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  #21   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 05:39 AM
Posts: n/a

so what is more inportant in life not your hobby most people put there
radio hobby before,god and there family that is sad .they will drive all
night to go to a hamfest but when it comes time for a family event o i
cant make it heard it to many times on the radio waves.
so i guess the ups or fedex truck did not bring you that new hf rig so
next time you pick it up stop picking on truckers.

  #22   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 05:56 AM
Posts: n/a

by the way if you wanna be a free trucker go with the best volvo lol i
will by a kw.or pete. next time i see you radio police cops
trying to get my tag number i may have to go to jail but i will make dam
shure that wil be your last number you get. just think 80.000lbs runing
you off the road

  #23   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 06:05 AM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

As a matter of fact, I have been wondering when they are going to put those
toilets back in the parks and hire an illegal alien to clean them (that
can't be that expensive!), sure makes it hard when you take the grandkids to
the park...


"Justín Käse" wrote in message
In posted on
Mon, 28 Mar 2005 03:30:37 GMT, Russ wrote:

Of course, as a ham, I also despise freebanders and hope they get
caught and fined - big time.

You'd rather them bootlegging in the ham bands?
Like a public toilet in the park, sure it's nasty, but better than
****ting everywhere, and some folk are gonna communicate no matter where
the end up doing it.


  #24   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 06:36 AM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

Fella... I can't even begin to tell you what is wrong with that post... if
you have any friends who would stand beside you as you make bodily threats
to human beings--I can't even begin to describe where I would like to see
you all removed to...


Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this disscusion, haw
aboot speel-checkin it fer me?
"H J" wrote in message
by the way if you wanna be a free trucker go with the best volvo lol i
will by a kw.or pete. next time i see you radio police cops
trying to get my tag number i may have to go to jail but i will make dam
shure that wil be your last number you get. just think 80.000lbs runing
you off the road

  #25   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 08:01 AM
Posts: n/a

My post was simply a list of facts as they appear to me. The use of
communications to assist in the delivery of medicine, food, clothing,
building materials, etc. is of more importance than the use of airways

That might mean something if they actually needed it, or didn't
have a legal choice. But they do. Regardless of feelings on the
matter, what they do is illegal, and could cause them considerable
negative cashflow if caught. Could also effect the ability to
legally obtain a license after such a conviction, the way things
have been going lately.

Since most would accept that the law of "...the greatest good for the
greatest number..." would apply, if push came to shove--the truckers
probably end up with the frequencies in question...

They have legal frequencies they can use. This is *exactly* what
the CB band was created for. They also have business band options,
the the family radio frequencies to chose from. Myself, I have a
simple solution that I impliment when I hear illegal truckers on
the CW portion of 10m. I fire up my henry console, and started
calling CQ right smack dab on top of them. Tends to ruin
their day...1+ kw of CW on 10m cuts holes like a plasma
cutter... I have no real problems with them using the
"freeband" under 28 mhz, as it's basically unused, although
legally, it is allocated to aircraft I believe... I'll
leave it up to the FCC to decide how they want to treat it.
As far as I know, they will prosecute, if they hear you
there. The "freebanders" have been there for so many years,
they have sorta of taken it over...
But if I catch them in *my* allocated frequency range,
I'm gonna put them on hold. They can try to talk,
but I'm going to make it as unpleasant for them,
as possible. It's called self policing. And that's
the way ham radio has basically been run for years.
If the truckers want to use 10m, more power to them,
but they better get a license first. And being it's
so easy these days, with CW being snails pace, even
for extra, there is *no* excuse not to have one.
They can use 2m, if they are too slow to learn CW.
So even CW is no excuse to break the law. MK

  #26   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 05:48 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

It is interesting that so many intend that you "design the world" then cause
the people to fit the design; this is 180 degrees of what really
happens--people bend the world to fit themselves.

For whatever reasons, some have seemed to have decided certain "rf space"
fits them and, they are no small number, the truckers!

While it might benefit some, if there were "radio police" to hunt down every
trucker with a 500+ watt linear, who would pay for this? Would hams accept
a 10000%+ increase in the cost of licenses to help fund such a force,
equipment and activities?

And, it is one thing to find a station running at a stationary
location--quite another when that station is mobile. However, those
enjoying such things would find one large and unending fox hunt--reminiscent
of the old "cops and robbers game" one played as a child!

Imprisoning citizens for simple infractions of rules which are causing no
one physical, monetary or real personal damage (i.e. amateurs are only being
deprived of sole benefit of bandwidth for their hobby use) is insane--you
have to wonder "what are these people thinking?"
One very good example of this, and could be viewed as a model of what would
happen if this were to occur might be "the war on drugs." We have waged
this war for 30+ years--there are more drugs on the streets than before we
began--and people are REALLY being harmed NOW as these criminals attempt to
gain the money to obtain the drugs we have made so expensive and, to escape
the penalties we have made so severe--INSANE! There is about the same
amount of cocaine in a coca plant as sugar in a sugar cane. I can walk into
a supermarket and buy 5 lbs of sugar for next to nothing! If that were
cocaine, it would probably get everyone in a major city high, maybe for
days! Since it is forced to the black market it most likely costs
millions!!! And, there seems an unlimited amount of addicts which will maim,
harm or even kill citizens to gain this drug--INSANE!

There was a time when one special group of a few individuals could be
allowed to think themselves "special" and allowed to run a unique "old boys
club." Times have changed. However, you are living in the past if you don't
see the handwriting on the wall and, think you will be able to oppose change
and evolution of the use of radio communications.

