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(Jerry Oxendine: Private Information Thief or unwilling validator for
N7VCF?) =A0=A0Gee Jerry, you post something and the rainbow group of hammies go rapid. Let's see, you and a few others refer themself the "akc", who biles to N8 (who bows to me). Dogie and Geogre and Frank take to making up "code" words and terms that exist nowhere except in their dmaged psyche and low self-esteem. They have failed at all they became involved in, and somehow latched in to those whose lives they most want to live, albeit vicariously. They cry out in the night and lay responsiblity to your posts and claims. =A0=A0Mr. O, now that your affiliation with such a group is in the open, you need address a concern or two. N7VCF claims you would release private information gained from doing business with private parties merely for the asking. Since those that must access the group only anonymously look to you for validation and appear to know you well enough to make such claims about your boorish and unprofessional behavior without objection from yourself, you really need examine your behavior, Jerry. It's one thing to surround yourself with known homosexuals, Jerry, as we don't give a damn what you do in your personal life. But when someone like you who self-professes to be the example of a hammie that follows the law, stoops to the lowlife practice of releasing personal information concerning a private party you did business with merely for the asking, in order to bolster a known liar's internet claim and personal angry hateful crusade against all he is ignorant of (hoo-boy,,and that's infinite,,,,)...at this point, the public needs informed, as some feel as strongly about your misdeeds and wrongdoings as you do most cbers. This is much in the manner as your personal belief you are doing a public service regarding your self-appointed radio policing, the same can be said for those wishing to protect the public from your poor decisions regarding their personal information and your releasing said information for personal use. The release of private information is a serious matter today, but in all reality, your behavior comes as no surprise, although it is appalling. =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Perhaps Frank's post should be a precursive requisite, made available to all those involved with you via the internet and anything involving a transaction. They have a right to know your position regarding their information and your "privacy policy", in addition to your personal association with such a hammie homosexual group headed up by N8WWM and on many occcasions, staunchly defended and supported by Gillinad and other team voob members. The group that refer to themself as "akc" or "victims" of those like myself who choose to talk dx on the cb, must remain in the shadows and underground, Jerry,,never again will you see a renegade hammie such as yourself or Frank or Leland or Geogre, put their call to your fabled group...It USED to be that way, but never again,,,they must remain anonymous....that is my legacy,,,LOL. Think of it this way, Jerry,,,you said on many occasion you were doing your part in educating people regarding the law,,,,,well, those that are not familiar with your antics can be informed of your politics regarding their private information, and then make an educated decision whether or not they choose to do business with you. Oh yea,,,the question...,,,how did Frank, a self-styled and self-admitted member of the AKC (altough he has been loathe to amke such posts lately, there exist a ton of them endorsing this hallucinated "Akc") come to know you well enough that you not only allow him to speak for you, but tell the world your business practices concerning private consumer information are less than ethical? The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong |
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In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote: snip several dozen lines of TwistyDave trying to prove me wrong The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong Keep swinging that axe, Dave! LOL! -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- |
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![]() "Twistedhed" wrote in message ... (Jerry Oxendine: Private Information Thief or unwilling validator for N7VCF?) Gee Jerry, you post something and the rainbow group of hammies go rapid. Let's see, you and a few others refer themself the "akc", who biles to N8 (who bows to me). Dogie and Geogre and Frank take to making up "code" words and terms that exist nowhere except in their dmaged psyche and low self-esteem. They have failed at all they became involved in, and somehow latched in to those whose lives they most want to live, albeit vicariously. They cry out in the night and lay responsiblity to your posts and claims. Mr. O, now that your affiliation with such a group is in the open, you need address a concern or two. N7VCF claims you would release private information gained from doing business with private parties merely for the asking. Since those that must access the group only anonymously look to you for validation and appear to know you