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Put it in an empty jim beam bottle
In article , Twistedhed says... LOL,,only your off-topic sidestep definitions don't apply in this case. The original poster was referring to a device, as in "gadget", not a "scheme",such as you presented in your desperate squirm for deflection. In fact, all had no problem comprehending such, with the sole exception of your self,,,...tsk tsk.,,and here you go again, the low self-esteem and self-hatred you are forced to deal with, ****ing you off to no end, manifesting in misdirected anger from your darkness. Such hostility for no reason other than your personal problems.....that makes you a ......lid. |
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On 13 Feb 2004 12:44:50 -0800, Harmony wrote:
Put it in an empty jim beam bottle LOL, I like that... old wives tale was a mason jar... |
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In , w_tom wrote:
......Same earthing ground that also connects to AC electric, telephone, and cable TV wire..... snip ......... Note an antenna tower and building each have their own earth ground. Each is earthed as if it were a separate structure. Every incoming wire makes a connection to that earth ground. To make the 'system' work better, a ground wire interconnects the antenna and building earth grounds: ........BAD idea. Tying your ground rods together makes a ground loop, which is deadly for radio equipment. Use a completely -seperate- ground system for your radio. Sink a ground rod where the coax enters the shack, tie the coax shield directly to this rod (don't forget to waterproof the connection), and run your ground strap and coax as close together as possible. Here's a diagram: http://www.aimcomm.net/sparky/ground.gif DON'T rely on your coax shield for a ground strap!!! You can braid a heavy-duty strap using old power cords and it shouldn't cost you more than a few dollars at the local thrift shop. If AC noise becomes a problem, rewire the AC outlets used by the radio so their ground goes to the new ground rod via the ground strap. Do NOT connect the neutral (white) wire to this ground! http://services.erico.com/public/lib...es/tncr002.pdf Page has moved. Update your link. Static is irrelevant. A few hundred volts of static will not damage any properly built radio. You could even static shock your car radio antenna or a portable radio antenna without damage. That would be as much as 18,000 volts - and still no damage. Many radios aren't built "properly", and most modern radios use JFET or MOSFET frontends, which are VERY suseptible to damage from static, even from potentials as low as 50 volts (the breakdown potential of the protection diodes). That's not the only problem -- static buildup on the antenna causes horrific noise! Fortunately, the best solution is an easy one: shunt the center conductor of your coax to ground with an RF choke, something on the order of 1 milliHenry or larger (even an audio or power supply choke will work). Locate the choke at the grounding block (see diagram) as any lightning strike will travel through that choke and you don't want it inside the shack when that happens. On the upside, it makes a beautiful blob of copper and iron that you could probably sell on ebay for a decent price (after the smell goes away, of course). The earthing is required by NEC for human safety AND also provides transistor safety. If lightning is provided a path to earth ground via that exterior rod, then it too will not seek earth ground, destructively, via your radio. Direct strike lightning damage is that easily avoided. Wrong. If the coax is plugged into the radio when lightning hits the antenna, it's safe to assume that your radio will fry. Period. Doesn't matter how much protection you have. Why? Because lightning packs a few million volts (not an exaggeration) and will jump just about any gap to ground. But gaps are also resistors, and since lighting also carries a few million amps (again, not an exaggeration), you are going to have a SIGNIFICANT voltage potential on your coax. In fact, the potential and current are so high that the core insulation breaks down for the full length of the coax and it is literally cooked from end to end. I've seen it more than once. And that's WITH proper grounding! Unplug the coax from the radio when not in use. If you want to use a "device", get one of those big blade switches so there is a big gap, and wire it so the antenna is shorted to ground when not connected to the radio. Unfortunately, too many don't have necessary earthing, suffer damage, and then declare nothing could have helped. Generations of technical history say otherwise. Its all about earthing - as even required by code. Get some field experience. THEN come here and talk about lightning protection. -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- |
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Manufacturer changed URL for that Technical Note again:
