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(Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Frank*Gilliland) In , (Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Frank*Gilliland) In , (Twistedhed) wrote: snip Yep. Post it. _ Sure,,,,,here we have N3CVJ not only intentionally, wanton, willful, breaking of federal communication law as set forth and defined by the FCC (shouldn't a hammie of his status know better?) but committing behavior that is construed by many LEOs to be of pedophilia-like nature, of which ALL experts believe there is NO cure, only a time span until they approach another child. I mean, Frankie,,you just claimed in another thread that there is NO excuse for breaking the law pertaining to the airwaves....according to Hall himself, you condone this type behavior he commits...hmmmm,,,but you have a problem with DX and freebanding.LOL....your priorities are whacked, Frankie, and I am certain beyond any doubt whatsoever, not one person in this group would want either of you near any children. _ From: Dave Hall Subject: WhAt FrEqUeNcEy DoEs A mObLiE pHoNe OpPeRaTe On? Date: 1999/12/16 Message-ID: #1/1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit References: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-Trace: tw12.nn.bcandid.com 945352043 (Thu, 16 Dec 1999 06:47:23 MST) Organization: Spew Radio Inc. MIME-Version: 1.0 NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 06:47:23 MST Newsgroups: rec.radio.cb Who needs "Melrose Place" when you have a scanner? My neighborhood phone traffic was no less juicy at times. Teenaged girls talking about their first time with sex _ Hmmm.... seems that there is more to that post than what you quoted... let's put it in context by adding the rest of his post, shall we? Certainly. editing it for brevity doesn't alter his beahvior one bit, nor his violation of the law. _ ....., wife talking to newly found lover while hubby watched Monday Night Football in the next room, guys making drug buys, and even caught one neighbor bitching about ME and all my "radio stuff" to another. It's fun to try to figure out who all those voices belong to. Sometimes more entertaining than TV, becasue it's REAL...... * Dave "Sandbagger" _ When not taken out of context, Out of context? LOL...his statement admitting breaking federal communication law stands alone. Yes it does. You brag about breaking federal communication law yourself. I don't. That you misconstrue and misinterpret talking about skip and freebanding as bragging is your problem. You can play semantics with the verb all you want, the context is the same. I guess that makes him no better than you, huh? See what type truth you are capable of when forced. Except that what he did wasn't illegal, and what you do is. My question was rhetorical, and you would have known that if you didn't have that communication deficit. So what are you complaining about? LOL,,,,once again, replying to your directives and inquiries isn't contrued as complaining except by those with deficits in communication.. Refocusing your tactics to dwell on semantics for a while, huh? it doesn't sound like pedophilia to me No surprise there. You two are quite alike. Are you an expert on pedophiles? I'm not the issue. I didn't say you were. I asked a question. Are you an expert on pedophiles? Or are you renewing your accusation that I'm a child molester? Poor Frankie..in such great agonizing pain..LOL..really pains you that you have nothing to back you these days,,no posts, no headers, no nothing. Just like KC8LDO forging me,,nothing in any archives, no headers. Liars hang tough together. Keep begging for them and I'll keep posting them: http://www.aimcomm.net/sparky/twisted_forgeries.txt http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=e...yant.webtv.net _ or to any other reasonable person, which is clearly why you have pulled it out of context and interpreted it as such. Feel free to ask anyone at all that you cite, or feel is "reasonable" if they feel listening to minor children talk of their sexual liasons is "juicy" let alone healthy, conducive behavior of one that continually spoouts off about other folk's morals,,go on now, do as your told. Since you have no brain, Temper-temper, Frankie,,,,my brain is much more tangible than your claims. Nevertheless, I am not the subject. Keep trying I guess I have to do all the thinking around here. Internet Lawyering? Hoo-boy! (chuckle) I think not,,,,, Did he say that he sat there and jacked off to the conversation? No. All he said was that he heard the conversation. He didn't even describe the details of the conversation. Sure he did. Your communication deficit prevents you from interpreting it correctly. Sex. Their first time. Children. What