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  #11   Report Post  
Old August 4th 03, 05:53 PM
Posts: n/a

BTW, what happened to those NCI and ARRL tags you used to sign with in
the past, Lelnad? Someone finally demand you stop soiling their
reputations or did you finally realize on your own that using those as a
sig when you're acting like a horses ass is a detriment to amateur
operators everywhere, especially those involved with the ARRL. NCI is a
joke,,,only an organization such as they can claim they seek to
"preserve" amateur radio through abolishment of what ham radio was
founded upon.

  #12   Report Post  
Old August 4th 03, 08:05 PM
Scott Unit 69
Posts: n/a

LOL.! Count the number of six meter enthusiasts (after all, he tries to
make six meter antennas) and do the math. Even if he sold an antenna to
every 6 meter fan in the country, he would have caught up by now and had
plenty of free time.....You always try way too hard and end up going
overboard and eating big crow..LOL. Between his BOOMing (hyuk hyuk)
antenna business, and your self-professed 120G+ per year, you each
should be able to afford to locate a decent Elmer.

Six meters is booming over here. Everyone wants to get on six. I've
already cut down an old 1/4 wave SS whip. Another tailgate fest this
weekend, maybe I'll find a 5054 for a good price. There are nets on
the local 6 meter repeaters. I can hear them on a scanner. :

I still leave my CB on, but there is no one on it. They are all on 2,
except for 3 or 4 that can't make the cut. One guy always uses his
box and can't hear me because I only use the preamp. Oh well, I'd
have to clarify his cheesy Galaxy anyway...

Taking a break from making an online newsletter, listing club meetings,
hamfests, nets and other relevant info for the local ham community. I
hear many on the air nets giving information. I'm trying to gather it
all in one place for easy browsing.

Anyone that I know may email me for it's location.
  #13   Report Post  
Old August 4th 03, 08:30 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Scott=A0Unit=A069)
Six meters is booming over here. Everyone

wants to get on six.

I thought everyone WAS on 6.

I've already cut down an

old 1/4 wave SS whip. Another tailgate fest

this weekend, maybe I'll find a 5054 for a good
price. There are nets on the local 6 meter

repeaters. I can hear them on a scanner. :

Yea,, I've been doing some long distance listening and eavesdropping on
six, myself.

I still leave my CB on, but there is no one on it.

Must be on the wrong channels. My DX is rockin' almost daily,, can
listen to the freeband without breaking your vow of hammie celibacy
while seeking to abstain from breaking rules. g

They are all on 2, except for 3 or 4 that can't

make the cut. One guy always uses his box

and can't hear me because I only use the

preamp. Oh well, I'd have to clarify his cheesy

Galaxy anyway...

On channel 2 AM you have to clarify his cheesy Galaxy? Come on down to
my playgrounds,,,,,I never need clarified. Matter of fact, I haven't
changed my settings in years and I get audio compliments almost
everytime I key on AM. Sure glad I got one of them super loud Galaxies
instead of one of the cheesy ones to be found in your neck of the woods.

Taking a break from making an online

newsletter, listing club meetings, hamfests,

nets and other relevant info for the local ham

community. I hear many on the air nets giving

information. I'm trying to gather it all in one

place for easy browsing.

Cool beans. I contributed to a hammie site for a solid year. It's up and
running strong, now.

Anyone that I know may email me for it's


BTW, Hunter absolutely rocked!

  #14   Report Post  
Old August 4th 03, 10:07 PM
Scott Unit 69
Posts: n/a

Twistedhed wrote:

From: (Scott Unit 69)
Six meters is booming over here. Everyone
wants to get on six.

I thought everyone WAS on 6.

Except the ones with budget problems, waiting for their antenna raising
party, or just too busy to get one.

I've already cut down an
old 1/4 wave SS whip. Another tailgate fest
this weekend, maybe I'll find a 5054 for a good
price. There are nets on the local 6 meter
repeaters. I can hear them on a scanner. :

Yea,, I've been doing some long distance listening and eavesdropping on
six, myself.

There have been openings on 6 lately.

I still leave my CB on, but there is no one on it.

Must be on the wrong channels. My DX is rockin' almost daily,, can
listen to the freeband without breaking your vow of hammie celibacy
while seeking to abstain from breaking rules. g

When the Mexican heterodyne is there, I'm not.

