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  #1   Report Post  
Old June 5th 04, 09:03 AM
yea right
Posts: n/a
Default If you value SW or HAM radio....

If you value radio, this may be the last and only chance to have your
voice heard to stop BPL from destroying your hobby. The FCC has extended
the comment period for BPL.

It is VERY simple to file a FCC comment. Click the link below and enter


in box #1 (proceeding number) and fill in the blanks. The simplest way to
comment is to type your comment into the box on the bottom of the form.

If you can't think of any thing to type or wish to make this as painless
as possible, you can cut-n-paste the comment I typed below.


In Writing, I wish to persuade the FCC from allowing BPL to be
implemented. The destruction or at the least, deterioration of the
shortwave bands is not only a violation of ITU laws that protect
international broadcasters from interference and jamming, it will be
destroying many people's life hobby. Amateur radio will be reduced to
users with high-power amplifiers and large antennas. Emergency
communications will be hindered to levels directly responsible for the
loss of life.

There are many technologies that make BPL unnecessary. BPL will never be
able to carry the high bandwidth demands for mass distribution of video
much less the up-and-coming HDTV.

Please do not destroy the foundation of radio communication for a unneeded
technology that is only a band-aid and hindrance to the advancement of
broadband technology.

  #2   Report Post  
Old June 5th 04, 09:54 AM
Mike Terry
Posts: n/a

Excellent - can I copy this to other groups etc?


"yea right" wrote in message
If you value radio, this may be the last and only chance to have your
voice heard to stop BPL from destroying your hobby. The FCC has extended
the comment period for BPL.

It is VERY simple to file a FCC comment. Click the link below and enter


in box #1 (proceeding number) and fill in the blanks. The simplest way to
comment is to type your comment into the box on the bottom of the form.

If you can't think of any thing to type or wish to make this as painless
as possible, you can cut-n-paste the comment I typed below.


In Writing, I wish to persuade the FCC from allowing BPL to be
implemented. The destruction or at the least, deterioration of the
shortwave bands is not only a violation of ITU laws that protect
international broadcasters from interference and jamming, it will be
destroying many people's life hobby. Amateur radio will be reduced to
users with high-power amplifiers and large antennas. Emergency
communications will be hindered to levels directly responsible for the
loss of life.

There are many technologies that make BPL unnecessary. BPL will never be
able to carry the high bandwidth demands for mass distribution of video
much less the up-and-coming HDTV.

Please do not destroy the foundation of radio communication for a unneeded
technology that is only a band-aid and hindrance to the advancement of
broadband technology.

  #3   Report Post  
Old June 5th 04, 02:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Here's the text I entered - feel free to cut / paste / modify, etc.

Dear Commissioners, I wish to express my opposition to Broadband Over Power
Line (BPL).

My opposition is based on the interference to the Amateur Radio service and
to those listening to shortwave radio.

The Amateur Radio service was a valuable service on 9/11, providing
communications backup and helping survivors contact loved ones. Given the
current terrorist threat we now face, I believe that it is unreasonable to
hamper this valuable - and free - resource with a known source of

Further, it is simply unnecessary. While I'm sure that the power companies
are looking for a new profit center, that is insufficient reason to allow
them to run roughshod over others who don't have the enormous budgets for
political lobbyists. There are other alternatives available for broadband
that don't interfere with other services, including cable, DSL and
satellites services such as DirectWay.

Thanks you for considering my petition.

Charlie, KS1C

  #4   Report Post  
Old June 5th 04, 10:01 PM
yea right
Posts: n/a

Yes! In great hast please!

On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 07:54:24 +0000, Mike Terry wrote:

Excellent - can I copy this to other groups etc?


"yea right" wrote in message
If you value radio, this may be the last and only chance to have your

  #5   Report Post  
Old June 5th 04, 11:49 PM
Chris Smith
Posts: n/a

Here's my letter, for what its worth:

I am writing to ask you not to allow the implementation of BPL
(Broadband over Power Lines) in our nation's communities.

I rely on shortwave radio as a source of entertainment, world news and
cultural information. I listen to low & high-power broadcasts from the
world over. Reliable reception is already a challenge due to the
interference caused by the deplorable state of our nation's power
lines. I have had to send several complaints to my local power company
due to electrical power pole arcing that interferes with my shortwave
radio. Adding broadband data to these already unreliable power lines
would render a bad situation worse. In my experience, power companies
have little regard for complaints regarding radio interference, and
are slow to respond, if at all. I consider it irresponsible to entrust
BPL technology to power companies that already have an indifferent,
monopolistic attitude towards customer service.
Power companies are also overwhelmed with maintaining the poor repair
state of their equipment. With the addition of BPL,
how will power companies manage to stay within the radio interference
regulations set forth by the FCC?

I beleive BPL would be an unreliable system of delivery, and an
unneeded duplication of existing data services. It would interfere
with all shortwave radio services, including commercial, utility,
aircraft, rescue, and amateur radio services. Its effect on higher
frequency services due to harmonic interference remains to be seen.

In all, I think BPL is a unrequired, unpredictable technology and I
urge you to prevent BPL from polluting our nation's radio spectrum.