more do you want? I suppose that in your socially isolated mind you might have conditioned yourself to assume that such a conversation must be an explicit play-by-play, and that it is either unlikely or absolutely impossible for it to consist of anything else. But that raises suspicions about -your- behavior, not Hall's. He didn't say if the girls were saying, "It was SO big and hard, and it hurt so BAD", or if it was more like, "...and when I woke him up he copped an attitude, drove me home and didn't even open my door! I don't think he respects me AT ALL!" No,,that's not in his post anywhere,,LOL. In fact, he even claimed that listening to the children speak of their first time of sex was "juicy". Gossip is "juicy". Gossip is not necessarily pornographic or sexually explicit. The word "juicy" implies pedophilia only in -your- mind, Twist. He's a pervert, and so are you for attempting to claim listening to children talk of sex on a private telephone is somehow innocent. Well, I grew up with two older sisters, and let me tell you No Frankie,,tell someone who cares what yout think about such matters. Gee Twist, after all that whining about me snipping your posts, then you go and snip mine, even after I made a point not to snip any more of yours? One would think that your mind was closed to what I had to say, regardless of it's validity or truth (your friend, remember?) But that's ok, Twisty, we all understand that you just can't admit when you are wrong and will snip, lie, obfuscate, distort, misquote and forge just to avoid admitting your mistakes. But hey, that's our Twistedhed!!! He also said that he heard other conversations, such as people making a drug deal. He didn't say it was "juicy". Read his post again, dimwit. He said, in a sentence that was both seperate and prior to the list of conversations, that it was the "neighborhood phone traffic" that was "juicy". Go read it yourself. Then go schedule an appointment with your imaginary shrink to deal with your communication deficit. Does that make him a drug addict? Of course not, but according to your "logic" it does. Not my logic, Frankie mah boy,,Davie's OWN logic. He is the one that claimed that since I DX and freeband, it's a good chance I break other laws pertaining to society. He's absolutely right. Pick up any Psych 101 book and you will find a bunch of references that support his statement -- i.e, your self-admitted ideals and deliberate lawbreaking, when taken in context with your behavior and writings in this newsgroup, is indicative of a major malfunction, something along the lines of an antisocial, histrionic and/or narcissistic personality disorder. Take your pick, because with any combination it's a fair bet that you can't restrain yourself to the behavioral standards of the rest of society. His hypocrisy bull**** is how this entire matter with him began. Why didn't you shed some light on his bull**** when he said it instead of waiting until I used his logic? Because it wasn't his logic that equated his observations with such a gross and perverted social deviation. The only person that still accuses people of pedophilia in this newsgroup is you, Twist. I think you need to see a REAL psychologist, not just your imaginary shrink. Now go finish your chores before your hubby comes home. LOL,,,,always in search of a a bit of power, no matter how slight... I'm sure you are, and you could probably find that power if you didn't give it up to him so easily. Play hard-to-get once in a while, even if he -is- your husband. After all, this is the 21st Century, and marriage doesn't give him some kind of legal right to sex even if you don't want it. _ While there is no doubt that eavesdropping on private conversations is illegal (and if you have ever read my website LOL...there it is again,,,,that ego,,,,I'm not interested in anything a confirmed and self-admitted liar sets forth. Yet you continue to respond to my posts, proving yet again that it is -you- that is the liar. Even your "I'll respond to any post directed towards me" excuse doesn't work when you express your lack of interest with such a small part of my post. Which is worse -- a person that can admit his lies, or one that continues to stack lie upon lie upon lie? A liar is a liar is a liar, frankie, all your spin in the world won't change the fact that you are a confirmed liar, lid, and hypocrite, just like Davie and Nad. Oh, I forgot, truth is your friend, and everything you say is the truth. Everything I post is the truth. Wrong. You have posted many falsehoods (lies), and on many occasions. You continue to do so every time you claim that I'm N7VCF (the fifth ham you have accused me of being). I don't suppose you have told a lie in your entire life, have