well enough to make such claims about your boorish and unprofessional behavior without objection from yourself, you really need examine your behavior, Jerry. It's one thing to surround yourself with known homosexuals, Jerry, as we don't give a damn what you do in your personal life. But when someone like you who self-professes to be the example of a hammie that follows the law, stoops to the lowlife practice of releasing personal information concerning a private party you did business with merely for the asking, in order to bolster a known liar's internet claim and personal angry hateful crusade against all he is ignorant of (hoo-boy,,and that's infinite,,,,)...at this point, the public needs informed, as some feel as strongly about your misdeeds and wrongdoings as you do most cbers. This is much in the manner as your personal belief you are doing a public service regarding your self-appointed radio policing, the same can be said for those wishing to protect the public from your poor decisions regarding their personal information and your releasing said information for personal use. The release of private information is a serious matter today, but in all reality, your behavior comes as no surprise, although it is appalling. Perhaps Frank's post should be a precursive requisite, made available to all those involved with you via the internet and anything involving a transaction. They have a right to know your position regarding their information and your "privacy policy", in addition to your personal association with such a hammie homosexual group headed up by N8WWM and on many occcasions, staunchly defended and supported by Gillinad and other team voob members. The group that refer to themself as "akc" or "victims" of those like myself who choose to talk dx on the cb, must remain in the shadows and underground, Jerry,,never again will you see a renegade hammie such as yourself or Frank or Leland or Geogre, put their call to your fabled group...It USED to be that way, but never again,,,they must remain anonymous....that is my legacy,,,LOL. Think of it this way, Jerry,,,you said on many occasion you were doing your part in educating people regarding the law,,,,,well, those that are not familiar with your antics can be informed of your politics regarding their private information, and then make an educated decision whether or not they choose to do business with you. Oh yea,,,the question...,,,how did Frank, a self-styled and self-admitted member of the AKC (altough he has been loathe to amke such posts lately, there exist a ton of them endorsing this hallucinated "Akc") come to know you well enough that you not only allow him to speak for you, but tell the world your business practices concerning private consumer information are less than ethical? The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong l. I have no idea what you are talking about. 2. I don't know who N7VCF (I haven't bothered to look it up) is and don't care. 3. I have no affiliation with AKC. 4. I have not released any "information" concerning the private business of any person or persons; I don't KNOW the private business of any individual who posts to this group and don't CARE to. 5. I HAVE no "business" practices, and am not affiliated with any business. 6. Show where I released info, or in any way made myself affiliated with AKC. I chided them about their taking credit for Pacetronics when it originated from the Dallas Field Office which happens to now be the point of enforcement of sellers of not-approved radios and amps. That post was tongue-in-cheek. If someone steals something I posted and takes credit for it, I can't help it. Don't jump (ribbet, ribbet) to conclusions. I am NOT part of AKC, nor do I condone their posts that contain filthy references to homosexuality. 7. I HAVE no business "practices"; I am happily retired and at my leisure. 8 Anything *I* post comes from me or a legimate source and is meant to inform; I don't engage in flames unless someone tees me off. 9. Can you deny that much of what I have told you has come true during the last 2 years. Do you remember the howls of ridicule and denialed that ensued? I KNOW what I was told. AND, yes, a case is being prepared to go after the truck stops, and it won't happen until the FCC lawyers are certain that they will win. Now, even you are falling for the AKC trap which is to stir miscontent and dissent. 10. I will be the first to tell you that I am not afraid to say what I believe. I believe the theft of spectrum is just as wrong as stealing beer at the supermarket. I believe that licensed frequencies are to be left alone. I believe as long as the CB operators remain within the 40 channels, it is not my business--even if they run a gazillion watts. Let 'em have the superbowl. Let 'em pop their eyes out of their heads for all I care. When people start stealing--- and intangible things such as frequencies are just as valuable and need protecting----things from me then I start doing whatever it takes to prevent it. Would I tell on a truck driver for talking on 10 Meters? YES!! Let him to go back to channel 19. Would I rat out a supplier like Copper that sells "10 Meter" radios? YES!! They are breaking the law and