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Radioman wrote in message ...
I mean really, what a ........., ............, chickenpoop hypocrite! LMMFAO!!! LOL! Worse, the dork can't even spell "friends"! |
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Thank you very much to Greg N8EIO or Criss W8CH, or WB8BFS Jack for
posting a private e-mail of mine to a public forum... I know it has to be one of you three. your the only one's have had troubles with in the past on Ham Radio. I should have known better sent it to you chuckleheads. Bunch of disgusting LOSERS! And FWIW, I have a job, a very good paying job. and will be moving OUT of THIS house and moving another House, of my OWN, and....Dare I say it?..... GETTING MARRIED! So, you LOSERS can BITE ME! 73 to the troll farm... -Chuck K8CPA On 30 Oct 2003 13:57:55 -0800, (newbe_1957) was blabbling: ....Look what this foul mouthed jerk is sending out .... ....Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 8:44 AM .... Subject: Fw: FCC's considering allowing increased vulgarity .... .... .... Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ and to my Amateur Radio .... Freinds. .... .... This message below was sent to me, by my Pastor of my .... Church. .... .... This is an outrage and needs to be stopped at all costs. If .... everyone that receives this message would sit down and .... write, type, scribble, whatever, A letter to the FCC at the .... address given, we could wipe out this ruling. Being a .... Licensed Amateur Radio Operator, I know that the FCC does .... respond to public opinion... so, write a letter and PLEASE, .... forward this on to every Christian Person you know! and you .... Ham's forward this to every HAM YOU know! We must stop this .... before it is too late. THIS IS NOT A CHAIN LETTER SCAM!!! .... THIS IS A LEGIT THING FOLKS!!!! .... .... Thanks for reading... .... .... -Chuck Adkins K8CPA .... Lincoln Park, Michigan .... .... .... .... .... ----- Original Message ----- .... From: "Pastor Pat Bossio Jr." .... To: .... Cc: .... Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 4:22 PM .... Subject: FCC's considering allowing increased vulgarity .... .... .... Hey Chuck .... .... I heard on WJR News that the Federal Communications .... Commission was .... considering allowing additional vulgar words on television .... and radio. Words .... that previously could never be aired and would most .... certainly be offensive .... to every believing christian and moral family in America. .... It is time for .... Americans to stand up for decency and the protection of .... the children .... entrusted to our care. .... .... Can we get the word out that written opposition to this .... outrageous offense .... should be directed to: .... .... W. KENNETH FERREE .... MEDIA BUREAU CHIEF .... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION .... 445 12TH STREET SOUTHWEST .... WASHINGTON, DC 20554 .... .... I personally called them at 888-225-5322 (pressing option .... 4 then 0 for .... operator) and had this information confirmed. Even the .... operator said she .... was disappointed in the FCC. .... .... The time to act is now before we are bombarded with more .... offensive .... profanity being shouted into our homes,vehicles,lives, and .... little .... ones.Letters are the only official way to record our voice .... but people can .... call the toll free number and let the operator know how .... they feel. |
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On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 03:02:20 GMT, sideband was
blabbling: .... .... ....gw wrote: .... .... oh come on sideband...surely you can forgive chuckie for being the .... dickhead that he is....???? .... ....After the non-HAM way he treated me on-air? I think not. He's nothing ....more than a (bad) CBer with a callsign, Excuse me? I don't even have a remote clue as to who YOU even are! They way I treated you on the air???? Now, Please fill me in on the details! and before you start with your large SOB story as to how YOU were wrong by big bad ol' Chuckie, Lemmie give ya something to chew on, ok? You think I was treated with kid gloves when I first keyed a 2 Meter mic? (especially on the SMART Repeater locally here in Detroit!) Heck no! I was slapped around like every other newbie in Ham Radio. Now, am I saying that those people were right, No, Not at all. But do you see me in here whining because someone might have not treating me like I felt I should have been treated? No! Because it comes with the territory! I will say this, if it makes you feel any better, okay and Granted, I don't know who you even are, now... If I said something to you, ON AIR, that