TN CR 002 The Need for Coordinated Protection http://www.erico.com/public/library/...es/tncr002.pdf This figure demonstrates how a radio can be protected even from lightning strikes. Static is irrelevant to radios because, as was posted Every electronics manufacturer ... takes great lengths to control static. If static on an antenna was destructive to a radio, then every time a human static discharges to that radio (many times higher voltage), then the radio is damaged. But human static discharge does not damage those JFETs. Internal protection easily installed because static has such low current AND short duration. Radio design assumes an antenna has been properly earthed as even required by the NEC which therefore makes internal protection effective. Cell phone towers, 911 dispatcher radios, telephone switching computers connected to overhead wires everywhere in town. All must suffer direct strikes and not be damaged - as was standard even before WWII. Why? Earthing, as described in the below text, and demonstrated in that manufacturer's figure makes protection even inside the radio effective. If such earthing was not effective, then 911 emergency dispatch and telephone operators would have to remove headsets (stopped working) during every thunderstorm. They don't stop working, do they. Protection so routine that it even makes static electric discharge problems irrelevant and trivial by comparison. OPs antenna and antenna lead must connect as demonstrated by that industry professional's technical note. For that matter, visit this and many other 'real world' manufacturers whose products are also effective because they discuss the most critical component - earthing. Lancer wrote: On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 14:41:50 -0500, w_tom wrote: The antenna requires an earth ground, first, as required by National Electrical Code. That mounting rod should be connected to an eight+ foot earth ground rod (available even in Home Depot and Lowes). This required by NEC for human safety, but also to protect transistors. Incoming wire should enter building at the service entrance so that a ground block (maybe $1 at Radio Shack or Home Depot) connects 'less than 10 feet' to the building's single point earth ground. Same earthing ground that also connects to AC electric, telephone, and cable TV wire. Do not even think an AC receptacle or water faucet will provide that necessary earthing. NEC requirements have changed since 1990 to require a service entrance ground rod. You may need to install this earth ground rod at the service entrance. Many homes don't even have that much which is another reason why some homes suffer household electronics damage. Principles are demonstrated in this figure. Note an antenna tower and building each have their own earth ground. Each is earthed as if it were a separate structure. Every incoming wire makes a connection to that earth ground. To make the 'system' work better, a ground wire interconnects the antenna and building earth grounds: Static is irrelevant. A few hundred volts of static will not damage any properly built radio. You could even static shock your car radio antenna or a portable radio antenna without damage. That would be as much as 18,000 volts - and still no damage. The earthing is required by NEC for human safety AND also provides transistor safety. If lightning is provided a path to earth ground via that exterior rod, then it too will not seek earth ground, destructively, via your radio. Direct strike lightning damage is that easily avoided. Unfortunately, too many don't have necessary earthing, suffer damage, and then declare nothing could have helped. Generations of technical history say otherwise. Its all about earthing - as even required by code. |
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Unfortunately Frank Gilliland has exaggerated his numbers
due to insufficient experience and too much time listening to myths. His numbers will be exposed as fiction. Field experience says repeatedly that antenna and radio can suffer direct strikes without damage. That is proven about 25 times every year atop Empire State Building since the 1930s. According to Frank, they must suffer damage 25 times per year. Let's start with his numbers. Millions of volts? Yes. But same voltage does not appear everywhere in a circuit - basic circuit theory. Those millions of voltage are in the sky. Surge protection is about making those millions of voltage appear elsewhere which is why industry professionals discuss impedance. A low impedance connection to earth means no millions of volts. Millions of amps? Only in dreams. Most lightning is below 20,000 amps and of such short duration as to not be high energy. Lightning typically so low energy at the strike location (not to be confused with what is miles above) that well over 90% of all trees struck leave no indication of that strike. How big need a wire be to shunt (earth) lightning? Even the US Army training manual TM5-690 requires 10 AWG wire to conduct the direct lightning strike without damage. Same wire found in 20 or 30 amp AC electric boxes because lightning is not the millions of amps so often claimed in urban myths. Unlike Frank, numbers are provided by multiple, reliable sources. Another who does this for a living: From Colin Baliss "Transmission & Distribution Electrical Engineering": Although lightning strikes have impressive voltage and current values (typically hundreds to thousands of kV and 10-100 kA) the energy content of the discharge is relatively low ... or Martin