They are all on 2, except for 3 or 4 that can't
make the cut. One guy always uses his box
and can't hear me because I only use the
preamp. Oh well, I'd have to clarify his cheesy
Galaxy anyway...

On channel 2 AM you have to clarify his cheesy Galaxy? Come on down to
my playgrounds,,,,,I never need clarified. Matter of fact, I haven't
changed my settings in years and I get audio compliments almost
everytime I key on AM. Sure glad I got one of them super loud Galaxies
instead of one of the cheesy ones to be found in your neck of the woods.

AM? I stay on sideband at all times. If I was on AM, I'd probably have to
turn my ANL off to clear him up.

Taking a break from making an online
newsletter, listing club meetings, hamfests,
nets and other relevant info for the local ham
community. I hear many on the air nets giving
information. I'm trying to gather it all in one
place for easy browsing.

Cool beans. I contributed to a hammie site for a solid year. It's up and
running strong, now.

It's all good...

Anyone that I know may email me for it's location.

BTW, Hunter absolutely rocked!

Send a CD, I don't do tapes. Zip it up in MP3's. Fit the whole show on one disc.
  #15   Report Post  
Old August 4th 03, 10:09 PM
Scott Unit 69
Posts: n/a

They are all on 2, except for 3 or 4 that can't

That's 2 meters. Not CB 2 on AM!!!

  #16   Report Post  
Old August 6th 03, 06:27 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Scott=A0Unit=A069)
Twistedhed wrote:
(Scott Unit 69)
Six meters is booming over here. Everyone

wants to get on six.

I thought everyone WAS on 6.

Except the ones with budget problems, waiting
for their antenna raising party, or just too busy

to get one.

I've already cut down an

old 1/4 wave SS whip. There are nets on the

local 6 meter repeaters. I can hear them on a

scanner. :

Yea,, I've been doing some long distance listening and eavesdropping on
six, myself.

There have been openings on 6 lately.

I still leave my CB on, but there is no one on it.

Must be on the wrong channels. My DX is rockin' almost daily,, can
listen to the freeband without breaking your vow of hammie celibacy
while seeking to abstain from breaking rules. g

When the Mexican heterodyne is there, I'm


They are all on 2, except for 3 or 4 that can't

make the cut. One guy always uses his box

and can't hear me because I only use the

preamp. Oh well, I'd have to clarify his cheesy

Galaxy anyway...

On channel 2 AM you have to clarify his cheesy Galaxy? Come on down to
my playgrounds,,,,,I never need clarified. Matter of fact, I haven't
changed my settings in years and I get audio compliments almost
everytime I key on AM. Sure glad I got one of them super loud Galaxies
instead of one of the cheesy ones to be found in your neck of the woods.

AM? I stay on sideband at all times. If I was on
AM, I'd probably have to turn my ANL off to

clear him up.

Taking a break from making an online

newsletter, listing club meetings, hamfests,

nets and other relevant info for the local ham

community. I hear many on the air nets giving

information. I'm trying to gather it all in one

place for easy browsing.

Cool beans. I contributed to a hammie site for a solid year. It's up and
running strong, now.

It's all good...

Anyone that I know may email me for it's


BTW, Hunter absolutely rocked!

Send a CD, I don't do tapes. Zip it up in

MP3's. Fit the whole show on one disc.

Awww,,,man, you're light years ahead of me. I still listen to Fillmore
audience tapes but on the proper equipment,,,lately Denon and Akai (I'm
not much of a Sony fan)...I guarantee your ear can't tell the
difference....maybe Healy, Raccine or Cummings can, but the average (if
such a thing exists) audiophile from the crowd from which we speak
usually can't. Some friends still use the Sony D3 for recording,,how's
THAT for a dinosaur? Something about crowd comments interspersed with
the muzak the way it,....

  #17   Report Post  
Old August 9th 03, 07:36 PM
Leland C. Scott
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
"Leland C. Scott"

wrote in



Bring dogie with you, please.

What would you do IF he did show up? 8-))

I would show him ALL the respect he

deserves, and then some.