Some will personally attack me for pointing this all out-kill the messenger
bearing the bad news-WAKE UP! Look around, you are either part of the
problem or you are part of the solution...

When you are done acting like a child and throwing your temper
tantrums-perhaps you will see the problem is still there to deal with.


Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this disscusion, haw
aboot speel-checkin it fer me?

wrote in message
My post was simply a list of facts as they appear to me. The use of
communications to assist in the delivery of medicine, food, clothing,
building materials, etc. is of more importance than the use of airways

That might mean something if they actually needed it, or didn't
have a legal choice. But they do. Regardless of feelings on the
matter, what they do is illegal, and could cause them considerable
negative cashflow if caught. Could also effect the ability to
legally obtain a license after such a conviction, the way things
have been going lately.

Since most would accept that the law of "...the greatest good for the
greatest number..." would apply, if push came to shove--the truckers
probably end up with the frequencies in question...

They have legal frequencies they can use. This is *exactly* what
the CB band was created for. They also have business band options,
the the family radio frequencies to chose from. Myself, I have a
simple solution that I impliment when I hear illegal truckers on
the CW portion of 10m. I fire up my henry console, and started
calling CQ right smack dab on top of them. Tends to ruin
their day...1+ kw of CW on 10m cuts holes like a plasma
cutter... I have no real problems with them using the
"freeband" under 28 mhz, as it's basically unused, although
legally, it is allocated to aircraft I believe... I'll
leave it up to the FCC to decide how they want to treat it.
As far as I know, they will prosecute, if they hear you
there. The "freebanders" have been there for so many years,
they have sorta of taken it over...
But if I catch them in *my* allocated frequency range,
I'm gonna put them on hold. They can try to talk,
but I'm going to make it as unpleasant for them,
as possible. It's called self policing. And that's
the way ham radio has basically been run for years.
If the truckers want to use 10m, more power to them,
but they better get a license first. And being it's
so easy these days, with CW being snails pace, even
for extra, there is *no* excuse not to have one.
They can use 2m, if they are too slow to learn CW.
So even CW is no excuse to break the law. MK

  #27   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 07:41 PM
Posts: n/a

"H J" wrote in message
by the way if you wanna be a free trucker go with the best volvo

lol i
will by a kw.or pete. next time i see you radio police

trying to get my tag number i may have to go to jail but i will

make dam
shure that wil be your last number you get. just think 80.000lbs

you off the road

Forwarded to the department of Home Land Security.

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Subject: 28mhz ham radio best keep secret.not any more .
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 21:56:52 -0600
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  #28   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 07:41 PM
Posts: n/a

"Russ" wrote in message
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 18:05:03 GMT, "Clarence_A"

"H J" wrote in message
the band we truckers,took over we dont need big hf radios

etc.we use low cost radios with big power.also the high power

radio people are makeing there way up 28hz.the new super bowl

black,white folks are meeting togeter.untiy day is here on


Can't spell, can not clearly communicate, and will spend

time in prison for operation on 10Meters. The fine is $10,000

Day, and the prison time is up to 10 years per infraction.


Freebanding is the least of my worries with truckers. Big

trucks are
5 percent of the vehicles on the road. They are involved in 25
percent of the accidents. Naturally, they blame this on the

The corrupt federal, state and local governments are paid off by

motor freight (fright?) industry to look the other way on

speeding and
almost all other infractions. When was it last time you saw a

pulled over? How often do they go by on the highway in excess

of 75 MPH? Do the math.

Of course, as a ham, I also despise freebanders and hope they

caught and fined - big time.


Eight stopped just in the last two days. But they missed another

  #29   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 08:42 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

While I don't support people who threaten harm to others, neither do I
respect the "I am going to tell the teacher" types.

If you wish your ISP to be anonymous go to this web page, find an anonymous
host of your choosing:

address -------|- port-|

the ISP address will be give in the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX

using the address and port, open IE Explorer.

- go to "Tools"

- then "Internet Options"

- then "Connections" tab

- then "LAN Settings"

- check the "Use proxy server for you LAN" and enter the above
address and proxy into the appropriate boxes.

- Pick "OK", then "OK" again

Now your browser should be set to proxy through the ISP proxy you have
entered into IE Explorer. I leave it to you to make sure it is set
correctly, there are many pages on the web which will test for you and show
you the ISP that being displayed as being "yours."

If your settings in outlook express are to use the settings from IE
Explorer, this will make your postings and email appear to come from another
ISP which is NOT your real one-effectively making you anonymous..

No one should be able to say this is "illegal." It can simply be looked at
as sending a letter to someone and NOT including a return address on the
envelope-or, using an invalid address to protect the innocent.

Posting, and voicing ones thoughts should not be open to retaliation by
vengeful people who would harm you.

Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this disscusion, haw
aboot speel-checkin it fer me?

"H J" wrote in message
by the way if you wanna be a free trucker go with the best volvo lol i
will by a kw.or pete. next time i see you radio police cops
trying to get my tag number i may have to go to jail but i will make dam
shure that wil be your last number you get. just think 80.000lbs runing
you off the road

  #30   Report Post  
Old March 28th 05, 08:49 PM
Posts: n/a

Many truckers are smart enough to become hams and have done so. So
why can't other truckers do the same?

Truck drivers may do a good service, but they do a dis-service when
they freeband.

On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 11:35:43 -0800, "John Smith"

"Freebanding" is quite common these days.
However, from my observations, you are much more likely to find a ham on CB
having fun and rabble-rousing with the truckers and "country folk" than a
trucker on the 10 meter band.
Be it as it is... truckers probably well outnumber hams in the US... and
CERTAINLY provide a much more valuable service.


73 for now
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