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![]() "John Smith" wrote in message ... May the truck which is carrying you toilet paper fail to arrive!!!! grin Regards Maybe they'll put in on steam trains! LOL! J -- Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this disscusion, haw aboot speel-checkin it fer me? "Russ" wrote in message ... On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 19:48:52 -0800, Justín Käse wrote: In posted on Mon, 28 Mar 2005 03:30:37 GMT, Russ wrote: Of course, as a ham, I also despise freebanders and hope they get caught and fined - big time. You'd rather them bootlegging in the ham bands? Like a public toilet in the park, sure it's nasty, but better than ****ting everywhere, and some folk are gonna communicate no matter where the end up doing it. I've seen some non-sequitors in my time but this one is in the top ten. I'd rather they kept to the CB and 4 watts. I'd rather they didn't use amps. I hope they get caught and fined out of business. I pray that we as a nation can throw off the chains of corruption that have us enslaved and I hope that the motor freight industry finally faces traffic enforcement like all of the rest of us. The motor freight industry is a waste of fuel and a hazard to other users of the public roads. Does that clarify my position? Russ |
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In article ,
Jerry wrote: As for Amateur Radio, the bottom line reason for its existence IS emergency communications. That's the first of the five "fundamental purposes" of amateur radio, as cited in the FCC regulations (which enact the stated will of Congress, at least in principal). The "hobby" aspect is what leads to experimentation, invention, and communications innovation. That's cited as the second fundamental purpose. Expanding the number of "trained operators, technicians, and electronics experts", and promoting international goodwill are also cited as justifications. Congress and the FCC acknowledge that amateur radio provides a value to society, independent of any direct delivery of cash revenue to the Government. -- Dave Platt AE6EO Hosting the Jade Warrior home page: http://www.radagast.org/jade-warrior I do _not_ wish to receive unsolicited commercial email, and I will boycott any company which has the gall to send me such ads! |
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Tom Ring wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote: wrote: so what is more inportant in life not your hobby most people put there radio hobby before,god and there family that is sad .they will drive all night to go to a hamfest but when it comes time for a family event o i cant make it heard it to many times on the radio waves. so i guess the ups or fedex truck did not bring you that new hf rig so next time you pick it up stop picking on truckers. Truckers should be allowed to do anything they darn well please. Well, let's hope that the idiots they are continue to drive above the speed limit, ignore safety laws, cook the books, and kill lots of innocent citizens. They seem to like that life, and we, as normal humans should not deny them it. Hey! That trucker might be delivering our coffins! 8^) |
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![]() "Michael Coslo" wrote in message ... Tom Ring wrote: Mike Coslo wrote: wrote: so what is more inportant in life not your hobby most people put there radio hobby before,god and there family that is sad .they will drive all night to go to a hamfest but when it comes time for a family event o i cant make it heard it to many times on the radio waves. so i guess the ups or fedex truck did not bring you that new hf rig so next time you pick it up stop picking on truckers. Truckers should be allowed to do anything they darn well please. Well, let's hope that the idiots they are continue to drive above the speed limit, ignore safety laws, cook the books, and kill lots of innocent citizens. They seem to like that life, and we, as normal humans should not deny them it. Hey! That trucker might be delivering our coffins! 8^) If he obeys the rules of the road as he seems to suggest he does of the FCC or shall we say a considerable lack thereof, then he won't be making deliveries long. His road will soon come to an end via his own severe injuries to cause loss of job or perhaps death if not the loss of license - beforehand. I'd still like to know how the one reply to "my" post - plonking him, suggested he was only trying to help..... Again I ask, help? WHO? Of course, that "supporter" - was also plonked. I'm not picking on anyone or group, but his logic WAS flawed. He feels because truckers do such service, they deserve to have their way. OK... what about the "bad" cops? They do a good job - usually, til they bend the rules! We wouldn't like them either. Same with politicians and so on. Bad ones don't do anyone any justice in the end, no matter how much good they've done in the start. One doesn't displace the other. Your "good deeds" do not or SHOULD NOT give you leverage to do evil even if in your eyes, disobeying those darned FCC Rules. IF we ALL disobeyed the laws, then this country will be back to the prehistoric ages, everyone killing everyone to do their own bidding. Everyone will have to tote guns to protect themselves from everyone. Radio and TV would be total chaos... No more could you listen to or watch a favorite program, as the pirates would be bombarding them with illegal signals or splatter from such. Without rules/laws for radio, even CB/Ham, it will be useless for all, even those who intend to try to destroy it for their own good. But, they're too short sighted to see that. cl |