causing interference to me and all others who have fulfilled the requirements to use those frequencies. Come in my yard and steal my lawnmower? Damn right!! Don't be surprised if you didn't get a load of rock salt up your a**! Some kids with 4 wheel drives once decided to do donuts in my front yard leaving ugly ruts. I took a couple of thin boards and filled them FULL of nails and tacks. Then I buried them in the yard in their "favorite" spot they liked to do donuts in. One night the boards disappeared, so I followed the boys out the road a piece to find them on the side of the road with a FLAT! (I found the boards farther back from my house). I am sure it ruined at least one of their tires. Butcha know what? I have never had ruts cut in my yard again. Seen 'em, in other yards,, but not in mine. The moral is; Illegal operators stay OUT of "my" yard! Do that, and you won't hear from me. I find a trucker (for example) "a-tawkin'" on 10 Meters, his a** is mine if I hear him. Whatever AKC has done that has you so mad, whatever it is they did to YOU, I had nothing to do with it. Don't attribute something THEY did to me: I did not, and nothing makes me madder than to be accused of something I didn't do. So you lay out here what *I* did to you, or said to you, or attributed to you, OR accused you of that proves I have something to do with AKC. J (damn it) |
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JerryO wrote:
I have no idea what you are talking about. You are missing posts. Frank screamed and screamed and looked to you for validation by claiming YOU would confirm an identity for him, as for some reason, he is hellbent on telling folks he isn't N7VCF. 2. I don't know who N7VCF (I haven't bothered to look it up) is and don't care. Yea,,that's what I thought,,,but Frank looked to YOU,,,I didn't drag you in this,,Frank did..I'm merely asking you to clarify some things.. 3. I have no affiliation with AKC. Not true. Frank is admitted to belonging to this group many times,,posted many posts in support of them and N8wwm and Voobie...now word comes from Frank that you have done business with him and as a result he is looking to you for validaton of an identity. 4. I have not released any "information" concerning the private business of any person or persons; I don't KNOW the private business of any individual who posts to this group and don't CARE to. My apologies, Is hould have known Frank was lying. 5. I HAVE no "business" practices, and am not affiliated with any business. See above. 6. Show where I released info, or in any way made myself affiliated with AKC. I chided them about their taking credit for Pacetronics when it originated from the Dallas Field Office which happens to now be the point of enforcement of sellers of not-approved radios and amps. That post was tongue-in-cheek. If someone steals something I posted and takes credit for it, I can't help it. Don't jump (ribbet, ribbet) to conclusions. I didn't. I made the fatal usenet error of believing Gillinad the known and admitted liar. Again, my sincerest apologies. I am NOT part of AKC, nor do I condone their posts that contain filthy references to homosexuality. 7. I HAVE no business "practices"; I am happily retired and at my leisure. 8 Anything *I* post comes from me or a legimate source and is meant to inform; I don't engage in flames unless someone tees me off. 9. Can you deny that much of what I have told you has come true during the last 2 years. Do you remember the howls of ridicule and denialed that ensued? Yes I do,,but they were never from myself,,do you remember that part? I KNOW what I was told. AND, yes, a case is being prepared to go after the truck stops, and it won't happen until the FCC lawyers are certain that they will win. Now, even you are falling for the AKC trap which is to stir miscontent and dissent. This "trap" youi speak of has failed to affect me for 4 years. I am the teflon don of cb, the king of the flameproof suits,,,untouchable to the misfits and church of twisted. 10. I will be the first to tell you that I am not afraid to say what I believe. Which is what has made you a celebrity among the urchins, much like myself. Some folks can't separate their personal feelings from common sense (which, according to Lelnad, means nothing at all, as it is but a mere belief) and the ones (team voob) that are hopelessly devoted to me, suffer great communication deficits. I believe the theft of spectrum is just as wrong as stealing beer at the supermarket. Arguably, there are legitimate pros and cons to both sides of this issue, Jerry. I agree, for the most part, however, there are areas of the spectrum that are truly unused by any but the experimenters.... I believe that licensed frequencies are to be left alone. Agreed,,but that hasn't stopped this malicious little group of losers (mostly N8wwm and wa3moj, as of late) from accusing those that do not participate in such acts as guilty..only they need do it from behind the bush,,under the willows, from the shadows,,the cowards are no longer free to post with their call and make such claims,,,another twisted legacy and positive contribution to rec.radio.cb. I believe as long as the CB operators remain within the 40 channels, it