today. In fact, close examination of the temperature graph shows that the *average* temperature peaked 8000 years ago and has been falling ever since. Did you know that Al Gore used computer generated graphics from "The Day After Tomorrow" for his movie? Did he think no one would notice? Do you reckon that is indeed an inconvenient truth? -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com |
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Ed Cregger wrote:
"Cecil Moore" wrote in message ... Michael Coslo wrote: ...still waiting for a scientific refutation of the heat retaining effect of increasing percentages of CO2 in gaseous media...... Every time it has happened in the past, an ice age followed. One might argue that a certain level of CO2 actually triggers an ice age. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:V...core-petit.png http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:I...emperature.png -- 73, Cecil http://www.w5dxp.com ---------- Yup. Kind of hard to refute the geological data on that one. Only it isn't the CO2 level triggering the ice age, it is one of the effects of that warming brought about by the increased CO2. We have to be careful of going into a pick and choose mode. It is disingenuous at best to say that CO2 warming doesn't exist. But it causes global cooling. Heck if it does, that will be one whole awful lot worse than global warming. Glaciers don't support a whole lot of life.. Now onto that data. The present interglacial is a tad cooler than some of the others (note they say "at this site". That is important because it's a big world. It's been a miserable cold spring here in Pennsylvania. That doesn't mean it's been miserable and cold everywhere else. So here we have an apparent cycle. Is there a reason to attach more credence to benthic foraminfera than to CO@ heat retention? ( I believe it is fairly compelling, but I'm not arguing against the point. Isn't that 5 Million year plot interesting? Which all brings up one of the most frustrating parts of the GW debate. The uncertainty. There is so much data coming in. We humans love to look for patterns, so we tend to find them. Some of the things in those patterns may be involved, some may not. Certainly in that one plot, the temperatures have had an upward trend. Coupled with all that is the random factor. Suppose that a modern day version of the Deccan traps occurs. At that time, our contribution to atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases will be moot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deccan_Traps then we are really boinked. - 73 de Mike N3LI - |
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First sunspot of cycle 24 spotted, gloom and doom perdicted :-) | Dx | |||
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