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  #22   Report Post  
Old December 11th 04, 03:47 AM
David G. Nagel
Posts: n/a

Tom Ring wrote:
Allodoxaphobia wrote:

Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox
Firefox :-)

The other recommendation, of course is _linux_ ! I've been nearly 100%
on linux here since migrating away from OS/2 over a year ago. I went
to OS/2 back in 1992 after getting hit with the "Stoned" PC virus --
the olde,
floppy disk boot sector style -- on Windows 3.1.
I've never looked back, and never regreted it.

Oh, yes -- almost forgot : Firefox!


I agree with Jonesy to a great extent. I am the security guy, amongst
other things, at our ISP, so here's my short list on how to keep your PC

1 Don't run a Microsoft OS

2 Don't run a Microsoft OS.

3 If you must run Windows, don't use IE or Outlook (or Express), no
exceptions. Eevr. The suggestion on permanently blocking IE with the
firewall sounds good, I hadn't heard of that one, but I still wouldn't
use IE on anything but a machine with no network connection.

4 See rule #3.

5 No really, reread rule #3. I'm very serious here.

6 If you insist on using Windows use Mozilla, Firefox, Lynx, Opera, or
any of the other freeware or open source browsers. For mail use Eudora,
already mentioned, or Pegasus, my favotite. I have no knowledge of
Agent, so I can't comment.

7 Install a decent antivirus suite, such as McAfee, Norton, Dr Solomon,

8 Install an anti spyware, such as SpyBot etc.

9 Or just don't run a Microsoft OS

All in all, the group is very much right on point on this subject.


Don't forget that Internet Explorer is hard coded into Windows XP and is
active at all times.

  #23   Report Post  
Old December 11th 04, 05:22 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a


"Allodoxaphobia" wrote in message

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 20:49:10 GMT,
hath writ:

I am finding that WindowsXP is allowing 20 cookies (plus other stuff ) a


Ok,Ok,Ok e.t.c
Since Mike gave specific directions as to what to do to get the job done so
I am leaning towards
most of what he suggests ( don't under stand the proxy server bit tho).

The proxy server is a bit of hardware or software that sits between
your programs and the rest of the net. If we take the proxy server I use
as an example, (Proxomitron) it will block or allow various things as I
set it. Examples are that it will block pop-ups, nosey Javascripts, and
banners. It also has a list function that will block anything from
certain ip addresses or servers. It can also fake cookies so that some
sites that won't work without cookies will work. Some still won't work,
but noting is perfect.

Its biggest drawback is that it adds some time to the page loading. A
couple seconds or so, except for some pages such as Yahoo, which slow
down a good bit (for a good reason)

Thanks to everybody tho for their inputs including those you gave a better
choice to the one that I am leaning towards. Need to get back to antennas or
swr before the net policeman scolds me for using this net for unofficial

PAH! We use our browsers to dl our antenna software and post here in
the group. And this whole thread is helping a member in good standing.
It's near enough to on topic, IMO.

IOW, if someone doesn't like what I'm posting, they are free (and most
strenuously encouraged) to filter me. If they need instructions I will
be most happy to give them some!

I can't contribute a whole lot in this group in the antenna arena, so I
like to help where I can.

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #24   Report Post  
Old December 11th 04, 05:38 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

David G. Nagel wrote:

Don't forget that Internet Explorer is hard coded into Windows XP and is
active at all times.

You bet! That is why it is important to deny it access to the web with
your firewall.

It doesn't hurt to cut out Windows media player while you are at it.

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #25   Report Post  
Old December 11th 04, 01:52 PM
Posts: n/a

David G. Nagel wrote:
Tom Ring wrote:

Allodoxaphobia wrote:

Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox
Firefox :-)

The other recommendation, of course is _linux_ ! I've been nearly 100%
on linux here since migrating away from OS/2 over a year ago. I went
to OS/2 back in 1992 after getting hit with the "Stoned" PC virus --
the olde,
floppy disk boot sector style -- on Windows 3.1.
I've never looked back, and never regreted it.

Oh, yes -- almost forgot : Firefox!


I agree with Jonesy to a great extent. I am the security guy, amongst
other things, at our ISP, so here's my short list on how to keep your

1 Don't run a Microsoft OS

2 Don't run a Microsoft OS.

3 If you must run Windows, don't use IE or Outlook (or Express), no
exceptions. Eevr. The suggestion on permanently blocking IE with the
firewall sounds good, I hadn't heard of that one, but I still wouldn't
use IE on anything but a machine with no network connection.

4 See rule #3.

5 No really, reread rule #3. I'm very serious here.

6 If you insist on using Windows use Mozilla, Firefox, Lynx, Opera, or
any of the other freeware or open source browsers. For mail use
Eudora, already mentioned, or Pegasus, my favotite. I have no
knowledge of Agent, so I can't comment.

7 Install a decent antivirus suite, such as McAfee, Norton, Dr
Solomon, etc.

8 Install an anti spyware, such as SpyBot etc.

9 Or just don't run a Microsoft OS

All in all, the group is very much right on point on this subject.


