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  #11   Report Post  
Old September 12th 03, 09:50 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Curious=A0Dan)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Yea,,you get upset realizing you know less than the lowly cber.
I forgot more than you know about radios.


It's only a fact when backed by credible verifiable posts. That you take
issue with my claim that a properly tuned amp and radio on eleven meter
will do nothing that one on ten will do, is testament to the part of
"knowledge" about radios you apparently forgot.

you have already made a fool out of yourself,

Your dilemma.
Not my dilema you have to live with it.

Only you are the one having difficulties "living" with others. Me, in
particular. You have issues,

the True Ham amplifiers that are sold on the

market are certainly not

Class C bleed boxes

Who said they were? YOU are the only one reaching..
I said they are,

Wasn't in the topic and it has nothing to do with my claim..period.
so you go out and find a class C amp sold for

amatuer radio use then report back with the

IMD figures, if you can even find one.

There you go again mentioning a class "c" splatter box. Try again when
you can remain focused and on topic.

. Ham amps are Biased ab1 which is much

cleaner less distortion, less over drive.

Point, besides the one on top of your head?
The point is your a joke when it comes to

technical aspects of radio, I just gave you the

point and you failed to realize it

No, you made no point other than illustrating the part of radio you

What is a properly tuned amp? Your trying to

albeit not so good of comparing a 11 meter

splatter amp to a ham amp which is used on

10 meters.

Nope,,I did no such thing,,,YOU did.
In reality you try to say they will act the same

when they won't the 11 meter amp will cause

Again,,YOU mention an eleven meter amp. Whatever you mean by that term,
has nothing to do with my comment.
more interference, known fact as eitner or

another tech you trust since you are clueless.

Well, we certainly don't trust you, as Toll has put you in your place
more times than you can shake a stick at.,,illustrating yet MORE of that
"knowledge you lost and forgot.

Did you forget you said this little tidbit? "a

properly tuned amp married to the right radio

on eleven meter or the freeband will do

nothing that one on ten meter won't do,,period.
So please nutcase don't talk about things you
don't know.

As usual, you can not attack the topic,
It stands alone.
I tore your topic apart you cant answer my

reply since you are stumped and clueless.

They were YOUR questions, YOUR topic, not mine, You're wrong,
incorrect, and beside yourself. Try and deal withit without the anger.

  #12   Report Post  
Old September 12th 03, 10:59 PM
Curious Dan
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Try and deal withit without the anger.

Ok, here is the solution of trying to have a technical discussion with a
complete moron. Blow Me

  #13   Report Post  
Old September 16th 03, 07:43 PM
Keyclownz R Dopers
Posts: n/a

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Part 95 - Subpart D - Rules for CB Service
Citizens Band (CB) Radio Service

General Provisions-

[RULE 1] Description
[RULE 2] Usage of Rules
[RULE 3] Who is Eligible
[RULE 4] Licenses
[RULE 5] Areas Of Legal Operation
[RULE 6] Special Restrictions
[RULE 7] Operating Channels/Frequencies
[RULE 8] Antenna Height
[RULE 9] Equipment
[RULE 10] Power Output
[RULE 11] Linear Amplifiers
[RULE 12] Permitted Communication
[RULE 13] Illegal Communication
[RULE 14] Paying for Actual Use
[RULE 15] Who Is Held Accountable
[RULE 16] Time Limit of Transmissions
[RULE 17] Identification Methods
[RULE 18] Emergency Usage and Assisting Travelers
[RULE 19] Remote Control Operations
[RULE 20] Telephone Patches and Telephony with CB
[RULE 21] Penalties
[RULE 22] Correspondence from FCC
[RULE 23] Notice of Interference
[RULE 24] Service to Transmitters and Antennas
[RULE 25] Modifications to Transmitters
[RULE 26] FCC Inspections
[RULE 27] Keeping Station Records
[RULE 28] Contacting the FCC

