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Old November 2nd 11, 02:49 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 111

Amateur Radio NewslineT Report 1785 - October 28 2011

Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1785 with a release
date of Friday, October 28th, 2011 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a Q-S-T. Hams respond following a killer
earthquake in Turkey; the FCC again approves Access BPL
without much protection to any High Frequency operations
including ham radio; the FCC, FEMA and NOAA to hold the
first ever national E-A-S test on November 9th and Dayton
announces the theme for Hamvention 2012. Find out what it
is on Amateur Radio NewslineT report number 1785 coming your
way right now.

(Billboard Cart Here)



Amateur radio operators again became communications first
responders on October 23rd. This after a magnitude 7.2
earthquake struck the Van region of Eastern Turkey. Amateur
Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has whats known so far:


News reports indicate that Ercis, a city of 75,000 in the
mountainous province close to the Iranian border was hardest
hit. As this report is being prepared the death toll stands
at more than 450. Tens of thousands have been left homeless
and even more have lost all means of communications.

To assist with the latter, hams associated with the Turkish
national amateur radio society TRAC are responding to assist
with communications in the quake devastated area. There are
several frequencies in use on the High Frequency bands being
used to link with Turkish government relief resources with
some of the frequencies in use located outside the amateur
bandplan. This will be the standard until more equipment
gets to the region. When that happens, more traffic should
move to the normal Emergency Communications Centre of
Activity frequencies.

In the meantime, hams world-wide are asked to avoid the
emergency traffic happening on 7.092 MHz on 40 meters. Also
note that upper sideband is being used to allow
communications with government stations.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Norm Seeley, KI7UP, in
Scottsdale, Arizona.


As we go to air, close to 500 aftershocks have been recorded
in the area since the earthquake. More amateur radio
emergency communications information will be posted on the
Turkish Wireless and Radio Amateur Society web pages when it
is made available. These are in cyberspace at (IARU Region 1)



The Federal Communications Commission has affirmed its rules
for Broadband over Power Lines or Access BPL with only minor
modifications that do little to protect the Amateur Radio
service and other High Frequency users from severe to
intolerable interference.

According to the Second Report and Order issued by the FCC
on October 25th, the rules it has created to govern Access
BPL provide what it calls an appropriate balance between the
dual objectives of providing for Access BPL technology that
has potential applications for broadband and Smart Grid
while protecting incumbent radio services against harmful

Those incumbent radio services primarily comprise amateur
radio operators and other users of the High Frequency
spectrum. Hams started arguing against Access BPL when the
commission first adopted rules for it in 2004, saying that
in geographic areas where it was in trial that it severely
interfered with their operations.

The American Radio and Relay League filed a lawsuit against
the FCC in federal court, seeking full access to unredacted
versions of staff technical studies upon which the rules
were predicated. The ARRL was victorious. The FCC was
ordered to supply the studies, allow public comment, and
explain its method for measuring radiated emissions from
Access BPL systems.

Now in its Second Report and Order, the commission said the
resulting cycle of comments did not warrant any changes to
the emissions standards but said that they were making
several refinements none-the-less. And minor they are.

The Second Report & Order modifies the rules to increase the
required notch filtering capability for systems operating
below 30 MHz from 20 to 25 dB. It also establishes a new
alternative procedure for determining site specific
extrapolation factors and adopts a definition for the slant
range distance used in the BPL measurement guidelines to
further clarify its application. Slant-range refers to the
diagonal distance of a measurement device to an Access BPL
transmitter mounted at the top of a power pole.

Access BPL is said to support data rates of more than 500
Mbps and first and last mile ranges of up to 1,500 meters.
The commission said that while it endeavored to minimize
interference to ham radio operations that it remains a

In the end the Commission concluded that some cases of
harmful interference may be possible from Access BPL
emissions at levels at or below the Part 15 limits. However
the regulatory agency feels that the potential benefits of
Access BPL service warrant acceptance of what they call a
negligible risk of harmful interference that can be managed
and corrected as needed on a case-by-case basis.

The commission noted that Access BPL provides yet another
way to get broadband to the masses. This is one of the key
objectives of the Obama Administration, and more recently,
the International Telecommunications Union.

The big question now is what action the ARRL might take to
stop the poorer forms of Access BPL technology from being
deployed. We will all likely learn that in coming weeks.
(FCC, RW, Others)



The first ever national test of the Emergency Activation
System, or EAS, will soon take place. This as the FCC, in
cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announce
that they will conduct a nationwide activation of the system
at 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific time on Wednesday,
November 9th.

