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  #1   Report Post  
Old September 3rd 03, 01:02 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
Default Freebanding.... an "essential liberty"?

In ,
(Twistedhed) demonstrated yet again that she has absolutely
no understanding of newsgroup quoting by posting the following mess:

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote: From:

(Ben Franklin said that THE BIBLE IS the
they don't like the 10 commandments, they
should GO BACK to Europe! )

And Jefferson said one who would give up a bit of freedom for temporary
security deserve neither.

There you go again, misquoting dead people.

Correct me,,,oh,,you can't,,you can just throw stones with no backup,
correction, or clue,,LOL...

Obviously you didn't read the rest of the paragraph before you started your

And you misquoted the wrong dead person. It

was B. Franklin -- "They that can give up

essential liberty to obtain a little temporary

safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Notice he used the term "essential liberty", not
"bit of freedom". There is a difference.

Yea,,,,read between the lines Frankliestein,,,oh, wait,,,,,never mind,,I
prefer you continue to telegraph your ignorance and not realize when you
were suckered.

"...between the lines"? Are you suggesting that freebanding and radio piracy is
an "essential liberty"?

(Which one of the 10 do they not want to obey? Are they Murderers?
Adulterers? Which one do YOU commies that are reading this have a
problem with, or is it ALL of them? They have "Twisted" the law of the
land to let the commies try to DESTROY Christianity! I hope the WAR
against them starts in Sweet Home Alabama!
The commies are those who seek to circumvent the US Constitution:
Amendment 1 of the Constitution, first quote: "Congress shall make no
law respecting an established religion"

If you are going to quote something, at least

get the words right:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an

establishment of religion, or prohibiting the

free exercise thereof;..."

LOL..only those with deficits in communication can't comprehendthe
*GIST* of it..,,, HARRDEEHARR!

Only those with deficits in communication can't comprehend the purpose of
quoting, nor can they figure out how to properly quote in a newsgroup.

(A law allowing the displaying of the 10 commandments in a government
facility "respects" the established religion of Christianity. Alabama
was in violation of this simple law and was made to comply. It's NOT
about God, Dave, it's about following the Constitution,,,something too
damn many people are casually tossing aside. )

Including those people who simply ignore any

laws they don't like

Does that include TOS rules, Frankliestein?

ISP TOS's are not laws.

How about threats? LOL...

Against cartoon characters?

instead of trying to change or repeal them with
the methods provided in the Constitution.

Exactly,,like Bush with the (un)Patriot Act that rapes the 4th
Amendment. Ironic that he swore with his hand on a bible to protect it
and immediately launched an assault against it.

Same old Twisty. You whine, gripe, moan, and complain about things but just
can't seem to get your fat, lazy ass in gear to do anything about it.

If you're not outraged over the current administration, then you're not
paying attention.
If you ARE outraged over the current

administration, then you haven't lived through

too many administrations.

No other administration is responsible for the lies perpetuated against
this country. No other administration has had the number of top
appointees resign in disgust like this administration. No other
administration attempted to slash military benefits while our soldiers
were fighting the BUSH war. No other administration is being slammed by
it's own military on a regular basis. Of course, if you were a US Marine
like you claimed (for God knows what reason), you would receive or at
least be aware of what the forever conservative (which makes them all
the more credible) "Stars and Stripes" or even MORE conservative "Army
Times" are saying. That you haven't a clue about anything, is not
It's understood that you need invoke another subject beacause you know
nothing of the first.

HA! Geat real, Twisty! Even better, get an education!

Didn't you learn anything in school? Did you know that the CIA (with the help of
subversive radio broadcasting) overthrew a country under the direction of
Eisenhower just for control of bananas? Have you never heard of Watergate? The
Iran-Contra fiasco?

Hey Twist, let's play a game! I'll post a quote and you guess which president it
came from. Ok?

#1 -- This president increased the military well beyond the limits of the law,
spent millions without appropriations, and for a time suspended the right of
habeas corpus -- and did it all without congressional approval. Here is what he
said: "I felt that measures, otherwise unconstitutional, might become lawful by
becoming indispensable to the preservation of the Constitution through the
preservation of the nation."

#2 -- This president meddled in foreign affairs, encouraging a civil war that
resulted in the creation of a new country with a puppet government. And like the
other president, he did so without congressional approval. When congress passed
a resolution forming a commission to investigate the legality of his acts as
president, he refused to cooperate and ignored the resolution. This is his
excuse: "I declined to adopt the view that what was imperatively necessary for
the nation could not be done by the President unless he could find some specific
authorization to do it... Under this interpretation of the executive power I did
and caused to be done many things not previously done by the President and the
heads of departments. I did not usurp power but I did greatly broaden the use of
executive power."