RULE 1 - Descriptions The Citizens Band Radio Service (CB) is a
private, two-way, short-distance voice communications service for
personal or business activities. The CB Radio Service may also be used
for voice paging.
RULE 2 - Usage of Rules You must comply with these rules when you
operate a station in the CB Service from:
{1} Within or over the territorial limits of places where radio
services are regulated by the FCC.
{2} Aboard any vessel or aircraft registered in the United States or
{3} Aboard any unregistered vessel or aircraft owned or operated by a
United States citizen or company.
Your CB must comply with Part 95/Subpart E [Technical Rules].
Where the rules use the word "you", "you" means a person operating a
CB station. Where the rules use the word "person" the rules are
concerned with an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an
association, a joint stock company, a trust, a state, territorial or
local government unit, or other legal entity. Where the rules use the
term "CB station", that means a radio station transmitting in the CB
Radio Service.
RULE 3 - Eligibility To Use CB You are authorized to operate a CB
station unless:
{A} You are a foreign government, a representative of a foreign
government, or a federal government agency.
{B} The FCC has issued a cease and desist order to you, and the order
is still in effect.
RULE 4 - Licenses You do not need an individual license to operate a
CB station. You are authorized by this rule to operate your CB station
in accordance with the rules stated in this Subpart. (*also read Rule
RULE 5 - Areas of Legal Operation You are authorized to operate your
CB station from:
{A} Within or over any area of the world where radio services are
regulated by the FCC. Those areas a
[1] The 50 United States
[2] The District Of Columbia
[3] Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
[4] Navassa Island
[5] United States Virgin Islands, it's 50 islets and cays
[6] American Samoa
[7] Baker Island
[8] Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands
[9] Guam Island
[10] Howland Island
[11] Jarvis Islan
[12] Johnston Island
[13] Kingman Reef
[14] Midway Island
[15] Palmyra Island, and it's 50+ islets
[16] Wake Island
{B} Any area of the world, except, within the territorial limits of
areas where radio services are regulated by -
[1] An agency of the United States other than the FCC, you are subject
to it's rules.
[2] Any foreign government, you are subject to it's rules.
{C} An aircraft or ship, with the permission of the captain, within or
over any area of the world where radio services are regulated by the
FCC or upon or over international waters. You must operate your CB
station according to any applicable treaty to which the United States
is a party.
RULE 6 - Special Restrictions
{A} If your CB station is located on premises controlled by the
Department of Defense you may be required to comply with additional
regulations imposed by the commanding officer of the installation.
{B} If your CB station will be constructed on land of environmental or
historical importance (such as a location significant in American
history, architecture or culture), you may be required to provide
information to comply with Part 1.1305 through 1.1319 of the FCC
RULE 7 - Operating Channels/Frequencies Your CB station may transmit
only on the following channels / frequencies:
Channel Frequency Channel Frequency
1 26.965 21 27.215
2 26.975 22 27.225
3 26.985 23 27.255
4 27.005 24 27.235
5 27.015 25 27.245
6 27.025 26 27.265
7 27.035 27 27.275
8 27.055 28 27.285
9* 27.065 29 27.295
10 27.075 30 27.305
11 27.085 31 27.315
12 27.105 32 27.325
13 27.115 33 27.335
14 27.125 34 27.345
15 27.135 35 27.355
16 27.155 36 27.365
17 27.165 37 27.375
18 27.175 38 27.385
19 27.185 39 27.395
20 27.205 40 27.405