A Uman in All About Lightning Most of the energy available to the lightning is converted along the lightning channel to thunder, heat, light, and radio waves, leaving only a fraction available at the channel base for immediate use or storage. In short, Frank Gilliland's numbers are classic myths. Pre WWII ham radio operators demonstrated what was required for protection. First they would disconnect antenna and still suffer damage. Then placed antenna lead in a mason jar, and still suffered damage. But when antenna was connected to earth ground, then no damage. Neither a mason jar nor "one of those big blade switches" sufficiently blocks destructive transients. Of course not. Lightning was not blocked by miles of air. Is a mason jar or knife switch to do what miles of air could not? Of course not. For no damage, provide the destructive transient what it wants - earth ground. zeeeeeeee's antenna installation is demonstrated by a figure in TN CR 002 The Need for Coordinated Protection (corrected URL) http://www.erico.com/public/library/...es/tncr002.pdf Need anyone suffer damage from direct lightning? Of course not. Such damage is considered a human failure because proper earthing is so effective and so inexpensive. Another professional who makes that point in direct contradiction to posted myths: http://www.harvardrepeater.org/news/lightning.html Well I assert, from personal and broadcast experience spanning 30 years, that you can design a system that will handle *direct lightning strikes* on a routine basis. It takes some planning and careful layout, but it's not hard, nor is it overly expensive. At WXIA-TV, my other job, we take direct lightning strikes nearly every time there's a thunderstorm. Our downtime from such strikes is almost non-existant. The last time we went down from a strike, it was due to a strike on the power company's lines knocking *them* out, ... Since my disasterous strike, I've been campaigning vigorously to educate amateurs that you *can* avoid damage from direct strikes. The belief that there's no protection from direct strike damage is *myth*. ... The keys to effective lightning protection are surprisingly simple, and surprisingly less than obvious. Of course you *must* have a single point ground system that eliminates all ground loops. And you must present a low *impedance* path for the energy to go. That's most generally a low *inductance* path rather than just a low ohm DC path. Important point. This professional did not say 'resistance'. He said 'impedance' which is why wire length is so critical. 'Impedance' is why an incoming wire (antenna, CATV, telephone) must first drop down to make a short connection to earth before rising up to enter a building. Just one of the "careful layout" techniques learned from underlying theory tempered by decades of experience. zeeeeeeee's tower requires earthing to meet human safety requirements of National Electrical Code AND to provide transistor safety. Earthing required twice over. Once properly earthed, then even unplugging for protection would be unnecessary - as has been demonstrated too many times at too many locations since before WWII. Frank Gilliland wrote: In , w_tom wrote: The earthing is required by NEC for human safety AND also provides transistor safety. If lightning is provided a path to earth ground via that exterior rod, then it too will not seek earth ground, destructively, via your radio. Direct strike lightning damage is that easily avoided. Wrong. If the coax is plugged into the radio when lightning hits the antenna, it's safe to assume that your radio will fry. Period. Doesn't matter how much protection you have. Why? Because lightning packs a few million volts (not an exaggeration) and will jump just about any gap to ground. But gaps are also resistors, and since lighting also carries a few million amps (again, not an exaggeration), you are going to have a SIGNIFICANT voltage potential on your coax. In fact, the potential and current are so high that the core insulation breaks down for the full length of the coax and it is literally cooked from end to end. I've seen it more than once. And that's WITH proper grounding! Unplug the coax from the radio when not in use. If you want to use a "device", get one of those big blade switches so there is a big gap, and wire it so the antenna is shorted to ground when not connected to the radio. |
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Actually that astrosurf.com author misses the point. He
cites a benchmark in surge protection, then assumes the surge protector (or more of them) provides protection. Even Polyphaser does not make that claim. Far better information are the legendary application notes from Polyphaser. Do they discuss their products? Of course not. Polyphaser discusses THE protection - earthing. Making a short connection to earth is so critical that Polyphaser even makes protectors with NO connection. Instead the protector mounts directly ON earth ground. Polyphaser application notes are at: http://www.polyphaser.com/ppc_pen_home.asp Why did the author suffer damage? Every damaged item was part of a circuit from cloud to earth. Only damaged were items that completed a path to earth. BTW, those manufacturers who discuss earthing make serious protectors. Visit their product line appreciate what serious protector products are. Randy wrote: http://www.astrosurf.com/lombry/qsl-...protection.htm This site has some good info. |
