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  #11   Report Post  
Old January 7th 04, 05:18 PM
Posts: n/a

"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message ...
"gw" wrote in message

oh great a hillbilly from north carolina is talking to riley
hollingsworth on the phone.....riley..them dadburn good buddies ara
takin over our ten meters saahh!! what is you going to do bout it????
beam me up scotty.....

Believe it or not--I don't care. Do a little digging and find out where HE
is from! He is just as "hillbilly" as *I* am.
His hometown is ROCK HILL, SC--'bout 40 miles from
here. But WAIT! YOU can call him, too! It's 717-338-2502. Go ahead, DO
it!!! Ask HIM if FCC will
ignore the sales of unapproved radios. "Axe" him, not me.
That is, unless you're "skeered" of him. "Axe" him if it
is OK for you to operate on the ham bands unlicensed.
Go direct to the source. Have at it. Oh, the email is
. Allow some time for an answer as he
is often out of the office.

(sound of a hen clucking in the background)



oh that is conforting, one hillbilly talking to another hillbilly
about matters of radio policy.........oh and a hen clucking in the appropriate......probably your family pet....
  #12   Report Post  
Old January 7th 04, 06:15 PM
Jerry Oxendine
Posts: n/a

"gw" wrote in message
"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message

"gw" wrote in message

oh great a hillbilly from north carolina is talking to riley
hollingsworth on the phone.....riley..them dadburn good buddies ara
takin over our ten meters saahh!! what is you going to do bout it????
beam me up scotty.....

Believe it or not--I don't care. Do a little digging and find out where

is from! He is just as "hillbilly" as *I* am.
His hometown is ROCK HILL, SC--'bout 40 miles from
here. But WAIT! YOU can call him, too! It's 717-338-2502. Go ahead,

it!!! Ask HIM if FCC will
ignore the sales of unapproved radios. "Axe" him, not me.
That is, unless you're "skeered" of him. "Axe" him if it
is OK for you to operate on the ham bands unlicensed.
Go direct to the source. Have at it. Oh, the email is
. Allow some time for an answer as he
is often out of the office.

(sound of a hen clucking in the background)



oh that is conforting, one hillbilly talking to another hillbilly
about matters of radio policy.........oh and a hen clucking in the appropriate......probably your family


I see that went over your head. I challenge you to call
the man (you won't because you're chicken-get it?--) And "hillbilly" or not,
he is a long-term career attorney with FCC in Gettysburg, PA. Get one of
these NAL
letters from him, ignore it, then sit back and see what happens. HAHAHA!
You'll see how much "policy" he
can ram up---well, you know.

If you want to call him, I gave you the phone #. Wanna
email him? I gave you that. Get the real scoop from the
man in charge of Amateur Enforcement. What else can we do? I also know you
won't contact him, and if you do
and come back with some off-the-wall crap about illegal
radios being legal, etc, etc. then I can just call him back and get the REAL
story. But then IF you are one of the
ones doing or promoting the illegal stuff, you wouldn't want to talk to
someone who might tear up your playhouse, now would you? YOU have as much
to the "man" as I do, so GO for it!!

(Hmm, is that a rooster crowing I hear?)



  #13   Report Post  
Old January 7th 04, 10:15 PM
Posts: n/a

What ever came of the claim that a major truck stop chain was about to
fall for selling 10 meter radio equipment? Oh, and ask Hollingsworth why
they (FCC) just implemented an unofficial policy of ignoring ALL
anonymous individual complaints for cb and hammie radio? You won't like
the answer.

Oh, it isn't over yet.

Again, I ask what "happened" to your claim at the beginning of last year
where you said a major chain was going down "soon". It didn't happen.

It was told directly to me by RH in phone


If that is true, which I assume it is, it illustrates how it is biz as
usual at the FCC,,,,,s-l-o-w as Moses. Makes you wonder why the
enforcement divisions department heads are any less integritized than
the Holly-man himself.

Like the answer?

If you consider that an answer..allow me,,,it's pure sophistry.

Fine, whatever--what will be will be.

Depends. I got that direct from RH himself.

You, OTH, are relying on urban/internet

legend regarding what Hollingsworth "said"

You're on a severe backslide, Jerry. In the first manner, I attributed
nothing to RH in my above statement. You somehow feel the need to
falsely claim I attributed my information from RH. On the contrary, my
info was from an internal memo in the enforcement division concerning
amateur radio and cb complaints. Again, since you are so quick to
dismiss what apparently pains you, I implore you once again to ask your
contact "why" an "unofficial" policy was enacted regarding the ignoring
of anonymous complaints. You are free to speculate and wish as hard as
you may, it won' change the fact you are dead wrong.

