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On Sat, 09 May 2009 20:41:52 GMT, Owen Duffy wrote:
Jeff Liebermann wrote in : ... It's an INTENTIONAL Microsoft bug. See: It is certainly popular to blame Microsoft with lots of things, whether they were responsible or not matters little. Sorry. Bad choice of wording. From my perspective, a bug is something that works in a manner that would be considered unexpected or fails some form of standards compliance. The order and precedence of operators was well established and includes no distinction between negation and subtraction. I cannot imagine an example where a distinction would be necessary (although I am willing to be enlightened). Whether MS can be blamed for creating the distinction is subject to some debate, however I doubt that MS can be praised for creating it. Keep in mind that Microsoft did not 'design' the algebraic operator hierarchy for Excel, Excel was released with a claim of 100% cell formula compatibility with the then leading spreadsheet Lotus 123. (Microsoft's compatibility was so good, it was subject of a famous court case.) Chuckle. I once made good money cleaning up a mess of old Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony spreadsheets so that they would run under Excel. This is for Excel 2003: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP051986941033.aspx There are also comparisons between other version of Excel and Lotus 1-2-3, but I can't find them. Different versions seem to have somewhat different differences, which makes me wonder if Excel has "evolved" their standards. Quoting: "Lotus 1-2-3 evaluates the exponentiation operator (^) before the negation operator (–); Excel evaluates negation first." So it is written, so it must be. Web pages are never wrong. It was much later that Microsoft conceived VBA and added it to their apps. IIRC, Visual Basic for Applications inherits its algebraic operator hierarchy from the BASIC language which was conceived around 1964 and enriched progressively. Yep. Even standards change with time. It's the de facto standard of the moment. The "intentional Microsoft bug" perspective looks like just prejudice. Nope. I like Microsoft. If MS actually produced a bug free, reliable, and fully functional product, I would be out of business. As it stands, I expect to see considerable business from MS customers, as new versions seem to introduce more features and functions, than fixes to old bugs. After all, features and functions sell upgrades, but bug fixes do not. 2.999999 cheers for Microsoft. Incidentally, the company motto is "If this stuff worked, you wouldn't need me". None of my customers have ever disagreed. Owen -- # Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060 # 831-336-2558 # http://802.11junk.com # http://www.LearnByDestroying.com AE6KS |
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On Sat, 9 May 2009 14:15:19 -0500, "Ralph Mowery"
wrote: I think Intel had to recall a bunch of chips because of an error in the math coprocessor part at one time. Close. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_FDIV_bug for the details. Never mind that the fixed chips arrived after the release of the next generation of Pentium processors, making replacements for the older and slower chips a waste of effort. I had several servers running the buggy Pentium 60 and 66Mhz chips. Incidentally, they ran unusually hot and required extra cooling. I applied to Intel for 3 replacement chips. By the time they arrived, the server motherboards had been replaced with something better and faster, so the new chips just sat around. Microsoft products are so full of 'problems' that if they ever put out an error free product it would seem to be a mistake. I beg to differ. Microsoft bashing seems to be the national sport in computers. Yet, they're the most successful computah company in history. In addition, they did it without any ties to proprietary hardware. They must be doing something right. In my never humble opinion, 99% or more of what MS releases is done correctly and works well. The 1% that doesn't is what we're all complaining about. Because MS has such a huge number of products and technologies, it's fairly easy to find bugs and problems. However, if you compare the MS bug lists with those from other companies, the ratio of bugs to product complexity is very favorable for MS products. I have had to deal with OS's and apps from smaller companies. Methinks they're far worse than MS. Also, there may be plenty to complain about, but most products are sufficiently functional to be usable for the intended purpose. What bothers me about MS is not the quantity of bugs, it's their tendency to add features and functions instead of fixing bugs. This tends to make the product grow into a bloated monstrosity of useless features, with far too many semi-permanent bugs. -- # Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060 # 831-336-2558 # http://802.11junk.com # http://www.LearnByDestroying.com AE6KS |
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On Sat, 09 May 2009 19:32:57 -0700, Jeff Liebermann