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![]() "w_tom" wrote in message ... Unfortunately Frank Gilliland has exaggerated his numbers due to insufficient experience and too much time listening to myths. His numbers will be exposed as fiction. Field experience says repeatedly that antenna and radio can suffer direct strikes without damage. That is proven about 25 times every year atop Empire State Building since the 1930s. According to Frank, they must suffer damage 25 times per year. Let's start with his numbers. Millions of volts? Yes. But same voltage does not appear everywhere in a circuit - basic circuit theory. Those millions of voltage are in the sky. Surge protection is about making those millions of voltage appear elsewhere which is why industry professionals discuss impedance. A low impedance connection to earth means no millions of volts. Millions of amps? Only in dreams. Most lightning is below 20,000 amps and of such short duration as to not be high energy. Lightning typically so low energy at the strike location (not to be confused with what is miles above) that well over 90% of all trees struck leave no indication of that strike. How big need a wire be to shunt (earth) lightning? Even the US Army training manual TM5-690 requires 10 AWG wire to conduct the direct lightning strike without damage. Same wire found in 20 or 30 amp AC electric boxes because lightning is not the millions of amps so often claimed in urban myths. Unlike Frank, numbers are provided by multiple, reliable sources. Another who does this for a living: From Colin Baliss "Transmission & Distribution Electrical Engineering": Although lightning strikes have impressive voltage and current values (typically hundreds to thousands of kV and 10-100 kA) the energy content of the discharge is relatively low ... or Martin A Uman in All About Lightning Most of the energy available to the lightning is converted along the lightning channel to thunder, heat, light, and radio waves, leaving only a fraction available at the channel base for immediate use or storage. In short, Frank Gilliland's numbers are classic myths. Pre WWII ham radio operators demonstrated what was required for protection. First they would disconnect antenna and still suffer damage. Then placed antenna lead in a mason jar, and still suffered damage. But when antenna was connected to earth ground, then no damage. Neither a mason jar nor "one of those big blade switches" sufficiently blocks destructive transients. Of course not. Lightning was not blocked by miles of air. Is a mason jar or knife switch to do what miles of air could not? Of course not. For no damage, provide the destructive transient what it wants - earth ground. zeeeeeeee's antenna installation is demonstrated by a figure in TN CR 002 The Need for Coordinated Protection (corrected URL) http://www.erico.com/public/library/...es/tncr002.pdf Need anyone suffer damage from direct lightning? Of course not. Such damage is considered a human failure because proper earthing is so effective and so inexpensive. So, you claim that ALL lightning strikes can be safely shunted to Earth, with no damage along the path? Well, I don't have 30 years experience in the electrical transmission and distribution industry, but I do have 25 years. And I have seen properly earth grounded transmission and distribution poles where the awg #6-#4 CU wires were mostly vaporized. Sure, there were bits and short pieces left, but for the most part, the wire was gone. I confer with you most of what you say, but you would be not completely honest to say that all lightning strikes can be earthed with no damage. Possible? Maybe. Practical? Nope.There will be strikes of magnitude where practical techniques fail. |
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In , w_tom wrote:
Unfortunately Frank Gilliland has exaggerated his numbers due to insufficient experience and too much time listening to myths. His numbers will be exposed as fiction. Field experience says repeatedly that antenna and radio can suffer direct strikes without damage. That is proven about 25 times every year atop Empire State Building since the 1930s. According to Frank, they must suffer damage 25 times per year. CB radio antennas are not commercial station towers. The latter are verticals that have a direct connection to ground and the ground radials. Actually, an AM broadcast tower is almost a perfect lightning rod by design because it not only shunts the lightning directly to ground, but also distributes the power from the strike over the whole counterpoise field. So the tower stays at a relatively low potential even during a direct strike. And what -does- manage to sneak onto the line has to deal with some rather expensive protection devices. Antennas mounted seperately on towers (FM/TV BC, cell, commercial, etc) have the same problems as any other antenna, but those problems are usually minimized by the use of coax. More below. Let's start with his numbers. Millions of volts? Yes. But same voltage does not appear everywhere in a circuit - basic circuit