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Evil is easy to define, some guidelines would be:
--an evil person would lie for their own personal gain. --an evil person would deprive another of their property. --an evil person would deprive another of their means to earn a living. --an evil peson would deprive another of their pursuit of happiness. --an evil person would enjoy bodily harming another. --an evil person would deprive another of his life. --an evil person is generally sociopathic, and generally has no consideration for others, other than if it is in their best interests to do so. ....get the picture? Evil leanings can be overcome with the practice of a simple ideal--do onto others as you would have them do onto you... In other words, evil people generally have a disregard to others lives, hopes, plans, needs, wants, etc., indeed, a general disregard to another life in general, other than there own and, possibly immediate family (at best.) However, generally people are in danger of being evil if they even hint that it is difficult to define evil--if you don't know it when you see it--there is probably a good reason why! It has been my experience that evil people are the least likely to recognize they are evil; a read of any good book on serial killers or child molesters will confirm this to you. Regards -- Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this har disscusion, haw aboot speel-checkin it fer me? "Jerry" wrote in message ... "John Smith" wrote in message ... I answer to a much higher power first, then to my fellow citizens who ARE the gov't--I answer to no one else... I am your best friend when you are in trouble and seek someone to help you assure your unalienable rights--I attempt to become your worst enemy if you are on the side of evil.. Regards OH! So "evil" is what YOU say it is, right? Ergo, disobeying established law--namely Title 47 US Code--is not "evil" according to YOU, right. That US Code is crafted to protect ALL persons, including those who are ignorant and untrained about radio, from massive interference. So "evil" is the legal, licensed, well-established laws governing radio and the unlicensed, trashing, and non-essential over-powered, over-modulated, over-tweek and peaked chicken band radios are "good", right? Yeah, Shurrrrrrrrrrr' it is. Shurrrrr' it is! J -- Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this disscusion, haw aboot speel-checkin it fer me? "Clarence_A" wrote in message m... "John Smith" wrote in message ... While I don't support people who threaten harm to others, neither do I respect the "I am going to tell the teacher" types. It is the duty of every citizen to report crime when it is witnessed! There is no teacher here, just the American Justice system! |
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cl wrote:
"Michael Coslo" wrote in message ... Tom Ring wrote: Mike Coslo wrote: wrote: so what is more inportant in life not your hobby most people put there radio hobby before,god and there family that is sad .they will drive all night to go to a hamfest but when it comes time for a family event o i cant make it heard it to many times on the radio waves. so i guess the ups or fedex truck did not bring you that new hf rig so next time you pick it up stop picking on truckers. Truckers should be allowed to do anything they darn well please. Well, let's hope that the idiots they are continue to drive above the speed limit, ignore safety laws, cook the books, and kill lots of innocent citizens. They seem to like that life, and we, as normal humans should not deny them it. Hey! That trucker might be delivering our coffins! 8^) If he obeys the rules of the road as he seems to suggest he does of the FCC or shall we say a considerable lack thereof, then he won't be making deliveries long. His road will soon come to an end via his own severe injuries to cause loss of job or perhaps death if not the loss of license - beforehand. I'd still like to know how the one reply to "my" post - plonking him, suggested he was only trying to help..... Again I ask, help? WHO? Of course, that "supporter" - was also plonked. I'm not picking on anyone or group, but his logic WAS flawed. He feels because truckers do such service, they deserve to have their way. Too many DO think that way. Once on I-80, I saw an event -I hesitate to call it an accident, because there was no real damage - where a truck slid sideways and blocked the road during a bad snowstorm. The truck blocked the road, so we were all stuck. Listening to the CB, I heard the story morph from what actually happened into some "4 wheeler" passed the truck and cut him off, causing him to lose control. After 10 minutes, *that* became the "official" story. Too bad that isn't what actually happened. Always blameless, never wrong. - Mike - |
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Ok, back to reality people!
