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Complex Z0 - Power : A Proof
[Please use fixed-space font] It seems that a proof has been carried out for the validation of the so-called Principle of Conservation of Energy "P.C.E" in any point of a Transmission Line with a Complex characteristic impedance, which is terminated at any passive load. But, I have to make an appeal for some patience... [1] --- Let the Characteristic Impedance Zo = Ro + j Xo and the Gamma g = a + j b [2] --- At the Terminal Load Zt = Rt + j Xt a "Reflection Coefficient" is defined by pt = (Zt - Zo)/(Zt + Zo) pt = |pt|.Exp(j tt) On the load the Average Power "Wt" is expressed as[*] Wt = k.T where k 0 is a constant and T = 1 - |pt|^2 + j (Xo/Ro)(pt - pt*) [3] --- With direct substitution of Zt and Zo in the last one and after _enough_but_straightforward_ algebraic manipulation, which it is impossible to be reproduced here, we have for the Average Power at the Terminal Load [Wt = 0] = [T = 0] = [Rt = 0] This is an important partial result which proves that P.C.E. is valid on any passive terminal load of a Transmission Line with complex Zo. [4] --- Now, at any other point on the Transmission Line at a distance d from the Terminal Load, a "Reflection Coefficient" is introduced from pd = pt.Exp(-2.g.d)[*] and the following are defined Zd = (1 + pd)/( 1 - pd) pd = (Zd - Zo)/(Zd + Zo) pd = |pd|.Exp(j td) and the relation |pd| = |pt|.Exp(-2.a.d) holds between the two Reflection Coefficients [5] --- As in above [2], the Average Power at any point at distance d is Wd = k.D where D = 1 - |pd|^2 + j (Xo/Ro)(pd - pd*) = D = 1 - Exp(-4.a.d).|pt|^2 - 2.(Xo/Ro).Exp(-2.a.d).|pt|.Sin(td) Obviously, P.C.E. holds, if and only if D = 0 or equivalently 2.(Xo/Ro).Exp(-2.a.d).|pt|.Sin(td) = 1 - Exp(-4.a.d).|pt|^2 [6] --- But, we have 0 Exp(-4.a.d) = 1 and 0 = |pt|^2 therefore Exp(-4.a.d)|pt|^2 = |pt|^2 = -|pt|^2 = -Exp(-4.a.d)|pt|^2 and finally 1 - |pt|^2 = 1 - Exp(-4.a.d).|pt|^2 Hence, for P.C.E validation, it is sufficient to prove 2(Xo/Ro).Exp(-2.a.d).|pt|.Sin(td) = 1 - |pt|^2 But, in addition, we have for the maximum value of the left part 0 Exp(-2.a.d) = 1 Sin(td) = 1 (Xo/Ro) = |Xo|/Ro and therefore the left part has the relation, to its maximum value 2.(Xo/Ro).Exp(-2.a.d).|pt|.Sin(td) = 2.(|Xo|/Ro).|pt| [7] --- Consequently, it is sufficient to prove 2.(|Xo|/Ro).|pt| = 1 - |pt|^2 or |pt|^2 + 2.(|X0|/R0).|pt| -1 = 0 (Note: (Probably, (this is possible (with a direct substitution, (as in [3] This is a 2nd degree polynomial in |pt| with roots: |pt|- = -|Xo|/Ro - Sqrt(|Xo|^2/Ro^2 + 1) 0 |pt|+ = -|Xo|/Ro + Sqrt(|Xo|^2/Ro^2 + 1) 0 After that, the P.C.E. is valid at any point if and only if the "Reflection Coefficient" at the terminal load is lower than or equal to the positive root 0 = |pt| = |pt|+ But |Xo|/Ro = Tan(|to|) where tO is the argument of Zo, so |pt|+ = -Tan(|to|) + Sqrt(Tan(|to|)^2 + 1) After some trigonometric