theory. Those millions of voltage are in the sky. Surge protection is about making those millions of voltage appear elsewhere which is why industry professionals discuss impedance. A low impedance connection to earth means no millions of volts. A low impedance ground is fine for AC line protection, but it doesn't guarantee lightning protection. We have all heard that lightning takes the shortest path to ground, but that's not really true since electricity will take EVERY path to ground available. Lightning creates it's own conduit from the clouds, but once it hits a conductor on the ground it behaves just like any other form of electricity -- almost. The fact is that wire has resistance, and the resistance of copper increases with temperature, which is what happens when it passes the current from a lightning strike. When that happens it will continue it's path to ground (assuming the wire doesn't fuse), but other paths will share more of the load. And because there is a resistance, there will also be a voltage potential across that resistance. If that voltage potential is high enough it will happily arc over to another ground path, and frequently does. More below. Millions of amps? Only in dreams. Most lightning is below 20,000 amps and of such short duration as to not be high energy. Lightning typically so low energy at the strike location (not to be confused with what is miles above) that well over 90% of all trees struck leave no indication of that strike. Let's take your figure of 20,000.... no, let's go even lower. Let's say only 1000 amps @ 1,000,000 volts. And let's say this is an unusual strike in that it only hits once, not multiple times like a normal strike. And let's say the duration of the hit is 1/10 of a second. This will be a pathetic bolt of lightning to be sure! Ok, so let's do some numbers: 1,000,000 Volts x 1000 Amps = 1,000,000,000 Watts 1,000,000,000 Watts x 0.1 sec = 1,000,000 Watt/sec One million joules is "low energy"? Get a grip. Trees struck by lightning usually -do- leave an indication of being struck, but most people don't climb them to search for the point of contact, which is typically nothing more than a spot about one or two cm in diameter that has been charred. And while the reason trees are able to survive direct lightning strikes is still the subject of debate, the reason they make good lightning rods (efficiently conducting the strike to ground) shouldn't be so suprising when you take a look at a cross-section of the root structure -- interesting how it resembles an electrical discharge, isn't it? Ok, back to your low impedance ground. A ground rod is used to make an electrical connection to the earth. But the impedance of that connection can be anywhere from a few ohms to a few hundred ohms, depending on the type of rod and the conditions of the soil. Let's just say we have a ground with an unbelievable impedance of 1 ohm (a solid-silver rod in a heavily mineralized salt-water marsh that was recently used for dumping copper turnings from a very poorly run machine shop)..... 1000 amps x 1 ohm = 1000 volts So with an almost impossibly good ground and a puny bolt of lightning you -still- have 1000 volts at the top of your ground rod. So a more typical ground impedance of 50 ohms (not coincidence) and a more typical lightning strike of 10,000 amps will put 500,000 volts on your grounding strap.....YIKES!!!!! This is a fact, and it certainly doesn't seem to jibe with your statement that the voltage at the bottom is insignificant! How big need a wire be to shunt (earth) lightning? Even the US Army training manual TM5-690 requires 10 AWG wire to conduct the direct lightning strike without damage. Ever hear the term "military intelligence"? Same wire found in 20 or 30 amp AC electric boxes because lightning is not the millions of amps so often claimed in urban myths. Unlike Frank, numbers are provided by multiple, reliable sources. The ground wire in house wiring is intended for fault protection, not lightning strikes. For example, if the hot wire in your vintage all-metal Craftsman drill suddenly comes loose and shorts to the case, since the case is grounded it will shunt the majority of the current to ground through the ground wire, not through the person using the drill. And if your breakers and wiring are up to code (neutral grounded at the box), that current lasts only for a very short time, limiting any damage to the person and the drill. Therefore, the ground wire in your house doesn't need to be as thick as the main wires, and it isn't. Next time you visit your local hardware store, look at the specs on a spool of house wire -- hot and neutral may be #10 while ground will be #12. Another spool may have a pair of #12 wires and #14 for ground. If this ground wire was intended for lightning protection, wouldn't it all be the same size? Fact: the NEC doesn't define ground wire size based on it's ability (or inability) to protect against lightning. Another who does this for a living: From Colin Baliss "Transmission & Distribution Electrical Engineering": Although lightning strikes have impressive voltage and current values (typically hundreds to thousands of kV and 10-100 kA) the energy content of the discharge is relatively low ... Relative to what? or Martin A