And here's a hint: both their faces are on Mt. Rushmore.

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  #2   Report Post  
Old September 4th 03, 08:32 PM
Posts: n/a

Frankie Gillinad, your communication deficit continues to spiral out of
control. You continue to direct post after post of yours to myself and
cry that all my replies are "whining". You snip them all, yet you
continue to direct posts to myself. The educated among us know that it's
your ego problem and are only interested in talking to yourself and
reading your own posts, as well as sock-puppeting, Snipping what
obviously pains you a great deal serves only to illustrate a great
communication deficit, manifesting in this thread as a tolerance level
for none but your own voice, thoughts, and ideas,,,,LOL. Now,,,,about
that claim you made that RF Pirates affect your daily work.........

"I have lied several times in this ng, and on

more than one occasion" Frank Gilliland,

Once a liar, always a liar.

  #4   Report Post  
Old September 5th 03, 02:15 AM
Posts: n/a

Frank Gilliland wrote:
Your inability to address the topic is but one manifestation of -your-
communication deficit, Twist.

Maybe if he punted that asswipe webtv browser, we could read his posts.

GO #40
  #5   Report Post  
Old September 6th 03, 05:55 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
Your inability to address the topic is but one

manifestation of -your- communication deficit,


I'm not the topic, Frankie,,I'm *your* topic.

And your communication deficit is manifesting itself again -- you already
responded to that part, which was three posts ago. Didn't you read the part
about the little arrows?

There goes the ego again, misinterpreting things and reading into things
that do not exist.
I can discuss any topic that you like,

Great. Then just to clarify your previous post,

were you saying that you think freebanding is

an "essential liberty"?

Practice the Golden Rule Frankie,,answer the question posed to your
first, then you may have some ground in which to cry and stomp your foot
and hold your breath and demand one answers the question you placed

You mean like your constant begging for the past year and a half on how
freebanders affect my work? No, I don't play by -your- golden rule, Twisty.

,but *refusal* to hold to the
golden rule is something you are blaming me for,

And for good reasons.

Your inability to converse and your deficit in communications are not
good reasons, Frankie.

I'm sure you will ask me to repeat those

reasons for the umpteenth time... I will, but

another day.


LOL,,I't's always
another's fault for your misery, eh Frankie?

What misery, Twist? You are projecting again.

And just who is convinced of that, Frankie, besides your pedophile
friend and the other lid Kc8LDO? I'm not the one insisitng on making a
chatter/pposter the topic of my world.You go on and lay down, now, OM.

Now you are making mountains out of mole-hills.

To wit: Questions need
answered in the order they are received. You have yet to answer
questions to your claims,

Wrong. I have answered every question you

have asked. You may not have liked the

answer, but I did answer them.

Yea/ Cite it then..oh ,,,that's right,,you become constipated when asked
to provide for your claims...LOL.

List any question you have asked and I'll cite where I have already answered it.

Now -you-, on the other hand, have MANY

outstanding questions pending.

My questions to you are radio related. Yours are obsessive in nature and
all off topic. Your deficit in communication prevents you from telling
the diffference.

You bring up the topics yourself, Twist, don't blame me for your misery.

At least I don't

drag the discussion into a different topic every

other post.

Nope,,,,,,because you have not much room in your brain for multi-topics,
I am about all you can manage at once. It's like walking and chewing
gum,,some can't do it,,such as yourself.

Only because I am already wasting too much time on the computer. But it's not so
bad to spend a little more time indoors lately because the air here is loaded
with smoke from local forest fires, and kinda makes the eyes burn if I stay out
too long.

Back to the topic of the thread,

do you think Ben Franklin would agree that

freebanding is an "essential liberty"?

(snip) No.

Omigod, a straight answer!!! WONDERFUL!!! Now, did you deliberately misinterpret
Franklin's statement by substituting "essential liberty" for "a bit of freedom"?
Or did you honestly believe that "a bit of freedom" is what he meant?

Back to the order of the questions, as Franklin wasn't the
topic, but an incidental mention in whcih you are attempting to drag the

Actually, Franklin wasn't the topic because you allowed your communication
deficit to [mis]quote him under the name of Jefferson.

