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![]() This is not a warm and fuzzy “feel good” letter like much of the baloney you read in the ham radio press. If you are one of those individuals who don’t mind a little sand kicked in your face as long as you have your grandchildren on your lap yakking away on your Kensu Pro Mark III, we urge you to read no further. Ugly truth follows. But, as they say, the “devil that you know is better than the one you don’t.” The time has come (and it may indeed have passed) for trying to fix what ails ham radio. Ham radio has gone down “for the count.” It has been sucker-punched with corrupt referees allowing much “dirty fighting” and knees to the groin. Regardless of the grand schemes of the ham radio aristocracy, the numbers are down. People aren’t getting licenses anymore for many reasons but largely, because it has become a meaningless exercise. It is no longer an achievement of anything. So, they drift away. Years ago the ham population was a fraction of the size it is today and no one worried about how many hams there were. The only reason they keep dragging out this silly numbers issue is because of how many magazine subscriptions and transceiver sales it represents. THAT IS IT. Follow the money trail and you will always be led to the culprit. It has nothing whatsoever to do with any noble concern over sharing the ham radio experience with as many people as possible. It’s pure greed. It is time we CW operators grow some hair on our chests. We have sat by and watched the FCC, Newington, manufacturers (you know which ones) and “No Code International” playing freely with this once great avocation. We CW operators have bootlicked and tried to remain passive and gentlemanly while they vandalized and stole from us. We have tried so hard to abide by Paul Segal’s “Amateurs’ Creed” that was pounded into us that we were fearful that our speaking up would break one of his sacred commandments. It is insulting that lobbying by the “no code” idiots and those who stand to benefit from amateur radio entrepreneurship have succeeded in weakening the licensing requirements. They continue to chisel away at the license and enable people with little investment in learning and commitment to share the same spectrum with true ham operators. We propose a federation of real amateur radio operators who are fed up with the diminished requirements cheapening the license achievement they were once proud to have. We propose a federation of people who are disgusted with the beating that the Morse code and the integrity of the licensing examination have taken. We propose to fight back. The mountain is steep and our adversaries have been able to get better footing. We probably cannot win…. It may simply be too late. But maybe we can soften how bad the impact will be when ham radio crashes to the ground. Also we can at least show those who are solely responsible for the end of the amateur radio service (which some have predicted could be within 10 years) that they personally destroyed a great communications service. Earnest and dedicated ham operators must express outrage. Those puff-headed sycophants who we hear spewing the propaganda about "need for change" need to be challenged. Amateur radio is NOT about enabling kids to mumble nonsense on a 2-meter handi-talkie or how many secretaries in the front office in Newington got their faux- “Extra” class license. By reducing requirements and making a ham license easier to obtain DOES NOT MAKE FOR ANY SORT OF AN ACCOMPLISHMENT. Period. Amateur radio at one time was steeped in solid traditions and pride of accomplishing what it took to wear the title. Amateur radio was The Genuine Article. It was real. It had solid requirements and those who aspired to fulfill those requirements had reason to be proud of their achievement. NPRMs have repeatedly received overwhelming rejection but yet they are made into law. Why aren’t they listening to the respondents? Why are the only ones they listen to the minority? The answer is this: because there is no respect for the playground weaklings. FED UP CALLING FREQUENCIES – Bottom of “new” phone band (e.g 3600 KHZ , 7100 KHZ etc) CW operators have just suffered a slap to the face by the diminished CW sub-bands in the so-called “Omnibus bill.” We propose all CW operators register disapproval by continuing to use the old sub-bands. PLEASE NOTE: Before the angry emails start, understand that we are NOT advocating intentional interference to phone operations! We CAN co-exist. God knows we US CW operators have been putting up with Canadian phone QRM in our US CW bands for years. Shouldn’t “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander” prevail here? Why are the phone operators treated as such hothouse orchids? . For starters, on each amateur radio band, we propose the frequency that separates the CW and the phone sub-bands become a CW calling frequency for FEDUP hams to share thoughts and camaraderie with like