{B} * Channel 9 may be used ONLY for emergency communications OR for
traveler assistance.
{C} You must, at all times and on ALL channels, give priority to
emergency communication messages concerning the immediate safety of
life or the immediate protection of property.
{D} You may use ANY channel for emergency communications or for
traveler assistance.
{E} You must share each channel with other users.
{F} The FCC will not assign any channel for the private or exclusive
use of any particular CB station or group of stations.
{G} The FCC will not assign any channel for the private or exclusive
use of CB stations transmitting single sideband or AM.
RULE 8 - Antenna Height
{A} "Antenna" means the radiating system (for transmitting, receiving
or both) and the structure holding it up (tower, pole or mast). It
also means everything else attached to the radiating system and the
{B} If your antenna is mounted on a hand-held portable unit, none of
the following limitations apply;
{C} If your antenna is installed at a fixed location (whether
receiving, transmitting or both) it must comply with EITHER one of the
[1] The highest point must not be more than 20 feet (6.10 meters)
higher than the highest point of the building or tree on which it is
[2] The highest point must not be more than 60 feet (18.3 meters)
above the ground.
{D} If your CB station is located near an airport, and if your antenna
structure is more than 20 feet (6.10 meters) high, you may have to
obey additional restrictions. The highest point of your antenna must
not exceed 39.37 inches (1 meter) above the airport elevation for
every 109.36 yards (100 meters, 1 hectometer) of distance from the
nearest point of the nearest airport runway. Differences in ground
elevation between your antenna and the airport runway may complicate
this formula. If your CB station is near an airport, you may contact
the nearest FCC field office for a worksheet to help you figure the
maximum allowable height for your antenna.
WARNING: Installation and removal of CB station antennas near
powerlines is dangerous. For your safety follow the installation
directions included with your antenna.
RULE 9 - Equipment
{A} You must use an FCC type accepted CB transmitter at your CB
station. You can identify an FCC type accepted transmitter by the
'type acceptance'label placed on it by the manufacturer. You may
examine a list of type-accepted equipment at any FCC Field Office or
at FCC Headquarters. Use of a transmitter which is not FCC
type-accepted voids your authority to operate the station.
{B} You must not make, or have made, any internal modifications to a
type-accepted CB transmitter. (*read Rule 25) Any internal
modification to a type-accepted CB transmitter cancels the
type-acceptance, and use of such a transmitter voids your authority to
operate the station.
RULE 10 - Power Output
{A} Your CB station transmitter power output must not exceed the
following values under any conditions:
AM [Amplitude Modulation] - 4 watts carrier power [CP]
SSB [Single Side-Band] - 12 watts peak envelope power [PEP]
{B} If you need more information about the power rule, see Part 95/
Subpart E.
{C} Use of a transmitter which has carrier [CP] or peak envelope power
[PEP]in excess of that authorized voids your authority to operate the
RULE 11 - Linear Amplifiers
{A} You may not attach the following items (power amplifiers) to your
type-accepted CB transmitter in any way:
[1] External radio frequency [RF] power amplifiers, also called linear
amplifiers, or linears;
[2] Any other devices which, when used with a radio transmitter as a
signal source, are capable of amplifying the signal.
{B} There are no exceptions to this rule and use of a power amplifier
voids your authority to operate the station.
{C} The FCC will presume you have used a linear or other external [RF]
power amplifier if-
[1] It is in your possession or on your premises; and
[2] There is OTHER EVIDENCE that you have operated your CB station
with more power than allowed by CB Rule 10.
{D} Paragraph C above in this section does not apply if you hold a
license in another radio service (HAM, etc.) which allows you to
operate an external RF power amplifier.
RULE 12 - Permitted Communications {A} You may use your CB station to
transmit two-way plain language communications. Two-way plain language
communications are communications without codes or coded messages.
Operating signals such as "ten codes" (10-4, etc.) are not considered
codes or coded messages. You may transmit two-way plain language
communications only to other CB stations, to units of your own CB
station, or to authorized government stations on CB frequencies about-
[1] Your personal or business activities, or those of members of your
immediate family living in your household;
[2] Emergencies;
[3] Traveler assistance;
[4] Civil Defense activities in connection with official tests or
drills conducted by, or actual emergencies announced by, the Civil
Defense Agency with authority over the area in which your station is
{B} You may use your CB station to transmit a TONE SIGNAL only when
the signal is used to make contact, or to continue communications
(Examples: tone operated squelch, selective calling circuits). If the
signal is an audible tone, it must last no longer than 15 seconds at
one time. If the signal is a subaudible tone, it may be transmitted
continuously only as long as you are talking.
{C} You may use your CB station to transmit one-way communications
(messages not intended for two or more CB stations) only for emergency
communications, traveler assistance, brief tests (radio checks) or
voice paging.
RULE 13 - Illegal Communications {A} You must NOT use a CB station-
[1] in connection with activity which is against federal, state or
local law;
[2] to transmit obscene, indecent or profane words, language or
[3] to interfere intentionally with the communications of another CB
[4] to transmit one-way communications, EXCEPT for emergency
communications, traveler assistance, brief tests (radio checks) or
voice paging;
[5] to advertise or solicit the sale of any goods or services;
[6] to transmit music, whistling, sound effects or any material to
amuse or entertain;
[7] to transmit any sound effect solely to attract attention;
[8] to transmit the word "MAYDAY" or use any other international