According to FEMA, all EAS participants are required to take
part. This includes over the air radio and television
broadcasters, other television providers, satellite and
digital radio along with cable and wire-line video

During the approximate three minute test, radio listeners
will hear a message indicating that "This is a test."
Although the EAS test may resemble the Routine Monthly EAS
Tests or R-M-T's that most of us are already familiar with,
there will be some differences in what viewers will see and

While the audio message will be the same for all EAS
participants, the video may differ. This is because of
certain limitations within the Emergency Activation System
itself. As a result, the video test message scroll may not
be the same or indicate that "This is a test." According to
FEMA's website, this is due to the use of the live E.A.N.
code which is the same cipher that would be used in an
actual emergency callout.

Although local and state aspects of the Emergency Activation
System holds routine weekly and monthly basis, there has
never been an end-to-end nationwide test of the system.
That will change on November 9th.

The FCC says that it chose that date order to minimize
disruption and confusion during the test. This is because
it is near the end of hurricane season and before the severe
winter weather season begins. Also the 2 p.m. Eastern time
broadcast will minimize disruption during rush hours while
ensuring that the test occurs during working hours across
the nation.

And while personal radio emergency communications groups
like ARES, RACES, REACT and the like are not required to
take part in this first ever national EAS test, there is the
off chance that some may activate as part of local or
regional training exercises in resonse to a national EAS
alert. (FEMA, FCC, others)



Meantime, pirate operations are showing up on 10 meters
seemingly en mass. Following the improvement in propagation
on 10 meters in recent weeks, it appears that there are many
illegal users of this band. Most seem to be using low power
FM chanalized radios to operate taxi services. Signals
mainly seem to come from the western part of Russia.

Information regarding these intrusions is being gathered by
RSGB Intruder Watch program. It will be used to support a
complaint to the Russian authorities in an attempt to clear
this nuisance from what should be an exclusive amateur band.

But all of the intruders may not be Russians. Others are
obvious unlicensed operators using A-M and SSB here in North
America. These are likely illegal 11 meter export type CB
sets sold by unscrupulous dealers here in the United States
and elsewhere that only require a tweek or a cut wire to put
them onto the 10 meter band. If you hear these operators
and have a way to record them, do so and then send the audio
file or cassette tape to the FCC Enforcement people with a
cover letter stating what you heard and when you heard it.
Be as specific as you can. The more information that you
can provide to the regulatory agency, the better. (GB2RS,
ARNewslineT, others)



From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world
including the N5LEZ repeater serving Wichita Falls, Texas.

(5 sec pause here)



A suburban Washington D.C. broadcast museum is literally
facing a tight future. This due to less and less floor
space for its ever increasing supply of exhibit material.

According to The Gazette, the National Capital Radio &
Television Museum located in Bowie, Maryland has reached out
to Bowie's leaders at a recent City Council meeting. Museum
Executive Director Brian Belanger, KB3PRS, asked the members
for help in .

Beyond space concerns, Belanger said the facility has other
issues. These include a location is not easily reached by
bus; a second floor that is not handicap accessible and it
lacks climate control.

The private, nonprofit museum is located in the Harmel
House, one of Bowie's historic landmark properties.
Displays include an early wireless telegraph
from Guglielmo Marconi, early crystal sets from
the 1920s, Depression-era cathedral radios and

Belanger says the museum receives 2,000
visitors per year, and their spending boosts
Bowie's economy. In reply to the museum's
request, Bowie Mayor G. Frederick Robinson
asked for a list of specific needs of the
museum. Mayor Robinson added that the council
will try to put Belanger together with the
right people.

More about the museum and the history it shares
with rthe nation and the world is on-line at The complete story of
the museums needs is at
space. (RW, ARNewslineT)



Odessa Texas City Council members will consider
an ordinance regulating texting while driving
during their upcoming meeting 6 p.m.. The
ordinance would prohibit drivers from viewing,
reading, sending or composing electronic
messages or use any other application software
such as Internet, games or pictures while

Drivers would be exempt from the prohibition
while their vehicle is stopped, if they are
dialing for a phone call or ending a phone call,
using the cell phone's global navigation system
and if the device is on voice-activated or hands-
free mode.

The ordinance would also not apply to drivers
trying to communicate with an emergency response
operator, a fire department, a law enforcement
agency, a hospital, a physician's office or a
health clinic. (City of Odessa, WV6H)



The FCC has issued a $15,000 Notice of Apparent
Liability for Forfeiture, also known as a
proposed fine, to John E. Criteser, Jr.. this
for apparently willfully and repeatedly
operating an unlicensed radio transmitter on the
frequency 95.1 MHz in Lake Park, Florida.