Wrong about what?

You were wrong about the major chain getting popped "soon". IF it
happens at all, years after the claim was made,,,it means nothing in the
original context. One can always make the claim "someday, when I paint
my masterpiece".
"Someday..when my ship comes in.."...."Someday" the crime will be rid.
"Someday" the grass will be greener and the wine will be sweeter and the
air will be cleaner. Knowwhatahmean? No one denied wheels don't turn. It
just goes to show that you can't trust the feds when they tell ya'
something "off the record",

There are two sides to any story.

And I'm still waiting to hear yours, which is why I asked about it.

You have a vested interest in keeping the

status quo,

How in the world you figure that? Because I don't cower and shrivel in
the face of impotent threats over my freebanding activity? Because I am
not ashamed of my DX activity? Perhaps it is because I answer all
inquiries concerning my activities with no fear of retribution from
those that tell me I face the wrath of the law for mere DX on cb? Maybe
it's my long-standing internet addy that has you misreading so much. I
am nobody's mother and have no "interest" except to enjoy myself
responsibly. What you and I each may consider responsible, we may
disagree, but in no manner have you ever seen me campaigning for one
cause or the other unless directed my way or posed to myself by another.
In no thread will you see me advocating another to break the
law..,except, of course, we must realize that the answering questions on
this forum concerning amps, mods, and freebanding where cb is concerned,
is misinterpreted by yourself as illegal and condoning illicit behavior.
Nothing can be further from the truth. I have stated many, many times
that folks need to learn the rules and the laws and decide for themself
whether they decide to operate within the law or not. Thousands of
operators, hammies and cbers alike have found plenty of enjoyment with
no threat whatsoever for selectively disregarding certain rules and
regulations and STILL maintaining an operating standard light years
ahead of several angry hammies (read: The Voob Team) that try to rain on
our wonderful little world of DX and HF on CB. Ain't gonna happen, not
yesterday, not today, not tomorrow, not in the distant future.

=A0=A0I have a vested interest in keeping

unlicensed people off the

ham bands.

Oh, but you are full of deliberate disinformation. How, pray tell, does
this alleged status quo you accuse me of attempting to maintain, compare
or tie in any way whatsoever with intruders on the hammie bands, Jerry?

If I am wrong, I am wrong.

You ARE wrong concerning your comparison above to my activities.
Deliberately wrong, it sometime appears.

If you are right,

then YOU are right and I have, just like your

fave ball team loses a game, lost.

My favorite ball team is anyone that beats any team from Philthadelphia,
no matter the sport. Never saw a more despicable crowd at an American
sports facility than the Philthy trash.

..kind of like that thing that says that Target is

against veterans.

(shug) and Kmart supports sweat shop labor...nothing of relative concern
to amateur or cb radio.

It refers to any urban legend like Microsoft

paying money for a "beta" test, or the thing

that goes around from to time that Target will

not support veterans' causes. Both

are urban legends.

Oh, yea,,,,from the page I turned Keith on to several years ago,,the
hoax buster and legend page. Great stuff, there. Debunking myths posted
here really rattles some cages of the angry animals hanging around,,,,

Your "unoffficial" policy statement is just

that--an urban legend;,,it was an internal memo to the enforcement division regarding
hammie and cb activity and other non-commercial endeavors and I may even
be able to still get you the memo number and name of
authorization.....,,but it would be much easier for you to just ask your
contact outright. Too much public information (as you very well know and
have alluded to several times) may damage the informational pipeline and
some of us will no longer have our own personal G. Gordon Liddy to rely

one that people WANT

to be- lieve. One that has the "ring" of truth

only because one's fervent desire to be

supported in a thought, belief, or act.

Which is why I cried "sophistry" with your claim of the chain. You want
it so bad you take to posting in the truckers forums. Nevertheless, I
see you didn't inquire.....yet, but you will. I'm not concerned about
convincing you or anyone else about anything at all,,,,just know
this,,,I'm certain of my bastions of integrity.

Mr Hollingsworth, indeed, has MUCH to do

with enforcement of AMATEUR rules. Thus,

much of the info

comes from him via the Consumer and

Governmental Affairs Bureau. He is most

concerned simply because of the effect the

illegal sales of "export" radios--namely the

incursions onto 10 and 12 Meters. Your

"unofficial" policy is still urban legend.