you, Twist? Try to follow, Frankie,,,I'm not the issue..I'm merely *your* issue. You didn't answer the question: Have you ever told a lie? _ Iyou would know that I'm not a big fan of cordless or cell phones for just that reason), it doesn't interfere with the conversation or cause any harm or inconvenience. Nevertheless,,,you're intentionally glossing over Davie-son's wanton, illegal behavior. He has called several others here a criminal for no less than freebanding. By your own words, he is "selecting what rules to disregard" and, man, have you posted a ton of ignorance concerning how you feel about such behavior. Not only is Hall's behavior hypocritical, but your selective whining about WHO breaks laws is laughable in the face of your ire. I'm "glossing over" nothing. Denial ain't a river in Egypt. Freebanding is necessarily illegal. So is monitoring private phone conversations. Yes it is. But in your ignorance you don't realize that, under the law, cordless phone conversations are no more private than CB or ham conversations. Using a scanner isn't. Neither is using a cb. See above : )~ It is if it's being used on unauthorized channels, or with unauthorized power or modes. I really don't care if someone spends their time listening to their neighbor's telephone conversations, Illustrating your blatant hypocrisy and lies you told about how laws are there for the good of all and selective obeying of laws is of the criminal element....LOL,,,sure, Frankie. That statement is based on your ignorance of the law. just as long as they don't have any intention of cleaning out bank accounts, or using the info to hurt someone. Only,,,(and herein lies your malfunction) it's not up to *you* what is ok and permissable..LOL. ......... In the same vein, I don't have a problem with CB DXing, just as long as the power and splatter is kept to a minimum so as not to muck up the rest of the band. Again,,,your ego is in your way,,,it's not about you Frankie, or me, no matter how much your ego demands it. You have issues, dude, and you really need someone to teach and instruct you on the finer merits of internet communication,,, Someone like you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ,,your ego is way too involved and dictates and demand everything relates to you personally, somehow,,,,,,you ain't right. You are projecting again, Twist. _ On the contrary, I would like to see the 250km limit lifted. The only problem with that is as soon as it's lifted (if it's ever lifted), there is going to be a subsequent surge in freebanding and amps. Conjecture. Pure speculation and *personal* opinion. MacroEconomics. It's called a complimentary market. And no, I don't choose which laws I obey or ignore. With your lies, you're tough to find a believer. Right. Sure. What happened to all your cheerleaders, Twist? See, you choose who to harass on usenet for their choice of topic. You also hypocritically choose which law you feel you have the right to enforce (that pathetic ego need for power). Whatever. But I DO choose which people I vote for office, Along with every other registered voter. and I DO choose to voice my opinion to those people when I think a law is unfair or useless. And you DO choose to become personal and insultive to those who voice their opinion against laws you DO feel are fair and useful,. Only to those who use ignorance to justify their lawbreaking. You also have told those who hae voiced their opinion to stop "whining" about it and change the law. Take your own advice and you won't be a hypocrite,,,,,at least to the extent you appear now. Gee, I don't recall whining about the 250km limit. In fact, I don't think I have even mentioned it more than a half-dozen times in the past three years. Not like I am you, constantly on the rag about the government being oppressive, the laws being unfair, and the legal activists forming a conspiracy against you. No, Twist, I think that you -should- take my advice -- quit yer bitchin, unhitch yer horse and hit the trail with a do-something attitude and a saddlebag full of sticktuitiveness. Even if you fail, you will still have accomplished more than what you accomplish around here -- sitting on your fat ass, complaining about everything and anything, lying about everyone you don't like and generally making yourself a nuisance. _ A couple of the issues I'm working on now happen to be the current mess regarding local broadcast station ownership, and the ban on new Class D station licenses. And you callously and ignorantly assume that no others work on any issues because they choose not to inform you, therefore, you hypocritically tell them "Stop whining and do something to change the law." Maybe your communication deficit is acting up -- where are my thousands