wrote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_FDIV_bug Also, the Foof bug: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F00f -- # Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060 # 831-336-2558 # http://802.11junk.com # http://www.LearnByDestroying.com AE6KS |
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![]() "Jeff Liebermann" wrote in message ... I beg to differ. Microsoft bashing seems to be the national sport in computers. Yet, they're the most successful computah company in history. In addition, they did it without any ties to proprietary hardware. They must be doing something right. Microsoft got so big the same way Walmart did. They put out a cheeper product. Digital Research had a much beter product when IBM produced the PC. I think they wanted about $ 150 for it and MS wanted $ 50 for their product. They basically put DRI out of business and also some other companies that had their ideas incorporated in to the MS product line. |
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On May 8, 12:36*pm, "Antonio Vernucci" wrote:
I think this message can be of interest for those using Excel for antenna calculations. Write in one cell: *=(-A1^2 + 8) * Note: the exponent of A1 is 2 (and not 2+8=10) because Excel performs squaring before summing Write in another cell: *=(8 - A1^2) They look pretty much the same But give A1 any non-zero value and see what happen. 73 Tony I0JX Rome, Italy Computer Science 101 taught me that various computer compilers do not always handle complex equations as I would expect and to break equations down into steps using multiple lines of code. Compilers dont even follow basic rules of mathmatics, if they did you would never be able to code a = a + 1. They allow the programer to ASSIGN values to variables and it is up to the programer to follow the rules. Jimmie |
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JIMMIE wrote:
On May 8, 12:36Â*pm, "Antonio Vernucci" wrote: I think this message can be of interest for those using Excel for antenna calculations. Write in one cell: Â*=(-A1^2 + 8) Â* Note: the exponent of A1 is 2 (and not 2+8=10) because Excel performs squaring before summing Write in another cell: Â*=(8 - A1^2) They look pretty much the same But give A1 any non-zero value and see what happen. 73 Tony I0JX Rome, Italy Computer Science 101 taught me that various computer compilers do not always handle complex equations as I would expect and to break equations down into steps using multiple lines of code. Compilers dont even follow basic rules of mathmatics, if they did you would never be able to code a = a + 1. The expression is an equation in mathematics and an assignment statement in programming. Two different concepts on two different contexts. The meaning of an expression can easily vary based on the context. Consider 'x'; it can mean any of the following. An abbreviation for a religious figure An abbreviation for trans (xmit) multiplication (2x3) location of a pirate's treasure on a map a kiss one letter in a word So, expecting a spreadsheet to follow the all rules of math is unrealistic. The original post reflected confusion over operator precedence. Operator precedence is usually documented. Not paying attention to how a spreadsheet works is the user's fault. If there is doubt, parentheses can be added to make sure the calculations are carried out as desired. Verifying the calculations by hand is also a good idea. They allow the programer to ASSIGN values to variables and it is up to the programer to follow the rules. Jimmie |
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On Sat, 9 May 2009 22:51:37 -0500, "Ralph Mowery"
wrote: "Jeff Liebermann" wrote in message .. . I beg to differ. Microsoft bashing seems to be the national sport in computers. Yet, they're the most successful computah company in history. In addition, they did it without any ties to proprietary hardware. They must be doing something right. Microsoft got so big the same way Walmart did. They put out a cheeper product. They weren't always the biggest and baddest company in town. The software departments of the major big iron makers were much larger than MS in both manpower and revenue for most of the 1980's. Any one of them could have produced a consumer grade operating system and usable apps at the time and wiped MS off the map. They didn't because they didn't believe that there was money to be made in essentially consumer retail (i.e. off the shelf) operating systems and apps. They also didn't know how to do it. I still recall the DEC Rainbow, where customers were expected to buy pre-formatted floppies from DEC at outrageous prices. MS may also be very economical for OEM PC operating systems and desktop apps. However, I note that a superior and totally free operating system, while quite popular, has not produced much of a dent in Microsoft's OS dominance. MS is also not currently the cheapest OS. Apple OS/X Leopard retails for $130 while Vista Ultimate is $219. Digital Research had a much beter product when IBM produced the PC. I think they wanted about $ 150 for it and MS wanted $ 50 for their product. They basically put DRI out of business and also some other companies that had their ideas incorporated in to the MS product line. Yep. In 1981, CP/M-86 was better than PC-DOS 1.0. I was