is not my business--even if they run a gazillion watts. Big watts was never my cup of tea,,but I do have plenty of fiends and friends,,, Let 'em have the superbowl. Let 'em pop their eyes out of their heads for all I care. When people start stealing--- and intangible things such as frequencies are just as valuable and need protecting--- Spectrum needs protected more from those who are in charge of it,,,,they are the ones whoring it out and prostituting the airwaves to the highest paying John.......Clearchannel sucks! -things from me then I start doing whatever it takes to prevent it. Would I tell on a truck driver for talking on 10 Meters? YES!! Let him to go back to channel 19. Your business..... Would I rat out a supplier like Copper that sells "10 Meter" radios? YES!! They are breaking the law and causing interference to me and all others who have fulfilled the requirements to use those frequencies. Again,,,your business. Come in my yard and steal my lawnmower? Damn right!! Don't be surprised if you didn't get a load of rock salt up your a**! Down here, you don't get salt. Some kids with 4 wheel drives once decided to do donuts in my front yard leaving ugly ruts. I took a couple of thin boards and filled them FULL of nails and tacks. Then I buried them in the yard in their "favorite" spot they liked to do donuts in. One night the boards disappeared, so I followed the boys out the road a piece to find them on the side of the road with a FLAT! (I found the boards farther back from my house). I am sure it ruined at least one of their tires. Butcha know what? I have never had ruts cut in my yard again. Seen 'em, in other yards,, but not in mine. The moral is; Illegal operators stay OUT of "my" yard! Do that, and you won't hear from me. I find a trucker (for example) "a-tawkin'" on 10 Meters, his a** is mine if I hear him. Again, you are comparing something that is inherently yours, to something that belongs to no one,,,,you are only privileged to use the ten meter band,,in no manner is it "yours". Whatever AKC has done that has you so mad, Mad? For asking you about your involvment according to Frank? Gee Jerry, your observation skills are slipping in your old age. You ought be more careful who you do business with,,,,,some heralded claims are circulating around hammiedom, and they aren't good. whatever it is they did to YOU, I had nothing to do with it. Don't attribute something THEY did to me: Get this,,,you appear to have missed when the akc member "attributed" such to you, but are up in arms over my inquisition of such claims. You can't balme me really, Jerry, as you said nothing about Frank's claim,,and according to Frank's own posts, your silence is affirmaton of his claims,,,er,,in this case,,another lie, we come to find out,,but get it right,,,twas Frank's claim. I did not, and nothing makes me madder than to be accused of something I didn't do. So you lay out here what *I* did to you, or said to you, or attributed to you, OR accused you of that proves I have something to do with AKC. See above. J (damn it) Pay attention, Jerry, and you'll see who involved you in the equation. The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong |
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As usual, I can find nothing wrong with your reply.
Take care. Jerry "Twistedhed" wrote in message ... JerryO wrote: I have no idea what you are talking about. You are missing posts. Frank screamed and screamed and looked to you for validation by claiming YOU would confirm an identity for him, as for some reason, he is hellbent on telling folks he isn't N7VCF. 2. I don't know who N7VCF (I haven't bothered to look it up) is and don't care. Yea,,that's what I thought,,,but Frank looked to YOU,,,I didn't drag you in this,,Frank did..I'm merely asking you to clarify some things.. 3. I have no affiliation with AKC. Not true. Frank is admitted to belonging to this group many times,,posted many posts in support of them and N8wwm and Voobie...now word comes from Frank that you have done business with him and as a result he is looking to you for validaton of an identity. 4. I have not released any "information" concerning the private business of any person or persons; I don't KNOW the private business of any individual who posts to this group and don't CARE to. My apologies, Is hould have known Frank was lying. 5. I HAVE no "business" practices, and am not affiliated with any business. See above. 6. Show where I released info, or in any way made myself affiliated with AKC. I chided them about their taking credit for Pacetronics when it originated from the Dallas Field Office which happens to now be the point of enforcement of sellers of not-approved radios and amps. That post was tongue-in-cheek. If someone steals something I posted and takes credit for it, I can't help it. Don't jump (ribbet, ribbet) to conclusions. I didn't. I made the fatal usenet error of believing Gillinad the known and admitted liar. Again, my sincerest apologies. I am NOT part of AKC, nor do I condone their posts that contain filthy references to homosexuality. 7. I HAVE no business "practices"; I am happily retired and at my leisure. 