offended you, (and granted the Local 2 meter scene here in Detroit is quite the interesting bunch, and has gotten worse over the last few years, and is why I have removed my 2 meter radio out of my personal Truck) I do wholeheartly apologize to you. I cannot go back and erase the things I have done in the past. I wasn't always a "nice" person on Amateur Radio. But I am man enough to say in a public forum that I am sorry for offending you. and by that I don't mean the ....regular CBer, who's generally a decent individual.. He's the kind who ....would like to run those roger-beeps, overmodulated splatterboxes, and ....who can't have a decent conversation with anyone because he's too busy ....playing channel-master. You seem to have quite an attitude problem. I think you've got problems that go well beyond your hatred of me. Because quite honestly, I cannot stand any of that stuff you described above. :-) .... ....No, I don't think I can forgive chuck. He embodies all that is NOT a ....HAM, and thereby embarrasses the entire hobby. .... Uhmmmm... Well, Considering you don't even come in here and say who you REALLY are... your argument is valueless to me or anyone else. and basing your judgement of me, on what you've seen in here and based on a incident that happened years ago, is quite inmature and shallow if you ask me. You don't know me, at all... This group is something I read for a laugh. Not what I base my livelyhood on... or my outlook on life. .. ...-SSB Now Do tell, what's your name and your CALLSIGN??? |
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![]() Well, Doing a TRACEROUTE on the IP address of the poster of the message: Trying to open SSH connection to router: box02rsm-en01-f4-0.twdx.net ( System is online. Pipelining termsession.....pipelined. Now starting traceroute, pipe 1 engaged 1 box02ce3-ed01-v305.twdx.net ( [AS 27552] 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec 2 box02jp5-cr01-g0-0.twdx.net ( [AS 27552] [MPLS: Label 13082 Exp 0] 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec 3 box02c75-br01-p3-0.twdx.net ( [AS 27552] 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec 4 towardex-bos.cust.qwest.net ( [AS 27552] 4 msec 4 msec 4 msec 5 bos-core-02.inet.qwest.net ( [AS 209] 4 msec 12 msec 8 msec 6 jfk-core-01.inet.qwest.net ( [AS 209] 18 msec 12 msec 18 msec 7 jfk-core-02.inet.qwest.net ( [AS 209] 12 msec 12 msec 12 msec 8 jfk-brdr-02.inet.qwest.net ( [AS 209] 14 msec 12 msec 12 msec 9 ( [AS 209] 12 msec 12 msec 12 msec 10 526.at-6-0-0.XR1.NYC8.ALTER.NET ( [AS 701] 14 msec 16 msec 22 msec 11 0.so-2-2-0.XL1.NYC8.ALTER.NET ( [AS 701] 14 msec 14 msec 14 msec 12 0.so-1-0-0.TL1.NYC8.ALTER.NET ( [AS 701] 14 msec 14 msec 14 msec 13 0.so-5-1-0.TL1.CHI2.ALTER.NET ( [AS 701] 34 msec 34 msec 34 msec 14 0.so-7-0-0.XL1.CHI2.ALTER.NET ( [AS 701] 34 msec 34 msec 34 msec 15 0.so-6-0-0.HR1.CHI2.ALTER.NET ( [AS 701] 41 msec 33 msec 33 msec 16 159.ATM3-0.DR3.CHI5.ALTER.NET ( [AS 701] 35 msec 35 msec 39 msec 17 tnt1.bryan.oh.da.uu.net ( [AS 701] 55 msec !H 55 msec Pipe 1 disengaged. session is terminating, cleaning up... ============================ Bryon, Ohio. Now interesting... Who do I know in Byron, Ohio? Trust me, I KNOW who posted it. He's a guy that get's on 3.865 in the mornings.... but because I don't want no trouble with the old duffer, I'll leave it alone. The old fool needs to get a grip. I could unleash a firestorm on him and say who he is... But being I'm a bit more mature than that. I won't. Apologies to WB8BFS, N8EIO and W8CH, although, I have little use for N8EIO as he was the one who forwarded it to this guy. Cut the crap Marvin. is all I am saying... 73 to all, -Chuck K8CPA P.S. Marvin what's your code speed up to? On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 16:41:36 -0500, Chuck K8CPA was blabbling: ....Thank you very much to Greg N8EIO or Criss W8CH, or WB8BFS Jack for ....posting a private e-mail of mine to a public forum... I know it has to ....be one of you three. your the only one's have had troubles with in the ....past on Ham Radio. .... .... ....I should have known better sent it to you chuckleheads. .... ....Bunch of disgusting LOSERS! .... ....And FWIW, I have a job, a very good paying job. and will be moving OUT ....of THIS house and moving another House, of my OWN, and....Dare I say ....it?..... GETTING MARRIED! .... ....So, you LOSERS can BITE ME! .... ....73 to the troll farm... .... ....-Chuck K8CPA .... .... .... .... .... ....On 30 Oct 2003 13:57:55 -0800, (newbe_1957) was ....blabbling: .... .......Look what this foul mouthed jerk is sending out ....... .......Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 8:44 AM ....... Subject: Fw: FCC's considering allowing increased vulgarity ....... ....... ....... Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ and to my Amateur Radio ....... Freinds. ....... ....... This message below was sent to me, by my Pastor of my ....... Church. ....... ....... This is an outrage and needs to be stopped at all costs. If ....... everyone that receives this message would sit down and ....... write, type, scribble, whatever, A letter to the FCC at the ....... address given, we could wipe out this ruling. Being a ....... Licensed Amateur Radio Operator, I know that the FCC does ....... respond to public opinion... so, write a letter and PLEASE, ....... forward this on to every Christian Person you know! and you ....... Ham's forward this to every HAM YOU know! We must stop this ....... before it is too late. THIS IS NOT A CHAIN LETTER SCAM!!! ....... THIS IS A LEGIT THING FOLKS!!!! ....... ....... Thanks for reading... ....... ....... -Chuck Adkins K8CPA ....... Lincoln Park, Michigan ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ----- Original Message ----- ....... From: "Pastor Pat Bossio Jr." ....... To: ....... Cc: ....... Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 4:22 PM ....... Subject: FCC's considering allowing increased vulgarity ....... ....... ....... Hey Chuck ....... ....... I heard on WJR News that the Federal Communications ....... Commission was ....... considering allowing additional vulgar words on television ....... and radio. Words ....... that previously could never be aired and would most ....... certainly be offensive ....... to every believing christian and moral family in America. ....... It is time for ....... Americans to stand up for decency and the protection of ....... the children ....... entrusted to our care. ....... ....... Can we get the word out that written opposition to this ....... outrageous offense ....... should be directed to: ....... ....... W. KENNETH FERREE ....... MEDIA BUREAU CHIEF ....... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ....... 445 12TH STREET SOUTHWEST ....... WASHINGTON, DC 20554 ....... ....... I personally called them at 888-225-5322 (pressing option ....... 4 then 0 for ....... operator) and had this information confirmed. Even the ....... operator said she ....... was disappointed in the FCC. ....... ....... The time to act is now before we are bombarded with more ....... offensive ....... profanity being shouted into our homes,vehicles,lives, and ....... little ....... ones.Letters are the only official way to record our voice ....... but people can ....... call the toll free number and let the operator know how ....... they feel. |
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![]() gw wrote: jim wrote in message ... Radioman wrote: I mean really, what a ........., ............, chickenpoop hypocrite! LMMFAO!!! wonder if he moved out of the basement yet.... well if he moved out of his mommie's house he would have to pay rent and bills. ....those ssi checks don't go as far as they used to.......besides he would have to start going to work everyday instead of talking on his radio and also he would have to start doing the cooking and cleaning up after himself and how in the hell is that going to work out for a single guy in his thirties i ask you???? have a little compassion will ya jim after all he is our very own rec.radio.cb chuckie and we are all extremeley proud of him doncha know....let us not forget that chuckie started out a lowly cber selling illegal cb amps and he became a hamster with letters and ****, no doubt about it...... yeah my bad gw...chuckie is an institution. not..... |
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![]() Steveo wrote: Chuck K8CPA wrote: ...On 30 Oct 2003 13:57:55 -0800, (newbe_1957) was ...blabbling: -snip- So, did you move out of your mom's basement yet? c'mon now he said he was getting there. the wife thingy has me scared as that may mean procreation is a possibility.... |
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In , Steveo
wrote: Frank Gilliland wrote: You're a bible-thumper, Twist -- what do you think? A freeband preacher!? We're doomed. g Well, at least the band will sound like the rest of HF. -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- |
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jim wrote:
Steveo wrote: Chuck K8CPA wrote: ...On 30 Oct 2003 13:57:55 -0800, (newbe_1957) was ...blabbling: -snip- So, did you move out of your mom's basement yet? c'mon now he said he was getting there. the wife thingy has me scared as that may mean procreation is a possibility.... Roll her in flour first? |
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