Dial him up and ask him, and quote me: "What becomes of present
anonymous complaints concerning cb and amateur radio?"

The fact

is, that it completely countermands the

Enforcement Division's real policy.

Government is in the business of


Yea,,that's government as usual for you.
They contradict
themselves all over the place on a regular
basis in a myriad of areas. Nothing in this
administration is based on facts or what is
best for the populace..but you already know this.

The answer is: FCC has NOT issued a policy

of "ignoring" anything.

So reword it so there is no semantic debate: "Anonymous complaints by
individuals are no longer logged or followed."
Besides,,I said "unofficial". Again, you are wrong. Wrong. Ask Riley
what the enforcement division now does with anonymous complaints
regarding cb or amateur radio... Report back.

OH? How do you think those truckers get

caught operating on 10 Meters?

(sigh) I know exactly how they were caught. They were taped much in the
same manner N8 was taped. I know of one that was even photographed,,the
license place, company name, the entire enchilada, only I am not
speaking of tangible alleged proof, I am speaking of anonymous
complaints to the FCC regarding an individual.

How do you think Pacetronics

got cited?

Because someone complained.

No,,that isn't what happened with Pace. Didn't the feds witness several
violations with Pace?
Didn't the feds actually make a purchase from Pace? I believe they did.
Anonymous complaints to the FCC do not get individuals cited and never
have,,,,,,,and as of January 1st of this year, they (anonymous
complaints to the FCC) carry as much weight as our wannabe internet cops
do. They get treated with as much respect as the complainer has for
himself by hiding his ID. What does that tell you when an individual
makes an anonymous complaint, Jerry? I'll tell you what it says to me, says that the person doesn't even trust the government with
their personal information, but
are attempting to get said government to harass another. The familiar
path appears again.

I can put ANYTHING on the net--

And you usually do,,such as your claim early last year that a chain of
truck stops was about to fall "soon" and that you had it on great

just look at all the crap that appears on this

board everyday.

I skip much of it these days and try to limit myslef to pointing out
those that lie and have an angry agenda of some type and an ax to grind.

=A0=A0If you think FCC is going to go away or

ignore anything, you are wrong!

Go away? Again, you are reaching way too far to misattribute words to
myself...a concept quite familiar and repeatedly enacted by the losers
on this group. To my knowledge, you have never deliberately
misattributed words to another until now. Not good, Jerry, no matter
what your agenda may be. There is no reason for you to reduce yourself
to the behaviors of the lids and trolls, but perhaps you jsut can't help
yourself these days, Jerry.

There are too many complaints, both foreign

and domestic, for the problem to be ignored.

The problem is hyper-inflated and
compounded by those that make anonymous
complaints. Add to that the incorrect but nevertheless frivolous claims
concerning busts and inside information that never happen, and a direct
corelation is apparent among these type.

I don't have the answer.


That is all I asked of you, Jerry. You didn't have to reduce yourself to
deliberately misattributing claims to myself that were never made. That
is some serious frustration, Jerry.

Tell ya what. For legal reasons, I can't say

anything right now.

See,,you know exactly what I mean concerning the info pipeline,,,,,

But there are some cases

coming up that may be of


Too vague, Jer. There are ALWAYS cases coming up, and any one of them
MAY be of interest, for any reason whatsoever. But I'm giving you the
benefit of doubt as I do everyone. I believe RH told you what you
brought here,,,,but then again, I believe he is attempting damage
control with lipservice to those that scream the as

If they happen, it will prove that I was accurate
with my info.

If you are speaking of the truckstops,,I'll concur.
If they don't happen, then I'll hush. OK?


I don't want you to hush, I just want to know what happened. Ask him
what held up the enforcement last year...$$$? Other more important
priorities? His hands are actually tied? You know how many field agents
they have now? You have any clue what their case load is? That trucker
bleeding the **** out of your soccer or rugby game is not even on the
FCC's radar. CB interference is moot these days with the FCC. It's why
the feds are abdicating their responsibility concerning such. In
essence, they have said, "You think it's a problem,,,,then let YOUR town
deal with it, 'cause we're all on a mission thanks to the miserable
failure,,,,terrorist huntin' ya' know!"
Besides, with the skip waning, I've been playing around with pirate
radio again,,,,,listen way down low on your commercial FM dial,,can you
DX the LPFM stations from Tampa Bay? Several regs on this forum receive
one of our commercial stations on a regular basis down in the 26 MHZ know the one. Do yourself a favor,,party with a pirate!!!
Ahoy, mate!

