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On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 16:07:14 -0500, George questioned:
On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 09:55:41 -0500, " Tuuk" wrote: Are you a licenced Ham Radio operator? I mean have you written the examinations held by an accredited outfit worthy of providing you with a certificate? I have. Out if curiosity, what's your call? I must have missed it in your previous posts. He doesn't have one. He claims to be licensed, but it's obvious he isn't. Just read what he writes above, and in his other posts. There is no way this guy is licensed. |
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On 1/11/2012 4:07 PM, Big John wrote:
On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 16:07:14 -0500, George questioned: On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 09:55:41 -0500, " wrote: Are you a licenced Ham Radio operator? I mean have you written the examinations held by an accredited outfit worthy of providing you with a certificate? I have. Out if curiosity, what's your call? I must have missed it in your previous posts. He doesn't have one. He claims to be licensed, but it's obvious he isn't. Just read what he writes above, and in his other posts. There is no way this guy is licensed. Why do you think George asked him? Get a clue. |
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On 1/11/2012 4:07 PM, Big John wrote:
On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 16:07:14 -0500, George questioned: On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 09:55:41 -0500, " wrote: Are you a licenced Ham Radio operator? I mean have you written the examinations held by an accredited outfit worthy of providing you with a certificate? I have. Out if curiosity, what's your call? I must have missed it in your previous posts. He doesn't have one. He claims to be licensed, but it's obvious he isn't. Just read what he writes above, and in his other posts. There is no way this guy is licensed. What's yours? |
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Are you kidding me?
Why would I ask about batteries for my FT530 ? Duh!!!! I know, I know, I do use it for communication with my boat from land, I do enjoy using it for marine band use also. Why would I ask a question about clamping my satelite dish onto my self supporting tower? I was curioius about gnding there as it isn't actually yet. Why would I ask a question about my Sauna after I built it? I mean only a Ham would design, build their own sauna. Why would I ask a question about my furnace? I mean only a Ham would completely install their own high efficient furnace. Why would I have been a long time lerker in this news group? Are you sure you are a ham? I mean if you are simply a 2m appliance operator simply always talking about their ailments, well that is my best guess. But you know, I don't actually believe you are a licennsed ham. Maybe a novice, or beginner, or CBer. Ya, I think you are a CBer. Seems your style. To the chap who said about me "He doesn't have one, he claims to be licensed, but it's obvious he isn't. There is NO WAY this guy is licensed" To this chap, would you care to put your money where your mouth is? Be a man, or I bet you are one of those CBers who hangs around on Channel 19 badmouthing the truckers. So, do you care to or not? Nuff said., I didn't think you would, but I am willing to put up say,,,, 1g ,,,, hmmmmm , I didn't think so,,,,, anyway, you guys are just baiting me, you are poking sticks at me and hiding in the comfort behind your microphone,,, typical CBer tactic. Na,,, not my style. What did they call you guys on the CB again,,, I forget,,, were you CB Heros? Jeff and David,, lol,,, Breaker Breaker 19,,, any truckers out there? ,,,, lol,,,, Ya, I know you are baiting and playing with me now,,, It is ok boys,,, but really, get your licenses,, the ham bands are much more interesting than the CB bands. But if that is your level then good for you and be the best you can be. 73 "Big John" wrote in message ... On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 16:07:14 -0500, George questioned: On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 09:55:41 -0500, " Tuuk" wrote: Are you a licenced Ham Radio operator? I mean have you written the examinations held by an accredited outfit worthy of providing you with a certificate? I have. Out if curiosity, what's your call? I must have missed it in your previous posts. He doesn't have one. He claims to be licensed, but it's obvious he isn't. Just read what he writes above, and in his other posts. There is no way this guy is licensed. |
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On 1/11/2012 5:58 PM, Tuuk wrote:
Are you kidding me? Why would I ask about batteries for my FT530 ? Duh!!!! I know, I know, I do use it for communication with my boat from land, I do enjoy using it for marine band use also. Why would I ask a question about clamping my satelite dish onto my self supporting tower? I was curioius about gnding there as it isn't actually yet. Why would I ask a question about my Sauna after I built it? I mean only a Ham would design, build their own sauna. Why would I ask a question about my furnace? I mean only a Ham would completely install their own high efficient furnace. Why would I have been a long time lerker in this news group? Are you sure you are a ham? I mean if you are simply a 2m appliance operator simply always talking about their ailments, well that is my best guess. But you know, I don't actually believe you are a licennsed ham. Maybe a novice, or beginner, or CBer. Ya, I think you are a CBer. Seems your style. To the chap who said about me "He doesn't have one, he claims to be licensed, but it's obvious he isn't. There is NO WAY this guy is licensed" To this chap, would you care to put your money where your mouth is? Be a man, or I bet you are one of those CBers who hangs around on Channel 19 badmouthing the truckers. So, do you care to or not? Nuff said., I didn't think you would, but I am willing to put up say,,,, 1g ,,,, hmmmmm , I didn't think so,,,,, anyway, you guys are just baiting me, you are poking sticks at me and hiding in the comfort behind your microphone,,, typical CBer tactic. Na,,, not my style. What did they call you guys on the CB again,,, I forget,,, were you CB Heros? Jeff and David,, lol,,, Breaker Breaker 19,,, any truckers out there? ,,,, lol,,,, Ya, I know you are baiting and playing with me now,,, It is ok boys,,, but really, get your licenses,, the ham bands are much more interesting than the CB bands. But if that is your level then good for you and be the best you can be. 73 "Big John" wrote in message ... On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 16:07:14 -0500, George questioned: On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 09:55:41 -0500, " Tuuk" wrote: Are you a licenced Ham Radio operator? I mean have you written the examinations held by an accredited outfit worthy of providing you with a certificate? I have. Out if curiosity, what's your call? I must have missed it in your previous posts. He doesn't have one. He claims to be licensed, but it's obvious he isn't. Just read what he writes above, and in his other posts. There is no way this guy is licensed. Please, nobody answer this idiot! |
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Hi again,
I am sorry for stirring up a hornets nest here, I didn't expect some of the negative comments, maybe I will try answering my own question through google, Do rocks give off radiaton, Certainly they do, to whoever it was who suggested I was ignorant or should not work with batteries because I asked the question, I wanted to know the type of radiation, level of harm, especially on my sauna rocks, well the answer is yes. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Do_rocks_give_off_radiation http://www.epa.gov/radiation/radionuclides/radium.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_ray_logging http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Do_rocks_give_off_radiation http://www.furryelephant.com/content...und-radiation/ http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/p...radiation.html Second part of my own question was about my new smart meter they put on my home. My FT530 goes off the chart when I am near it, I asked why and if the radiation or RF from there was serious. I will answer my own question through google. Yes, Smart meters give off a lot of radiation and it is serious. http://www.electricalpollution.com/smartmeters.html http://electricsense.com/2225/smart-...you-must-know/ http://www.youaretheanswer.ca/radiat...s/smartmeters/ But basically sometimes some of you give a wonderful rant on the topic, I enjoy very much from a Hams point of view. Very logical, very interesting, usually right on and usually intelligent. And usually accurate. So I asked the question Why some fling the mud? Maybe you just wanna argue or rag chew or whatever, but the Hams I always knew were most eager to help, most eager to share their knowledge on the topic, and I still know a lot who are like this. I still would like to hear some Ham's opinion on these topics, there is no geological newsgroup that is active, already tried, so those chunks of beautiful granite I have on my sauna heater came from deep below the earth's surface in Northern Ontario and my 530 does show activitiy when near them, not near as much as the smart meter, I know it is sensitive. And I know it is small amounts of RF, so just curious 73 " Tuuk" wrote in message ... Hi I have the Yaesu FT530 handheld two meter and 70cm with battery. The unit is very sensitive. For example, when ever I hold the unit near some devices such as my smart meter, all frequencies show receiving massive amounts of fuzz. When I hold near my phone (Northern Telecom phone with many lines and displays) it also shows full strength noise. Holding too close to the TV also, but other areas away from these things nothing. What is this unit receiving that would cause it to go useless? Is it measuring radiation? IMF? RF? Gama? Alpha? Sigma? Cilium? Iodine? EMF? When I put it near the granit rocks on my sauna heater it shows a small reading of something, I heard there is radiation in rocks. Any ideas what the interference is that I am picking up? It is an older unit I know, are the newer ones this sensitive to area noise? Any ideas what this is receiving from these devices or appliances that is making me curious? Thanks again hams for any advice,,, 73 |