of post of me whining about those issues? They don't exist. OTOH, where are your thousands of posts whining about the government, unfair laws, and all your favorite "lids" in this newsgroup? Google.com _ LPFM might have been an issue if it wasn't so poorly implemented. What's the matter with LPFM? It has plenty of great uses...oh, that's right,,,perhaps if you were educated in the manners of which it applies in the flatlands, you wouldn't be so apt to toss the baby out with the bathwater based merely on your looking at the water and trying to guess it's temperature. The regs were poorly constructed, there is no procedure for upgrading the station, the selection process hasn't been exactly objective, and the whole service is subject to elimination with just a nod from the fat-cats of the broadcast industry. As far as I'm concerned, it's a lost cause. I would be more interested in an amateur broadcast service. Not a bad idea as the VHF-lo band opens up in the coming years. After all, that's where the FM BC band started originally. But none of that justifies ignoring the laws in favor of illegal operation. So I'm not being hypocritical here. Sure you are..good thing you had me to point them out. You tried, but failed yet again. Too bad you will never realize that you can't win with your Twistedhed tactics. The problem is that you can't get past your obsessions long enough to have a civilized conversation, Yea,,sure,,you go on trying to convince another of that,,LOL. I don't have to convince anyone -- they already know. Oh, that's right, your communication deficit prevents you from reading all the posts in the newsgroup that tell you what an ass you really are. I'm not the one with the compelling desire to jump into another's personal life like you do, Frankie,,,even when you offered..LOL.. So is that why I have been five different hams? Because you have no interest in my personal life? perhaps this is what is chapping your myopic tail at this point. ? or to understand another person's point of view, or even to let someone listen to your opinions with a sincere interest. IOW, your opinions don't carry much weight when you are the newsgroup punch-clown. LOL....only you and KC8LDO have the need to make all your posts personal, insultive, and of MEMMEMEMMEMMEMEMEMMEMEME! Now, go on,,,resume telling us about my obsession, Frankie. No need. You did a fine job all by yourself. _ Unless someone is listening for purposes other than a morbid curiousity, I really don't have a problem with scanners. I do -not- condone eavesdropping on private conversations. But the fact is that it does happen, HAhhahah..so does freebanding. and I -do- warn people about using cordless phones. Not here you haven't. Oh yes I have. I have mentioned the issue a few times before, and on other newsgroups as well. Post it... Maybe tomorrow. right after yiou post your angry accusations claiming I made false claims about you....come on now,,,,you don't want to become the punch-clown you fear, do you, Frankie? Whoops...too late..hehe! You have that job locked down, Twist. You have even refined the art to the point where your name is synonymous with such personality disorders. _ And I have also posted my website addy. Ego. I would probably have posted it more often if the name of this newsgroup was rec.radio.scanners or alt.telephone.cordless. * *But go ahead and do it now and use N3CVJ as an example. http://www.aimcomm.com/sparky/hi-tech.htm Pacification is a temporary thing with one that has his ego so heavily bruised as yourself. You keep speaking of my ego... I thought you didn't care about my personal life, Twist. Was that a lie? If not, why are you so concerned with my ego? _ Despite all that, Despite your hypocrisy? No, Frankie,,,IN ADDITION, to your hypocrisy,,,, the FCC has recognized the issue of eavesdropping on cordless phones and has taken steps in order to impede the efforts of those that would listen to private conversations for personal gain or the commission of a crime. Umm,,hey Frankie,,,intentionally monitoring private telephone calls IS a crime, just as you hold freebanding is. _ No it isn't. 18USC2511(2)(g)(v). Even though they should probably find a less intrusive hobby, it's perfectly legal for anyone to listen to unencrypted cordless phone conversations. HAHHAHAHHA! No it's not Frankie. Don't tell me you need 'ol Twist to cite the passage where it is illegal to INTENTIONALLY monitor any telephone conversation that is intended for private use without explicit permission? LOL,,,poor Frankie..you fall more each day. That ego must really be smarting about now,,hahhahah! The only ego that will be bruised is yours when you finally read the law I cited. In fact, read the entire section. You might learn