manipulation the identity can be proved -Tan(|t0|) + Sqrt(Tan(|to|)^2 + 1) = = Sqrt[(1 + Sin(|to|)/(1 - Sin(|to|)] Therefore, the P.C.E. is valid, at any point, if and only if the "Reflection Coefficient" at the Terminal Load is |pt| = Sqrt[(1 + Sin(|to|)/(1 - Sin(|to|)] But this is a relation, which has been already proved in the Thread "Complex Z0 [Corrected]" QED I hope, but, as any other time d;^) your comments are welcomed! Sincerely, pez SV7BAX [*] --- e.g. Chipman, 1968, p.138 |
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The Missing Step
[Please use fixed-space font] For any patient reader, the Missing Step of the validation of the Principle of Conservation of Energy at the Terminal Load, is now possible to be reproduced here... [1] --- Given a Transmission Line with Zo = Ro + j Xo Yo = 1/Zo the following are defined Vi = V1.Exp[-g.l] Vr = V2.Exp[+g.l] V = Vi + Vr p = Vr/Vi V = Vi.(1 + p) Ii = I1.Exp[-g.l] Ir = I2.Exp[+g.l] I = Ii + Ir I1 = Yo.V1 I2 =-Yo.V2 Ii = Yo.Vi Ir =-Yo.Vr I = Yo.[Vi - Vr] I = Yo.Vi.(1 - p) Z = V/I Z = Zo.(1 + p)/(1 - p) p =(Z - Zo)/(Z + Zo) [2] --- At any point the Complex Power is given by P = V.I* = Vi.(1 + p).Yo*.Vi*.(1 - p*) where Yo*= Yo.Yo*/Yo = Zo/|Zo|^2 therefore P =(|Vi/Zo|^2).Zo.(1 + p).(1 - p*) P =(|Vi/Zo|^2).Zo.(1 - p* + p -|p|^2) P =(|Vi/Zo|^2).(Ro + j Xo).[(1 -|p|^2) + (p - p*)] P =(|Vi/Zo|^2).Ro.[1 + j (Xo/Ro)].[(1 -|p|^2) + (p - p*)] and since Vi = V1.Exp[-2.a.l].Exp[-j 2.b.l] |Vi|^2 = (|V1|^2).Exp[-2.a.l] we can define k = (|Vi/Zo|^2).Ro = (|V1/Zo|^2).Ro.Exp[-2.a.l] 0 The Complex Power becomes P = k.[1 + j (Xo/Ro)].[(1 -|p|^2) + (p - p*)] where p - p* = j 2 Im{p} therefore P = k.[1 + j (Xo/Ro)].[(1 -|p|^2) + j 2 Im{p}] P = k.{[(1 -|p|^2) - 2.(Xo/Ro).Im{p}] + j [(Xo/Ro).(1 -|p|^2) + 2 Im{p}] But P = PR + j PI PR = k.{[(1 -|p|^2) - 2.(Xo/Ro).Im{p}] and -2.Im{p} = j (p - p*) Finally, at any point, the Average Power is PR = k.[(1 -|p|^2) + j (Xo/Ro).(p - p*)] [3] --- At any point at a distance l from the input 0 = l = L p =(V2/V1).Exp[2.g.l] At the Terminal Load l = L pt =(V2/V1).Exp[2.g.L] Z = Zt pt =(Zt - Zo)/(Zt + Zo) hence Wt = PR(p=pt) Wt = k.T T = 1 -|pt|^2 + j (Xo/Ro).(pt - pt*) But we have |pt|^2 =(|Zt - Zo|^2)/(|Zt + Zo|^2) pt - pt* = (Zt - Zo)/(Zt + Zo) - (Zt* - Zo*)/(Zt* + Zo*) = = [(Zt - Zo).(Zt* + Zo*) - (Zt + Zo).(Zt* - Zo*)]/(|Zt + Zo|^2) Therefore T.(|Zt + Zo|^2).Ro = =(|Zt + Zo|^2).Ro - (|Zt - Zo|^2).Ro + j Xo.[(Zt - Zo).(Zt* + Zo*) - (Zt + Zo).(Zt* - Zo*)] = Ro.[(Rt + Ro)^2 + (Xt + Xo)^2 - (Rt - Ro)^2 - (Xt - Xo)^2] + + j Xo.[Zt.Zt* + Zt.Zo* - Zo.Zt* - Zo.Zo* - Zt.Zt* + Zt.Zo* - Zo.Zt* + Zo.Zo*) = = Ro.[Rt^2 + Ro^2 + 2.Rt.Ro + Xt^2 + Xo^2 + 2.Xt.Xo - -Rt^2 - Ro^2 + 2.Rt.Ro - Xt^2 - Xo^2 + 2.Xt.Xo] +j 2.Xo.(Zt.Zo* - Zo.Zt*) = 4.Ro.[Rt.Ro + Xt.Xo] + j 2.Xo.(Zt.Zo* - Zo.Zt*) But j 2.Xo.(Zt.Zo* - Zo.Zt*) = j 2.Xo.[(Rt + j Xt).(Ro - j Xo) - (Ro + j Xo)(Rt - j Xt)} = j 2.Xo.