8 Anything *I* post comes from me or a legimate source and is meant to inform; I don't engage in flames unless someone tees me off. 9. Can you deny that much of what I have told you has come true during the last 2 years. Do you remember the howls of ridicule and denialed that ensued? Yes I do,,but they were never from myself,,do you remember that part? I KNOW what I was told. AND, yes, a case is being prepared to go after the truck stops, and it won't happen until the FCC lawyers are certain that they will win. Now, even you are falling for the AKC trap which is to stir miscontent and dissent. This "trap" youi speak of has failed to affect me for 4 years. I am the teflon don of cb, the king of the flameproof suits,,,untouchable to the misfits and church of twisted. 10. I will be the first to tell you that I am not afraid to say what I believe. Which is what has made you a celebrity among the urchins, much like myself. Some folks can't separate their personal feelings from common sense (which, according to Lelnad, means nothing at all, as it is but a mere belief) and the ones (team voob) that are hopelessly devoted to me, suffer great communication deficits. I believe the theft of spectrum is just as wrong as stealing beer at the supermarket. Arguably, there are legitimate pros and cons to both sides of this issue, Jerry. I agree, for the most part, however, there are areas of the spectrum that are truly unused by any but the experimenters.... I believe that licensed frequencies are to be left alone. Agreed,,but that hasn't stopped this malicious little group of losers (mostly N8wwm and wa3moj, as of late) from accusing those that do not participate in such acts as guilty..only they need do it from behind the bush,,under the willows, from the shadows,,the cowards are no longer free to post with their call and make such claims,,,another twisted legacy and positive contribution to rec.radio.cb. I believe as long as the CB operators remain within the 40 channels, it is not my business--even if they run a gazillion watts. Big watts was never my cup of tea,,but I do have plenty of fiends and friends,,, Let 'em have the superbowl. Let 'em pop their eyes out of their heads for all I care. When people start stealing--- and intangible things such as frequencies are just as valuable and need protecting--- Spectrum needs protected more from those who are in charge of it,,,,they are the ones whoring it out and prostituting the airwaves to the highest paying John.......Clearchannel sucks! -things from me then I start doing whatever it takes to prevent it. Would I tell on a truck driver for talking on 10 Meters? YES!! Let him to go back to channel 19. Your business..... Would I rat out a supplier like Copper that sells "10 Meter" radios? YES!! They are breaking the law and causing interference to me and all others who have fulfilled the requirements to use those frequencies. Again,,,your business. Come in my yard and steal my lawnmower? Damn right!! Don't be surprised if you didn't get a load of rock salt up your a**! Down here, you don't get salt. Some kids with 4 wheel drives once decided to do donuts in my front yard leaving ugly ruts. I took a couple of thin boards and filled them FULL of nails and tacks. Then I buried them in the yard in their "favorite" spot they liked to do donuts in. One night the boards disappeared, so I followed the boys out the road a piece to find them on the side of the road with a FLAT! (I found the boards farther back from my house). I am sure it ruined at least one of their tires. Butcha know what? I have never had ruts cut in my yard again. Seen 'em, in other yards,, but not in mine. The moral is; Illegal operators stay OUT of "my" yard! Do that, and you won't hear from me. I find a trucker (for example) "a-tawkin'" on 10 Meters, his a** is mine if I hear him. Again, you are comparing something that is inherently yours, to something that belongs to no one,,,,you are only privileged to use the ten meter band,,in no manner is it "yours". Whatever AKC has done that has you so mad, Mad? For asking you about your involvment according to Frank? Gee Jerry, your observation skills are slipping in your old age. You ought be more careful who you do business with,,,,,some heralded claims are circulating around hammiedom, and they aren't good. whatever it is they did to YOU, I had nothing to do with it. Don't attribute something THEY did to me: Get this,,,you appear to have missed when the akc member "attributed" such to you, but are up in arms over my inquisition of such claims. You can't balme me really, Jerry, as you said nothing about Frank's claim,,and according to Frank's own posts, your silence is affirmaton of his claims,,,er,,in this case,,another lie, we come to find out,,but get it right,,,twas Frank's claim. I did not, and nothing makes me madder than to be accused of something I didn't do. So you lay out here what *I* did to you, or said to you, or attributed to you, OR accused you of that proves I have something to do with AKC. See above. J (damn it) Pay attention, Jerry, and you'll see who involved you in the equation. The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong |
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Not a problem, Jerry. Have a good evening.