For the "Mad Max'ers" out there, let's say the big one has hit, power and phone lines are down.... Guess what, the truckers are still communicating... Guess what, they can link the nation together because there are tons of them everywhere (not to mention the CB non-truckers/mobile/base stations out there!) Guess what, there radios use the 11 meter band, line of sight, ground wave and skip are all a phenomenon of this frequency!!! Guess what? There are MILLIONS of CB radios out there!!! Guess what? Antennas for this frequency are a snap to construct! Guess what, some genius sets up a plan to use this "hidden" web to get things going! He is deemed a genius by the government-they wonder why they didn't think of this before! Now, look over at the hams--there are a handful... The price of living in a fantasy world, oblivious to the real world, is that others tend to mock and laugh at you... Regards -- Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this har disscusion, haw aboot speel-checkin it fer me? "H J" wrote in message ... the band we truckers,took over we dont need big hf radios like keenwood etc.we use low cost radios with big power.also the high power black radio people are makeing there way up 28hz.the new super bowl .we black,white folks are meeting togeter.untiy day is here on 28mhz |
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![]() "John Smith" wrote in message ... Ok, back to reality people! For the "Mad Max'ers" out there, let's say the big one has hit, power and phone lines are down.... Guess what, the truckers are still communicating... Guess what, they can link the nation together because there are tons of them everywhere (not to mention the CB non-truckers/mobile/base stations out there!) Guess what, there radios use the 11 meter band, line of sight, ground wave and skip are all a phenomenon of this frequency!!! Guess what? There are MILLIONS of CB radios out there!!! Guess what? Antennas for this frequency are a snap to construct! Guess what, some genius sets up a plan to use this "hidden" web to get things going! He is deemed a genius by the government-they wonder why they didn't think of this before! Now, look over at the hams--there are a handful... The price of living in a fantasy world, oblivious to the real world, is that others tend to mock and laugh at you... And while your trucker friends are screaming "HOW "BOUCHA THAR, YUH GOTTA AN OLE COPY THAR, WE TRYIN' THAR, MERCY SAKES THAR" And if the 27 Megs band is dead? Silence..except for the mishmash of truckers jamming each other with their "leenyars". While those hams just move down to 24, 21, 18, 10, 7, 5, 3.8 MHZ and pass the traffic for EOC and FEMA or MARS. CB radio is a hodgepodge of mishmash thrown together, peeked and tweeked, squeaked and beeped ,splattering trash that couldn't effectively move radio traffic if it smacked them in the face! They wouldn't know what to do with it if they tried. Ha! They'd just get into a king of the hill battle trying to key over one another! Traffic handling in a national emergency is not just a matter of having 'them thar reddios with lotsa 'swang and far in th' war (fire in the wire), but a matter of training and discipline. Without experience in precedence, cataloging, knowing what messages must be handled first, That, sir, those hams have in abundance. It is why there are training programs within ARRL and local ham clubs. It is why Amateur Radio was awarded funds for that purpose from Homeland Security Dept. I don't see none of them thar "expert" chicken band reddio types gittin' any of that money! HAHA! Want laughter? Talk to the Emergency M anagement folks or Homeland Security or FEMA and tell them how "valuable them chicken banders" and their reddios and leenyars are to them. See how hard they laugh at YOU! You haven't SEEN contempt until you try that. "HOW 'BOUCHA THAR, THIS H'YAR MOONRAKER IN CENTRAL NAWTH C'LINA, WE TRYIN'! WE'S IS REDDY TO PASS SOME OF THAT EE-MER-GEN-CEE TRAFFIC THAR" Yeah, right. Your wonderful chicken band radio is full of **** when it comes to real communications. You are dreaming, and your steering wheel and the knowledge contained within its circumference is getting smaller and smaller. Quit while you're ahead. J -- Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this har disscusion, haw aboot speel-checkin it fer me? "H J" wrote in message ... the band we truckers,took over we dont need big hf radios like keenwood etc.we use low cost radios with big power.also the high power black radio people are makeing there way up 28hz.the new super bowl .we black,white folks are meeting togeter.untiy day is here on 28mhz |
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You seem to skip the "real world" and construct one from the images of your
mind, with your text. Since many "traditional jobs" have and are disappearing, you are NOT unlikely to find a notable number with BS and MS degrees driving a truck! I have first hand knowledge of this, while I completed my masters thesis in the late 1970's I personally found it a way to add to my income (actually, it may be why I didn't starve to death!) and, an enjoyable one (well, I was smart enough to get my butt OUT of that truck!) You may have been surprised at the intellects I was able to carry on discourse with who worked in that field. Yanno, I even able to pick up a southern drawl and blend it with my colleagues in that field--at least verbally, "10-4 good buddy?" You might have heard me back then? (ok, I still sneak on 11 meters and talk like a damn "okie") Perhaps I was/am one of the idiots with poor verbal and written communication skills you are referring to? In the "major event", many truckers (and yes, everyone in general) will be the true heroes. Like 911 where the common hero went wanting for recognition--the media will devote all of its coverage to such as police, firefighters and authorities--but the unsung heroes will have contributed