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RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest Brought to you by: Radio World, The Newspaper for Radio Managers and Engineers May 28 -- June 3 ================================================== Note: Unsubscribe and address change instructions are at the bottom of this email. =============== FEATURED SPONSOR =============== ECONCO NEW TUBES! ECONCO is now manufacturing new tubes at their award winning facility in California. The new 3CX and 4CX broadcast power tubes are manufactured to the original specifications and the highest quality standards. ECONCO continues their 33 year tradition of supplying quality rebuilts for the Broadcast Industry. Call: (800)532-6626 or (530)662-7553 E-Mail: or visit our web site: http://www.rwonline.com/nb/re?id=22 ================================================== TOP STORIES ============= 06-03-2004 SBE TO HONOR FELLOWS The board of directors for the Society of Broadcast Engineers announced Edward B. Bench, CPBE, and Vincent A. Lopez, CEV, CBNT had been elected fellows. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5306 06-03-2004 RUCK, RABELL RECOVERING Broadcast engineer Bill Ruck was hit by a car in Athens, Greece, recently while on site for Olympics-related work. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5307 06-03-2004 "DUDE, WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?": INDIANA TOWER KNOCKED DOWN BY VANDALS Oh, the lengths to which some people will go for air conditioning. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5312 =============== FEATURED SPONSOR =============== Prophet Systems Have you checked out MusicGen? Finally a professional music scheduler at a great price-FREE! Download MusicGen from our website, and keep it as our contribution to great radio: http://www.rwonline.com/nb/re?id=95 ContentCheck is an advanced content delay system with over 60 minutes of configurable delay time, perfect for today's anti-obscenity climate. Now you can record, listen and edit your programs while they are happening, as well as log and archive delayed and non-delayed dayparts: http://www.rwonline.com/nb/re?id=144 ================================================== 06-02-2004 POWELL: GET SECURITY TALKS BEYOND 'BITS OF PAPER' Get beyond "bits of paper to working initiatives." That's what FCC Chairman Michael Powell wants from broadcasters and other industry people working on plans to keep stations on the air or to recover quickly after a natural disaster or further terrorist attack. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5302 06-02-2004 EAS IS BROKEN - THANKS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT, BROADCASTERS SAY In a new slant on the off-repeated "EAS is broken" theme, executives for the Texas and Florida associations of broadcasters say that although broadcasters, for the most part, have installed federally-mandated emergency alerting equipment, local governments don't consistently know how to use it in times of emergency. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5304 06-02-2004 CLEAR CHANNEL, OTHERS DISPUTE MINOT STORY Ann Arnold, executive director of the Texas Association of Broadcasters, sought to correct a story that has been held out by regulators as an example of the failure of EAS and the dangers of media consolidation. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5305 =============== FEATURED SPONSOR =============== Broadcast Electronics HD Radio. Guaranteed. This year, you might implement HD Radio(TM). Or you may upgrade your analog plant and go HD Radio later. Either way, you want to buy confidently, without the risks of rapid obsolescence or unpredictable expenses. That's why BE makes this guarantee: Any AM or FM transmitter you buy from BE today will be compatible with your future HD Radio plans. And you'll get a firm price quote, valid for three years, on BE HD Radio gear. Contact BE today for details: http://www.bdcast.com/HDRadio/ ================================================== 06-01-2004 KARMAZIN RESIGNS FROM VIACOM; REDSTONE TO LEAVE IN 3 YEARS; MOONVES GETS INFINITY OVERSIGHT Mel Karmazin has resigned as president and chief operating officer of Viacom Corp. In a statement, Karmazin said, "After more than 20 years with the company, for personal and professional reasons, I have decided to leave Viacom and pursue other challenges. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5289 06-01-2004 SEND US YOUR DIGITAL COMMENTS Is your company filing comments with the FCC in its current proceedings about IBOC or the so-called "broadcast flag for radio"? http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5296 05-28-2004 AMERICOM FINED $10,000 FOR RF VIOLATIONS The FCC fined the licensee of KWNZ(FM), Carson City, Nevada $10,000 for exceeding the permissible RF limits at unfenced areas at its transmitter site. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5281 =============== FEATURED SPONSOR =============== Radio World Look for these stories in the June 2 print edition of Radio World: + Have you commented about IBOC to the FCC? Now's your chance. + Inside NPR's new ContentDepot system. + Leonard Kahn believes IBOC threatens both AM and FM, and he wants broadcasters to do something about it. + Neil Glassman offers a modest proposal to improve the NAB convention for radio attendees. + We profile the winners of the Radio World "Cool Stuff" Award, the industry's most prestigious technology honor. Radio World also wishes to send a hearty thank you this week to the many veterans among our readers, and salute the men and women who liberated Europe in an invasion that began 60 years ago this Sunday. ================================================== BUSINESS ========= 06-03-2004 SESAC NAMES PRESIDENT/CEO After nine years with the performing rights organization, Patrick Collins was promoted to president and CEO of SESAC. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5308 06-02-2004 FORBES SEES 'EVOLUTIONARY SPURT' FOR RADIO Radio is going through an "evolutionary spurt," so says Forbes.com. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5301 06-01-2004 WORLD CAFé VENUE NAMES MANAGERS In October you'll actually be able to eat in the World Cafe. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5290 05-28-2004 N.J. STATIONS REACH ACROSS RIVERS New Jersey broadcasters are reaching out - across the Hudson and Delaware Rivers, in fact. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5288 FCC/REGULATORY ================ 06-03-2004 CHURCH FINED FOR TOWER FENCING VIOLATIONS The FCC has upheld a fine of $13,600 for Greenwood Acres Baptist Church for failing to maintain a locked fence around the tower at KASO(AM), Minden, La., and failing to maintain a public inspection file. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5310 06-02-2004 MEET THE 'COOL STUFF' WINNERS: THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Bravo to the Federal Communications Commission for taking a higher profile with a big booth in the Radio/Audio hall - an idea of Deputy Bureau Chief of the Wireless Bureau Jerry Vaughan - and kudos to NAB for providing the space. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5300 06-02-2004 REPORTERS: DO YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT ANTHRAX IS? Reporters should be hitting the books to research anthrax and other types of possible weapons terrorists can use against populations. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5303 05-28-2004 FCC BEGINS EEO AUDITS The FCC has began mailing its Equal Employment Opportunity audit letters to randomly selected radio and TV stations and multi-channel video program distributors. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5282 TECHNOLOGY ============ 06-03-2004 WAMU TO CELEBRATE HD RADIO American University's WAMU(FM), Washington is preparing for a big bash Tuesday to celebrate going digital. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5311 06-02-2004 'SPLIT-LEVEL' COMBINING SAID TO REDUCE FM POWER COSTS Harris says it is getting a lot of interest from FM clients in its new HD Radio combining method. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5297 06-02-2004 W.VA. STATION PUTS 128 QAM ON ITS STL An AM station in Morgantown, W.Va., is running twin uncompressed 44.1 kHz audio streams on 950 MHz aural STL in less than 500 kHz of bandwidth using 128 QAM, according to supplier Moseley Broadcasting. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5298 PROGRAMMING ============= 06-03-2004 NPR TO EXPAND NEWS STAFF Despite downsizing by broadcast news outlets, here's a media outlet that is adding newspeople. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5309 06-01-2004 WNYC RADIO PLEDGE DRIVE EXCEEDS GOAL WNYC(AM-FM), New York Public Radio, made more money than expected in its spring pledge drive - to the tune of more than $1.15 million - exceeding its million-dollar goal. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5294 06-01-2004 AP NAMES MEYER TO REPLACE LEBRECHT Lisa Meyer was named AP Broadcast's national security reporter, responsible for covering the Pentagon, State Department, Office of Homeland Security and other security-related beats. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5295 05-28-2004 PETERSON MURDER TRIAL PREVIEW ON ABC RADIO ABC News Radio plans three holiday specials this Memorial Day weekend, available for broadcast through Monday, May 31. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5283 05-28-2004 SPORTING NEWS RENEWS CONTRACT WITH LONGTIME HOST Call him the Godfather of Sports Radio. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5284 05-28-2004 DC STATION, PAPA JOHN'S RAISE MONEY FOR MISSING KIDS FOUNDATION In an effort to commemorate National Missing Children's Day on May 25, Washington-D.C.-based radio station DC101's "Elliot in the Morning" show and the Papa John's pizza chain raised money for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children through a local appearance where Elliot and DC101 staffers sold Papa John's pizza, drinks and station merchandise to supporters. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5285 PRODUCTS ========= 06-03-2004 MEET THE 'COOL STUFF' WINNERS: DAWNCO HANDYMETER-SAT This analyzer will help you find satellites and aim dishes, even when there are no analog channels. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5313 06-03-2004 MEET THE 'COOL STUFF' WINNERS: ENCO SYSTEMS GUARDIEN INDECENCY SYSTEM What if you could install an automatic system that monitored your bleeeeeep program material, and bleeped, muted or reversed specific offending words? http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5314 06-03-2004 MEET THE 'COOL STUFF' WINNERS: ELECTRONICS RESEARCH INC. DUAL-INPUT SIDE-MOUNT FM ANTENNA Analog and digital from the same elements, and no STA required. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5315 06-03-2004 SADIE RELEASES PORTABLE EDITING SYSTEMS SADiE has debuted two portable USB 2.0-connected editing systems. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5316 06-02-2004 MEET THE 'COOL STUFF' WINNERS: COMREX STAC STUDIO TELEPHONE ACCESS CENTER Talk shows have been around for a while - all the more reason to update the paradigm for talk management products. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5299 06-01-2004 VERMONT PUBLIC RADIO CHOOSES NEUMANN MODEL From the Who's Buying What page of Radio World: Neumann said Vermont Public Radio has standardized with a dozen Neumann BCM 104 broadcast mics for the five-station statewide network. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5291 06-01-2004 MEET THE 'COOL STUFF' WINNERS: BURK TECHNOLOGY ARC-16 WEB INTERFACE The ARC-16 Web Interface integrates TCP/IP with the ARC-16, allowing broadcasters to control remote sites from their Web browser. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5292 06-01-2004 MEET THE 'COOL STUFF' WINNERS: HENRY ENGINEERING STUDIODRIVE INTEGRATED PC STUDIO SYSTEM Hank Landsberg's latest is a comprehensive audio system that turns a PC equipped with a sound card into a self-contained studio. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5293 05-28-2004 MEET THE 'COOL STUFF' WINNERS: D&M PROFESSIONAL MARANTZ PROFESSIONAL PMD670 PORTABLE COMPACT FLASH M Face it: radio reporters don't exactly get a huge batch of new pro field recorders to choose from every spring. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5286 05-28-2004 MEET THE 'COOL STUFF' WINNERS: BROADCAST TOOLS DMS-III DIGITAL MONITOR & SWITCHER Here's a company that knows how to make a problem-solver. http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=5287 ================== HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE ================== You are receiving this news digest service because you read Radio World and supplied us with your email address when you subscribed or you entered your address through our web site. If you no longer wish to receive this service, just use this link and follow the fast and easy unsubscribe instructions: http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/unsub.shtml ================= ADDRESS CHANGES ================= To change your address just use this link and follow the easy instructions: http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/address_change.shtml =================== CHANGE EMAIL FORMAT =================== Want to change the format in which you receive RW NewsBytes? Just visit he http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/prefs.shtml ============= PASS IT ALONG ============= Think any of your colleagues would like to receive the RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest? Just send them here to sign up: http://www.rwonline.com/dailynews/signup.shtml ===================== ADVERTISING AVAILS? ===================== Contact: John Casey, U.S. East and Assoc. Publisher, Dale Tucker, U.S. West, |
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