  #6   Report Post  
Old June 7th 04, 07:46 AM
Posts: n/a

Why do I get this error in my BPL comments?

A fatal error has occurred while loading your file.

Please try again later.

  #7   Report Post  
Old June 8th 04, 07:45 AM
m II
Posts: n/a

yea right wrote:
If you value radio, this may be the last and only chance to have your
voice heard to stop BPL from destroying your hobby. The FCC has extended
the comment period for BPL.

It is VERY simple to file a FCC comment. Click the link below and enter


in box #1 (proceeding number) and fill in the blanks. The simplest way to
comment is to type your comment into the box on the bottom of the form.

I don't know if this has been mentioned before or not. There is
another problem other than interference. It's an IMPORTANT and
perhaps fatal drawback.

If a line or two goes down, not only do you lose power, but also the
means to communicate. Emergency messages will NOT get through to
anyone connected via this setup. They will STILL need regular
broadcast signals via radio or television.

In the worst case scenario, you'd lose email, phone, radio AND tv
all at once. With converging technologies, this is altogether too

Will the government carry the burden of responsibilty should someone
be killed or hurt because of this 'broadband initiative'?

I do not have a United States address, so I can not send this
suggestion myself. Please distribute this concern also. I hope it
will be noticed by the communications commitee.

mike II
  #8   Report Post  
Old June 8th 04, 01:39 PM
Posts: n/a

If you value radio, this may be the last and only chance to have your
voice heard to stop BPL from destroying your hobby. The FCC has extended
the comment period for BPL.

Kindly understand that not everyone is convinced that BPL will 'destroy' ham
radio or SWL'ing. I am one of many that disagree with your assessment, and
agree with the prevailing position that BPL is an important technology option
that can co-exist with the 'ham' community, for example.

Ham radio is not licensed as a hobby; it is licensed as a service. When 'hams'
atempt to prevent adoption of new technologies, rather than foster them, then
there are those who debate the value of our spectrum allottments.

Working together with BPL is the best course for ham radio. This will allow the
marketplace to decide if BPL is a viable option, rather than putting the focus
on ham radio as a passe and reactionary group--which is the public perception
in the popular press at this time (for example, the recent WSJ front page

Think about these comments in the context of what has happened so far with BPL.
Then project the most likely scenario moving forward.

Chip N1IR
  #9   Report Post  
Old June 8th 04, 09:47 PM
Posts: n/a

BPL - impact on radio communications
As tests and any sort of technical common sense would make obvious,
broadband transmissions on miles of unshielded power lines will create havoc
with the reception of micro-volt level radio communication signals. The
concept is pure nonsense to anyone with a technical background. My BSEE
(with communications specialization) and top FCC commercial and amateur
radio licenses does not make me a great expert, but anyone with a
comprehension of radio transmission and reception knows that the BPL concept
does not work, unless basic MF & HF radio is sacrificed. BPL is a poorly
thought out concept, with the unlikely potential for profit driving this
otherwise unfathomable concept. Please get some honest technical input
before allowing this BPL debacle to continue.
Sincerely, AK

"yea right" wrote in message
If you value radio, this may be the last and only chance to have your
voice heard to stop BPL from destroying your hobby. The FCC has extended
the comment period for BPL.

It is VERY simple to file a FCC comment. Click the link below and enter


in box #1 (proceeding number) and fill in the blanks. The simplest way to
comment is to type your comment into the box on the bottom of the form.

If you can't think of any thing to type or wish to make this as painless
as possible, you can cut-n-paste the comment I typed below.

Thanks for the info & the FCC link. AK

  #10   Report Post  
Old June 8th 04, 11:22 PM
Bob Miller
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 08 Jun 2004 19:47:48 GMT, "AK" wrote:

BPL - impact on radio communications
As tests and any sort of technical common sense would make obvious,
broadband transmissions on miles of unshielded power lines will create havoc
with the reception of micro-volt level radio communication signals. The
concept is pure nonsense to anyone with a technical background. My BSEE
(with communications specialization) and top FCC commercial and amateur
radio licenses does not make me a great expert, but anyone with a
comprehension of radio transmission and reception knows that the BPL concept
does not work, unless basic MF & HF radio is sacrificed. BPL is a poorly
thought out concept, with the unlikely potential for profit driving this
otherwise unfathomable concept. Please get some honest technical input
before allowing this BPL debacle to continue.
Sincerely, AK

Nice letter, but it will fall on deaf ears -- FCC head Michael Powell
is a cheerleader for BPL.

My suggestion: vote for John Kerry on Nov. 2nd. Kerry does not like
Powell. Powell will be out. And we can start afresh with a new FCC
head, one who might worry more about the consequences of BPL than this
business-friendly administration ever will.


"yea right" wrote in message
If you value radio, this may be the last and only chance to have your
voice heard to stop BPL from destroying your hobby. The FCC has extended
the comment period for BPL.

It is VERY simple to file a FCC comment. Click the link below and enter


in box #1 (proceeding number) and fill in the blanks. The simplest way to
comment is to type your comment into the box on the bottom of the form.

If you can't think of any thing to type or wish to make this as painless
as possible, you can cut-n-paste the comment I typed below.

Thanks for the info & the FCC link. AK

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