greatly--you can bet on that. I imagine some "glory hog(s)" who has been awaiting his chance at his 15 minutes of fame will step forward and some media correspondent will craft a story making him a superman. But, you know that just the sheer numbers of readily available radios out there will somehow come to use. Live in your fantasy world, too quick to dismiss the obvious but, always hope these things never come to pass... Regards -- Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this har disscusion, haw aboot speel-checkin it fer me? "Jerry" wrote in message ... "John Smith" wrote in message ... Ok, back to reality people! For the "Mad Max'ers" out there, let's say the big one has hit, power and phone lines are down.... Guess what, the truckers are still communicating... Guess what, they can link the nation together because there are tons of them everywhere (not to mention the CB non-truckers/mobile/base stations out there!) Guess what, there radios use the 11 meter band, line of sight, ground wave and skip are all a phenomenon of this frequency!!! Guess what? There are MILLIONS of CB radios out there!!! Guess what? Antennas for this frequency are a snap to construct! Guess what, some genius sets up a plan to use this "hidden" web to get things going! He is deemed a genius by the government-they wonder why they didn't think of this before! Now, look over at the hams--there are a handful... The price of living in a fantasy world, oblivious to the real world, is that others tend to mock and laugh at you... And while your trucker friends are screaming "HOW "BOUCHA THAR, YUH GOTTA AN OLE COPY THAR, WE TRYIN' THAR, MERCY SAKES THAR" And if the 27 Megs band is dead? Silence..except for the mishmash of truckers jamming each other with their "leenyars". While those hams just move down to 24, 21, 18, 10, 7, 5, 3.8 MHZ and pass the traffic for EOC and FEMA or MARS. CB radio is a hodgepodge of mishmash thrown together, peeked and tweeked, squeaked and beeped ,splattering trash that couldn't effectively move radio traffic if it smacked them in the face! They wouldn't know what to do with it if they tried. Ha! They'd just get into a king of the hill battle trying to key over one another! Traffic handling in a national emergency is not just a matter of having 'them thar reddios with lotsa 'swang and far in th' war (fire in the wire), but a matter of training and discipline. Without experience in precedence, cataloging, knowing what messages must be handled first, That, sir, those hams have in abundance. It is why there are training programs within ARRL and local ham clubs. It is why Amateur Radio was awarded funds for that purpose from Homeland Security Dept. I don't see none of them thar "expert" chicken band reddio types gittin' any of that money! HAHA! Want laughter? Talk to the Emergency M anagement folks or Homeland Security or FEMA and tell them how "valuable them chicken banders" and their reddios and leenyars are to them. See how hard they laugh at YOU! You haven't SEEN contempt until you try that. "HOW 'BOUCHA THAR, THIS H'YAR MOONRAKER IN CENTRAL NAWTH C'LINA, WE TRYIN'! WE'S IS REDDY TO PASS SOME OF THAT EE-MER-GEN-CEE TRAFFIC THAR" Yeah, right. Your wonderful chicken band radio is full of **** when it comes to real communications. You are dreaming, and your steering wheel and the knowledge contained within its circumference is getting smaller and smaller. Quit while you're ahead. J -- Hay, if'n ya'll cun't konstructivly partecipete in this har disscusion, haw aboot speel-checkin it fer me? "H J" wrote in message ... the band we truckers,took over we dont need big hf radios like keenwood etc.we use low cost radios with big power.also the high power black radio people are makeing there way up 28hz.the new super bowl .we black,white folks are meeting togeter.untiy day is here on 28mhz |
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It's amazing how just one comment by a single person got this group into an
uproar. I really think that the public in general has a romance with the life of the trucker brought on by the movie and media hype. Truckers are just ordinary people who do an thankless job of moving just about everything there is in North America to and from wholesalers to retailers. Over the years the average trucker's education level has gone from grade school drop outs to men and women holding degrees of various ranges of education. Over the years I've come to know a rather large group of people from a very large slice of various levels of education, similar to that of most truckers. I hold two degrees and a commercial Radio Telephone license, but for some reason I ended up returning to "trucking" all the time. And all the trucks I've driven, over 1 million miles, I've always had my amateur radio(s) and a CB. Each had it's own nicessity and each one had it's own language. On one radio I as a respected amateur radio operator who drove truck, on the other I was just another trucker looking for a traffic report. Oh, for those who are of the illusion that truckers are the cause of all the terrible accident on the highways, well the only person your fooling is yourself. To get the facts do a little research and you will find that four wheeled vehicles cause more accidents than any other vehicle. Trucks seem to fall into the same catigory as motorcycles do in the public's perseption of the cause of accidents. After you have done your research you will find that both trucks and motorcycles end of up being a very low percentage of the cause of accidents. The only thing the public sees is that when a truck gets into a bad accident it is very bad and devestating distruction. But statistics show there are fewer truck accidents than four wheeled vehicles and there are also far fewer accidents that are caused by trucks entirely. But, this is just this over educated truckers opinion. 73 de ve7agw, Al |
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