individuals (For instance, 3600 KHz). Since CW operations are permitted from 3500 to 4000 khz, our operation on the bottom end of the “new” phone band is not violating anything. Phone operators, however, will be restricted from using this frequency since splatter would fall outside of their sub-band. We propose establishment of an organization to be known as FEDERATION FOR UNCOMPROMISED PROFICIENCY (FED UP). To this end we are soliciting people willing to help write letters (FCC commissioners, congressmen, USA Today, agencies, manufacturers, magazine advertisers that use anti-CW publications...anyone influential to whom we can express our dissatisfaction as to what has been going on in this communications service). We are also soliciting hams with expertise in legal matters, media, business and marketing who would like to help us. Our goal is establishment of a professional lobbying effort to reverse the damage that has been done to the amateur radio service, the license, the quality of operators and the future of the service. The primary focus is be re-establishment of proficiency to the amateur radio license and awarding levels of proficiency with privileges. Yes, this has been tried as recently as the last couple of years. Like we said earlier we are going uphill and it is not “politically correct” in today’s amateur radio environment. But WE NEED TO BECOME MORE VOCAL. We need to stop being fainting goats. We need to get some FIRE IN OUR BELLIES and fight! If you are interested in helping us put together an organization to challenge the horrific FCC rules and regulations and the idiotic policies that have been imposed on we ham radio operators, we invite you to contact us. When we see what the interest level is we can better assess a potential group’s structure. Obviously our first order of business will be establishment of a core mission and an executive staff to drive this effort. Please email us at . Please be patient for our reply. We will respond to all serious inquiries personally. No doubt we will get a lot of moronic and angry emails, which will simply be deleted. Even so, it no doubt will take time to wade through the legitimate ones. And confidentiality will be maintained because we know none of you wish to put up with an e-mail inbox full of messages from goofballs. We have been ignored because we’ve consistently lied down and complied. The bullies always pick on the kid who is most passive. We’ve been in such as rush to show how agreeable we are with all the “crap propaganda” coming out of the ham magazines, that we didn’t even notice how the good things were slipping away. Our attention was diverted from their erosion of technical proficiency and abilities as a well-rounded communications operator (including knowing the Morse code) while they distracted us with the razzle-dazzle of vanity callsign giveaways and a host of scary-but-bogus threats to the welfare of ham radio. If you’ve got any fight left in you we’d like to hear from you. 73, ZUT and QTX Organizational Committee Federation for Uncompromised Proficiency (Fed UP) |
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"FedUP" wrote in message
... bunch of stuff snipped "I" am NOT "against" code, I had to take it to acquire my licenses and I am and have been for some time - an Extra. HOWEVER - I do NOT see CODE (CW) as being the saving grace of Ham Radio - be it to save lives or keep the crap off the bands. As I pointed out in a previous post - I was an OO (Official Observer) some years ago - LONG before NO CODE was even thought of. I wrote out more notices to those who "should" have known better - but showed no care. I am talking GENERALs (13 WPM), ADVANCED (13 WPM) AND EXTRAS (20 WPM). There is a deeper issue than CODE - diminishing our ham ranks. INSTEAD of rallying JUST for "code", get off your CW high horse and start rallying for BETTER "THEORY" exams - since the new books don't teach CRAP - and start getting your SCHOOLS involved in putting TECHNOLOGY - ALL OF IT - back into the curriculums. MODES using ELECTRONICS - which will need maintained - will still be here LONG after CW has died. AGAIN - I'll say - here at least - all they give a **** about is FOOT BALL. These bozos sold off all "shop" equipment - be it for wood, metal, electronics, etc - and raised taxes ONLY to build stadiums for the "Football" teams - to rival those of the pro stadiums. The "supplies" kids used to get at start of school - NOW have to be bought by mom and dad - or else! COME ON! IF THEY ARE LUCKY - only ONE person out of MAYBE 10 graduating classes will get a scholarship to a university for Football - much less go to the Pro's. TO HELL WITH SPORTS - THIS COUNTRY DOES NOT EXCEL ON SPORTS ALONE. WE NEED to make BUSH OR WHOEVER - get TECHNOLOGY back into the class rooms or it won't be "JUST" no child left behind, it will be an entire COUNTRY - LEFT BEHIND. You guys have your priorities - ASS BACKWARDS.......... |
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