there. CP/M-86 sold for $150. PC-DOS 1.0 sold for $60. Most of the early IBM PC 5150 adopters bought both. I vaguely recall paying about $4,000 for mine. $100 difference wasn't going to make a huge difference. CP/M-86 did more, but was more difficult to use. PC-DOS (er... QDOS) was crude and simple. At the time everyone was waiting for DRI to clean up the OS or at least make it more user friendly, while PC-DOS was treated as a temporary expedient so IBM could sell PC's that were suppose to run mostly apps in BASIC. Also note that PC-DOS included MSBASIC, while CP/M-86 would sorta run the older CP/M-80 apps. CBASIC came later. The IBM PC 5150 came with cassette BASIC in ROM. However BASIC in ROM was not easily accessible from CP/M-86. Within months of introduction, there were literally hundreds of new and ported apps for PC-DOS arriving at Computerland. Meanwhile CP/M-86 was still struggling with porting CP/M-80 apps. I had customers running some bookkeeping application on CP/M-86 well into the late 1980's. It was a struggle under CP/M-86. When they finally purged the machines and switched to PCDOS, things went more smoothly. For example, relinking the CP/M-86 operating system to install a new device driver was not my idea of fun. With PC-DOS, it was just adding a line in config.sys. All this has something to do with ham radio antennas, but the connection escapes me for the moment. -- Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 |
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On Sun, 10 May 2009 16:19:22 +0000, Jim Higgins
wrote: I disagree. Negation is not a subtraction operation; it's a multiplication operation. It varies by position. At the front of a string of arithmetic operations, it's multiplication. In between the terms of an equation or values, it's subtraction. This article covers some of the problem: http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=109516 Humans can usually make the distinction by context. Too bad computers can't do the same. Either way Microsoft Excel implements it incorrectly because in either case exponentiation has a higher precedence in the science of mathematics. Agreed. Agreed that it's too late to go back now, but bugs perpetuate because they aren't fixed promptly when encountered. This issue isn't new and it was fixable when first encountered in the very first release of Excel. I can sorta tolerate perpetuating mistakes. However, Microsoft's attitude toward precedence operations reeks of damage control and of trying to create a secondary standard by sheer number of users. The first step to fixing the problem should have been to admit that they were wrong. That never seems to have happened. -- Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 |
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On Sun, 10 May 2009 16:21:02 +0000, Jim Higgins
wrote: I could be wrong, but I don't recall a case involving MS and Lotus over Excel/123. I recall Lotus vs Borland over 1-2-3/Quattro though... and that wasn't about details like precedence of operations Nope. It was Borland versus Lotus over the look and feel of the spreadsheet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotus_v._Borland There was also Apple versus Microsoft over the Windoze look and feel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_v._Microsoft However, none of this had anything to do with the operation of the spreadsheet. That's because the original spreadsheet operation was defined by Visicalc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visicalc Visicalc and spreadsheets were NOT patented and therefore not the subject of litigation over function or operation: http://techdirt.com/articles/20050812/1835229_F.shtml Fun reading on who sued whom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc._litigation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_litigation -- Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 |
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Jim Higgins wrote in
: .... I could be wrong, but I don't recall a case involving MS and Lotus over Excel/123. I recall Lotus vs Borland over 1-2-3/Quattro Lotus did not like Excel's compatibility with 123, and targeted specifically the / command key in Excel as knocking off Lotus' IP. The / key was removed in later versions, and IIRC the help sections that were designed for 123 users. Yes, those were the days of people suing people for too much looking and feeling. Ashton Tate were right up there in the DBase lookalike race, but pretty much everyone was into it, and just recently we hear that SCO didn't really own the rights to their flavour of UNIX. The early versions of Excel did have very good compatibility. One cannot say that about OpenOffice, last time I looked it did not support VBA, and I use VBA to a great extent in many of by spreadsheets, so not being prepared to port and test all the content, the brave new OpenOffice is for beginners who don't have a large investment in VBA code. Irrespective of the heritage of these things, it is an inexperienced and naive programmer who doesn't check the operator precedence for the language environment being used. Owen |
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