[Rt.Ro - j Rt.Xo + j Xt.Ro + Xt.Xo - Ro.Rt + j Ro.Xt -j Xo.Rt - Xo.Xt]= j 2.Xo.[ j {-Rt.Xo + Xt.Ro + Ro.Xt - Xo.Rt}]= -2.Xo.[-Rt.Xo + Xt.Ro + Ro.Xt - Xo.Rt] Hence T.(|Zt + Zo|^2).Ro = 4.Ro^2.Rt + 4.Ro.Xt.Xo + 2.Rt.Xo^2 - 2.Xo.Xt.Ro - 2.Xo.Ro.Xt + 2.Xo^2.Rt = 4.Ro^2.Rt + 4.Xo^2.Rt = 4.(|Zo|^2).Rt Finally we take T.(|Zt + Zo|^2).Ro = 4.(|Zo|^2).Rt from which [Wt = 0 ] = [T = 0] = [Rt = 0] QED, I hope. And as usually d;^) "Comments are welcomed"... Sincerely, pez SV7BAX |
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On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 09:13:21 +0300, "pez" wrote:
Unfortunately enough my proof on this subject is _Wrong_ and rejected. Obviously, the relation -Tan(|t0|) + Sqrt(Tan(|to|)^2 + 1) = = Sqrt[(1 + Sin(|to|)/(1 - Sin(|to|)] is *not* an identity but an equation one, which has probably only the zero as solution in the [-45 , 45] degrees interval of Zo Argument. For example, put to = 45 degrees to get the result -1 = 1 But further, it is not just this. The whole matter of the validation of the Principle of Conservation of Energy _at_any_point_ of a Uniform Transmission Line with Complex Z0, has to be put under investigation, starting, once again, from the beginning. I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience. Sincerely, pez SV7BAX Hello, Identity or equation. This is a matter of importance to you alone as others would have moved right past it without close attention (this includes me too). The significance of it is not explained which is more important (part of knowing what to discard from writing). In other words, if it is a deep layer in the logic, then including it adds nothing of insight. If it is pivotal, important, then the rest of the material should be clipped away. As for "Conservation of Energy" this should be a test at the end, not a goal. Too many correspondents start out proving this "law" and offering nothing notable along the way. Stasis offers a sure proof of the "law" and is very boring. We endure too many static sermons already ;-) I have to admit that in my other response (other correspondence) to your notice of rejection; that I mistook that to be rejection by others. However, I also offered that the merit of that rejection marks the critic. You, again, show a very commendable trait that associates you with consistent logic. Develop the math for Web publication, and argue it here by reference. 73's Richard Clark, KB7QHC |
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![]() "Richard Clark" wrote - Develop the math for Web publication, and argue it here by reference. ================================= Why do you persist in inventing non-existent problems? |
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Dear Mr. Richard Clark,
I am most grateful for your useful comments, especially for those expressions which amplify my poor vocabulary. Sincerely yours, pez SV7BAX |
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