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(A Federal 501(c)(3) Non Profit Corporation) Editorial Office - 28197 Robin Avenue Santa Clarita California Tel: (661) 296-7180 E-Mail: on the web at: www.arnewsline.org Press Release For more information please contact Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF ) AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE=E2=84=A2 ANNOUNCES CREATION OF THE ROY NEAL, K6DUE= , AMATEUR RADIO MENTORING PROJECT January 15, 2004 (Los Angeles California) The Amateur Radio Newsline Inc= .., a Federally chartered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation has today announ= ced the creation of the =E2=80=9CRoy Neal, K6DUE, Amateur Radio Mentoring Pro= ject.=E2=80=9D=20 This is a program designed to take newly licensed radio amateurs and plac= e them one-on-one with veteran hams so that they may learn the traditions and operating skills that no classroom or home-study environment can teach.=20 Roy Neal, K6DUE, was a driving force within the structure of Amateur Radi= o Newsline. He passed away on Friday, August 15, 2003 from complications a= rising from heart valve replacement surgery a few days earlier. In addition to serving as Amateur Radio Newsline's Vice President, he was= also our teacher, advisor and friend. Those of us who had the honor of knowin= g Roy were keenly aware of his willingness to help anyone better themselves. H= e was always willing to share his lifetime of knowledge in many areas including science, space exploration and Amateur Radio. With this in mind the Amat= eur Radio Newsline Board of Directors at its annual meeting on December 13, 2= 003 voted unanimously to honor Roy=E2=80=99s memory by creating a program to = carry on his vision. =20 What we have named =E2=80=9CThe Roy Neal, K6DUE, Amateur Radio Mentoring = Project=E2=80=9D is loosely based on a similar program created by Broadway performer Ann Reinking. Reinking was a student of and performer with the legendary choreographer/director Bob Fosse. She is now carrying on the =E2=80=9Cme= ntoring=E2=80=9D tradition in the art of dance through her own educational foundation, th= e Broadway Theater Project. This is a Florida based training program connec= ting students with seasoned theater professionals. If we may quote Ms. Reinki= ng: =E2=80=9CIts sort of an un-written law or rule in the world of dance that= you pass on what you know. This particular craft is at its best when its passed from= one person's hands to the next.=E2=80=9D Now, if you think about it, what Ann Reinking says about "dance" applies equally to our world of Amateur Radio. Maybe more so, because, for decad= es the knowledge and tradition of our hobby/service was passed down from seasone= d operators to newcomers, one to one. Unfortunately, in the ham radio of t= oday, this art of mentoring that we call "Elmering" seems to be disappearing. = It is being replaced by "weekend cram class training" and/or the more tedious w= orld of =E2=80=9Chome study.=E2=80=9D Both provide lots of technologically tr= ained hams, but they do not turn out skilled operators or hams who really appreciate the = art of amateur radio. Only one-on-one =E2=80=9Cmentoring=E2=80=9D or =E2=80=9CEl= mering=E2=80=9D can do that. =E2=80=9CThe Roy Neal, K6DUE, Amateur Radio Mentoring Project=E2=80=9D is= to be a similarly structured program that fosters those one-on-one relationships that go we= ll beyond the knowledge necessary to pass a ham radio exam. It will put an emphasis on our traditional ham radio values by placing new hams into con= tact with skilled operators who are willing to teach them such radio art-forms= as how to work DX, or run a contest, build and operate a repeater, talk by bouncing signals off the moon, kit construction and anything else that ma= kes a ham a ham. In essence, to pass along the living traditions that make ham = radio what it is to all of us old timers. To make this work, two groups of hams are needed. First we need skilled operators who are willing to donate time to assist those in need of train= ing.=20 We also need new hams to come forward and say: =E2=80=9CI want to learn m= ore.=E2=80=9D We will do our part by matching the mentors to those in need of Elmering. =20 To get the project underway we have asked Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB, to create= the necessary databases and begin the process of matching volunteer mentors t= o those wishing instruction. We are also asking both groups to send us an = at . In your note please state if you are offering = to be a mentor or are in need of training. Please include your name, call, add= ress, e-mail address with zipcode, phone number, best time of day to call and a= ny other pertinent information. =20 It is our hope that the nation's Amateur Radio community will join with u= s to make "The Roy Neal, K6DUE, Amateur Radio Mentoring Project" a part of the traditions of the hobby, and that it will become a lasting memorial to th= e radio amateur who gave so much of his life to making Amateur Radio the be= st hobby and service in the universe.=20 .. =20 -30- |
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