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  #1   Report Post  
Old August 27th 03, 01:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Hey Twisty......

From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
snip Twisty whining
=A0=A0=A0=A0Threats are against the law. If I referred to myself as the
great Gazoo on this forum, you are still not allowed to threaten

That only holds for legal entities,

Wrong. One can not make threats against a private individual, electronic
or otherwise. The intended victim need not be a "legal entity".

which can only be a person or corporation.

Oh,,I see where you're going with this,,semantic spin.

An imaginary character is not a legal entity.

Since it is your intention that I not know who

you are, or if any of your BS is true (such as

your claim that you are a "professional

journalist" -- LOL!),

No,,I "was" a professional journalist. Now I'm a professional columnist.
Twistedhed@webtv,net is indeed copyrighted, twice in fact, once via
SporadicWaves, and once by myself. That most definitely protects the
MONIKER, regardless of WHO I may or may not be. I have plenty of ammo
should I ever decide to bring such a case as you bring to subject. It's
why Leland and his admitted partner-in-crime was smacked for not only
plagiarizing my article, but for intentionally libeling it and the rag
by altering the content.

then your "person" is no

more a legal entity than Pellets the Wonder

Rabbit; and any harassment or threats made

against your character "Twistedhed", by me or
anyone else, are meaningless in a court of


Read up on copyright law. I provided you some links once before,
straight to the US federal web sites concerning the digital millenium
copyright act pertaining to the internet and copyrighted material. Need
to become re-educated in such? You apparently are totally if only you could find out WHO holds that

That's the irony about anonymity -- you can

release yourself from the behavioral restraints

that otherwise exist in any form of

communication where you have a physical

presence or legal identification, but at the

same time you forfeit any and all legal rights

and protections as that anonymous

personality. That means -YOU-, the yellow

dog hiding behind your anonymous identity,

have no legal standing when it is your

-anonymous character- that has been

threatened or harassed.

And even if you ever decide to register the

name "Twistedhed" as a legal alias (only God

would know why you would do that), you -still-

have to deal with the fact that your behavior

has been just as bad as the behavior you

attribute to others:

Post it Frankiestein..crying about what you "think" I did will not save
your ass when it's on the line.

your excuse that "they did it first" would never

hold up in court -- it doesn't even hold up in

this newsgroup.

Because no such behavior has ever been attributed to me.

Regardless, I NEVER accused you of being a

child molester, I NEVER harassed you by

email, I NEVER posted your phone number

and encouraged others to harass you by

phone, etc, etc, etc.

Likewise, I never did that to you either,a nd you know it,,,this is the
second claim in days you ahve not been able to provide a claim
for,,,wow,,I'm on one hell of a roll,,,,,3 lids with a mighty swoop of'
'ol Twists deity-like powers you attribute him..LOL

So bitch, moan, cry, complain, whine -- even

throw a fit if you like, it doesn't make a bit of

difference because you made yourself

wide-open for anything that anyone wants to

throw at you.

And just how did I do that?

If you like, I'll even get the ball rolling...


LOL,,,tut-tut,,temper temper,,,LOL

Now do something about it or shut the ****


Sure..I'll continue to illustrate the lies from KC8LDO, N3CVJ, Frank
Gillinad, and WA3MOJ, and anyone else that wants to cry, **** and moan
about other peoples lives and opinions as being the reason for your
misery, crushed ego, communication deficit, mild retardation, lack of
self-control, and blasphemy by holding me as your God and "bottom-line."
Your deficit is illustrated nicely by directing your post at me, and
then telling me to "shut the f*** up." Only, you hae been magnificently
impotent in all your attempts at "shutting up" all those you blame for
your misery.

snip Twisty crying about who hit who first

Hahaha,,not only are you mad, you're pathetically impotent.

