Just got a pair of Lafayette HA 73 radios and now I'm looking for documentation
Like the title says, I was recently given a pair of Lafayette HA 73 handheld CB radios. These are two channel radios and judging from the circuit design and components (and the QC sticker dated 1972), they were made some time in the early 1970s. That's about all I know about them, aside from the obvious stuff I can tell by looking at them, such as the fact that they are (of course) crystal controlled, and built like tanks. I suspect that they put out less then a watt, but I don't have a watt meter so I don't know for sure. I've been trying to find some documentation on them, but there doesn't seem to be any manuals scanned and put online. I was wondering if anybody reading this might have manuals or schematics, or know where I might find them. Thanks for reading.