On December 13th, 2010, and this past July 8th,
agents from the Enforcement Bureau's Miami
Office located the source of radio frequency
transmissions on the frequency 95.1 MHz to
Criteser's residence. Also, on July 8, 2011,
agents from the Miami Office knocked on the door
of Mr. Criteser's residence and requested to
inspect the radio station located on the
premises. The individual who answered the door
called for "John" and shut the door. Soon
afterward the agents observed that the radio
station on 95.1 MHz ceased operation.
Approximately 15 minutes later and after
repeated knocks, Criteser opened the door,
identified himself, and admitted to agents that
he was operating a radio station on 95.1 MHz.

Now the FCC is having its say and it says that
because Criteser operated this station
consciously on more than one day, it finds that
the apparent violations were not only willful,
but also repeated. And based on the evidence
before it, the regulatory agency finds that
Criteser is eligible for the base fine of
$10,000 for the illegal operation and an
additional $5000 because the act was repeated.

Criteser was given the usual 30 days from the
October 21st date the order was released to pay
or to file an appeal. (FCC)



Meantime, a similar situation out West where
Daniel K. Roberts has been ordered to pay a
monetary forfeiture in the amount of $10,000.
This for allegedly operating an unlicensed radio
broadcast station on 87.9 MHz in San Francisco,
California. Amateur Radio Newsline's Don
Carlson, KQ6FM, has the details:


The FCC alleges that Daniel K. Roberts was the
operator of Pirate Cat Radio which operated a
radio broadcast station without a license issued
by that agency. According to the FCC, back in
2008 Roberts began operating Pirate Cat Radio
from a radio studio located at the Pirate Cat
Caf‚ and Studio. At the time the NAL was
issued, the Pirate Cat Radio website prominently
featured Roberts, and described the radio
station as an unlicensed low powered community
radio operation located at the same address as
the Pirate Cat Caf‚ and Studio.

The Enforcement Bureau's San Francisco Office
issued numerous warnings and Notices of
Unlicensed Operation to Roberts and Pirate Cat
Radio concerning the unlicensed operations.
These detailed the potential penalties for
operating an unlicensed radio station and for

On August 31, 2009, the San Francisco Office
issued a Notice of Apparent Liability to
Monetary Forfeiture in the amount of $10,000 to
Roberts. This after finding that he apparently
willfully and repeatedly violated section 301 of
the Communications Act by operating an
unlicensed broadcast station. After the
issuance of the NAL, the broadcasts on 87.9 MHz
in San Francisco ceased.

Roberts filed a response to the proposed fine on
October 23, 2009, after receiving an extension
of time from the San Francisco Office. In his
reply, Roberts acknowledged his involvement with
Pirate Cat Radio, but argued that he is not
associated with the transmissions of the
station. Roberts alleged that the shows were an
internet streamed program service and that
Pirate Cat Radio was being downloaded and
broadcast by third parties. He also claimed
that he was financially unable to pay the
forfeiture amount, but failed to produce any
documentation to support this claim.

But in finding against him, the FCC said that
despite some alterations to the Pirate Cat Radio
website, Roberts, as the operator of Pirate Cat
Radio held himself out as the station manager
and held Pirate Cat Radio out as a broadcast
station, not just as a source of internet
programming. The regulatory agency noted that
Roberts solicited funds on the Pirate Cat Radio
website stating that donations go towards
monthly station cost of running the FM
transmitter and help Pirate Cat Radio buy new
radio station equipment.

Thev FCC also notes that in August 2009, Roberts
accepted a certificate from the San Francisco
Board of Supervisors.
One which recognized Pirate Cat Radio - and we
quote - "for its trailblazing efforts toward
freeing the airwaves from corporate control,
providing the community with training in radio
broadcast skills, empowering voices ignored by
traditional media outlets, and contributing to
the advancement of the city's coffee culture."

After examining the response the FCC concluded
that Roberts willfully and repeatedly violated
section 301 of the Communications Act. It added
that after considering the entire record in this
matter, it found that neither a reduction nor
cancellation of the proposed $10,000 forfeiture
is warranted.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Don Carlson,
KQ6FM, in Reno.


The FCC has formally ordered Roberts to pay the
$10,000 fine within 30 days or take his appeal
to the next level.