something (assuming your communication deficit doesn't interfere). _ Not my idea of a fun evening, Well, Davie thinks it's "juicy." but hell, I'm wasting my time replying (snicker) You know your ego is getting bashed and can take no more when you resort to what you know...lying. Once again, you initiated the posts and threads to myself , Frankie, Your communication defict once again has you misinterpreting my replies as initiating conversation. You're way off, Frankie. More projections. to your posts. I don't know which is worse.... You or Dave? So far, Dave denies lying. He hates to be wrong and told no. ANother destroyed ego by a lowly cber. As the older, unsecure phones find their way to the trash heaps, the issue is gradually becoming moot. * _ *Not moot at all. I merely use you and Hall's oft-repeated mantra that it's the "BEHAVIOR" that makes such criminal acts so bad,,,,the blatant disregarding of federal rules for personal satisfaction...try not to lose site of what you selectively hold others to, Frankie. Blah, blah, blah. Read the law. Idiot. Yea,,I figured you'd be pained by rubbing your nose in your mess. _ Oh, wait a second, youre still tripping over your hairlipped lie looking for that post you claimed I said the same thing about you in,,,,,,still waiting, Frankie,,,you mean you lied? Again? Gee... "I have admitted to lying in this ng and on more than one occasion." Frank Gilliland ) _ BTW,,,what happened to that Vancouver feed? Never had one. LOL...hokay! Your Time Warner (TWTelecom) is in Vancouver, Frankie. My ISP is in Spokane, Twisty. Your Time Warner (TWTelecom) is in Vancouver, Frankie, the "feed" you just lied and denied. My "feed" comes from my ice-box and pantry. My ISP is in Spokane. Where it goes from there I don't know and I don't care, just as long as it ends up at it's intended destination. If it goes through Vancouver, so be it. Ahahahha..you and Davoe are the same pathetic lids. He claimed the same thing,,claimed he was a network admin in one post, then claimed he didn't know how or why his email originated from Villanova U....LOL. Lids in a pod. One small problem with that theory, Twist: I never claimed to know how packets are routed. But I -do- know that not everyone who subscribes to AOL lives in the urban hubs that are indicated by their IP numbers, as would be the case if your theory held water. I also know that no other webtv subscriber has posted from the same IP number set/server name that showed up in your headers last year, the same ones that are in the headers of some of those forgeries you claim you didn't post. So keep crying about lids, Twist, and I'll keep that page of your forgeries on my site. Fair enough? It might also go through Tacoma, Fargo, DesMoines, or even Tampa, I couldn't care less, but that doesn't mean I live in or around any of those urbs. But it doesnt.It goes throgh Vancouver. "Nuff said (smirk). I don't live in or around Vancouver, either. Want proof? "I have admitted to lying in this ng, and on more than one occasion" _ Ah never mind,,,,one thing at a time,,,,,now, about those RF pirates that you claimed affected your daily work... Do you want to know the names of the most obnoxious offenders in this area? Not at all. I'm not interested in anything about you. Then why bother even bringing up the subject? Or did you write it just to read it yourself? You brought it up. I asked the questions that are too painful for a hypocitical liar like yourself years to entertain. ....huh? Better make that appointment soon, cause your communication deficit is getting worse. _ I am being polite, ROTFLMMFAO!!! to you, that is all. Your ego misinterprets such simple acts as much more than they are. Your incessant hounding on the subject No hounding , frank, Just redirecting That's what you do best. your failed obfuscation and lies, You claimed I wouldnt answer your questions,,I indeed claimed I would answer any question you like after you answer the original questions posed to yourself based on your claims you made and thought important enough to share. It seems that any answer must meet your expectations, truth or not. Regardless, I have answered it in the other post. Now you need to get busy and answer my questions -- like I said, you have a lot of them pending. _ (sigh) Direct a post to myself, I shall respond, Respond to this: If I want you to know anything about me, just ask. If I don't tell you what you want to hear, deal with it on your own terms, My, the hypocrisy is radiant today, Frankie,,absolutely beaming. Take your own advice, instead of attacking another with all kinds of pathetic wounded cries about how your questions are being ignored..LOL. or consult your imaginary shrink. Once again, and right on cue, only you, Nad, adnd