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A question was asked about what use was 'Q'
To me Q showed its value with the introduction of the National Radio HRO a receiver with 2 RF stages and 3 IF stages. This receiver as excellent receiver because it recognised that the mixture of frequencies produced not only a desired frequency but also many other undesired frequencies and while we used to use spark gap tranmissions that were extremely wide the introduction of higher density spectrum use produced a zillion frequency mixtures which are of no use. The HRO by decreasing the spectrum received to exclude errant frequencies increased the Quality (Q) of signal reception by expanding the difference in signal level received compared to the level of errant frequecies received ( noise). This difference can be analogous to the gain of an antenna where noise introduced into a receiver must be overcome by the required signal gain or there is no communication. The HRO did this by its then unheard of 3 I.F. stages which provided a low noise floor. So Q does have a use as it is inextricably bound to the Quality of communications and everything that goes with it, it cannot be ignored. More to come, let the attack begin. Art |
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There is QRS Quality of Received signal. Then there is Q, which is used in
Filter design, and also there is Loaded Q, also used in filter, or selectivity design. Q is related to the losses of a tuned section, the L and C, R, the more R the less Q, less selectivity, more stages needed. There is a formula to calculate Q in terms of L,C and R. Remember the old TRF stages in early AM radio? More the better, and there is a formula for calculating the series of selectivity stages of equal stages. The more stages of selectivity, or more narrow the selectivity, more broadband noise rejection, the more sensitive the radio is, and sounds better. "Art Unwin KB9MZ" wrote in message ... A question was asked about what use was 'Q' To me Q showed its value with the introduction of the National Radio HRO a receiver with 2 RF stages and 3 IF stages. This receiver as excellent receiver because it recognised that the mixture of frequencies produced not only a desired frequency but also many other undesired frequencies and while we used to use spark gap tranmissions that were extremely wide the introduction of higher density spectrum use produced a zillion frequency mixtures which are of no use. The HRO by decreasing the spectrum received to exclude errant frequencies increased the Quality (Q) of signal reception by expanding the difference in signal level received compared to the level of errant frequecies received ( noise). This difference can be analogous to the gain of an antenna where noise introduced into a receiver must be overcome by the required signal gain or there is no communication. The HRO did this by its then unheard of 3 I.F. stages which provided a low noise floor. So Q does have a use as it is inextricably bound to the Quality of communications and everything that goes with it, it cannot be ignored. More to come, let the attack begin. Art |
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![]() "Art Unwin KB9MZ" wrote in message ... A question was asked about what use was 'Q' To me Q showed its value with the introduction of the National Radio HRO a receiver with 2 RF stages and 3 IF stages. This receiver as excellent receiver because it recognised that the mixture of frequencies produced not only a desired frequency but also many other undesired frequencies and while we used to use spark gap tranmissions that were extremely wide the introduction of higher density spectrum use produced a zillion frequency mixtures which are of no use. The HRO by decreasing the spectrum received to exclude errant frequencies increased the Quality (Q) of signal reception by expanding the difference in signal level received compared to the level of errant frequecies received ( noise). This difference can be analogous to the gain of an antenna where noise introduced into a receiver must be overcome by the required signal gain or there is no communication. The HRO did this by its then unheard of 3 I.F. stages which provided a low noise floor. So Q does have a use as it is inextricably bound to the Quality of communications and everything that goes with it, it cannot be ignored. More to come, let the attack begin. Art Q is a numerical representation of how well a "real world tuned circuit" compares with a therorectically perfect tuned circuit. The theroretical circuit having no losses due to resistance or radiation. |
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Tho coupling was used for IF circuitry in the late thirties to achieve high Q it was more than 40 years before coupling made an appearance on a macro scale on the transmission side. On warships it obviously essential that transmission were clean but on large ships there were many structures that would reradiate a signal using energy from a transmitter. It was found that if a loop was placed near such structures energy would pass between the structure and the loop circuit via back EMF such that via coupling the now parallel circuit would move the offending signal( See ARRL antenna/handbook) ..Around this time the loop anteena made an appearance where a short element was end fed an placed close to a loop containing a capacitor. Again EMF was at work where two frequencies could be made one and where a slight change in the loop curcuit allowed the combined frequency to be moved. At the same time Moxon introduced what was called the disappearing inductance (antennas for all locations) where he fed a normal dipole instead of a short member as in a loop antenna and placed it in close proximity to a loop circuit. In this case tight coupling was required for a single frequency emmision such that the loop became a physical part of the dipole even tho two circuits remained. Again the capacitor in the loop allowed resonant transmissions over at least an octave Art took this further by close coupling more loop dipole elements in yagi beam form. Art became more interested in the single element form because the combination loop dipole could supplant the traditional trapped dipole but with the realisation that more gain could be attained because the radiation was of collinear form and thus looked for different ways of feeding the dipole combination instead of a delta feed. It was at this point that Art made the loop in ladder form since frequency span depended on the loops periphary as well as changing the feed to one of a coupled circuit form. More to come but special thanks to the earlier posters who added more insight to the values of Q. Let the attack commence Art i i |