distress signal, EXCEPT when your station is located in a ship,
aircraft or other vehicle which is threatened with GRAVE AND IMMINENT
danger and you are requesting IMMEDIATE assistance.
[9] to communicate with, or ATTEMPT to communicate with, any CB
station more than 155.3 miles (250 kilometers) away;
[10] to advertise a political candidate or political campaign (You may
use your CB radio for the business or organizational aspects of a
campaign, if you follow all other applicable rules);
[11] to communicate with stations in other countries, except stations
in Canada (on General Radio Service).
[12] to transmit a false or deceptive communication.
{B} You must not use a CB station to transmit communications intended
for live or delayed rebroadcast on radio or television. You may use
your CB station to gather news items or to prepare programs.
RULE 14 - Paying for Actual Use {A} You may not accept direct or
indirect payment for transmitting with a CB station.
{B} You may use a CB station to help you provide a service, and be
paid for that service, as long as you are paid only for the service
and not for the actual use of the CB station.
RULE 15 - Who Is Held Accountable You are responsible for all
communications which are made BY YOU from a CB station.
RULE 16 - Time Limit of Transmissions {A} You must limit your CB
communications to the minimum practical time.
{B} If you are communicating with another CB station or stations, you,
and the stations communicating with you, must limit each of your
conversations to no more than five (5) continuous minutes.
{C} At the end of your conversation, you, and the stations
communicating with you, must not transmit again for at least one
RULE 17 - Identification Methods {A} You need NOT identify your CB
{B} You are ENCOURAGED to identify your CB communications by any of
the following means:
[1] Previously assigned FCC CB call sign
[2] K prefix followed by operators initials and residence zip code
[3] Your name;
[4] Description of your organization including name and any applicable
operator unit number
{C} You are encouraged to use a "handle" (nickname) ONLY IN
CONJUNCTION WITH the methods of identification listed above in
paragraph B of this section.
RULE 18 - Emergency Usage and Assisting Travelers {A} You must at all
times and on all channels, give priority to emergency communications.
{B} When you are directly participating in emergency communications,
you do not have to comply with Rule 16 about length of transmissions.
You must obey all other rules.
{C} You may use your CB station for communications necessary to assist
When you are using your CB station to assist a traveler, you do not
have to obey Rule 16 about the length of transmissions. You must obey
all other rules.
RULE 19 - Remote Control Operations {A} You MAY NOT operate a CB
station transmitter by RADIO remote control.
{B} You MAY operate a CB transmitter by WIRELINE remote control IF you
obtain specific approval in writing from the FCC. To obtain FCC
approval you must show why you need to operate your station by
wireline remote control. Send your request and justification to:
FCC, Gettysburg, PA 17325.
If you receive FCC approval, you must keep the approval as part of
your station records (read Rule 27 on station records).
RULE 20 - Telephone Patches and Telephony with CB {A} You MAY connect
your CB station transmitter to a telephone if you comply with ALL of
the following:
[1] You or someone else must be present at your CB station and MUST-
(i) manually make the connection (the connection cannot be made by
remote control);
(ii) supervise the operation of the transmitter during the connection;
(iii) listen to each communication during the connection; and
(iv) stop all communications if there are operations in violation of
these rules.
[2] Each communication during the telephone connection must comply
with all of these rules.
[3] You must obey any restriction that the telephone company places on
the connection of a CB transmitter to a telephone.
{B} The CB transmitter you connect to a telephone must not be shared
with any other CB station.
{C} If you connect your CB transmitter to a telephone, you must use a
phone patch device which has been registered with the FCC.
RULE 21 - Penalties may not be current penalty information. {A} If
the FCC finds that you have WILLFULLY or REPEATEDLY violated the
Communications Act or FCC Rules, you may have to pay as much as $2,000
for each violation, up to a total of $5,000.
{B} If the FCC finds that you have violated any section of the
Communications Act or FCC Rules, you may be ordered to stop whatever
action caused the violation.
{C} If a federal court finds that you have WILLFULLY and KNOWINGLY
violated any FCC Rule, you may be fined up to $500 for each day you
committed the violation.
{D} If a federal court finds that you have WILLFULLY and KNOWINGLY
violated any provision of the Communications Act, you may be fined up
to $10,000 or may be imprisoned for one year, or both.
RULE 22 - Correspondence from FCC {A} If it appears to the FCC that
you have violated the Communications Act or these rules, the FCC may
send you a discrepancy notice.
{B} Within the time period stated in the notice, you must answer with:
[1] A complete written statement about the apparent discrepancy;
[2] A complete written statement about any action you have taken to
correct the apparent violation and to prevent it from happening again;
[3] The name of the person operating at the time of the apparent
{C} If the FCC sends you a letter asking you questions about your CB
radio station or its operation, you must answer each of the questions
with a complete written statement within the time period stated in the
{D} You must not shorten your answer by references to other
communications or notices.
{E} You must send your answer to the FCC office which sent you the
{F} You must keep a copy of your answer in your station records.
RULE 23 - Notice of Interference {A} If the FCC tells you that your CB
station is causing interference due to technical reasons, you must
follow all instructions in the official FCC notice (This notice may
require you to have technical adjustments made to your equipment).
{B} You must comply with any restricted hours of CB station operation
which may be included in the official notice.