the lid Hall mention such novelties..the lids of the pod,,the lids and troublemakers,,,LOL,,,,deal with it on your own terms. Or keep begging for another year and a half if you really want, I couldn't care less. When one makes a post on usenet, they are asking the one they directed the post toward for attention in the form of a reply. That you can not grasp the simple fashion in which usenet works, Do you mean snip There you go snipping again. I mean what I said, That you need far-flung analogies No, just asking for clarifications. for all your lack of intellect is your problem, no one elses. I understand proper newsgroup quoting. You don't. I suggest you deal with it on your own terms. Ok, but I'm just going to be laughing as you start responding to your own quotes! l Fix your own communication deficits, then I'll listen to you whine about mine. I don't address yours, Frankie, except when your deficit acts up and you direct posts toward myself and then try and claim otherwise. You might want to fix them soon, because in order to keep you from whining about me See above. I wonder if webtv has enough bandwidth to compensate for your communication deficit.... Your compulsions have you worrying about all that you are impotent over...LOL..no wonder you're a disheveled mess. -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- |
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In , Dave Hall wrote:
snip While there is no doubt that eavesdropping on private conversations is illegal Actually, that's not entirely true. First off, when this "incident" occured, it was before the passage of the ECPA.... Eavesdropping on private conversations is indeed illegal. The difference is that because older cordless phones didn't use any encryption, any conversation using them cannot be legally defined as private. The cordless phone freqs were, in effect, party lines. The owner's manuals emphasized this fact, and it's too bad that people didn't read those things (then or now). snip But some people's stupidity, are other people's entertainment..... ;-) Twisty's stupidity is my entertainment!!! -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- |
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Frank Gilliland wrote:
In , Dave Hall wrote: snip While there is no doubt that eavesdropping on private conversations is illegal Actually, that's not entirely true. First off, when this "incident" occured, it was before the passage of the ECPA.... Eavesdropping on private conversations is indeed illegal. The difference is that because older cordless phones didn't use any encryption, any conversation using them cannot be legally defined as private. Exactly! There can be no expectation of privacy or the protection that comes from it, due to the "open" nature of unencrypted radio transmissions. It's no more private than CB radio. But some people's stupidity, are other people's entertainment..... ;-) Twisty's stupidity is my entertainment!!! Unfortunately, to Twisty's way of thinking, you are his entertainment. Such is the reason why it will never be settled. Dave "Sandbagger" |
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Randy wrote:
So is monitoring private phone conversations. Using a scanner isn't. Using a scanner to listen to phones on the old 46/49 analog band is not illegal. You are confusing it with cell reception, which is illegal. Right. And the only reason that listening to cellular has been reclassified as illegal, came as a result of powerful lobbies by the cellular companies. At the time of the ECPA, digital technology was not quite "there" yet, and the cell companies die not have a technological means to prevent people from listening. So they lobbied the FCC, to remove the cell "chunk" from the 800 - 900 Mhz bands included with most scanners. Since this frequency range was no longer considered a "common" radio band, it could therefore be argued that listening to it, could be viewed as deliberate eavesdropping. But as far as anything else, if you can receive it, you can listen to it. The only stipulation (And the only way that the law can prove you actually did it, other than catching you in the act) is that you can't devulge any specific information that you heard, or use it to your advantage. Dave "Sandbagger" |
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Exactly! There can be no expectation of