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Art, KB9MZ wrote:
"---special thanks to the earlier posters who added more insight to the values of Q." Art`s posting is a misrepresentation of the way antennas work in my opinion. Q of an antenna from an impedance standpoint is related to how narrow its bandwidth is over a small frequency range. Its Q at resonance is: 2 pi x total energy stored by antenna / energy dissipated per cycle. Attempts to maximize gain while minimizing size of an antenna generally reduce its bandwidth while also reducing its radiating efficiency. See "Antennnas" by Kraus, 1950, pages 433-434. Coupling is another word for mutual impedance. The mutual impedance between two antennas is defined by: Z12 = E2/I1. This is the ratio of the voltage induced in antenna #2 by the current in antenna #1. See Terman`s 1955 edition page 894 for details. Antennas or elements of arrays can be coupled and must be if a parasitic array is to be effective. Spacing and tuning of the elements is essential to performance. Unless elements are near resonance, reactance is too high for significant current flow. Also, which side of resonance parasitic elements are tuned to determines which direction radiation will be reinforced in and in which direction radiation from the direct radiator and re-radiation from the parasite will tend to cancel. Terman says on page 905 of his 1955 edition: "The exact effect on the directional pattern that is produced depends upon the magnitude and phase of the induced current, i.e., upon the spacing of the antennas and upon the tuning of the parasitic antenna. For example, if the driven and parasitic antennas are relatively close together and parallel, then the current induced in the parasitic antenna will be such as to reduce the strength of the radiation in the direction of the parasitic antenna when the latter is resonant at a lower frequency than that being transmitted. If resonant at a higher frequency than is being transmitted, the parasitic antenna acts as a "director" and tends to concentrate the radiated field in its direction." The information above all came from books by famous authors. We can`t and don`t live long enough to make all the mistakes for ourselves. Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI |
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When Art used a combination loop dipole as a three element form of Yagi it
was really an error as he has lapsed back into wavelength style thinking where as the loop/dipole were coupled elements that formed a collinear array which obviosly could not be used succefully in this arrangement. Art then changed the beam aproach by removing the capacitance from the element loops and then coupled the loops in series form with the dipoles attached which did not require a specified spacing between the elements which then formed a nice beam via close coupling. The beam was fed via a delta feed but Art wanted a broader frequency range. He did this by feeding the coupled array with a separate dipole with a delta feed and placed this close to and parallel to the leading dipole /loop which formed a capacitive coupling to the antenna array. What happened here is that energy was fed to the delta feed dipole and then the energy travelled along the dipole and then transfered to the antenna array at the point of best match. This broadened the frequency span of the array in a similar way to varying the connection point of a delta fed antenna such that the operating frequency even when changed was at the array resonant point. So upto now Art had made a loop/yagi dipole with a ladder type loop that could be used in excess of one octave as well as making a coupled array with a moveable resonance but with the declining sunspot cycle comming decided to work on a 160 meter dipole. He made the element as long as possible and then added the loop with a variable capacitor, he also fed the dipole/loop antenna with a capacitive coupled delta fed dipole that also contained a variable capacitor and then realised that if he added a variable inductance to the loop dipole he would in reality be duplicating the 'T' circuit that was used as a inbuilt tuner in a solid state tranciever where he could disconnect the 'T' circuit in the radio and use the controls to control both vaiable capacitors such that the input impedance would always be resistive regardless of the spacing of the former capacitive coupling which was now an inductive coupling. Immediately it was seen that if the capacitances were made as small as possible (2 pF or less)and left fixed, together with an ideal spacing between the feed and the combo dipole the band pass of the antenna was around 5 to 7 Khz and could be moved anywhere on the band by just varying the inductance. Varying the inductance was done quite easily by the addition of a variometer to the main inductance. The antenna worked extremely well at around 50 watts in the horizontal position together with a few db down on the sides. Since Arts tower was a fold over he was also able to operate the antenna in the vertical position with a low operating angle because the antenna being collinear in form was less dependent on ground conditions or the need for ground radials. Attacks can now begin ,.......the next report will detail what the computor says about its characteristics on 160M and what an overlay on a beverage pattern shows which will surprise many plus details how the antenna can be reformed to provide a cluster of radiators and confirm again that one could have a antenna array that is not controlled by wavelength, with a high Q bandpass that not only was moveable but always operated at a resonant point and where the delta feed was devoid of radiation i.e. lossless feed and match. Still going...... Art Unin KB9MZ.........XG i i |