LOL,,now YOU have me filing cases,,,LOL,,you must really be worried,
Frankliestein. Tell ya' what', lid, if youwern't such a yellow lid in
your mannerisms and all you do, this sudden concern for "legal"
maneuvering would never have come into discussion,,you must have really
screwed up to be thinking along lines of me taking legal recourse,,,,

No, just the fact that if you aren't going to do

anything about it,

LOL,,about what? And who said anythinf about doing anything? Oh,
,,that's right,,YOU did
, as did N3CVJ and KC8LDO...hahahha!

then all you are doing here is whining.

snip Twisty hallucinating

Heeeee-heeee..Poor, Gillinad....this is YOUR paranoia, your worst
nightmare and fear,,this is what keeps YOU awake at night..again,,no one
mentioned anything of the sort except you,,you're a guilty nutha' sucka'
Frankie,,it was shown the last time you lost your access and was
sentenced to 30 days for violating your probation fro God-knows-what.

Go soak your head in sheep-dip.

Go back to making claims you can;t back,,,,you're in the right thread
with N3CVJ and WA3MOJ. I'm gonna make ya' famous,,,I return favors. Get
those addy's in order, boys, the wheels of Twist's motions are spinning
madd justice..LMAO!

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  #2   Report Post  
Old August 27th 03, 02:53 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:

blah, blah, blah.

Put up or shut up, Twist.

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  #3   Report Post  
Old August 27th 03, 03:39 AM
Curious Dan
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Sure..I'll continue to illustrate the lies from KC8LDO, N3CVJ, Frank
Gillinad, and WA3MOJ,

Go back to making claims you can;t back,,,,you're in the right thread
with N3CVJ and WA3MOJ. I'm gonna make ya' famous,,,I return favors. Get
those addy's in order, boys, the wheels of Twist's motions are spinning
madd justice..LMAO!

Are you kc8ldo, are you n3cvj? wa3moj? your addys says so

  #4   Report Post  
Old August 27th 03, 01:52 PM
Posts: n/a

Gillinad seedily wrote:
Is that how you practice the "Golden rule",


Frankiestein, ,check your deficit today, if you can. I have NO problem
dishing back what comes my way. Try and remember that and you won't find
yourself amongst such liars for company,,now,about those threats YOU
lied about and claimed I made,,,still waiting for them, Frankie,,stilll
waiting for them...

  #7   Report Post  
Old August 28th 03, 09:44 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed the Professional Housewife) wrote:

If you;re going to continue to publicy use the cb group to have your
fun with the other two swine, you're going to have to back your claims
as well.

Do you mean I have to back up my claims like -you- do? ROTFLMMFAO!!!!

You're nobody special. You accused me of threatening you,
posting your phone number, and claiming you were a chid
molester,,,,,post it.

I already have. Many times. So did you pick the name "Twistedhed" because you
used to wear a beehive hairdoo?

Well, you can't see, Frank,,you're lying again.

And truth is your friend, right? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Wonder if there is any connection between the false accusations by
yourself, KC8LDO and N3CVJ?

Did you ever notice that you can't seem to get along with any regulars in this
newsgroup except for Hypocrite Landshark? Did you ever wonder why that is,
Twisty? Well, I'll tell ya -- it's because anyone that has read your posts for
any length of time knows that you are a lying troll.

I mean, all three of you claimed things and
can't produce anything to back your claims except to whine, cry, and
bitch about lids do.

Who do you think I am -this- week, Twist?

You accused me of all kinds of things,,,KC8LDO felt so low he needed
present his forge of me makes him feel better (sshhhh! Don't
remind him the forge exists nowhere in any internet archive and only in
the body of his post) about his low self-esteem. And Davie,,well, My
gosh, who would have thought we had one right in our own midst? He
shouldn't make claims and deliberate lies he can not provide for.

"Twisty's obsession continues", said the announcer as the few remaining people
in the audience picked up their coats and moved towards the door.

this be a lesson to the three of you can either get past
yourselves, or cry and **** and moan about 'ol Twist for the rest of
your pathetic lives..of course, you three can always threaten me some
more,,,,how many is that now for each of you? I've lost count. I'm quite
used to y'alls impotency and public displays of incompetence.

Nag, nag, nag. One of these days your hubby is going to come home early from
work, and won't -he- get a suprise when he walks past the computer and sees what
you do all day while he's busy earning a living. He'll get a bigger suprise when
he catches you in bed with the neighbor, but that's another story.....