Uman in All About Lightning Most of the energy available to the lightning is converted along the lightning channel to thunder, heat, light, and radio waves, leaving only a fraction available at the channel base for immediate use or storage. Then I guess all the people that have been killed by lightning didn't die from the power in the lightning, did they? And all the damage to electrical equipment caused by lightning wasn't from the lightning at all, was it? And that pro golfer that was knocked flat on the links by a nearby strike must have been hit in the head with a ball at the exact same time, huh? No, no and no..... The power of a bolt of lightning isn't the big issue here since it doesn't take much power to cause damage. The issue is how well you are protected from whatever amount of power that -does- make it to the surface. In short, Frank Gilliland's numbers are classic myths. Pre WWII ham radio operators demonstrated what was required for protection. First they would disconnect antenna and still suffer damage. Then placed antenna lead in a mason jar, and still suffered damage. But when antenna was connected to earth ground, then no damage. Neither a mason jar nor "one of those big blade switches" sufficiently blocks destructive transients. Of course not. Lightning was not blocked by miles of air. Is a mason jar or knife switch to do what miles of air could not? You bet it will! Suppose you use one of those basic air-gap devices. Ok, you have 10,000 amps passing through a gap that now consists of plasma. But even plasma has resistance and will develop a considerable voltage across it. Plus, there is the brief voltage potential that exists across the gap immediately before the plasma is ignited, as well as after it is extinguished. These are the voltages that will be developed across the conductors of the transmission line going into the shack. How high is that voltage? It can peak at several thousand volts, and the arc itself can develop several hundred volts across the points. That's enough to fry a radio. Even if the impedance is high coming into the shack, it will still destroy any overload protection in the radio, making it vulnerable to more serious damage from nothing more than a surge or static discharge. The coax doesn't offer much protection by itself, but it can limit the maximum voltage entering the shack (or coming down the tower from the antenna). Every type of coax has a core insulation that is rated for a certain breakdown, or 'pucture' voltage. RG-58 is rated for 1900 volts RMS, or roughly 2800 volts peak. That means the coax is going to permit 2800 volts into the shack before it fails and starts arcing internally. That's still enough to fry a radio. And that's assuming the lightning hits the antenna and not the coax. If it hits the coax, that's a different game altogether. There are other factors that can put large voltages on the coax, since inductive and capacitive reactances of a ground system, while small, can become very significant when the current is on the order of 10,000 amps. We can take that route too if you want. The fact is that simply sinking a ground rod is NOT ENOUGH. A large blade switch will easily block any voltage that can make it through the coax. Additionally, it will also protect the coax by shorting it, thereby preventing a voltage high enough to cause the insulation to fail. This is a method that has been proven time and time again since the beginning of radio. Of course not. For no damage, provide the destructive transient what it wants - earth ground. zeeeeeeee's antenna installation is demonstrated by a figure in TN CR 002 The Need for Coordinated Protection (corrected URL) http://www.erico.com/public/library/...es/tncr002.pdf "Equipotential Earth Bonding" = ground loop = bad news when using unbalanced transmission line (coax). Whoever made that design has no experience with radio communication systems, which is especially evident because most commercial stations bury their coax, affording a level of protection far superior to the design in your reference (....gawd I hate pdf's!). Need anyone suffer damage from direct lightning? Of course not. Such damage is considered a human failure because proper earthing is so effective and so inexpensive. Another professional who makes that point in direct contradiction to posted myths: http://www.harvardrepeater.org/news/lightning.html Well I assert, from personal and broadcast experience spanning 30 years, that you can design a system that will handle *direct lightning strikes* on a routine basis. It takes some planning and careful layout, but it's not hard, nor is it overly expensive. At WXIA-TV, my other job, we take direct lightning strikes nearly every time there's a thunderstorm. Our downtime from such strikes is almost non-existant. The last time we went down from a strike, it was due to a strike on the power company's lines knocking *them* out, ... Since my disasterous strike, I've been campaigning vigorously to educate amateurs that you *can* avoid damage from direct strikes. The belief that there's no protection from direct strike damage is *myth*. ... The keys to effective lightning protection are surprisingly simple, and surprisingly less than obvious. Of course you *must* have a single point ground system that eliminates all ground loops. And you must present a low *impedance* path for the energy to go. That's most generally a low *inductance* path rather than just a low ohm DC path. Important point. This professional did not say 'resistance'. He said 'impedance' which is why wire length is so critical. 