  #15   Report Post  
Old January 7th 04, 11:35 PM
Posts: n/a

Moparman mused with:
Please ask Riley how much lead he suggests

standing behind when the amp is pushing 3K.

It's good to get some government supervision

when running a sparrow cooker.

I've come across folks that didn't believe that possible before....we
have them damn ugly vultures here and when they are stupid enough to
land on the wrong set of ears......ever seen a potato cook on a long

I sure don't want to exceed my monthly

keyclown radiation click.

Whenz they gonna reinnerdooce dem foil hatz for jes that?

  #18   Report Post  
Old January 8th 04, 06:24 PM
Jerry Oxendine
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message
From: (Jerry Oxendine)
"gw" wrote in message
oh great a hillbilly from north carolina is talking to riley
hollingsworth on the phone.....riley..them dadburn good buddies ara
takin over our ten meters saahh!! what is you going to do bout it????
beam me up scotty.....

Believe it or not--I don't care. Do a little

digging and find out where HE is from! He is

just as "hillbilly" as *I* am. His hometown is

ROCK HILL, SC--'bout 40 miles from here.

That freakin' Golden Corral near the mideastern-owned grocery store
changed their damn it's buffet only,,who the hell wants a
one-steak-fits-all from a buffet line? Can't even ORDER a steak at a
steakhouse? Yankees hacking and sneezing and snottin' all over the hot
food line,,,,and this place still has the audacity to call itself a
steakhouse? I tell ya, Jer,,,,I'm finding me a new town for my
layovers,,,Perhaps Orangeburg has a real steakhouse,,,don't get me
started on Charlotte, as I've never seen the traffic so bad in,,,,,ever!

EW, let me tell you about Charlotte!!! Traffic is so bad because it was
(used to be/wannabe) just another small
town like mine. Then they wanted to be on the "map" like
Atlanta, or Washington DC. Never saw such an inferiority complex. They
didn't think about what traffic would be 20 years into the future (1969) and
when they
realized.......hey we better DO something, it was too late.
The population rose so fast, the county/city gov'ts recruited companies so
fast, they couldn't handle it. They
hemmed and hawed around for those 20 years deciding
where/how/when a beltline would go (I-485), and it is only 1/2 complete. If
you have been thru Clt lately you
will see the latest segment going in on the west side towards Belmont. I
have watched in awe and dismay as
this pretty town is now becoming just like Philly, Boston,
or New York. They have a long way to get there yet, but
believe me it's on its way. They wanted SOOO bad to be a big city. That
section of I-485 once was a beautiful golf course with rolling hills and
immaculate greens. (now it is a sea of mud). Traffic will soon roll
unknowingly over
what was once the 18th hole. Ah, progress. (sigh)
You once could walk up and down Trade and Tryon streets without fear (the
square). No more. Crimes such
as murder have risen dramatically. The Charlotte landscape/roadscape has
changed so much that someone who left Charlotte 15 years would not recognize
Independence Blvd--heck it doesn't even take the same route exactly; it ends
abruptly near Kings Dr. and takes
up somewhere else. The Wachovia Tower (bank) and
other downtown skyscrapers make Trade street dusky
dark and the "designers" work desperately to turn the town into permanent
twilight. I hate to go down there.
A friendly, medium-sized city has now become an intimi-
dating place. So what price, this progress, eh?


  #19   Report Post  
Old January 9th 04, 04:50 AM
Jerry Oxendine
Posts: n/a

"gw" wrote in message

stevo jerry is a very important secret agent that has been sent here
by the man to spy on us....if you don't believe me jus ax


OK, gw.....................

It is predicted and expected that you would argue about
what I may know or whom I may know. No problem.

With all the "urban legend" circulating about FCC not
responding to or acting upon complaints, I just thought I'd
offer this. Remember that I inferred that something would
be going down soon? All I will say, is it applies to some
recent events and people who "thought" they would be
able to continue selling their wares (10 Meter radios and
amps) as usual. I also implied that I had a bit of inside info which was
ridiculed (secret agent, etc, etc). And that is fine. So if you read about
something soon, then you will know you heard it here first. The email came
and I will share it at the appropriate time. Today's date is
1-08-04, so use that as a benchmark. If nothing happens, then laugh all you
like. It's all good........... We
will see if FCC "ignores" anything. Or not.



  #20   Report Post  
Old January 9th 04, 04:54 AM
Posts: n/a

"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message


Hey Jerry, all the BS aside, how you been
doing since you're heart problem?


Hard things are put in our way,
not to stop us, but to call out our
courage and strength.

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