A new digital mode net to encourage use of these
modes on 10 meters will be held every Saturday
and Sunday at 1800 UTC. This according to Andrew
O'Brien, K3UK, who says via the Digital Radio
Yahoo that he is creating such a weekly
gathering after noting that the band is open to
distant communications more and more these days.

The net will gather on 28.125 MHz Upper
Sideband, plus or minus for QRM, at 1800 UTC. R
S ID and Call ID will be used to help people
pick out the net and modes used. The Olivia
500/8 mode will be used to call up the net but
the it may switch modes as needed.

K3UK says that the gathering will usually run 30
minutes and will try to include some brief
announcements relative to digital modes on HF.
It will also use the K3UK sked page at for on-line coordination
during each session. (K3UK)



The first, and possibly annual, IRLP Ghost Net
will take place on Monday, October 31st on
reflector 9204. This ghostly net will begin at
00:00 UTC which is 8 p.m. Eastern or 5 p.m.
Pacific time. All are welcome to check in, and
kids are encouraged to join in the Halloween




Special event station VA3AAR, sponsored by
Canada's Almonte Amateur Radio Club, will be
taking to the air on Sunday, November 6th
beginning at 00:00 UTC for a 24 hour operation.
This to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the
birth of Dr. James Naismith.

Dr. Naismith who was born in 1861 was a Canadian-
American sports coach and innovator. He
invented the sport of basketball in 1891 and is
often credited with introducing the first
football helmet. He also wrote the original
basketball rulebook, founded the University of
Kansas basketball program, and lived to see
basketball adopted as an Olympic demonstration
sport in 1904 and as an official event at the
1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin.

To honor the Almonte native's accomplishments
the Almonte Amateur Radio Club will be
operational on 75, 40 and 20 meters from the
Mill of Kintail near Dr. Naismith's birthplace.
If you contact VA3AAR during this event please
QSL direct to VE3NCE, P.O. Box 1644, Almonte,
Ontario, K0A 1A0, Canada. More information is
at the club website at
(Almonte ARC)



This is ham radio news for today's radio
amateur. From the United States of America, We
are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the
world from our only official website at and being relayed by the
volunteer services of the following radio

(5 sec pause here)



The changing of the guard in amateur radio
continues. This with word of the passing of
former ARRL Midwest Division Vice Director C.
Richard Dyas, W0JCP, of Oxford, Nebraska on
October 17th.

Dyas who was a Charter ARRL Life Member was
first elected Vice Director in 1975 and began
his term on January 1, 1976. He resigned in 1985
to take care of his wife. In 1987, when then-
ARRL Midwest Division Vice Director Richard
Ridenour, KB0ZL, resigned, ARRL President Larry
Price, W4RA, appointed Dyas to serve Ridenour's
unexpired term.

Dyas passed away at age 90. He was laid to rest
on October 21st with military honors by Oxford
American Legion Post 219 in conjunction with the
US Army National Guard Military Honors Team.



NASA says that it will seek applicants for its
next class of astronaut candidates in early
November. This, in the face of a National
Research Council report that warned the corps
was getting too small due to attrition and other

The space agency will not be seeking hundreds of
new astronauts. Rather there will be room for
between 8 to 12 new members of the Corps. Also,
this next class of astronauts won't necessarily
be training as pilots. Rather the focus will
instead be on long-duration missions aboard the
International Space Station.

The class will also include a broad look at such
topics as geology and geophysics, Ross said.
The quest for astronauts comes on the heels of a
September report from the National Research
Council, which argued that the United States
must maintain a strong astronaut corps, even
though human space flight has been temporarily
stalled for NASA and many astronauts have
retired or quit this year.

Janet Kavandi is the Director of Flight Crew
Operations at the Johnson Space Center in
Houston, Texas. She says that for scientists,
engineers and other professionals who have
always dreamed of experiencing spaceflight, this
is an exciting time to join the Astronaut Corps.

To learn more or to apply to become an Astronaut
please visit on the World-
Wide-Web. Also remember that with the 30 year
history of the SAREX and ARISS programs that
holding a valid Amateur Radio license and being
an active ham could be a plus for anyone hoping
to make it into this elite group of voyagers
into the unknown. (NASA)



A follow-up on our story of the imminent return
to Earth of a defunct German research satellite.
According to news reports, the ROSAT de-orbited
on Sunday, October 23rd and crashed into the Bay
of Bengal off the coast of India.

Most parts of the minivan sized research
satellite were expected to burn up as they hit
the atmosphere. However up to 30 fragments
weighing a total of 1.87 tons could have crashed
onto the planets surface. Luckily that surface
turned out to be a watery grave.