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  #8   Report Post  
Old August 28th 03, 01:55 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)
In ,
(Twistedhed the Professional Housewife) wrote:
=A0=A0If you;re going to continue to publicy use the cb group to have
your fun with the other two swine, you're going to have to back your
claims as well.
Do you mean I have to back up my claims like -you- do? ROTFLMMFAO!!!!
=A0=A0You're nobody special. You accused me of threatening you, posting
your phone number, and claiming you were a chid molester,,,,,post it.
I already have. Many times. So did you pick the name "Twistedhed"
because you used to wear a beehive hairdoo?
Well, you can't see, Frank,,you're lying again.
And truth is your friend, right? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
=A0=A0Wonder if there is any connection between the false accusations by
yourself, KC8LDO and N3CVJ?
Did you ever notice that you can't seem to get along with any regulars
in this newsgroup except for Hypocrite Landshark? Did you ever wonder
why that is, Twisty? Well, I'll tell ya -- it's because anyone that has
read your posts for any length of time knows that you are a lying troll.
=A0=A0I mean, all three of you claimed things and can't produce anything
to back your claims except to whine, cry, and bitch about lids do.
Who do you think I am -this- week, Twist?

Which ISP do you think I am using this week frankie? Which hammie do you
think I am this week Frankie?? Do you still think I live in WV, Frankie?
Was that deducted from the intelletual logic you dispell, Frankie?
You accused me of all kinds of things,,,KC8LDO felt so low he needed
present his forge of me makes him feel better (sshhhh! Don't
remind him the forge exists nowhere in any internet archive and only in
the body of his post) about his low self-esteem. And Davie,,well, My
gosh, who would have thought we had one right in our own midst? He
shouldn't make claims and deliberate lies he can not provide for.

"Twisty's obsession continues",

Frankie,,Frankie, FRankie,,YOU are the one that holds MEMEMEMMEMME as
your "bottom line"...Lelnad is the one claiming he needs to "bug" me and
receives pleasure from "messing" with me. N3CVJ admits his refusal to
:discuss; in a discuss group, but goes on a tangent about
YOU, are the lids directing YOUR posts toward me,,when I reply, you cry
and misinterpret my replies as "obsession",,lol,,what a magnificent
illustration of your collective obsessions.


said the announcer as the few remaining

people in the audience picked up their coats

and moved for the door.

Which, again, has ALWAYS been your concern and Hall's,,not mine.
this be a lesson to the three of you can either get past
yourselves, or cry and **** and moan about 'ol Twist for the rest of
your pathetic lives..of course, you three can always threaten me some
more,,,,how many is that now for each of you? I've lost count. I'm quite
used to y'alls impotency and public displays of incompetence.

Nag, nag, nag.

(snip Gillinad's personal obsession with my domestic world)

Try and remain relevant, Frankie....making all your obsessive posts
about MEMEMMEMEMME is not relevant and merely only illustrates your lack
of self-control and obsession.

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  #9   Report Post  
Old August 28th 03, 03:27 PM
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message
From: (Frank Gilliland)
In ,
id you ever notice that you can't seem to get along with any regulars
in this newsgroup except for Hypocrite Landshark? Did you ever wonder
why that is, Twisty? Well, I'll tell ya -- it's because anyone that has
read your posts for any length of time knows that you are a lying troll.
I mean, all three of you claimed things and can't produce anything
to back your claims except to whine, cry, and bitch about lids do.
Who do you think I am -this- week, Twist?

Why Frank, ever notice that you don't get along
with most everyone else? Do you get along with
Mopar? Jay?, GW? Brainbuster? Skipp? Tim?
Scott? Randy? SSB? etc etc? Nope, all you do
is whine, cry, accuse and threaten them.
So please, if you are going to play the part
of "picked on", at least play truthfully. When you
talk tech, I almost always agree, when you talk
politics I almost always agree, but when you talk
about how you've not trolled, not accused, not
threatened, don't lie.
If you want twist to stop, don't respond, but
that again is up to your superior control of your
own will, you don't use kill files remember.