Don't forget that Internet Explorer is hard coded into Windows XP and is
active at all times.


Yes, IE is coded in, but that's because it is integral with the file
browsers. I'm running XP Pro.

90% of the time I use Netscape 7.2, which is a step up from 7.1. It
has a nice junk mail filter and popup blocker built in. With the browser
you can have multiple web sites opened up with only one instance of the
browser. The mail and newsgroup section can manage multiple mail servers
and news servers. Some of the buttons seem to have gone away, but I found
them again as configuration items.

But, where IE is really useful is running it in the FTP mode. I can connect
to my web site with a single command and use click and drag to move anything
I want to. An incredibly handy little thing. This works with anonymous ftp
sites as well. I haven't found Netscape to be interactive with the file

My mail servers are all spam and virus filtered, so not much gets past
them. Netscape then takes care of the rest.

I also use Netscape 7.1 on Unix. It works great on my Ultra-450 running
Solaris 8. I have IE on there, but the newest version supported is only
5.1, I think. I run 6.2 here. It works, but not real well. It's a pretty
hooky setup.

McAfee runs on both Unix systems and PCs and works very well. You do
have to keep up with it. I get a dat file update about once a week.
Daily some times, when the hackers are real active. My Unix install
scans 20 servers and about 10 TBytes of data in a weeks time. It is
not common to find a virus lurking around but when there is one, it
finds it. Of course, the only ones it finds are Linux viruses. For this,
and many other reasons, I wouldn't recommend Linux to anyone.

But, in the end, I don't have many complaints about XP and IE. I wish
IE had a popup blocker like Netscape. The popups do get through, but
I have never had a problem with throwing them away as soon as they
pop up. I do highly recommend Netscape. I have found that it renders
everything very closely to IE and FireFox. Some minor differences but
nothing great.

Martin E. Meserve - K7MEM

  #26   Report Post  
Old December 11th 04, 03:47 PM
Posts: n/a

I had to switch from Firefox 1.0 to Mozilla due to a problem in saving
web page content to my local hard drive v-e-r-y s-l-o-w, as in 100%
CPU utilization for 1 to 5 minutes, and sometime hanging (I'm running
XP Pro on this machine, Mandrake 9.2 on the laptop and servers).
Thunderbird has no trouble at all, but when I made the switch, the
pop-ups and banners came in a deluge!

Then I installed Proxomitron with no special settings (I'm still
figuring out its capabilities) and at least 90% of the junk went away.
Three cheers for freeware!


On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 19:30:58 -0600, Tom Ring

Allodoxaphobia wrote:
Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox

The other recommendation, of course is _linux_ ! I've been nearly 100%
on linux here since migrating away from OS/2 over a year ago. I went to
OS/2 back in 1992 after getting hit with the "Stoned" PC virus -- the olde,
floppy disk boot sector style -- on Windows 3.1.
I've never looked back, and never regreted it.

Oh, yes -- almost forgot : Firefox!


I agree with Jonesy to a great extent. I am the security guy, amongst
other things, at our ISP, so here's my short list on how to keep your PC

1 Don't run a Microsoft OS

2 Don't run a Microsoft OS.

3 If you must run Windows, don't use IE or Outlook (or Express), no
exceptions. Eevr. The suggestion on permanently blocking IE with the
firewall sounds good, I hadn't heard of that one, but I still wouldn't
use IE on anything but a machine with no network connection.

4 See rule #3.

5 No really, reread rule #3. I'm very serious here.

6 If you insist on using Windows use Mozilla, Firefox, Lynx, Opera, or
any of the other freeware or open source browsers. For mail use Eudora,
already mentioned, or Pegasus, my favotite. I have no knowledge of
Agent, so I can't comment.

7 Install a decent antivirus suite, such as McAfee, Norton, Dr Solomon, etc.

8 Install an anti spyware, such as SpyBot etc.

9 Or just don't run a Microsoft OS

All in all, the group is very much right on point on this subject.


  #27   Report Post  
Old December 11th 04, 05:00 PM
Wes Stewart
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 23:50:02 -0500, "Hal Rosser"

| I lost confidence in netscape when aol took it over.
| Try mozilla firefox (it is free)
| or
| Avant browser (also free)
| --- also download the free firewall (zoneAlarm) from zone labs
| and-- free antivirus software (AVG)
| and you can replace microsoft office with OpenOffice .org
| and if you can find some scrap wire, we can talk about a free antenna
| :-)
|The Avant browser is really a good one - maybe even better than Mozilla
|- Mosaic, though may not suite your needs.
|but by all means - anything but IE

As I said elsewhere, I use Firebird, predecessor to Firefox.

Unfortunately, some web sites almost demand IE. The attitude is that
since 99% of the users are using IE, that's the thing to code for. (I
know this because I've had this discussion with my son, who is the IT
guru for a nationwide corporation)

I have IRA's at both Schwab and Vanguard. Some of their "features"
simply will not work in anything but IE. Threats to move my money to
the other guy if they don't fix this fall on deaf ears.