'Impedance' is why an incoming wire (antenna, CATV, telephone) must first drop down to make a short connection to earth before rising up to enter a building. Just one of the "careful layout" techniques learned from underlying theory tempered by decades of experience. Although your statement is inconsistent with your pdf reference, the reason coax is sometimes physically located at ground level at the entrance to the shack is because of the differences between RF ground and DC ground, -not- because of the effect of inductive and/or capacitive reactance in a lightning strike. If that were the case then the antenna system would need to be 'tuned' for lightning, which is nearly impossible since lightning has no fixed frequency. zeeeeeeee's tower requires earthing to meet human safety requirements of National Electrical Code AND to provide transistor safety. Earthing required twice over. Once properly earthed, then even unplugging for protection would be unnecessary - as has been demonstrated too many times at too many locations since before WWII. It's obvious that you have no experience in the real world with lightning damage. Get some. -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- |
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Lightning builds plasma wires that can short high energy,
utility power through other copper wires. Lightning simply creates the short circuit. Then a higher source of energy - AC electric utility - follows to vaporize those copper wires. That point was described by Colin Baliss: Although lightning strikes have impressive voltage and current values (typically hundreds to thousands of kV and 10-100 kA) the energy content of the discharge is relatively low and most of the damage to power plant is caused by 'power follow-through current'. The lightning simply provides a suitable ionized discharge path. Yes direct strikes have caused damage. This was a problem in the early days of ESS-1 - the first electronic switching computers for telephone systems. And so engineers then reevaluated the earthing system in those few 'problem' Central Office buildings to correct the reason for electronic damage - human failure. Described above is not a best solution. But then a best solution is typically not required. Above described system will not avoid damage from every possible direct strike. But then many of these 'rare' direct strikes have never been experienced by many - maybe most - people. For example, something called hot lightning may discharge the entire cloud in one single strike. It has been observed - just like tornados have been observed (most people also will never witness a tornado in their lifetime). Defined here is effective protection for most direct lightning strikes. It costs so little. To enhance same for the other maybe 1%, serious facilities such as 911 systems, cell phone towers, telephone switch stations, and nuclear hardened maritime facilities spend far more than a few $10. They spend $thousands more on earthing alone just to also protect from the last 1% of worst case lightning strikes. I cite nuclear hardened facility especially since a 1998 IEEE paper described a Norwegian maritime station damaged by a lightning strike. They discovered major installation faults in the earthing system for what was suppose to be a nuclear EMP protected station. Faults that even permitted lightning to cause damage. Again, failure directly traceable to a human. Major construction required to repair a simple earthing flaw. Homes contain superior earthing systems that we still don't use today. Ufer grounds could have been installed using existing structure - if planned for when footing were poured. But we still don't install superior earthing systems in new homes 30 years after the transistor existed. Costs to use that Ufer ground on existing homes are now extreme because Ufer grounding was not enabled when house construction started. OP must make do with simple earth ground rods. Properly installed, the Original Poster is quite unlikely to suffer any damage from direct lightning strikes. For but a few $10, he gets a massive increase in direct lightning strike protection. Not perfect. Just a massive improvement. Randy wrote: So, you claim that ALL lightning strikes can be safely shunted to Earth, with no damage along the path? Well, I don't have 30 years experience in the electrical transmission and distribution industry, but I do have 25 years. And I have seen properly earth grounded transmission and distribution poles where the awg #6-#4 CU wires were mostly vaporized. Sure, there were bits and short pieces left, but for the most part, the wire was gone. I confer with you most of what you say, but you would be not completely honest to say that all lightning strikes can be earthed with no damage. Possible? Maybe. Practical? Nope.There will be strikes of magnitude where practical techniques fail. |
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