The happy people are those who are producing something;
the bored people are those who are consuming much and
producing nothing.

Which ISP do you think I am using this week frankie? Which hammie do you
think I am this week Frankie?? Do you still think I live in WV, Frankie?
Was that deducted from the intelletual logic you dispell, Frankie?
You accused me of all kinds of things,,,KC8LDO felt so low he needed
present his forge of me makes him feel better (sshhhh! Don't
remind him the forge exists nowhere in any internet archive and only in
the body of his post) about his low self-esteem. And Davie,,well, My
gosh, who would have thought we had one right in our own midst? He
shouldn't make claims and deliberate lies he can not provide for.

"Twisty's obsession continues",

Frankie,,Frankie, FRankie,,YOU are the one that holds MEMEMEMMEMME as
your "bottom line"...Lelnad is the one claiming he needs to "bug" me and
receives pleasure from "messing" with me. N3CVJ admits his refusal to
:discuss; in a discuss group, but goes on a tangent about
YOU, are the lids directing YOUR posts toward me,,when I reply, you cry
and misinterpret my replies as "obsession",,lol,,what a magnificent
illustration of your collective obsessions.


said the announcer as the few remaining

people in the audience picked up their coats

and moved for the door.

Which, again, has ALWAYS been your concern and Hall's,,not mine.
this be a lesson to the three of you can either get past
yourselves, or cry and **** and moan about 'ol Twist for the rest of
your pathetic lives..of course, you three can always threaten me some
more,,,,how many is that now for each of you? I've lost count. I'm quite
used to y'alls impotency and public displays of incompetence.

Nag, nag, nag.

(snip Gillinad's personal obsession with my domestic world)

Try and remain relevant, Frankie....making all your obsessive posts
about MEMEMMEMEMME is not relevant and merely only illustrates your lack
of self-control and obsession.

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  #10   Report Post  
Old August 29th 03, 12:56 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In , "Hypocrite Landshark"
. wrote:

Why Frank, ever notice that you don't get along
with most everyone else? Do you get along with

Yes, and quite well lately.


Why would I want to get along with him? He doesn't even know what ham equipment
he uses illegally on the CB.

, GW?



We have had a couple disagreements, but nothing worth fighting about.


Internet-trained amp-god wannabe. Same with Toll and Eitner.


One of Twisty's cheerleaders, same as you.


I get along with him pretty well, even more so now that he got his ticket and is
learning more about radio and not CB voodoo.


No problem there. Had a nice email convo with him a short time back.


Never had a problem, at least not that I can remember.

etc etc?

Jim Hampton? Leland Scott? Dick McCollum? Bert Craig? Keith Hosman? JJ? Jerry
Oxendine? Jim Carroll? etc, etc?

Nope, all you do
is whine, cry, accuse and threaten them.

Oh really? Can you read, Hypocrite Landshark? If so, go through the archives and
find where I have threatened any of the people named by either of us.

So please, if you are going to play the part
of "picked on", at least play truthfully.

Do you want to talk about truth? Did you read that list of forgeries by Twist?
Did you see the one's where she accuses me of being a child molester? Or where
she claims I'm five different hams? Or where she fixates on N7VCF and posts his
phone number over and over, encouraging others to harass, even to the point ot
giving instructions on how not to get caught? Probably not, since you can't
read. If you want to talk about truth, at least get your facts straight.

When you
talk tech, I almost always agree, when you talk
politics I almost always agree, but when you talk
about how you've not trolled, not accused, not
threatened, don't lie.

Of course I've trolled. You have too. And we have both accused (you do it
constantly). But threatened? No, Hypocrite Landshark, that kind of behavior I
reserve excusively for yellow-bellied cartoon characters.

If you want twist to stop, don't respond, but
that again is up to your superior control of your
own will, you don't use kill files remember.

Your advice has been read, understood, and appropriately filed. You are saying
absolutely nothing to convince me of your position. On the contrary, you are
demonstrating that you are nothing but Twisty's head cheerleader.

Hypocrite Landshark

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