**which nullifies and cancels any right or point you may think you
raised by shouting that I refuse to answer any latter inquiry brought by

If that had any validity at all, I wouldn't answer

ANY of your questions until you answer the

very first question that you ignored (and

continue to ignore): A long time ago you

accused me of a lot of things, things that you

could never back up with facts, and yet you

had the balls to say that I lied. Well, where

was that lie, Twist? Do you need to see the

post again?

Depends what I accused you of. What you claimed I accused you of, you
have failed to produce.

Holy ****. Twistedhed pleads ignorance once again. Try this on for size:

Do you need any more? So where was the lie, Twisty?

I posted that question no less than two dozen

times, and you have yet to answer it. Which

post would you like to see again?

The one where you claimed I accused you of something. Of course I
accused you of being a hammie,,you are.

Wrong, as you have been all along, and I have offered to prove to you all along.

Of course I accused you of being
on the opposite side of the state than which you claim,,,you are.

Again, wrong. And again, I have offered you proof. Each time you have refused.
It's obvious that you don't want the truth, probably because it would prove that
-you- are the liar. You probably don't even realize that there are now several
people in the newsgroup who know that I'm not N7VCF, or any other ham for that
matter, and consequently know that you are an idiot -- not for your persistence
in your lies and delusions, but for not taking the opportunity to learn the
truth (abandoning your "friend", as it were). Well, the offer still stands for
the time being.

All of them?

Just the one that pains you the most.

I cited three above. Do you need more?

Back to the topic: So who were those

presidents I quoted? This should be easy

even for you, Twist -- you only have to pick

two out of four. You should be able to use a

search engine and come up with the answers

real quick.


Let's take it one step at a time so Frankie can follow, shall we? Answer
the questions put to you first, and you will be entitled to ask one of
me. Golden rule, Frankie,,,

Like I said, I have answered it before. And like I said, you might not have
liked the answer:

Do you still need a picture? All you need to do is connect the dots. Dot #1: I'm
a BE at a local radio station. Dot #2: I own and run my own electronics/radio
shop. Dot #3: In the course of both jobs I work with licensees in your beloved
"freeband". Dot #4: Some of my clients are also CBers, and frequently bring in
what were once very good radios, but have been trashed by golden screwdriver
techs because some idiot wanted to get on your beloved "freeband". Dot #5: In
both jobs I also work with high-gain, high-quality audio equipment, which, when
not shielded during servicing, has a certain sensitivity to kilowatt charlie
rolling up the highway screaming "AUDIO-O-O-O" into an overdriven power mic
hooked up through a roger-squawk box to a radio optimized for overmodulation and
"swang". Dot #6: Sometimes you can hear kilowatt charlie jacking-off on the
radio even when the equipment IS shielded, which tends to **** off clients who
do their thing by playing their -own- music at the local night-club.

Are you getting the picture, or do you need more dots? And why was it so hard
for you to connect the dots yourself?

I don't behave according to -your- Golden rule,
Twist -- "Do unto others

-before- they do unto you".

That's why you are so angry and demanding.

Because I don't troll the newsgroups with a 'flame-before-flamed' attitude?
That's just plain stupid.

Now as for those two presidents, would it help

if I said that neither one of them is George?

,,,communication deficit does not alow you to comprehend such simple,
human, civilized behavior. You would rather focus on
"I have lied several times in this ng, and on more than one occasion"
Frank Gilliland,
Once a liar, always a liar.

It takes integrity to admit one's mistakes.

Liars have no integrity, Frankie,

You should know better than anyone here.

I do.

I know you do. There is nobody that lies more and has less integrity than

I illustrate yours, Davies, and Nad's on a regular basis and will
continue to do so.

All you are demonstrating is that your obsession with us is so overpowering that
you will stack lie upon lie just to save face. Well, here's a newsflash, Twist:
You lost face about two years ago.

*A lie is so far removed from a mistake, that only a liar can attempt
to make a lie appear benign as a mistake.

Are you saying

Once again, Frankie, I said waht I said. Your pathetic need for
analogies to lessen the effect of your communication deficit is not
needed by anyone else..

Ok, I'll word it a little differently so as not to bruise your ego. IS IT
IMPOSSIBLE for a person to recognize, after the fact, that a decision
to tell a lie might have been a mistake?

So who do you think I am -this- week, Twist?

You have issues, Frankie,

Blah, blah, blah. Stay on topic.

I'm not the topic, Frankie, I'm *your* topic. Franklin wasn't the topic,
Frankie, it was an incidental you made *your* topic. Get a grip on
reality, OM.

Who were those two presidents? Here's another hint: One of them had a nickname,
all you need to do is fill in the blank: "Honest ___". Can you handle THAT?

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