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On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 09:55:41 -0500, Tuuk rearranged some electrons to
say: David Are you a licenced Ham Radio operator? In fact I took all three tests in the same day, and didn't miss any questions on the extra exam. I asked a question, means I wanted to learn somethings, and this group has a lot of knowledge in it and is a wonderful resource. I guess my next question is how to block out the trolls, the wanna bees. I reiterate my statement, I hope you are not a teacher, very poor teaching skills. I can almost predict with great certainty that you are not a teacher. None of your advice or comments were constructive, or informatonal or helpful. None. And you have very poor listening and language skills. I wouldn't even want to work beside you. I can assure you that will never happen. I would never hire someone like you. However, without knowing you I can estimate you have more knowledge about electrons, protons, rayons and electronic circuitry than I do. That is a correct estimation. I will give you that David, however I can bet you dollar to donut that my list of credentials is far longer than yours, Sure, I'll take that bet. Let's see the list. I haven't paid anyone to teach me about RF That's obvious. Are you the ham who complained about me fixing my own furnace not long ago? I guess you'll have to learn how to use Google to find the answer to that question. Are you the same chap who said to me that rocks don't emit radiaton? You need to go back and read my post. That isn't what I said at all. Someone who has this much difficulty with reading comprehension shouldn't be posting on Usenet. trying to make me look even dumber You don't need my help with that, you're doing a fine job. |
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On 1/11/2012 8:55 AM, Tuuk wrote:
David snip Are you the same chap who said to me that rocks don't emit radiaton? Well in fact they do, they do so much to a degree that it is a well known fact, while I am not sure if it is gamma, alpha, etc etc or what, but I know they do. Because you said " Anyone who thinks he's picking up radiation from rocks on his HT probably shouldn't be messing around with batteries, it might be a bit over your head."" That is what you said David, and you were wrong, because all rocks coming out of the ground do emit certain forms of radiation, I recommend you google that. There you go David, you are not as smart as you set yourself out to be. As all EME operators know, ok not most of the new digital only types, dirt and rocks emit PLENTY of RF. So much that EME array design takes it into account. On 432 and up it is a major problem. No, an HT won't notice, but a barely halfway decent noise figure receiver on 432 will. tom K0TAR |
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On 1/12/2012 6:23 PM, tom wrote:
On 1/11/2012 8:55 AM, Tuuk wrote: As all EME operators know, ok not most of the new digital only types, dirt and rocks emit PLENTY of RF. So much that EME array design takes it into account. On 432 and up it is a major problem. No, an HT won't notice, but a barely halfway decent noise figure receiver on 432 will. tom K0TAR I did neglect to mention that Tukster reminds me of 2 someones who've been missing from here for a while. Both of whom always managed to prove that they really should stay on their meds. Don't leave us Tukster, we've needed some laughs for a while. tom K0TAR |
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On 1/12/2012 6:34 PM, tom wrote:
On 1/12/2012 6:23 PM, tom wrote: On 1/11/2012 8:55 AM, Tuuk wrote: As all EME operators know, ok not most of the new digital only types, dirt and rocks emit PLENTY of RF. So much that EME array design takes it into account. On 432 and up it is a major problem. No, an HT won't notice, but a barely halfway decent noise figure receiver on 432 will. tom K0TAR I did neglect to mention that Tukster reminds me of 2 someones who've been missing from here for a while. Both of whom always managed to prove that they really should stay on their meds. Don't leave us Tukster, we've needed some laughs for a while. tom K0TAR Someone needs to point out that you can't take all rocks for granite. snicker |
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