So anyway, it looks like I'm staying around

Woodward dream cruise
till mon or tues. Mind if I stop by your place

in the afternoon,
during the following week?

Hello Lee..?

I'm here, just working a lot of over time the past
week or two and doing some out of town traveling
as well. You would be better off giving me a call
first. Just ask Twisted for my number. He gave it
away to a bunch of people, who called me, in his
E-mail reply's a while back so I know he has it.
8-() I can't say if I'll be in town or not.

That's the normal speech I give everybody. With
the kind of work I'm currently doing I have no
idea from day to day if I'll be in town or not. I
could easily show up Monday morning for work and
by that afternoon be sitting at Detroit Metro
Airport waiting for my flight to leave. It all
depends on how many calls come in and who is
around to send out.

Since you will be in town for a day or so try
stopping by the National Coney Island on 12 Mile
Road a couple of miles East of Woodward, North
side of the city of Royal Oak on your map. They're
open 24 hours and they also serve beer if you want
a cold one with your food. it's a popular place
with the young crowd particularly in the summer on
the week ends. It's a nice place and fits in with
the spirit of the dream cruise. The waitresses get
dressed up in 50's fashion, at least last year
they did. You get to see some really nice chicks

If you can show up even sooner, or stay a bit
later, I think one night from either Tuesday to
Thursday is Bike-Night in downtown Royal Oak. It's
been a while since I've been through there so I
don't remember the exact night. Anyway when I say
"Bikes" I mean Motorcycles, hundreds parked up and
down Main street in front of the coffee shops etc.
So If you get in to that sort of thing it would be
worth your while to check it out. Oh, one more
thing, the Royal Oak PD can be some real A..holes
if they catch you screwing around even a bit. A
word to the wise.

Leland C. Scott

Saw this on a Tee-shirt:

"I am a
if you see me
try to keep up "

  #18   Report Post  
Old August 11th 03, 03:27 AM
Cool Breeze
Posts: n/a

"Leland C. Scott" wrote in message
Hope you enjoy the cruise Mopar. The weather

forecast looks good for the weekend. Hope to see
you if I can. If you can give me a shout on 146.52
MHz, that's the 2m call frequency I'll be
monitoring that.

Moped is a ham???

  #19   Report Post  
Old August 11th 03, 01:34 PM
Bert Craig
Posts: n/a

"Cool Breeze" wrote in message

"Leland C. Scott" wrote in message
Hope you enjoy the cruise Mopar. The weather

forecast looks good for the weekend. Hope to see
you if I can. If you can give me a shout on 146.52
MHz, that's the 2m call frequency I'll be
monitoring that.

Moped is a ham???

You mean you didn't know?

73 de Bert

  #20   Report Post  
Old August 11th 03, 04:43 PM
Posts: n/a

From: KC8LDO (Lelnad. C. Scott)
I'm here, just working a lot of over time the

past week or two and doing some out of town

traveling as well. You would be better off

giving me a call first. Just ask Twisted for my


Why get me involved in your desperate attempts to keep the FCC
authorities from finding out you don't live at the address you provided
them? All you had to do was tell Mopar "no".

He gave it away to a bunch of people, who

called me, in his E-mail reply's a while back so

I know he has it.

Interesting choice of word selection, claim I gave out your
number in my "replies." A "reply" is a response to an initiated action.
What "replies", would that be, Lelnad? The only possible "replies" you
can be referring to are as follows............LOL.........the "replies",
as you astutely noted and correctly identified (even though you didn't
intend to), were all in response to the inquiries from internet
strangers I received when you were forging me. It's why you lost your
Bignet access at the time, slick. I believe in returning things to their
rightful owners,,,but of course,,you know that, now..,,,you learned the
hard way.,,lost ISP's for violating their TOS and AUPs......getting
taped on the freeband trying to jam down by the lake..,,,,,redundantly
using the ARRL sig in your lid-posts to harass cbers (which is now
peculiarly absently).....yep,,,you sure learn the hard way........the
same manner in which you will learn that it is a crime to intentionally
provide the FCC with a false address other than where you reside.
Smile,,,you're on cb candid camera.....your good buddy and pal N8WWM was
busted for the same things on the air you're probably gonna get popped
for.,,breaking laws you feel don't apply to yourself.

Leland C. Scott


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