The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong |
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In , "Jerry"
wrote: As usual, I can find nothing wrong with your reply. That's because Twisty has distorted the issue beyond all recognition, as usual. Let me clear this up: The issue is that Twisty believes, without regard to all the evidence to the contrary, that I am N7VCF, a ham with the same name that lives in Issaquah. I have maintained all along that I am not him, and that I live in Spokane. So Twisty, fearing the public humiliation of being forced to admit failure, is trying with great intensity to prove that I am wrong. A couple years ago you posted "Stuff for Sale---Cheap!!". That stuff included a Heathkit HW-18 which I bought and subsequently scrapped because the board was too far gone for repair (however I got lots of good parts out of it, including a nice project cabinet/chassis). Anyway, as proof that I don't live in Issaquah, I suggested he ask you where you shipped the Heathkit that you sold me. He only needed to ask a simple question, but like everything else he mucked it up. Also, despite my open criticism of your claims about the FCC's upcoming enforcement efforts, he suggested that you might lie in my defense. Respond as you see fit. -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- |
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![]() "Frank Gilliland" wrote in message ... In , "Jerry" wrote: As usual, I can find nothing wrong with your reply. That's because Twisty has distorted the issue beyond all recognition, as usual. Let me clear this up: The issue is that Twisty believes, without regard to all the evidence to the contrary, that I am N7VCF, a ham with the same name that lives in Issaquah. I have maintained all along that I am not him, and that I live in Spokane. So Twisty, fearing the public humiliation of being forced to admit failure, is trying with great intensity to prove that I am wrong. A couple years ago you posted "Stuff for Sale---Cheap!!". That stuff included a Heathkit HW-18 which I bought and subsequently scrapped because the board was too far gone for repair (however I got lots of good parts out of it, including a nice project cabinet/chassis). Anyway, as proof that I don't live in Issaquah, I suggested he ask you where you shipped the Heathkit that you sold me. He only needed to ask a simple question, but like everything else he mucked it up. Also, despite my open criticism of your claims about the FCC's upcoming enforcement efforts, he suggested that you might lie in my defense. Respond as you see fit. -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- Well, That subject was not addressed, OR I missed it. That is why I was in the dark. I am reluctant to get involved in disputes on here. The FCC actions are on www.arnewsline.com, www.arrl.org/enforcement. Of course you know about UPS, Pacetronics, Roper Electronics, R and L Trucking, Cheetah Transportation, Jolly Roger Enterprises, et al, right? It is happening and will continue to get worse until the incursions into 10 and 12 Meters stop. 73 Jerry |
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In , "Jerry"
wrote: "Frank Gilliland" wrote in message .. . In , "Jerry" wrote: As usual, I can find nothing wrong with your reply. That's because Twisty has distorted the issue beyond all recognition, as usual. Let me clear this up: The issue is that Twisty believes, without regard to all the evidence to the contrary, that I am N7VCF, a ham with the same name that lives in Issaquah. I have maintained all along that I am not him, and that I live in Spokane. So Twisty, fearing the public humiliation of being forced to admit failure, is trying with great intensity to prove that I am wrong. A couple years ago you posted "Stuff for Sale---Cheap!!". That stuff included a Heathkit HW-18 which I bought and subsequently scrapped because the board was too far gone for repair (however I got lots of good parts out of it, including a nice project cabinet/chassis). Anyway, as proof that I don't live in Issaquah, I suggested he ask you where you shipped the Heathkit that you sold me. He only needed to ask a simple question, but like everything else he mucked it up. Also, despite my open criticism of your claims about the FCC's upcoming enforcement efforts, he suggested that you might lie in my defense. Respond as you see fit. -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- Well, That subject was not addressed, OR I missed it. That is why I was in the dark. I am reluctant to get involved in disputes on here. I should let TwistyDave field -that- remark himself, but I'll say that you not only get involved, you actually create some of those disputes with your position on FCC enforcement. Regardless, the only 'involvement' requested of you was the confirmation of a fact about myself, and by my own request. If that makes you queezy then don't bother. The FCC actions are on www.arnewsline.com, www.arrl.org/enforcement. Of course you know about UPS, Pacetronics, Roper Electronics, R and L Trucking, Cheetah Transportation, Jolly Roger Enterprises, et al, right? It is happening and will continue to get worse until the incursions into 10 and 12 Meters stop. Like I said before, those efforts aren't working. Most of the illegal 10m activity is done using CB radios modified by electronic hobbyists and hams using information that is readily available over