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Here are a some items for sale. Prices do not include shipping. I will
ship overseas. Heathkit SB-634 Station Console................$100 plus Shipping Matches the SB-600 series. Includes a wattmeter/SWR bridge, a phone patch, a 24 hour clock and a 10 minute ID timer. The clock, wattmeter and timer all work as they should. Excellent shape and includes the original manual. http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/heath_sb6344.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/heath_sb6342.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/heath_sb6343.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/sb6346.JPG Allied A-2515 Receiver................$135 plus Shipping 5 Band AM/CW/SSB solid state receiver that covers 150 kHz to 30 MHz. These were built in the 1968-1969 time frame built for Allied Radio by Kenwood Trio.This receiver is in excellent condition and plays very well on all bands. Although designed for an external speaker, a speaker has been added to the inside using the existing ventilation holes on the top. This is easily removed if one should find the matching external speaker. The screws for this speaker can be seen in the photo. http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/allied_a2515.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/allied_a25152.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/allied_a25153.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/allied_a25154.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/allied_a25155.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/allied_a25156.JPG Dow-Key Relay..................$30 plus shipping 12 Volt dc with SO-239 connectors http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/dowkey9.JPG Dow-Key Clone Coax Relay.............$25 plus shipping 28 Volt dc with BNC and Type F connectors http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/coax_relay5.JPG National Type “B” Dial......................$35 plus shipping This is the same dial that is used on the National SW-3 receiver. This dial is in great shape and includes the mounting screws on the back. Great for a homebrew receiver! http://members.cox.net/radiodx3/national_dial.JPG Bud - Two Neutralizing Transmitting Capacitors...........$30 plus shipping http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/neutrcap.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/neutrcap2.JPG 485 pF Precision Variable Capacitor with Gear (Vernier) Drive...........$20 plus shipping Measures 15 pF min and 485 pf max. This capacitor is in excellent condition. Nice capacitor for a receiver or a home-brew VFO project. http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/verniercap.JPG Hewlett Packard HP 331A Distortion Analyzer.........$85 plus shipping Clean working unit. No power cord. http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/hp331a.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/hp331a2.JPG http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/hp331a3.JPG General Electric TC-1 1930's Tube Tester.............$60 plus shipping Neat art deco looking unit from late 1930's. It tests tubes from the 1920's to beyond the 1930's as it has some updated tube charts. It will test 6L6's, 6V6's, etc. It will test octal, 4, 5, 6 and 7 pin tubes. It will not test any miniature tubes. The unit works great. The front panel and case are in excellent shape. It includes instructions and tube charts. http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/ge_tc12.jpg http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/ge_tc1.jpg http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/ge_tc13.jpg Digital Precision 2440 Nixie Tube DVM..................$35 plus shipping This unit will measure DC and AC voltage, and Resistance. This unit has been tested and works. It does not include a power cord. http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/dp2440.jpg http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/dp24402.jpg Batch of W.W.II Crystals..............$30 plus shipping 39 Crystals. See photo for frequencies. Here is a link to the frequency conversion chart http://members.cox.net/n7rk/ft241_xtal_list.jpg http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/xtal_batch.jpg http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/xtal_batch2.jpg Vintage Westinghouse Portable DC Voltmeter....................$35 plus shipping This meter in a heavy bakelite measures 0-150 volts and the ranges are changed by making the appropriate connections to the meter. The ranges a 1, 5, 15 and 150 volts. This is a working unit in nice condition. The instruction card on the inside cover has a date of 1942. http://members.cox.net/radiostuff9/west_meter2.jpg Thanks for looking. ************************************************** ********* Dave N7RK Boatanchors Home Page: http://members.cox.net/n7rk Phoenix, Arizona *DXCC Honor Roll* *WAZ#23 - 75 Meter SSB* ex-XE2/N7RK, N7RK/ZB2, VK2ERK, ZM0AJN, WB6NRK, WN6IWX |
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