privacy or the protection that comes from it, due to the "open" nature of unencrypted radio transmissions. It's no more private than CB radio. Because of your ignorance with acts passed by Congress, you are shouting your ignrance to the world,,,,all because of little old MEMEMMEMMEMMEMEM! But some people's stupidity, are other people's entertainment..... ;-) LOL,,you got that right! Twisty's stupidity is my entertainment!!! LOL,,,,,talk about a mass-projection. Twisty isn't the one committing felonies and claming they are legal. N8wwm jams repeaters and gets busted byt he feds and Nad says he's innocent. N3CVJ intercepts children talking of sex on a telephone and claims he has a right to do it. Frank Gilliland, in his complete lack of intellect, claims such behavior is legal..LOL. Unfortunately, to Twisty's way of thinking, you are his entertainment. Such is the reason why it will never be settled. Dave "Sandbagger" One wouldn't have expected a sexual deviant who gets off listening to children talk of sex (as you have claimed in this group) to know a damn thing about communication law, And guess what, Davie? You KEEP proving "one" right..LOL. Now spit out the feathers, admit you were wrong, kick up an apology, or do something akin to beahvior of a man, not a cowardly liar who needs turn persoanl when they were showed the ignorance and voo-doo bull**** they were atemtping to ply. Ahh, never mind, you lids have a problem with being proved wrong,,,,it's why you al have communication deficits,,,your egos are too heavly involved and now,,,destroyed...LOL...but N3CVJ can continue to make all his posts ABOUT MEMEMEMMEMMEMEMMEM as it has been proved time and time again, when engaged in debate or discussion of communication law, he knows less than the lowl cb'er. Poor davie. |
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Oh yea,,,,I forgot to give thanks to the hammie in
Miichigan..............Thanks for the info. |
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Twistedhed wrote:
_ 9th Circuit Decides Wiretap Act Case 8/14. The U.S. Court of Appeals (9thCir) issued its opinion [PDF] in Price v. Turner, a civil suit alleging violation of the Wiretap Act in connection with the monitoring of cordless phone conversations. However, since the events giving rise to this case occurred ten years ago, this appeal was decided according to state of federal law prior to the 1994 amendments to the Wiretap Act. Frank Turner used a radio scanner to listen to and record conversations of his neighbors who used cordless telephones. These phones used analog radio signals at fixed frequencies, and hence, were easy to monitor. He heard discussions of criminal activities. Turner also informed the El Dorado County Sheriff's Department, which told him to continue, and provided him assistance. All of the intercepted phone communications at issue in this case took place prior to the 1994 amendments to the Wiretap Act. One person whose conversations he monitored was Leora Price. Price filed a civil complaint against Frank Turner and El Dorado County alleging, among other things, violation of the Wiretap Act, invasion of privacy, and a civil rights claim under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The District Court granted summary judgment to defendants on all of Price's federal claims. Price appealed. The Appeals Court wrote that "At the time of its original enactment in 1968, the Wiretap Act did not expressly refer to the monitoring of radio transmissions. When Congress enlarged the Act's coverage in 1986, Congress explicitly excepted protection for the 'radio portion of a cordless telephone communication.' ... It was not until 1994 that Congress amended the Act to prohibit the interception of cordless telephone communications." The Appeals Court affirmed. Maybe you should read the things you cut and paste before offering them up as a some sort of confirmation for your deficits in comprehension. You should note that this case was thrown out because at the time of the alleged infraction, that the defendant's actions were NOT illegal. Since in my own case, the conversations which I overheard, that you are so fond of convoluting, occured in 1984, which is also before the passage of the ECPA, therfore like in the case above, I am guilty of nothing illegal. Also note that wiretap laws vary from state to state, and what's true in one state, may not be in another. Legislation which attempts to give the illusion of the expectation of privacy over unencrypted wireless phones, is equally ludicrious, as it is basically unenforcable, unless one reveals the content that they intercepted. The only true expectation of privacy comes with a technological solution to the problem. Dave "Sandbagger" |
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Read the entre thing, Davie. It's now a felony and against the
law,,,just like it was when YOU did it,,,,,,,,,eat crow! |
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HAhaha..Davie,,,you liar,you had a scanner capable of listening to the
cordless phones in 1984? Name it. |
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