RULE 24 - Service to Transmitters and Antennas {A} You may adjust an
antenna to your CB transmitter and you may make radio checks (One-way
transmissions for a short time in order to test the transmitter).
{B} Each internal repair and each internal adjustment to your FCC
type-accepted CB transmitter must be made BY or under the DIRECT
SUPERVISION of a person licensed by the FCC as a GENERAL
{C} Except as provided in paragraph D below in this section, each
internal repair and each internal adjustment of a CB transmitter in
which signals are transmitted must be made using a NON-RADIATING
antenna (Dummy Load).
{D} Brief test signals (signals not longer than one minute during any
five minute period) using a radiating antenna may be transmitted in
order to:
[1] adjust an antenna to a transmitter;
[2] detect or measure radiation of energy other than the intended
[3] tune a receiver to your CB transmitter.
RULE 25 - Modifications to Transmitters {A} You must not make or have
any one else make any internal modification to your CB transmitter.
{B} Internal modification does NOT include:
[1] Repair, or servicing of a CB station transmitter; or
[2] Changing plug-in modules which were type-accepted as part of your
CB transmitter
{C} You must not operate a CB transmitter which has been modified by
anyone in any way, including modification to operate on unauthorized
frequencies or with illegal power.
RULE 26 - FCC Inspections {A} If an authorized FCC representative
requests to inspect your CB station, you must make your CB station and
records available for inspection.
{B} A CB station includes all of the radio equipment you use.
RULE 27 - Keeping Station Records Your station records include the
following documents, as applicable: [1] A copy of each response to an
FCC violation notice or an FCC letter.
[2] Each written permission received from the FCC.
RULE 28 - Contacting the FCC {A} Write to your nearest FCC Field
Office to: [1] Report an interference complaint; or [2] want to know
if the FCC has type-accepted a particular transmitter for CB service.
{B} Write to the FCC if you have questions about the CB Rules: FCC
Private Radio Bureau Personal Radio Branch Washington, DC 20554
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