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Before I finish up with a comparison between a rotating combo dipole and
the weel known beverage antenna for 160M there are a few loose ends to tie up and ofcourse I will not be describing the clustered array types. Moxons book came at the right time for me as I wanted an antenna to reflect somewhat a transceiver where the antenna design reflected a moveable bandwidth of a consistant Q and not one where a radio "scans" frequency response as in a spectrum analyser. The Moxon book gave the answer that I wanted to read to give me further encouragement, It refered to where ZUKOV stated that radiation theoretically could emanate from a point and thus one could read in to that statement that length (wavelength) should not be the focal point for antenna design after all it would be very difficult to find anything in a book that focussed around length. If a point radiation can be realised then length was not a primary factor instead it was the passive loads that was carried by 'Length". When Moxon chose the twenty metre length for his resonator or combo dipole this blurred the impact with respect to what lengthand constituent passive loads meant,so he chose a random length of random diameter for his arrangement, after all to factor in the many resistances involved in radiation without a computor in reverse complex circuitry aproach would have taken a hundred years. Fortunately he hit on a suitable size radiator and he was able to procede even tho he made poor choices later. The initial arrange ment is shon in his book plus interesting longhand formula with respect to coupling and corresponding antenna performance data. Members of the attack group also found an old page of mine which descibes my interpretations and they also have referred to a couple of write ups that I did in patent form that clearly shows the arrangement as did many drawing I made for this newsgroup. Nobody was able to duplicate Moxons work hich led to the formation of a attack group, I theorise that the reason that no one could do it was because of a fascination for the EZNEC program which tho one time a leader in computor analysis was quickly outpaced by present day modern designs. The EZNEC program really revolves around providing characteristics around a previously designed antenna only and not the best arrangement that can be obtained. For best antenna available one needs the option of assigning variable values for a design together with large point of moments assignments so that not only close coupling could be performed with accuracy but length could be of secondary importance to lumped and distributed passive components both of which can now be variable. To accomplish what Moxon did is impossible to duplicate if one ignores distributed loads in a parallel configuration. Another thing that escaped the naysayers was that talk of lumped loads in a radiating array placed them in a fixed mind position where they still hung on to a wavelength design and put these lumped loads at the feed point to represent an external matching system which defeats the total intent of a parallel circuit radiating antenna which provided high Q signal passage which does not require an external matching system which is known to be lossy for large size antennas. The next post will be the last post for the moment because clusterred antenna design is still ongoing. I have chosen the 160 mtre rotatable dipole as a base as the initial designs of parallel circuitry revolved around bands that have now declined. I have chosen to compare it with a simple beverage antenna even tho this \beverage is not used as a transmitting antenna but for its listenning abilities. I might add at this point that when I rotated my loop/dipole antenna from the horizontal position to the vertical position I did not get the expected ground noise addition that I expected. This I attributed to the coupling function of the antenna which I believe has the ability to remove extranious noise. Have at it 'experts" you should now be able to portray what Moxon achieved by the correct use of computorised antenna programs now knowing the truth of prior efforts that substantiated the saying of "Garbage in equals garbage out" especially in the attack mode when one is inclined to listen only to that he wants to hear or substitute for what he thinks he should have heard. Art Unwin KB9MZ....XG |
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On Wed, 17 Mar 2004 18:00:49 GMT, "aunwin"
wrote: "Garbage in equals garbage out" Hi Art, As has been consistent throughout, you have yet to reveal ANY design specification and you have entirely refused to offer ANY results from this "superior" software you promise proves all these claims you've pulled out of a hat. You have never demonstrated proficiency with any software package, so your biased claims are suspect and the quoted statement above is especially meaningful. Mark had to work long and hard to get a faint model of your statements, which you now disavow. As Jaro pointed out, you can achieve any results through carefully omitting important details, or guessing at others. 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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"aunwin" wrote in message news:ln06c.30814 to the
COMPUTOR COMPARISONS ROTATABLE LOOP/DIPOLE VERT LOOP/DIPOLE BEVERAGE 10 DEG -13 -5 -9 20 DEG -8 -3 -7 30 DEG -5 -3.3 -6.5 40 DEG -2.4 -4 -8 50 DEG -1.8 -6 -13 60 DEG -0.8 -8 -30 70 DEG -0.6 -11 80 DEG -0.0 -15 90 DEG -0.0 NOTE OUTSIDE CURVE = ZERO 0dB = 2.15dBi Frequency 1.9 MHz All above perfect ground Rotatable dipole @ 65 feet Vert Dipole 2 feet above ground Beverage 10 feet above ground Note that Beverage has beam pattern with good f/b Dipoles basically circular pattern and good for transmit and receive ART UNWIN KB9MZ |
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