the internet. Shutting down a few companies that are capitalizing on the trend only sends the message that piracy is OK as long as you don't plan to make any money doing it. Let's try an analogy here.... Suppose you have a party-house next door. We're talking screaming, yelling, profanity, fights, loud music at all hours of the day and night -- basically the Citizen's Band personified. The FCC thinks it can shut down the house by busting a few local convenience stores selling beer to underage kids, an effort which is completely ignorant of the determination and resourcefulness of these kids. Meanwhile, you think everything will be fine as long as you build a fence high enough to keep the crap out of your own yard. But that doesn't stop the flow of traffic around your house, nor does it stop other houses in the neighborhood from becoming a party-house. And as the parties get bigger and bigger, you have to keep building the fence higher and higher, until one day that fence will be so high it will collapse on itself. When that happens the party will explode all over your yard. Maybe -then- you and the FCC will decide to address the -source- of the problem, and not just try to limit it's effects. However, it's more likely that the FCC will just write off your house, fence off the neighborhood with you inside, and keep busting convenience stores just to pacify the rest of the community that turned their heads while your house went down. -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- |
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![]() "Frank Gilliland" wrote in message ... In , "Jerry" wrote: "Frank Gilliland" wrote in message .. . In , "Jerry" wrote: As usual, I can find nothing wrong with your reply. That's because Twisty has distorted the issue beyond all recognition, as usual. Let me clear this up: The issue is that Twisty believes, without regard to all the evidence to the contrary, that I am N7VCF, a ham with the same name that lives in Issaquah. I have maintained all along that I am not him, and that I live in Spokane. So Twisty, fearing the public humiliation of being forced to admit failure, is trying with great intensity to prove that I am wrong. A couple years ago you posted "Stuff for Sale---Cheap!!". That stuff included a Heathkit HW-18 which I bought and subsequently scrapped because the board was too far gone for repair (however I got lots of good parts out of it, including a nice project cabinet/chassis). Anyway, as proof that I don't live in Issaquah, I suggested he ask you where you shipped the Heathkit that you sold me. He only needed to ask a simple question, but like everything else he mucked it up. Also, despite my open criticism of your claims about the FCC's upcoming enforcement efforts, he suggested that you might lie in my defense. Respond as you see fit. -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- Well, That subject was not addressed, OR I missed it. That is why I was in the dark. I am reluctant to get involved in disputes on here. I should let TwistyDave field -that- remark himself, but I'll say that you not only get involved, you actually create some of those disputes with your position on FCC enforcement. Regardless, the only 'involvement' requested of you was the confirmation of a fact about myself, and by my own request. If that makes you queezy then don't bother. The FCC actions are on www.arnewsline.com, www.arrl.org/enforcement. Of course you know about UPS, Pacetronics, Roper Electronics, R and L Trucking, Cheetah Transportation, Jolly Roger Enterprises, et al, right? It is happening and will continue to get worse until the incursions into 10 and 12 Meters stop. Like I said before, those efforts aren't working. Most of the illegal 10m activity is done using CB radios modified by electronic hobbyists and hams using information that is readily available over the internet. Shutting down a few companies that are capitalizing on the trend only sends the message that piracy is OK as long as you don't plan to make any money doing it. Let's try an analogy here.... Suppose you have a party-house next door. We're talking screaming, yelling, profanity, fights, loud music at all hours of the day and night -- basically the Citizen's Band personified. The FCC thinks it can shut down the house by busting a few local convenience stores selling beer to underage kids, an effort which is completely ignorant of the determination and resourcefulness of these kids. Meanwhile, you think everything will be fine as long as you build a fence high enough to keep the crap out of your own yard. But that doesn't stop the flow of traffic around your house, nor does it stop other houses in the neighborhood from becoming a party-house. And as the parties get bigger and bigger, you have to keep building the fence higher and higher, until one day that fence will be so high it will collapse on itself. When that happens the party will explode all over your yard. Maybe -then- you and the FCC will decide to address the -source- of the problem, and not just try to limit it's effects. However, it's more likely that the FCC will just write off your house, fence off the neighborhood with you inside, and keep busting convenience stores just to pacify the rest of the community that turned their heads while your house went down. Jerry, you better call a realtor while there's still time! |
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