ROSAT was an acronym for the R”ntgen Satellite.
It was an Xray observatory developed through a
cooperative program between Germany, the United
States, and the United Kingdom. The satellite
was proposed by the Max Planck Institute. It
was designed, built and operated in Germany but
was launched by the United States on June 1,
1990. The satellites
mission actually ended after almost nine years,
on February 12, 1999. More about this now
fallen bird is on-line at
deorbits (NASA)



The team working on reactivating the ageing
Prospero satellite would appreciate any
recording that can be made of the 137.560 MHz
downlink. If you hear and can record
transmissions heard on that frequency, please
send it by email to rjad (at) mssl (dot) ucl
(dot) ac (dot) uk. More on Prospero is
available at



The Colorado 6 Meter Beacon is back on the air.
This is the beacon that originally maintained by
Glenn and Karen Schultz
and sported the calls W0IJR and KA0CDN. With
the passing of W0IJR, the KA0CDN call will be
the sole ID for this machine.

The new beacon was built from the ground up by
N0YE, W0BA, N0POH and W6OAL. The operating
frequency is 50.065 Mhz. Further information on
it can be found on-line at
KA0CDN adds that she would appreciate QSN
report's of its reception. (W6OAL)



In DX, JK1KSB will be on the air as 8Q7SO from
Mirihi Island Resort in the Maldives between
October 28th and November 3rd. Activity will be
holiday style on 80 to 10m using CW, RTTY, SSB
and PSK31. QSL via JK1KSB, either via the
bureau or to the address on

I0WDX will be on the air as 8Q7CC from the
Maldives between November 2nd to the 12th. A
web page for this operation is on-line at QSL via his home callsign,
direct only.

DK7PE will be active as TL0CW from the Central
African Republic through November 3rd. No
information on what modes or frequencies will be
used for this one. If you work him, QSL via his
home call.

G3RWF will be active as 5X1NH from Uganda for
three weeks, starting on November 23rd. He will
concentrate on the low bands. QSL via his home

OS1T will be active as PJ4J on Bonaire Island
through November 9th. His focus will be on
RTTY, SSB and the WARC bands, but other bands
may also be used depending on the propagation.
QSL as directed on the air.

GM3WOJ will be activating ZK2V from the island
of Niue in the Pacific for the next few months.
He will be joined by GM4YXI until the end of
October and the call ZK2X will be used in the CQ
World Wide SSB Contest. QSL as directed by the
respective operators

Lastly, LA9DL and LA6VM will be active from
Bhutan using the callsigns A52DL and A52VM,
respectively, between November 3rd to the 13th.
Operations will be on 80 through 10 meters using
IC-7000s and amps. Listen for A52DL to be
mainly on PSK and SSB, while A52VM will be
mostly on CW. QSL via their home callsigns.

(Above from various DX news sources)



And finally this week word that "Internationally
Connected" will be the theme of the 2012 Dayton
Hamvention. This according to General Chairman
Michael Kalter, W8CI, who says that this premise
emphasizes how amateur radio continues to build
connections among amateur radio operators from
all over the world.

Kalter, who is returning for another year as
chairman, noted that many international
attendees return each year to meet other hams
that they have talked to on the radio. He says
that in 2012 the Hamvention is acknowledging the
important role that ham radio plays in promoting
this very special international goodwill.

To accomplish this, Kalter says that he has
added a new committee whose task will be to make
visiting Hamvention even more enjoyable for
international guests. Assistant general
chairman Joshua Long, KD8BVB, noted that almost
all the committee chairman are returning and
that many other volunteers have already
committed to making 2012 an even better
Hamvention than in years past.

The 2012 Dayton Hamvention 2012 is scheduled for
May 18th to the 20th at its longtime of of the
Hara Arena in suburban Dayton, Ohio. It is the
world's largest amateur radio gathering and
brings together some 20,000 people to the
greater Dayton area each year. More information
is already on line at or by e-
mail to media (at) Hamvention (dot) org. And
less we forget, Amateur Radio Newsline will be
there as well. (Dayton Hamventionr)



With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the
CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio
Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the
RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's WIA
News, that's all from the Amateur Radio
NewslineT. Our e-mail address is newsline(at)
arnewsline (dot) org. More information is
available at Amateur Radio Newsline'sT only
official website located at
You can also write to us or support us at
Amateur Radio NewslineT, 28197 Robin Avenue,
Santa Clarita California, 91350

For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the
editors desk, I'm Jeff Clark, K8JAC, saying 73
and we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio NewslineT is Copyright 2011. All
rights reserved.

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