Same with my credit union. For example the login page "moves" three
times while loading in Firefox. If I start typing my login info too
soon, the boxes move and login fails. Tech support couldn't care

But these are the same guys who, although 80% of the users have a
dial-up connection, assume that everyone has a personal T1 line to
their server and can download their bloated pages instantly.

  #28   Report Post  
Old December 11th 04, 08:23 PM
Posts: n/a

There may be some readers who are not sure what the postings are all about
and why the "Fuss"
..I just linked up to the "BBC "home page which shows their policy
towards"privacy and cookies"
For those who are illiterate with respect to computors and just accept what
supplied with the computor as purchased, reviewing the privacy policy
allows the viewer simplified steps to take to protect oneself based on the
browser IN USE.
It does not provide the expertise offered by this knoweledgable group but it
does offer a
preliminary stage of protection by providing step by step computor
instructions to get started
for the illiterate such as I , plus a bit more indepth discussion of what
unknown attachments and cookies
actual do when invading your privacy.
On a side note with respect to some computors slowing down. Are the Windows
based computor programs
with respect to antenna modelling also subject to overload or slowing down
problems or are they some how
immune to the described problems?
Fortunately my program is DOS based so I still enjoy the benefits of the 3
Gig time saver of the processor.
But then......... ignorance could be seen as bliss.

" wrote in message
I am finding that WindowsXP is allowing 20 cookies (plus other stuff ) a

to attach to my computor which requires the use of another program to be
every day to quarentine them. Thinking of going back to the Netscape

so as to
keep the computor cleen. Also interested in how much it would cost for
firewalls to bring
WindowsXP back to the protective level of Netscape 7.1.
(Yes I know it is not antenna related, unless you
need a computor to read antenna postings or use WindowsXP for antenna

  #30   Report Post  
Old December 11th 04, 10:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Dave, we all have been hit one time or another with a computor problem. One
time many on this newsgroup got hit with a hiddious virus that upset many so
I think you are a bit out of step on this one ,even tho you see your main
duty as being a Net Cop.
The fact of the matter is that the main core of premier antenna help
contributors all posted on this subject which shows that not only do these
members have special expertise with antennas but also have the expertise
relative to the computor connection with respect to antennas and the like,
and are willing to share with less ability minded people like myself.
Remember the main core of contributors to this group are no lesser an Elmer
to that which you pump yourself to be to give you the verbal justification
, but I assure you that if a thread unrelated to the primary interests of
this group
appeared on a regular basis the initiator would either be ignored or quickly
put into his place.
I note that a recent poster stated he was a ham by fraudulent means but
apparently you view his thread as more legitamate than mine which is so
intertwined and connected to the direction that antennas are moving today
and where I am sure you must have posted many times on this particular
newsgroup where such programs can be executed ( I assume I have overlooked
your antenna contributions) on a $5 Walmart calculator as to make the
computor irrelavent to this group.
Since you state that many readers are upset or unhappy with the lack of true
content of this newsgroup now would be the time for an Elmer so proficient
as you with respect to what is "right" and what is "wrong" to start a new
antenna newsgroup to satisfy the needs of like minded people who are more
interested in political correctness than in technical content, of the latter
none of which was evident in your posting that only added to the length to
the thread without a modicom of antenna content. I think you would have a
real hard time in attracting the
groups membership that has such a deep knoweledge and expertise that they
are willing to share where the content of their postings must satisfy total
political correctness and subject to your absolute rules of what can be
written or replied to.
However, if all antenna questions were directed to you for a response you
would not have the problem that you ascribe to this newsgroup and amateur
radio most certainly would be the beneficiory in your mind of having an

Let me just assume this is just a consequence of you having a bad day so I
can push it all aside
and wish you and your family a happy holiday.

"Dave Bushong" wrote in message
Mike Coslo wrote:

Dave Bushong wrote:


I am finding that WindowsXP is allowing 20 cookies (plus other stuff
) a day



Yo! NetCop! Wassup?

- Mike KB3EIA

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your followup posting, and here is Wassup.

I'm not a "NetCop", but instead, an "Elmer". I teach new hams not to
stick a fork into the light socket, not to transmit on a dual-band radio
on band "B" when you are listening on band "A", and other embarrassing
things. I also teach new newsgroup posters that posting an article, and
then nearly 30 followups, to an antenna newsgroup, is wrong. It is
wrong because people who subscribe to the
newsgroup have a reasonable expectation that postings here will have
something to do with ham radio antennas, or at least ham radio, or maybe
radio, or at least antennas, or maybe even CB microphones. Not cookies.

With 40,000+ newsgroups out there, there is just no reason to post a
generic "help-me" message about Windows XP cookies, into a newsgroup
about ham radio antennas. I've been wrong before, but this time, I'm not.


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